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Pushing the Limit


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I watched him stroke the loose skin of his fat cock, the tip never poking through the folds of flesh. My own dick hopped, growing stiff and betraying my caution and worries.

"You... ready for more, sissy?" Brent asked me with a devilish grin.

My mouth fell open when he pointed the nearly flaccid cock back down below my crotch.

"Tell me... you want more."

I gawked at him as the slimy cock nudged my loose asshole. He stroked himself, and I felt the pressure building against my hole as the thing grew. My little dick stood straight, jumping toward the big belly that threatened to smother it all over again.

"Tell me you're a sissy whore for Daddy."

I let out a sound when the nasty dick bent its way through me. It was just as thick as before. I could feel something trickling out of my body, as though the meaty thing had pushed the substance from my insides. Layers of my brain started to flake away and disappear. With my arms trapped above my head, I stared past the mounds of silicone on my chest at the beastly guy that was stabbing me with his cock.

Brent adjusted, crawling on his knees and tucking his big body closer. His hands took me by my hips and tugged me closer. I moaned loudly as the dick drove itself deeper into my ass. That huge hairy belly was swallowing up my dick again. I watched it all, my senses overwhelmed by the sickening but erotic nature of it all. There was so much heat, so much flesh, within me and without.

I loved it. I loved that I couldn't get away from this. I tugged at the chains of my cuffs, reassuring myself that I was at Brent's mercy, that he could do whatever he wanted with me. It was scary. It was so hot.

"Say it," Brent said, shoving his dick further and further. "Say you want to be fucked some more."

Swollen flesh plunged into me until I felt the satisfying and painful nod of a thick tip in my stomach. My eyes rolled into my head.

"Give me m-more... Daddy," I heard myself whisper.

The last word made my cock stand hard, though it was smothered by Brent's gigantic hairy stomach. His hands gained a better grip on my smooth thighs, pulling my legs into the air and against his hulking frame.

Brent's tired eyes were sharp and daring.

"Tell me you're my whore, sissy," Brent growled, squeezing his fingers into my legs.

A burn filled my dick. My ass swallowed him whole. My heels pointed toward the ceiling as Brent crawled closer, his big body bristling with potential energy.

"I'm your whore, Daddy...."


I snapped awake.

Everything was immediately strange. I was on my stomach, lifting my face from a pillow. My hair was in my eyes, and I swept it from my forehead and looked around in a stupor. It took far too long to get my bearings. My body felt comfortable on the bed, with cool air kissing the skin on my back and fluffy covers gathered over my legs. For some reason, things felt wrong. I'd come to so suddenly for a reason.

I wasn't at home.

My breath rushed in and out through my nostrils. I licked my lips finally breaking their seal, instantly aware of how dry my mouth had become overnight. My eyes darted around in the twilight of the room. I finally recognized the bed I lay upon, the mirror standing in the corner, and the big body a few feet away from me.

God, I was still at Brent's house!

I rubbed my eyes and my sinuses. I felt so exhausted and spent. It was difficult to pry myself from the mattress. I hadn't even had that much to drink the night before, but it felt like I'd been in a fight. I felt soreness in places that began to make memories flood back into my mind. Images of the night before, of Brent's body on mine, and the sounds flesh made when it clapped together....

My head whipped around and my eyes darted about. The cuffs... my hands were free. I spotted the handcuffs still dangling from the metal railing of at the head of the bed. I rubbed my wrists, memories flooding back of the helpless fucking I'd experienced. I could still feel myself being lifted and tossed around, and being chained to the bed while my titties bounced into my face from the impacts....

I blinked, noticing my lashes were still heavy and curled. I stared at my surroundings in disbelief. I'd never spent the night with someone like this before, especially not a man. Panic crawled through me like little critters as I wondered just how far I'd gone, or if there really had been something in those drinks that Brent had served to me. Jesus Christ, I'd literally slept with him. It felt so wrong to be waking up in someone else's bed like this.

He'd cuffed me to his bed and fucked me. My mind reeled at that thought.

I saw Brent's huge form lying just to my side. I could tell by the way his chest and stomach swelled forth to fall in repetition that the older man was still asleep. The sheets were pulled up to his chest. I could see his bare, flabby chest in the blue glow of the early morning. I shuddered. He was probably still naked.

He'd been naked. He'd fucked me. I'd slept with him.

All of it started to settle in as I lay there looking around in disbelief. I couldn't remember going to bed or deciding to stay. My recollection was all a naked hairy blur of sex and sweat. Why had I stayed over? What was I thinking? Had I just passed out with the handcuffs on? I could feel my shriveled dick wadded beneath me on the mattress and the wet bra that still clung to my silicone breasts. I was just as I had been the night before. I swept my hair behind my head and tried to focus, scanning my memory of the final events of the previous night with Brent.

When had we even... stopped?

It was useless. It hardly mattered anyway. I thought of what to do now, how I would make my exit. I couldn't think of having a morning reunion with Brent. I knew I'd sneak away, but the thought of hurrying to my car while still dressed like a girl filled me with dread. I was still wearing these tits, and my face and hair were probably a wreck. I couldn't judge what time it was, except that it was probably really early in the morning. The dim glow of morning light that made its way past the darkened blinds in Brent's bedroom was not terribly bright. The sun likely wasn't even up yet.

I had to leave. I had to find the purse I'd brought, which contained my phone of all things, and gather my other things and make a break for it while Brent was still asleep. I could handle the rest later. I just couldn't stay here. I felt awkward enough, and reality sure wasn't sitting well with me in that moment. I couldn't believe what I'd done.

I climbed from the bed like a snake slithering beneath blades of grass, gently easing my half-naked body from under the covers and over to the edge of the bed. I eased my feet toward the plush carpet, noticing that I had at least had the forethought to toss my tall heels to the floor before going to sleep. I spotted them lying in the floor just at the threshold of the bathroom door. Immediately upon seeing the master bathroom, I felt the immense pressure in my bladder. I needed to go. There was no way around it.

I'd planned to tiptoe across the floor, but as I took my first step, I nearly careened back onto the bed. My legs were sore from my aching heels to my throbbing thighs. I felt the previous night through my entire body. I took a few seconds to stretch silently, trying to work the aches from my every muscle. I snuck into the bathroom and eased the door to behind me, careful not to let the knob click completely shut. One last glance toward the bed told me that my host was still sound asleep.

I sat down to pee. I'd done it hundreds of times as a crossdresser, to play my girly role and get in the mindset. Now, I was sitting because it was far more comfortable to crumple on the toilet and relax as I relieved myself. It was far more quiet, too. As I stared blankly into the strange bathroom, I felt something that fogged my mind with confusion.

I felt hollow... or, loose... down there.

I didn't know what to make of it. My asshole felt like it had been fucked all night. Probably because that was exactly the case. There was no pain or soreness there, just the feeling of being loose. I'd used toys before. I'd never taken a cock like Brent's, though, and I'd never been fucked by an actual guy. I wondered if it was this way everytime. I wasn't dumb enough to think I was gaping open down there, but I felt the night before.

I remained on the toilet for longer than I meant to, staring blankly and trying to decide what to make of the sensation, and what I truly thought about everything that had transpired. The softness of my asshole was honestly euphoric. Thinking of what I'd done didn't seem so wretched or embarrassing all of the sudden. I thought of the wild sex I'd had, and while I still in disbelief, I couldn't deny that I'd enjoyed myself. Even though Brent had become increasingly rough and aggressive, some odd sense of pride washed over me. It was all so daring and naughty.

When I stood, I felt the ache in my thighs and remembered being spread open wide beneath Brent. I shivered at the chill that raced up my spine. I'd really done all that, and I could feel it with every step.

I slid back into the bedroom and crossed my arms beneath my bra and the silicone tits I still wore. Where my actual skin made contact with the breast plate was warm and sticky, while the air conditioning in the bedroom chilled the rest of my naked skin. I tried to breathe and focus on what to do next. I had to get my dress and my heels. My red panties were somewhere in this room, but I knew I'd abandon them if I had to. Then I'd have to find my purse in the kitchen or the living room or wherever I'd been dumb enough to abandon it.

I rounded the foot of the bed on the balls of my feet in search of my black dress. I saw it in the floor beneath the window on Brent's side of the bed. I scoffed at the thought. Brent's side of the bed. Because I'd claimed the side next to him as mine the night before. I should have left. Still, as I quietly scooped up my dress, I admitted to myself that the idea of waking up in a man's bed was the most exciting thing I'd done yet. A tiny swell of pride bubbled up from a deep dirty part of me. I shook my head and tried to keep myself grounded in reality. I was a guy, and I'd slept with another guy, and I needed to get out of here before he woke up.

Before I could turn away, I stared at reality. I looked upon the sleeping bear of a man on the bed. Brent was lying on his back, his hairy chest exposed above the covers he'd pulled over himself. I chewed my lip, wondering so many things. I wondered if there were any lipstick left on my lips, or if my makeup was a smeared mess. I wondered if that made me look like an absolute slut, and if I was ashamed of that or turned on the tiniest bit. I tried to think of what made me stay the night with Brent, or if I'd truly been trapped there, handcuffed. I worried for the twentieth time about what had been in those glasses he'd served me.

I wondered if Brent was still naked under the covers.

I couldn't stop staring at him. Maybe I was forcing myself to look at the tall, chubby old guy I'd slept with, to make myself accept the depths I'd gone to. Maybe I was stalling the inevitable walk of shame to my car and the miserable drive home dressed like a cheap whore.

I knew better. I was staring at Brent hoping he was in fact still naked, and thinking of the cock that might be hiding just under the covers, right there in front of me. I remembered how his body had shoved into mine, how his thick flesh had spread me open and slid into my very being.

I felt a twitch from my little dick, but it was nothing compared to the throb in my ass that made my used hole pucker and squeeze.

My body stalled. I needed to grab my heels and leave, but I just stood there watching Brent's stomach lift and fall with each slumbering breath he took. I stared in some strange stupor and the indention of the covers between his legs, perhaps searching for the outline of something thick and alive. I bit my lip hard in the attempt to break myself from this fucked up spell that held me there. Alan cursed me and pleaded for me to just go, the voice of reason echoing through my head.

Gazing down at the big man in the bed, I didn't feel so much like Alan.

The cool air seemed to press at my bare skin, whispering to me that I should just get back in the bed. I felt its icy touch everywhere as I stood rigid in a daze, on my lips, my nipples behind the mounds of silicone, my erect dick that stood out stiff from my body, pointing me toward a source of warmth....

I dropped the dress. No mental gymnastics could redirect me. I crawled back onto the bed like a stalking cat, easing myself toward the sleeping giant. I acted, pushing away any thoughts or doubts or regrets. Sitting on my knees beside Brent, I folded my arms behind me and found the clasp of my bra with deft fingers. It fell away, and I brushed it to the floor beside my dress. I was completely exposed, except of course for the breast plate that I wore. The expensive silicone tits wobbled freely now, their weight responding to my every movement.

I was alive and fully feminine. My focus was sharp once again. I took the covers and pulled them open, peeling them away from Brent's body. A rush of air hit me in the chest when I saw his nude form revealed again. Dark hair spilled down over his reddened flesh, gathering with incredible density into a thick black bush around his crotch.

A thick tube of flesh rested limp against his meaty thigh. My heartbeat fluttered like flapping wings in my chest. I couldn't tear my eyes away from that thing. Inferiority flashed through my body and flipped my inner polarity on its head. My lower back bent and my smooth bare ass slid out behind me. I felt lithe and feminine all over again. I wanted to bow low and be at the mercy of this big body and this big dick just like I'd done the night before.

The trance was never truly broken. I hunkered low, hoisting my ass high, nesting my face deep into the crotch of the sleeping man. I smiled to myself before taking the thing in my fingers. There was a slightly putrid odor, the aromas of sex and filth that should have repulsed me, but tugged me deeper. He was in my mouth before a single logical thought could even form. Soft flesh and loose skin molded itself over my tongue and into my cheeks. My eyelids fell slack as the spell took hold.

I sucked Brent until his nasty cock filled with blood and arousal. Even after he stirred and looked down to me, I kept lathering his hairy dick with my mouth. I needed it to be hard. I could feel it swelling fuller each second in my mouth, but I kept going. Folds of foreskin still rolled across my tongue. I knew they'd disappear soon when this cock reached its full potential.

Soon enough, I was staring up at Brent while bobbing my head into his smelly crotch. He watched me with a tired grin, with soft breaths of pleasure escaping his lips. His dick stood full and firm, as if it were now balancing my face by my mouth. I let it fall from my lips, satisfied that it was wet and hard.

Brent and I stared at each other. He eyed me with a look that made me shudder and blush. I offered him a smile in return.

"Morning," I whispered up to him from behind his stiff cock.

Brent grunted and grinned. "Yes it is."

I wasted no more time. He was ready.

I crawled over Brent's big body, swinging my leg to straddle him. I sank onto him and felt the intense warmth of all the man that was beneath me. I shivered when my bare butt eased down into his crotch. My stiff little dick settled itself against the man's massive belly, tickled by his body hair. I felt a big pair of balls and the base of that meaty dick underneath me, warming the very crack of my ass as I slid onto it all.

Placing a hand on the middle of his broad chest, I lifted myself enough to provide room. Then, I reached below and guided Brent's dick toward my waiting body. We watched one another. Brent didn't protest. His hands came to rest on my thighs, steadying me as I placed the head of his dick against my hole. It felt so right when his swollen slippery flesh mashed against my loose sphincter.

It took so little pressure. I eased down, and he was inside me again. I sank, watching the breath rush from his mouth. My body conformed to his. My thighs slid open on the mattress. My sore ass sucked in his thick shaft, taking him easily as I sank while hugging every hairy inch so snugly.

I sat fully in his lap and felt him throb inside my body.

I was so glad to have stayed the night.


Driving dressed was always so much fun. It was so risky, and there was no guarantee that the window tint would shield me from prying eyes, even at night. I always welcomed the thrill of being out in the world, dressed as Alison for all the world to see, while being safely hidden in my own little private space.

I hoped no one could see me. I prayed that someone I knew wouldn't pass me on the road and realize a girl was driving my car, then somehow put it all together. That was ridiculous. My anxiety would not be extinguished, though. I knew how I was dressed. The tube top and miniskirt left little to the imagination. The fishnets that clung to my legs were cinched high on my smooth thighs. I knew I looked like an absolute slut. It only made the ride that much more thrilling.

I was nearly blinded by the bright lights that suddenly beamed to life from the car in my rear view mirror. I squinted at the blinding blue flashes that lit up the entire highway. There was little other traffic aside from myself and the police car behind me. Panic stabbed right through my chest and shot through my veins. It was an impulsive reaction. My tall heel eased itself into the brake pedal as I wrestled with my thoughts.

I knew better than to jump to conclusions. Easing the car to the shoulder of the highway, I worked to calm my thoughts. I shook my head, distressed and annoyed and angry all at the same time. I came to a stop on the side of the road, my eyes watching the police car that had pulled me over. I tried to peer through the insanely bright blue lights in the reflection, but it was useless. I couldn't make out the car.

I chewed my lip, batting away all of the typical worries that would usually assault my mind. To hell with an actual ticket, if this was a random traffic stop, all those worries and fears would clamp down hard in mere moments. I waited patiently, telling myself that no one would know it was me, that this was not a traffic stop, that I wouldn't have to explain who I really was or why I was dressed this way. That was stupid.

Still, it was perfectly plausible. I blew out a long sigh. Not knowing, not being sure, was torture.

The bright lights faded into the black of the night. Even the headlights dimmed. I still couldn't see the officer climbing from the car. My eyes hadn't adjusted from the nuclear blue flashing lights. My teeth bit down even harder on my glossy lip.

I'd managed to keep calm right up to the point that a hand knocked on my tinted window. My finger darted over to the door and my window slid down.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Gosh, Brent!" I blurted. "Are you serious? Were you trying to give me a heart attack?"

The big uniformed man didn't smile or react but leaned down to the open window.

"Don't take that tone with me," I heard the older man say. "You were really pushing the limit. Where you headed tonight, young lady?"

I scoffed and hid my grin as best I could, fixing my hair with a finger and glancing away from him.

"You know exactly where I'm going," I told him. "And am gonna be late if you don't stop."

Brent stood, and I felt the driver door opening. I looked at him and the open door, unsure of how to react.

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