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Prom Ch. 16: Epilogue

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As Rachel wraps up her senior year, she contemplates summer.
8.6k words

Part 16 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/08/2015
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

One final note before I frustrate you to the point of wishing you'd never clicked here. These tales are my first attempt at story writing of any kind. I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS -- Chapter 15: Catharsis


Rachel opened her eyes softly and glanced up at her white ceiling. She was instantly and fully awake. No usual tiredness or foggy feelings clouded her brain, but she also wasn't jittery or excited. She was simply ready to go.

She stood stall and arched her back into a gentle stretch. A squeaky yawn escaped her lips and she shook her head with a smile. She strode swiftly to her closet and began humming happily to herself as she picked through her clothes and chose an outfit. As she turned to shut the doors again, she let her eyes dart to the corner of the closet and she smiled.

The noticeable bright fabric of a yellow t-shirt easily caught her eye from where it hung in between a thin white sweater with a low neckline and a white t-shirt which shared a hanger with a pair of tight black yoga pants. Rachel nodded at them, almost as if they were people in the room. She shut the doors with a snap of her wrists and skipped off happily towards the bathroom to begin getting ready for school.

It was another beautiful day.

It had been just over three weeks since that fateful prom weekend with Kevin (and Rob and Jeff and Tyler and everything else). The day after prom had been one of the lowest days of Rachel's life, rivaled only by the day with Brad and Matt that had set her up for everything that had followed. The months leading up to the prom had left her so emotionally battered that she had allowed herself to submit to a handful of boys in the span of just a couple of hours.

It had begun with a seemingly innocent cigarette smoke, but the day had taken her down a dark and twisted path. She'd been smooth-talked or coerced into pleasuring three boys that morning, not including a confusing experience with her prom date and longtime friend, Kevin. Truthfully, her activities hadn't been out of line with how she'd been acting over the past few months following her fight with Rebecca, but they had stirred something deep inside her and caused the emotional wall she'd built to begin to crack. Before long, she'd found herself huddled and shaking in her bedroom closet, pouring over the memories of the past year. She'd sobbed and cried until the emotion ran out of her like water down a drain.

The day appeared to reach its nadir when Rachel found herself being quasi-blackmailed into giving it up once again to one of the boys from the morning. She gave him the most vacant and emotionless blowjob of her life in the front seat of his car while they drove around. But as used and low as it made her feel, it wouldn't even be the worst part of her day.

Her long lost friend, Rebecca, had coincidentally shown up at the same restaurant where Jeff had dropped her off. Rachel had done a terrible thing two months earlier. An awful, terrible thing that had driven a stake through the heart of what had been the closest of friendships. And in the wake of her weak moments the morning after prom, she had allowed herself to openly pine for her friend whom she had tried so hard to let go.

When she came face to face with Rebecca at the restaurant that had once been their favorite spot together, Rachel's wall finally shattered. She broke. She retreated to her car and allowed every scrap of emotion that she had bottled up or buried deep to rampage through her. She'd cried and screamed violently into her steering wheel and let the pain rack her body.

But then an unexpected thing had happened. Rebecca had been watching her old friend unravel from the parking lot, and for the first time since their fight, her heart had softened. She'd forced herself to go talk to Rachel, and when she saw the pain that her friend was in, she'd known right away that she needed to once again be there for her.

Rachel had spent the next several minutes painfully regaling her with all the dreadful things she'd done that day and in the months leading up to it. And Rebecca had helped her summon the courage to break off her twisted, dependent relationship with Matt. Having her best friend back by her side caused something to awaken inside Rachel and a fire that had long been dormant suddenly re-kindled and blazed up in an instant. Power had surged through her as she found her old voice and coolly told Matt off in a way that only she could do. It had been such an impressive display that Rebecca had found herself staring in awe. The girls celebrated Rachel's first triumph and parted as friends once again.

But Rachel had still been incredibly nervous the next morning as she'd walked from her car to the entrance at school. She'd been scared to death that Rebecca would feel differently and still not accept her back as a friend. But all of her fears had evaporated in an instant when she'd heard her friend shrilly call out her name from the crowd. They'd embraced with a giggle, and for a moment, the entire world around them had stopped.

The girls weren't celebrities, but they were both popular and well-known. Their fight and the ensuing fallout had scorched the hallways for weeks as rumors had run wild. It had been months since the event and everyone knew that they hated each other and no longer spoke. So when out of the blue they had hugged like best friends, a wave of confusion rippled through the population.

Her reunion with Rebecca had been the most important and wonderful thing that had happened in her life recently, but Rachel's work wasn't nearly done. Over the weeks leading up to Kevin's prom, she had essentially checked out of her classes, using the school more as a place to give blowjobs to random boys than to do any actual work. The number of guys who had talked her onto her knees during that stretch had been staggering.

She'd found herself kneeling in bathrooms and stairwells or hunched over car seats more times than she dared say out loud. There'd been secret-room rendezvouses and field trip sneak-aways. She'd traded favors for getting homework done and blown multiple guys in the same sitting on more than one occasion. She'd even skipped class and gotten in trouble just to do it. She just hadn't cared anymore and she'd been desperate for any form of validation in the wake of her fallout with her best friend. It had gotten bad, and while she had known that, she'd been doing it willingly and had even come to enjoy it in a dark and twisted way.

All this was to say that the number penises that had been in her mouth lately had certainly outnumbered the amount of assignments or papers she'd turned in. She'd been on the verge of failing multiple classes, and for one or two, it was possible that nothing could be done to save herself at this late stage in the year. There was less than a month left until graduation and the holes she had dug were deep.

So after her cheerful hug with Rebecca, Rachel had spent the rest of the day (and week) pleading with every teacher who would listen to give her any type of chance to make things up. They'd all wanted to help, but for a few, their hands had been tied. They gave Rachel extra assignments and make-up tests and wished her the best. And to her credit, she had busted her ass. She did every lick of work she was assigned and cut off almost all extracurricular activities while she fought for her future. And one extracurricular she'd given up had been surprising indeed:


Rachel hadn't so much as planted a friendly peck on the cheek of another guy since the day after Kevin's prom. Part of her had just literally had her fill and she'd simply had no appetite for such activities. Part of her was also ashamed by how she had been and was trying to distance herself from it.

Part of it had to do with Kevin. She had felt awful about letting him down that day in the restaurant and the idea that she could tell him that she did have some feeling for him but then go jump right back into it with some other boy made her stomach twist with shame. Finally, part of it was she was simply too busy with everything else to be sneaking off and blowing her chances at redemption. And it was this lack of "blowing" that had also sent a ripple throughout the school.

The guys at Pine Valley had become so familiar with the rumors of (and in some instances, the direct experiences with) Rachel's friendliness that when she'd cut it all off cold turkey, it hadn't gone unnoticed. She'd been dropping to her knees just about weekly for a friend of hers named Greg from the basketball team and the first time she'd shot him down and pushed his hands off her body, he had almost been frightened. Then there were the other randoms who had either gotten it from her once or twice in the past and were inquiring about a repeat or the others who had never been with her but had heard how easy it was and came sniffing around for a go.

For Greg, she'd just sucked his dick behind the stairs at school the Friday before Kevin's prom. It had been during last period so it had been quite literally the last thing she'd done at school the week prior. And then on Monday, she'd essentially told him never again. She hadn't been a bitch about any of it, although it had become increasingly frustrating to reject boy after boy as they swarmed like sharks.

But that was what Rebecca was for. She was the ally that Rachel had been missing the past few months. Pretty quickly, Rebecca had let the vultures know that Rachel was closed for business. She wasn't shy with her terminology and Rachel had found herself blushing and grinning as Rebecca used colorful language to chase off each hopeful suitor. It was so good to have her back. Rachel wasn't sure if she could've stood her ground against the entire army alone.

However, there were two problems with her current state of celibacy. First, she was a little bothered by the fact that the last penis that had been in her mouth had been Jeff's. Sucking him off as they'd circled the streets near Baja Fiesta before eventually parking in some vacant lot and finishing the job had been the low point of her entire shitty day (well, before she'd imploded upon seeing Rebecca). It had been such an ugly and unnecessary thing to do and it represented everything that Rachel knew had gotten wrecked in her life. The boy had a girlfriend and Rachel had already done him that morning. He had disrespected and teased her, and yet when he'd come pleading for another go a few hours later, she hadn't even put up a fight. It might've sounded silly, but knowing he was the last guy she'd been with just didn't sit right with her.

The other problem was that as much as she was feeling good about swearing boys off while she refocused, she was a flesh-and-blood girl and was beginning to want it again herself. Rachel didn't do what she did for so long because she didn't like it. She loved giving head. It was one of her favorite things. And even if her choices in partners were reckless or unwise, the act itself was always arousing and exciting.

She had brought herself to orgasm manually a few times lately as she'd fantasized about blowjobs of the past. She thought about Chris a lot. She still lusted for him. But she also thought about any number of the various boys she'd been with and she'd been beginning to get nervous that she would crack. And while she knew she couldn't be a nun forever, she was terrified that she would crack with the wrong guy. Which brought her thoughts to Matt.

Since the moment she'd hung up on him mid-sentence that day in her car, she hadn't communicated with him at all. It hadn't stopped him though; he'd called and texted her consistently throughout the weeks, just knowing that eventually she'd break. She hated him and felt confident that she could hold him off until he gave up and moved on, but as her sexual frustration grew, she became a little bit scared. He could be so manipulative and if Rebecca wasn't there to hold her hand, Rachel dreaded the idea of running into him somewhere in her revved up state.

This was what Rachel was thinking about as she idly fumbled through her locker and looked out over the crowd. She smirked as she saw Ryan and Drew from the lacrosse team walk by and give her a wink. She let her eyes flick quick down to their pants and she tingled, recalling a certain rendezvous from about a month or so prior. That had been an exciting afternoon...

She shook her head and scolded herself. She had to snap out of it. If she kept thinking about those kinds of things, she would drive herself into a frenzy. She did wonder what her plan was for finally breaking and being with another guy again. When would she do it? And with whom? She certainly wasn't wanting for takers.

She really wanted Chris again, but he was still dating some girl and Rachel was going to try (for a time at least) to quit her habit of taken-men. She also thought about Greg. She'd been with him more than anyone else other than Matt over the past few months and she trembled with excited pleasure any time she thought of the day she'd given him an exciting blowjob in his bedroom immediately after flirting with his handsome father in their kitchen. She knew Brad was completely off limits for obvious reasons, and while her thoughts sometimes fell to Kevin, she simply couldn't turn him into just another casual hookup.

Whatever. She slammed her locker door shut, a bit louder than expected and blushed at the noise. She was frustrated. Plus she was nervous. Today was the day she was going to find out if she was going to be able to graduate with her class. She'd made up tons of work over the past few weeks and she knew she was close in a few classes. She and Rebecca had even rekindled their dream of playing college field hockey together and they'd both gone to talk to the admissions department and the coach at the small local college that Rebecca would be attending.

The coach had been ecstatic to have her but she needed several more credits to qualify. If she didn't pass all of her classes at Pine Valley, she'd have to take a few summer courses in order to be accepted, but she prayed that it wouldn't come to that. Not walking with her classmates during graduation would be something she'd regret forever, even if it didn't change much in the end. But if it came to that, it was something she'd decided she'd have to live with. It would be part of her. Just like everything else she'd done.

The day dragged on slowly and Rachel's stomach twisted in knots as she got closer and closer to learning her fate. She had taken several make-up tests and she truly didn't know if she was going to fail several of her classes or none at all. Her future was very much hanging in the balance to some degree because if she completely blew it, then even the summer classes wouldn't save her. She finally went and spoke to the teachers she needed to see and calmly received her fate.

She'd been close, but not close enough.

Of the three classes she had been in danger of failing, she passed two. She smirked to herself as she got good news in Pre-Calculus and Chemistry. Chem was the class she had traded favors with a classmate in exchange for him doing some of her work. She thought back to the two blowjobs she'd given and how they had literally gotten her through the class. Her margin had been so tight that had she tried to do the reports herself, she probably wouldn't have made it. She wondered if that boy knew he had single-handedly dragged her across the finish line. She smiled dryly. Well, he had certainly gotten something great out of the arrangement. It made her happy that it hadn't been for nothing on her end.

In a strange twist, English was the class she hadn't been able to save. Rachel had essentially stopped reading the books and writing the papers her teacher had assigned. Rebecca sat directly next to her in that class so it had been the hardest one to deal with while they were in their fight. She had spent entire class periods fantasizing about giving her teacher a blowjob in the same bathroom that he had walked in on her and Greg. She had even semi-seriously considered offering him such a deal in exchange for a passing grade and to be left alone. She'd been pretty sure that she never would have actually done it, but she'd thought about it constantly while in his class.

As such, she had retained essentially nothing for two months and it turned out to be too deep a hole to dig out of. Her teacher was obviously very sorry to do it to her but he simply couldn't budge. Rachel respected his verdict and thanked him for even allowing her the opportunity to try to make it work. For a brief moment, her eyes flashed to his pants as he stood in front of her, next to his desk. She was revved up already and her daydreams about him combined with an office/boss fantasy she'd always had almost made her take the leap and make him an offer.

She could see herself sliding gently onto her knees in front of him and removing his belt and pants with an innocent grin. She'd pull out his dick and give him the best blowjob of his life right there in the same classroom that she'd fantasized in all semester. As she smoothly sucked away, he'd melt under her power and breathlessly agree to bump up her grade just enough to let her pass. It was just be a small, quick little thing, too. Completely effortless...

But Rachel quickly shook the image away and regained her senses. It was simply too crazy. With a final nod, she politely shook his hand and walked out of his room, her senses coated thickly with grim acceptance.

There was still one period left in the day but it was study hall and Rachel didn't exactly have anything left to study. She'd tried so hard to save everything and she'd come up just short. She sighed and tried to remember that it wasn't the end of the world. She now had only one class to take in the summer, and if she took care of business there, she'd almost certainly qualify for Rebecca's college. Everything was going to be great, just like she'd dreamed.

But a sizable part of her was simply bummed out by the whole thing. For one, it was kind of embarrassing to not graduate with the others. She wasn't some stupid, silly ditz. Far from it. And beyond that, it was just a reminder of how far she'd let herself fall. It sucked, but there was nothing she could do now. She simply had to hold her head high knowing she'd tried her hardest. But celebrating moral victories just didn't feel very fulfilling at the moment.

She'd been walking around idly when she found herself heading in the direction of the parking lot. She didn't feel like seeing anyone so she figured she might she just sit in her car and be alone with her thoughts for a while until the day ended. It wasn't technically allowed but with just days left in the school year, no one was going to give her a hard time.

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