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Pushing the Limit


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Brent shuddered, his hairy breasts and balls jiggling. I waited as long as I could, then leaned in with his hands still on my head and slid my tongue up his hairy shaft while he rested. I saw Brent's mustache pull up into a smile. He chuckled, watching me slide my taste buds through the hair on his shaft.

"Dirty girl," was all he said.

I felt fully emasculated. I knew my dress was still high around my waist. I knew he could see my ass. I wondered if my makeup was a mess. My fake tits swelled each time I took a breath. A fat piece of dick rested on my cheek while I lapped at it like a dog. I couldn't even remember Alan. This chubby hunk of man was like a drug to me, and I was cleaning his hairy pores for every last fix.

Brent jerked me to my feet by my hair. I had to comply, nearly losing my balance on tall heels and weak knees. The man held me close. I could feel the heat of his body through the thin fabric of my dress. I wanted to feel more. He regarded me with the same mysterious eyes while I slid my hands up across his flabby breasts, pushing his shirt over his shoulders and down his arms. In my lust filled stupor, I wanted to behold him naked. His body was red, hairy, and mountainous. My skinny arms and fingers were so dainty when I touched him.

I nearly melted when his arms encircled me. One big forearm crushed me in like a vice. Another hand found my soft ass cheek once more and squeezed. Our faces were so close. I could feel his hairy body had grown slick. Below, what felt like a third arm was prodding my body. I shuddered from its touch.

Brent nodded to me, his lips just inches from mine as he loomed over me.

"Won't you spend the night, Alley Cat?" He said to me. "There's so much more shit I wanna do to you."

Right after the last word left his mouth, I felt his hand release my ass cheek. I lurched closer to him when that big hand slapped hard onto my bare flesh and squeezed. It startled me, and I was left with the warm glow on my skin, a lingering reminder of the power Brent wielded. Tendrils of fear and uncertainty wove their way through me. If Brent wanted to, he could control me with his formidable power alone, which gave me pause and spun my thoughts into a frenzy.

I was still gasping, and every breath afterward became a cold rush. My mind whirled while I digested what Brent was saying. I felt the massive erection prodding me below. I clung to the slick hair on his meaty body. My mind couldn't even process what he was really suggesting. It didn't matter. By the look in his eye, he wasn't really asking anyway. And I knew I was too hooked to refuse.

But the ice in my chest was enough to make me hesitate. The reality of the situation crept into me. I usually left when Peter had his fill. Brent wanted me here. Brent would make me his woman, whether I felt like one or not.

As if to confirm it all, Brent squatted low, clasped me by the cheeks of my bare ass, and hoisted me up. I yelped for a second before I was placed high on the man's broad shoulder. I was in such disbelief at what was happening that I just folded myself onto the man's body, not flailing or protesting. His shirt was gone. I braced myself with my pretty painted fingernails in the thick hair on his back. Brent stepped out of his shorts and walked across the living room naked, carrying me like I was nothing.

Clarity fought to take hold in my mind. I watched the living room grow smaller as Brent carried me into the darkness of the hall. I was held only by a huge hand clasped on the cheek of my ass. Another guy was carrying me deeper into his house. Tiny fears bubbled to the surface in my head and my chest.

Even through my bewilderment, being carried this way sent chills through my body that weren't just born of fear. I was truly at the mercy of this man in that moment, and it tickled something deep inside of me that I never knew existed. Some deep little dark pit in my subconscious stirred to life, and I couldn't help but enjoy a brief little grin in the darkness of the hallway.

My confused ecstasy only deepened as we emerged into Brent's bedroom. I felt myself falling from his shoulder onto a cloud of covers. My fake tits flopped in their bra as I dropped into the bed. I had only a second to glance around the lavish bedroom before beholding the beast of a man before me. Brent stood tall over the bed, his broad chest heaving in the dim lamplight.

A huge naked man stepped toward the bed. He was chubby and giant and unabashedly nude, and he was reaching for my bare legs. There was no time to process it all. Thick fingers gripped me by my thighs and tugged me toward the edge of the bed with a force I'd never known. My legs opened, and a silent fear shot through me as I lay vulnerable and exposed before this naked man. I didn't even have to look down to see the erection stabbing outward from under that big belly.

Brent's hands grabbed me again, this time by my hips. I was flung around on the bed, my hair flipping into my face. I was now facing away from Brent and the door we'd entered, and I was on my knees, perched atop the mattress with my high heels dangling free over the edge. I tried to catch my breath and gather my thoughts. It was happening. It was really happening. I was bent over for one reason. Peter would never do this, even if I pulled his cock out and forced him.

I was the one being forced now. Heavy hands took me by the waist and lifted my backside. I trembled, feeling the thong slice between my exposed ass cheeks as my butt lifted higher.

"Oh... god...."

My words were but a whisper. I didn't know if Brent ever heard them. My pulse throbbed in my ears. I could feel it in my cock and my balls, which were cradled as if in a hammock beneath me in my panties. A pair of massive palms groped my bare ass cheeks, pulling them apart for a good view.

"Mmm," I heard Brent grumble. "Yeah, stick that tight little ass up here, girl."

It was so perverse that it made me shudder. My thoughts raced. Did I want to do this? Could I even do this? I'd never been fucked by a man, and never taken something in my ass that was as big as....

Panic began to creep in from the edges of my mind. My thoughts raced. Jesus, where was my purse? I couldn't even remember setting it down! Was it in the kitchen? I thought of telling Brent about the condoms... I'd never fucked a guy! Maybe Brent had his own condoms. I started to wonder if the pepper spray might be more useful. Would he be rough like... like he was in the living room? I'd been so eager for this. I felt so stupid now. Should I tell him? Tell him I'd never taken cock?

As if summoned by my very thoughts, I felt the huge thing prod my ass cheek. The girth of the flesh alone against my ass was enough to make my eyelashes flutter. I tried to picture how big my dildo was. It was nothing like this, but maybe I could handle it. I felt the shaft of Brent's cock slide across my ass cheek and drop onto the thong that was still cutting tightly through my butt. My eyes rolled. For a moment, all the worries in my head were replaced with pure submissive need. Brent pushed his dick across my bare skin, letting me feel its hairy length. A warm sack of balls mashed themselves against my soft skin.

I bowed myself low, arching my back and pushing my hips high to welcome the fat erection.

I felt like such a whore.

The warm pour of oil surprised me. I felt the fluid running down my ass and over my thong. Little trickles of the stuff gathered beside the pouch of my panties that cupped my balls and my pitiful dick. Soon, a heavy hand was smearing the stuff between my cheeks, tugging at the strap of my thong and pulling it aside.

I felt cool air on my asshole, followed by a warm river of fluid. I gasped. Brent held my ass cheek aside. I hunkered low, revealing myself to him. No one had seen me this way. My asshole was right there, exposed for someone I'd just met, right beneath his fat cock. Embarrassment crept into me, but couldn't replace the sensation of that slick dick touching my ass.

My eyes darted about the room ahead of me. My fingers were already digging their way through the thick comforter on the bed. I glanced at the frilly curtains that were draped in front of the window, and the throw pillows just to my side. Another woman lived here. Another woman must have experienced this before. I was the woman now.

I found myself in a tall mirror that stood in the corner of the room. Alison was there in the reflection. Her hair was messy, the red streak matted to her forehead amidst the brown tangle. I saw her pale ass held high behind her, no longer hugged and hidden by her black dress. A hulking, bulging man stood behind her, his face above the reflection, though his body hair gleamed in the glow of the bedside lamp. Alison hunkered low in front of him with her bare ass high.

I couldn't even believe that she was me.

A thick piece of flesh slid between my naked cheeks. I gasped, feeling its skin gliding the same way it had earlier in my hands. I could see it in my head. I could feel the swollen tip spilling out of that forskin and plunging firmly down between the crack of my exposed ass. I whimpered when Brent rubbed the tip up and down through my cheeks, letting me feel the firmness of his girth, and searching for the entry to my body. I could practically feel his big body heaving with every breath behind me in the vibrations that reverberated through his very cock.

Brent placed a single hand on my left ass cheek, and pulled it wide. I held my breath. Thoughts skittered through my head like cockroaches fleeing the light. A fat piece of flesh settled at the sensitive ring of my asshole. It bulged, begging to spread into me. I sucked in a deep breath and sank lower onto the bed, realizing that Brent's cock was right there. I scanned one last time for some excuse to back out of this. It was so vile to have my asshole prodded by this stranger's most private part.

I felt myself spreading open. It didn't seem to stop. There was heat, and friction, and pressure. My body kept opening. I was so used to feeling a "pop" when I used a dildo, signifying that the head of my toy had entered. That never came. My hole kept pushing wider, fastening itself around the thing that invaded me.

I dropped my face to the sheets. I clutched my hair with both hands on the back of my head. My hole kept spreading, and a fat cock kept easing its way into my body. My asshole was just shoved wide, and I felt immense pressure along with the sting of being pulled apart.

At some point I quit holding my breath and gasped for air. The moans that fell from my mouth were pathetic. The dick climbed deeper into me, now with two hands holding my ass cheeks apart for its entry.

The pain started to throb through the rings of my asshole and I thought of scrambling away. I didn't. The feeling was so incredible, unbearable as it was. I needed to feel more of it. The fat cock kept pushing my hole open and sliding in deeper. Having such a thick piece of a person in me was a foreign thing to me. As much as it hurt me, I could feel him throb with life inside of me. The swollen head of the thing was pumping, beating against the aching ring of my ass and solidifying a transfer of living energy.

I felt a brief few seconds of relief. The bulbous thing retreated with an oily sound, then pressed its way into me again. This time, everything felt so much more slick. I thought I could count each inch that nodded into my body. I yelped out a long quivering sound, feeling the actual penetration of the fat shaft through my throbbing asshole. It climbed a bit deeper. My fingers curled the sheets into my palms.

It climbed deeper.

My head flung upward and I wailed out into the room, feeling the thick shaft gliding through me. It hurt so bad, but the sensation of something so thick pressing me open was strangely addicting. My fake tits sank deeper onto the mattress until I rested on them like pillows. Pubic hair tickled my ass cheeks. Another man's pulse throbbed in unison with my own as he split me open.

The cock slid back and sucked the very air from my lungs. When it dove forward again, my back arched and accepted more of the thing inside of me than ever. I thought I could feel hair and veins and skin and all gliding through my hurting hole. My next moan lasted the entire duration that the shaft entered me. My sore ass squeezed itself around the flesh, but there was no give to the dick. It wedged itself into me and crept deeper, driving the oily lube into places where I'd never been moist.

Brent tugged himself back once more, then crammed his dick back into my ass fully. I felt the knob of his tip deep in my body. I cried out, my eyes rolling from the mind numbing sensation. A slick sack full of testicles planted themselves against my panties. The full length of Brent's monstrous dick filled me up, and my body could do nothing but fasten itself around the pulsing shaft.

I gasped. There was still pain. I tried pushing myself up on my arms but they weren't strong enough to lift me. My ass was high above while my shoulders were against the bed. Brent wiggled himself close, and I felt his belly against my ass cheeks. His big hands rubbed my bare ass while his thick erection nodded and throbbed deep in my body.

It was all inside of me. That thought was the only one that I could even focus on. Brent's entire cock was in my ass. I could feel his balls, his hairy stomach, his thighs. God, he had this thing deep in me. It wasn't possible. I did well to even suck the thing earlier. My jaw still hurt from the attempt. Now it was buried in my ass to the balls.

I sucked in a sudden gasp of air when the length of the cock was tugged backward. It felt like Brent was pulling his dick from my stomach. Right when I thought the big thing would fall right out of my ass, he shoved it all the way back into me. Every single nasty inch of his cock pushed its way through my hole again, and yet the pain was gone. All that remained was the heat of my asshole hugging his skin. I had no idea how gaped open I was. But every bit of me conformed to the broad shape of his shaft.

"Oh, damn, baby," Brent gasped. "Your little pussy is... so tight."

My body went weak just from hearing the words. Brent pulled my hips into his big body and I felt my ass just spread beneath him. I moaned, knowing that I was a slut being fucked. I didn't even need to do anything. Brent would make me his bitch.

I held my ass high and enjoyed every long, slow thrust of the hairy dick behind me. Something made me feel whole when Brent shoved it all the way in. He held me by my waist, squeezing my ass and pulling me back on his dick. He groped my skin, drove himself into me, and groaned his approval. I felt him fuck me and I slid deeper into the bed, letting my hips be controlled by the grip of this man.

A hundred things shot through my mind. I knew I didn't want him to stop. I wanted his hands all over me. I wanted him to make that cock hurt me a little bit, just to make me yelp. I knew I would come back to this house for years to come, just to feel that dick rearrange my guts and feel those hairy balls wag against my ass. I knew I wasn't Alan anymore. Alison would dress slutty and bring this guy beer if he'd stick that thing in me some more.

I was finally able to push my self up on shaking arms. I needed to feel it. I kept my back dipped low, but held my body aloft on the mattress. Now I could push back a bit, and feel Brent's belly hit my ass. The heat of his crotch had dampened the crack of my ass. It felt so warm and cozy to plant myself against the hairy bush behind me.

I got adventurous and pressed back harder, feeling the man's body collide with my flesh. A sharp throb of pain hit my insides, and I grinned a bit knowing it was that fat cock head jabbing me deep. The two of us built a rythym, Brent's big body thrusting forth and cramming far into the crack of my ass while I shoved myself open. His strokes were long and full, letting me feel the length of his arousal through my insides.

Then, I was in pure ecstasy. Brent's body clapped against my own for what seemed like ages. A cock that was far too big held me open and dove deep into my being. Sweat held my hair to my forehead. I could feel my tits wagging in my dress, begging to be free. Hands explored my skin, shoving my dress far up my midsection to reveal more of Alison. I could feel the sheer size of this man that stood behind me. His weight shoved me forward with the slightest thrust, launching me up the length of his fat dick so that I could shove myself back onto it.

I saw myself in the mirror again. I wished I had a better angle. But I could make out my cheeks bouncing against the hairy belly of Brent standing behind me. I watched his hands greedily squeeze at my flesh. I could even see my dress swaying beneath me as my tits rocked back and forth. I stared at that girl and her amazing eyes in the reflection, and I was glad that she was me.

For the longest time, I shut my eyes and reveled in the sensations of being fucked like a girl. I loved sex with this man. I soaked it all in through my pores and let it wash through me. I felt dainty in his clutches, his manly body deserved to treat me this way. It was as if I were a sleeve for his dick, a doll for him to play with, and the euphoric bliss made time fall away. I enjoyed each warm clap of Brent's flesh against mine. The hollowing of my asshole was something I knew I'd never forget.

I should have known things would get dire when I felt Brent's hand fasten onto my shoulder just beside my neck. His big body seemed to wallow closer behind me, and his hand held my entire body wedged against his every thrust. The long cock flew through me, and the big belly slapped at my ass cheeks relentlessly.

Something strange started to build in my lower body, and I was helpless to stop it as Brent slammed his big body into me more furiously. I felt the force of his weight colliding with my frail girly body. The fat swells of his cock were gliding through me in such a way now that made my entire lower body throb. The realization dawned on me far too late, but it didn't matter. I couldn't escape Brent's grasp even if I wanted to, and I didn't.

I couldn't control the sounds I made. My body tightened, and my ass hugged the huge dick more firmly than ever. I realized I was thrusting my pelvis down in a way that made Brent's dick jab through me at an unbelievable angle. I couldn't breathe, but I continued to cry out with every impact of Brent's body into mine. It was so fucking thick... it was hitting me right....

I was cumming. I didn't fully know it until I felt the liquid heat filling my panties, swarming my balls in their little pouch and dripping to the bed below. I poured myself into the panties even while my little cock bounced from the thrusts. Brent's cock never slowed. The long dick bored in and out of me, each inch sliding right across my prostate. I went through spasms, digging my fingernails through the covers while my spine arched and twisted. Brent beat himself into me relentlessly, no doubt oblivious to my orgasm.

He never stopped. Even as my panties dripped and flopped about, he kept driving his dick into me and grunting. I was left to accept the fallout of my orgasm while Brent used my body.

Against my wishes, clarity began to settle in. It was unwelcome, and unbearable.

My mind felt like a leaf that drifted down from some high branch above reality. My orgasm subsided, and I was left hunkering on the bed with a warm mess of film coating my privates. I became aware of so much in those moments. Sweat poured from behind the silicone breast plate I wore, while the fake tits bounced from each impact. I felt every thrust like never before, the long fat cock of a man barreling through my gaping asshole. I felt heat and sweat, and became aware again of just how hairy that fat belly was that slid over the peaks of my ass cheeks.

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