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Click hereContent Warning: This story contains elements of reluctance/non-consent. If that is not something you want to read, you have been warned.
"Bye, Dad, see ya later!" my daughter chirped while rushing out the door one Friday night.
"Would you like to tell me where you're going, Kasey?" I replied from the couch, tilting down my glasses.
"Sarah's, like always!"
"Really? In that outfit?"
I looked my 18-year-old daughter up and down. Like her late mother, she had lithe, tan legs and a tight body. She was showing off her bottom half in a minuscule skirt, and her thin waist was prominent in her crop top. Also popping out were her breasts, which had grown considerably, and now sat full and perky on her chest. I didn't want my baby going out dressed like a whore, so I commanded:
"Pull your skirt down, girl, and put on a coat! Or do you want the boys to grope you?"
"No Dad, ew! Ugh, fine...."
Once her outfit was more appropriate, I told her not to come home late. She promised she wouldn't, then kissed my cheek and floated out the door. Finally, I could exhale.
"Ohhh goddd..."
My daughter looked fuckin' smokin', and my dick had been straining in my pants since the moment she came downstairs. I crept over to the window to check that Kasey had been picked up, then sprinted to her bedroom.
"Why am I like this..." I pondered as I snuck in.
These thoughts disgusted me--that I was attracted to my kin--but I rationalized them with my adoration for my dead wife. She was the love of my life, and now that she's gone, the closest thing I have is our baby. It doesn't hurt that Kasey looks just like her mother. The same blonde hair and blue eyes, the same smile, the same jiggly tush.
"Hnnggg..." I groaned again, bemoaning letting her go.
Now that she's a woman, I was well aware that men would try to take her from me. I hated that idea; it repulsed me. As her Father, it was my duty to protect her. To make sure that no one took her purity unless they truly loved her. It was my job to give her away to the right man. No... it was my job to take her... For who could love her more than me?
"Mmmm, here it is...."
I'd arrived at my favorite part of the house: my daughter's hamper. Recently, I'd gotten into the twisted habit of inhaling Kasey's scent. I know it's sick, but one time when she hugged me I swore I could smell her virgin pussy. After that, I couldn't get the pungent stench out of my head; it drove me crazy. One day I went for a sniff, just a quick one. My dick was in charge and I couldn't control myself. Of course, that first whiff could never quench my need.
"SNIIIIIIFFFFF!! Aaahhhhh..."
I was holding my favorite pair. A little white lacy thing that had a slight yellow patch from my daughter's accumulated juices. I pressed that part right on my nostrils and breathed deeply. My cock grew rapidly to my own flesh and blood's scent, and soon it was punching at my zipper, begging to be set free.
"Fuck yeah, Kasey... You're MY little girl..." I panted while stroking in my daughter's room.
I stood there and jerked my 8 inches until it exploded sticky goo all over her panties. I wiped my brow with a smile, then folded Kasey's undies delicately and placed them back in the hamper. Hopefully, she'd rewear the crusty pair... Afterwards, a familiar guilt crept up.
The internal war I had over my obsession with my own daughter culminated that night like many others: with the bottle. I sat on the couch alone, depressed, horny. I craved the soft touch of a woman again, I missed it so dearly. No lovers had shared my bed since my wife's passing, and I knew the only one who could replace her was my daughter. I took another swig then passed out on the couch.
"W-wha's that?" I mumbled in a drunken stupor when awoken hours later.
I looked up and saw a shadow slip through the front door, trying to close it silently.
"Is that you, Kasey?"
No response, but I could see her slinking up the stairs.
"Dammit, girl, you listen to me when I'm talking to you!"
I turned on the lamp and saw her frightened face as she sprinted to her room. My inebriated state made me more volatile than usual, so I ran after her, pissed that she'd evaded me.
"Come back here, Kasey!" I shouted, bounding up the stairs.
"Go away, Dad, you're drunk!" she cried while trying to close her door.
I grabbed her wrist before she could and hauled her into the light. She looked a complete mess.
"Were you drinking tonight, girl! And what's with your makeup!! Why's it smeared!!!"
Her arms were held tight in my grip as I seethed, exhaling ferociously.
"I- I-" she squeaked.
"You what, whore! I see that lipstick smeared all over your slut mouth. I know what you did!"
"Oh, but Daddy, I'm so sorry!"
"SO YOU DID SUCK DICK TONIGHT?!" I was roaring now.
"Mmmmm...." she struggled, "yes, Daddy...."
This was it. I was so furious I saw red. Not just mad at her for being a slut, but at myself for letting her out in the wild. I should've kept her home. I should've kept her protected.
"Come 'ere you little skank," I grunted while hauling her into my room.
She was crying behind me, begging forgiveness, but I told her to shut her fuckin' whore mouth. When we got to the master suite, I dragged her to the bed and sat on it. Then, in my rage, I yanked my daughter over my knee and threw her tiny skirt over her bum.
"No, Daddy, stop! What are you doing!!"
"Quiet, girl! I'm going to spank you now, like the whore you are! Hanging out with boys... suckin' dick!!"
I clapped my palm onto her bare ass cheek as I berated her.
"Oh! Daddy!!" she cried.
"Silence! A slut doesn't get to speak when she's being punished!"
I continued savagely, crashing my hands onto her buns till she bucked. She cried and writhed, begging me to stop, but I knew she'd never learn if I did.
"You gonna listen to Daddy from now on, girl? Or are you gonna be a harlot!"
"No, Daddy, no!! I promise I'll be a good girl!!!"
The spanking continued until my hand started to hurt. I slowed down and rested it on my daughter's plump ass, squeezing her cheeks, savoring the feeling of a woman's skin. The woman I created.
"It's okay, baby, Daddy's got you."
She was still crying softly, but I gave her my other hand to nuzzle into while I ruminated. Though the spanking was sure to deter her temporarily, there was no way I could guarantee that my daughter would stay pure; her virginity intact. There was no way to prevent her from acting like a slut. Well, I guess there was one way... I really didn't think I was ever going to use it, though....
"Kasey," I cooed.
"Y-yes, Daddy...?" she replied with a sniffle.
"Do you know why I had to spank you?"
"B-because I was a... whore...."
"Yes, dear, that's exactly why. You were a whore. But it's not your fault, baby, don't worry," I soothed.
"W-what do you mean?"
"It's not your fault you couldn't help yourself. You have needy pussy," she groaned when I said that crude word, "and needy pussies turn girls into whores."
"B-but Daddy..."
"Shhh, let Daddy talk. Let me guess, Kasey, when you were with that boy tonight, did your little pussy get wet?"
"Mmmhmmm...." she nodded with great embarrassment.
"See, just like Daddy said. You got horny around a man, like a little slut, and couldn't control yourself. I bet you even asked him to finger you, huh?"
"....yes, Daddy...."
"Bad girl!" I shouted with a vicious spank. The thought of another man inside my daughter made me sick.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
"It's okay, sweetheart, Daddy's going to help you. You want that, baby? Want Daddy to help you not be such a whore?"
"Yes, please Daddy! I don't want to be a slut!"
"Good girl," I replied, petting dangerously close to her crotch.
"B-but how are you gonna help me...?"
"You'll see. Why don't you lay on the bed for a minute now, girl, Daddy needs to grab something."
She delicately laid on her stomach to avoid her smarting tush, while I went to the closet. There, I grabbed a device I had purchased a few months prior, when my obsession was in its infancy. My biggest fear was my daughter's virginity being taken, so I bought a contraption to prevent that. It wasn't until this moment, though, that I knew it was necessary to use.
"W-what's that..." she trembled, crawling toward the pillows.
"It's okay, Kasey, Daddy's not gonna hurt you. Now come over here and stand in front of me."
I was back sitting on the side of the bed while my daughter shivered over. She stood in front of me with her skirt pulled too high, crop top hanging off one shoulder, hands to her sides, eyes low.
"Kasey, you know as your Father I love you more than anyone on this earth, and all I want to do is protect you. That's why I purchased this little contraption, so we can keep you safe. It's going to protect that needy little pussy of yours so you can't soil yourself."
"B-b-but, but Daddy!" she sputtered, turning towards the door.
I grabbed her wrist before she could get away and reminded her, "do you want to go back over my lap, girl!"
"No, Daddy...." she whispered in defeat.
"Then turn around and stay still!"
As she shook nervously, I opened the upper portion of the chastity belt. I slid the cool rubber, coated on top in a metal armor, under her skirt and wrapped it around her slim waist. She jumped at the sensation.
"W-what are you doing, Daddy?"
"I'm just keeping you safe, sweetheart," I assured. "Daddy needs you to take your panties down now, dear."
"No, why!"
"Because I said so! And if you don't start listening I'll take off my belt!"
"Okay! Okay!" she bawled while pulling down her tiny G-string.
"That's it, girl, all the way. Daddy needs that little pussy bare before he can keep it safe..."
She moaned nervously at my lewd comment but knew better than to try to run. With the waist straps secured tightly, I inserted the ends into the locking mechanism on her belly, and watched her squirm as they clicked past the grooves.
"No, Daddy!"
"Quiet!" I shouted with a spank before grabbing the final portion that was hanging down her back.
This last part was essentially a metal thong, just thick enough to cover her entire slit. There was a large opening at her butthole, and a small one near her urethra, so she would be able to use the restroom. My girl was going to be locked 24/7 until I said otherwise.
I brought the rubber lined armor to her precious cunt, then wrapped it up towards her flat tummy ever so gently. She shuddered as the material touched her naked pussy lips, and I could see part of her outer labia still popping out of the chastity belt. It was a perfect fit. I inserted the final strap into the bottom of the device, to meet it with the other two, and once adjoined, twisted a key into the lock at her belly button. Then, I gave her pussy a flick.
"Ahh!!" she screamed upon hearing the metal echo. "B-b-but!" she panicked and felt around her girl parts, but instead hit a solid exoskeleton.
"Do you like it, baby? See, now you're protected. Now Daddy can make sure his little whore daughter doesn't go running around fucking boys, getting pregnant."
She broke down sobbing so I stood up and hugged her.
"Shhhh it's okay, sweetie, Daddy's gonna keep you safe. You're my little girl, and nobody else's...."
I stroked and kissed her hair while she cried. Finally, I sent us both off to bed, her despondent, me triumphant. I jerked off sniffing the panties she had left on my floor, ravenous at the thought of my protected princess.
The next morning I awoke hung over. Immediately, I remembered what had happened the night before. I bolted up to check my closet and it was true, I really had locked my daughter up in chastity. With the alcohol in our systems faded, I wasn't sure how to discuss the topic with Kasey. Would she hate me? I decided to find out and went over to her room. The door was locked.
"Sweetie... are you in there?"
"Go away..." a small voice replied.
"Baby.... are you upset about what Daddy did last night?"
"I know, but just let Daddy explain. Come on, open the door, baby."
After a minute, it finally creaked open. There stood my angelic daughter in a loose nightie. Underneath, I could make out her protector. It made me smile.
"Why did you do this to me, Daddy...?"
I held her hand and walked her to the bed before explaining:
"Sweetheart, you know the only thing I want is for my little girl to be happy, right?"
She nodded and cuddled a little closer.
"And what would happen if a boy took advantage of you, or even worse, if you got raped. Would you be very happy?"
She shook her head and wiped a tear.
"Don't you see, baby, I'm doing this all for you. I don't want to see you get hurt because some man who doesn't truly love you takes your virginity. I don't want any bad guys steal my little girl, so I'm keeping you safe. You understand, sweetie?"
"Umm, yeah... I think I do..." she whispered before giving me a shy smile.
"Good girl," I replied with a peck to her cheek. "Now why don't you go get started on Daddy's breakfast, then we can spend a nice day together."
"I'd like that, Daddy," she giggled, then gave me my own kiss.
My cock reacted so I went to jerk off while she cooked. When I entered the kitchen, I saw my daughter trying to pry off her chastity belt with a utensil. I came up behind her and grabbed it.
"Uh, uh, uh, missy. No getting out until Daddy says so."
"Fine..." she muttered then set down my food.
As the day passed, I watched Kasey intently as she did her chores. Her naughty fingers kept creeping down to her cunt, and she let out frustrated sighs when she was blocked. From my previous spying, I knew she had multiple vibrators. The little slut probably missed playing with her puss, and it made me a satisfied man to know she couldn't. This whore was only going to get what her Father gave her.
By dinner, juices were dripping down her thighs. She kept wiping to try to hide her wanton state, but I saw how wet she was. Her slut pussy couldn't contain itself, and needed to be touched. When I came in for dinner I caught her on her knees, trying to shove a finger between the device and her lips.
"Kasey! What are you doing!"
"Daddy!! Oh, I-"
I lifted her up and questioned, "were you trying to touch yourself, girl!!"
"No, Dad, I just...." she stifled a pout then began bawling. "Yes, Daddy, I was......"
"Aww, come here."
I pulled her into a big hug and she cried on my chest while I brushed her hair. She looked up to me with puppy dog eyes.
"D-Daddy... can I please just..."
"No, baby," I cooed with a gentle head shake. "Do good girls touch their pussies, or is that what little sluts do?"
"No, Daddy, good girls don't touch their pussies...."
"So you should be happy Daddy gave you your protector, right honey? So you can be a good girl."
"Yes, Daddy... thank you..."
Before shooing her away, I gave her a smack on her bubble butt and left my hand there for a moment. My needy daughter pushed her tits up into me, then whimpered huskily when I pulled away. It made my dick surge, so I raced to her bedroom to steal some panties for masturbation.
The sight the next morning was even sweeter than the day before. Kasey was bent over the kitchen counter, shaking her hips, rubbing her ass and crotch, trying anything she could to get pussy pleasure. I watched gleefully from the corner, and even got brave, whipping my dick out to stroke while my desperate daughter writhed.
I gave her ass a firm spank when I came in for coffee, and instead of her usual annoyed outburst, she moaned throatily. Then, she gave me my coffee with zero attitude, which was rare. It seemed the chastity belt was putting her into a more submissive mindset. I liked that a lot.
"You're being such a good girl this morning, sweetheart. What's gotten into you?"
"Oh... Daddy..." she moaned, unable to control herself, even with her Father. "I just feel so... funny... with my protector."
"You feel needy, baby?"
"Mmmhmm..." she nodded shamefully.
"Awww, come here, you can sit in my lap."
I pulled her in and held her by her slim waist as I ate. When I bounced her lightly, she ground her ass back into me, probably subconsciously.
"You know that needy feeling you have now?"
"Yes, Daddy..."
"Well, that feeling is for good girls; pure girls. Bad girls and sluts touch their pussies and get filled by scary men. Good girls obey their Father's and wear their pussy protectors, so nobody can harm them, including themselves. Does that make sense, sweetie? You're supposed to feel this way, it's beneficial for you."
"Okay, Daddy... ah!"
My warm hands were tracing around her thighs and had traveled a bit too high. One finger was resting right near her mound armor.
"What do you say to Daddy for keeping you safe?"
"Thank you, Daddy..."
"Good girl." I flicked the metal and she shrieked, then I sent her to do dishes.
The following days were similar, though I sensed my daughter was spiraling. She looked hysterical, feral, since going untouched. I'd hear her dinging dildos against the metal, then crying at her inability to pleasure herself. I was overjoyed at her helpless, horny state, and used it to my advantage.
I'd hug her for much longer than usual, and even got bold enough to start placing my hands right on her ass. She didn't mind, and would actually nuzzle into me, swaying her hips in my grasp. I'd see damp patches form in the front and back of her nightie as we embraced. When I'd pull away, she'd whimper and raise her arms to me, pleading to be close again. I'd give her her wish and smother her face in the chest hair shooting from my polo.
"Dad... can I go out tonight?"
It had been a week since locking up Kasey, and she was again dressed like a slut, ready to party.
"Yes, sweetie, but only if you're a good girl."
"How can I not be..." she scoffed.
"I haven't put you in a gag yet, have I?"
She gave a terrified look before squeaking out a goodbye and leaving. Once she'd exited, I couldn't help but go a bit crazy myself. Sure, I'd locked up her pussy, but I couldn't stop her from giving blowjobs. The thought wouldn't leave my mind: my daughter on her whore knees for a man other than me. It made me incandescent, so I stomped angrily throughout the house, tossing my slut daughter's dildos in the trash. I was going to be the only one filling her.
"Hello, whore," I stated firmly when she stumbled in disheveled at 3AM.
"D-Dad, what are you still doing up!"
I rushed up and inspected her ruined lipstick. "Dammit, girl!! Didn't I tell you! I let you out because you were going to be a good girl, not some no good skank!"
"But Daddy! I..." She looked so nervous to tell the truth, but finally broke. "I couldn't help it!!"
"What's that supposed to mean!" I raged, squeezing her petite body tightly.
"Oh Daddy!!" she cried in my arms. "I'm sorry! I'm just so...."
"So what, girl! Spit it out!!"
"HORNY!!!" she exploded.
I looked back at her with anger and hunger.
"So you say you're horny, huh, girl?"
She nodded.
"My daughter's horny, huh!" I was raising my voice again. "Then get on your fuckin' knees, you little skank! You wanna suck dick like a whore, then I'll give you some dick to suck!! Huh, I bet you'd like that wouldn't you??"
"No Daddy!! No!" she cried but I had already backed her into a corner.
"Get on your fuckin' knees," I snarled.
"Daddy, p-please," she begged.
"Please what? Let you suck my dick? I know you want to, whore. I see you shaking your little ass in my kitchen, begging Daddy to rape that tight cunt!"
"N-no.... ooooooooo..."
As she cried, I brought my hands to her crotch and felt around her chastity belt. I slid my fingers across her exposed lips till she danced on her toes.