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Pushing the Limit


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Soon, both of the man's thick hands were holding me by my bare ass. He was pulling me closer each time I rolled my body into his, and I was now bracing myself on his broad chest. I saw every detail in his face now. I saw the tired bags beneath his eyes, the tiny mole just beneath his right eye, and the deep bristles of his mustache. His breath seemed to rush out of both his nose and his mouth noisily with every motion I made. His eyes watched me closely, both enraptured by the girl on top of him... and hungry.

A single hand slid up my back and pulled me close. I wasn't ready. Brent gathered my frail form in his lap and pushed my face to his. Alarm bells rang out in my head, but it was too late. His tongue was already in my mouth. The smooth lipstick I wore was crushed by the thousands of pricks of Brent's bushy mustache. His round tongue swam against mine, and he held me so closely by the back of my neck and by my ass cheek that there was no hope for a retreat.

Brent kissed me, and my mind exploded into vivid red color in my skull. I could taste the stale beer on his breath. His tongue was so wet that it soaked my own. My face was against another man's, my nose against his plump bristled cheek. He was kissing me. Why was he kissing me? It was so wrong. We'd just met. He was an old man, and I was....

I sank into him and kissed him back. Brent's tongue rolled in slow ebbs that overpowered mine, but I still allowed my lips to close with his and my tongue to be swept into his mouth. For several seconds I just joined in, going with the flow, fearful of what this big man might do if I shoved away in disgust.

Peter had never kissed me. He'd never wanted to.

I'd never... kissed a man at all.

For a brief moment I felt embarrassed and regretful for having come here. Something inside of me reminded me that I was just a lonely guy, a crossdressing pervert that was now being held by another man, being kissed like a girl, like a fag. The stranger's hands greedily groped me, and I wondered what they all might think if anyone knew.

A huge hand squeezed me by the ass and pulled me closer. Our mouths sank into one another and I let Brent take control. The tension in my arms disappeared, and I just let one of them ease behind his shoulder. I closed my eyes and stopped worrying about the behemoth that held me locked in his grasp, forcing his tongue against mine. I let him do it.

And I began to enjoy it.

Being held like a girl in a man's lap this way was intoxicating. I realized in that moment that I'd never felt more like Alison in my entire life. It felt nasty to be in a stranger's grasp, letting him kiss me and fondle me this way. It made me feel dirty, like a slut, like a woman. With every passing second, I joined in a bit more. Hot breath blasted across my face, and odd little grunts and moans escaped the big man's lips. I welcomed each nuance as it came, thrusting my hips into the man's belly and offering the occasional whimper.

Our lips pulled away, and the two of us stared into the face of the other gasping for breath. I looked upon the old face and jowls of the man that held me. I couldn't believe what I was doing. I didn't want to stop, though. I felt alive. The look in Brent's eyes told me so many scary and daring things that I wanted to experience. I'd already fallen over the lip of the rabbit hole. I was his. Alan was buried deep now. Alison loved the way Brent groped at her fully exposed ass.

"You're really good with those hands, girl," Brent told me. "But I can tell you're even better with that mouth."

Under other circumstances, I'd have thought that was creepy. Instead I felt my panties tighten through the crack of my exposed ass as I throbbed against the guy's belly. He punctuated the sentence by leaning in to plant another wet kiss against my lips. I distantly wondered if my lipstick was truly as smear resistant as advertised. My tongue rolled out and dove down past Brent's mustache for another beer soaked kiss. My eyelids fluttered.

We breathed into each other's mouth while he squeezed my ass with both hands. I stared at him bewildered.

"You as good with that mouth as Peter says?" Brent asked me.

He kissed me again, pumping lust through my body and clouding my mind.

"He says you suck a mean dick," Brent said into my mouth.

I was hard. I could feel my little cock jabbing into Brent's bulging stomach when I thrust my hips into him. I kissed him again, voluntarily wanting the lewd embrace to continue.

"Dunno if you remember, but I got a pretty mean dick myself."

The words hit me like a truck. I gasped into Brent's face, staring at his sparkling eyes. I remembered. That picture. It was the entire reason I was in this stranger's house. A little chill began to wind its way around my spine. I throbbed in my panties just thinking of the thing.

I felt a little grin creep across my face. A dangerous, giddy sensation shot through me. Brent all but winked at me, daring me to claim my prize. Before I realized what I was even doing, I was sliding down Brent's giant body. Down I went, my knees dropping to the hardwood surface below. My big silicone breasts dragged down the hairy stomach of the man on the couch. I didn't bother to fix my dress, and let my bare ass touch my tall heels on my feet.

As if in a daze, I swept my hands wide, feeling the bare body beneath the button-down that now hung open around Brent's chest. I tugged at the remaining buttons, and my eyes widened at the huge sagging belly that spilled forth before me. Brent was all man. The mounds of hair that coated his body bespoke of a masculinity that I knew I'd never attain. I kept groping him, addicted to the perverse sensation of touching another warm mass of man this way. It truly seemed that the more I saw of Brent's big body, the less of a man I felt... which made me feel more like a girl. My painted fingernails clawed through the hair, feeling the swell of flesh that seemed to never end.

I could see it. I thought I could. Beneath Brent's belly, there in the leg of his shorts that pulled tightly against his big thigh, was the shape of something else. I blew out a breath. To actually see a long bulge like that turned my mind to a melted mess of desire. It was right there. God, I could see it. That was so much bigger than me, than Alan. It couldn't be real.

My eyes remained fixed on that shape while I worked beneath Brent's stomach to unfasten his shorts. I jerked at the belt until it came free. I wriggled my wrists beneath a sweaty overhang of flesh until I felt the satisfying pop that freed the flaps of the shorts. The zipper came down easily. Brent's underwear did not. On trembling, achy knees, I tugged until mounds of black pubic hair began to appear in front of me.

I heard Brent snicker. I must have looked like a drug addict, fumbling for my fix on the floor. He watched me with knowing eyes while I worked the clothing down his big body. I saw a thick piece of flesh there amidst the curls of black hair. I held my breath and gingerly dug my fingernails through all of the hair until my fingers fastened around the thick root of flesh beneath Brent's belly.

I gasped. I knew what I was holding, but the sensation was so odd. Just gripping the base of this dick was incredible. It was so meaty and fat. I pulled, revealing another few inches of round flesh. I scrunched my eyebrows. This thing was unreal. I dug my thumb in firmly and gave it another pull until it began to lift its way from the man's shorts. Still it wasn't free.

Brent must have gotten impatient. With one hand, he shoved at his shorts and underwear, and used his other hand to dig the thing free.

A thick tube of flesh flopped forth in front of my eyes. I nearly fell back from the reveal. I felt silly to react in such a way, the way I'd seen so many bimbo pornstars react to big dicks on the internet. But what I stared at was incredible.

Brent held his fat cock aloft for me to witness. I'd never seen a dick that looked like this. My first thought was that it was disgusting, a meaty tube of flesh and hair that sagged and bent with weight. I couldn't even see the head. When I saw the shriveled wad of flesh that sheathed the end of this thing, I realized that Brent was uncircumcised, and that I was staring at a mass of foreskin. The shape of a bulbous head hid below the vein streaked skin, and the slightest movement of Brent's fingers made the sheath of flesh slide like the skin of a snake through grass.

Something caved inward inside my chest. My mind rushed back to Peter, who beneath his clothes was pretty and perfect, even his average penis and it's smoothly shaven shape. From my knees, I now stared up across the hairy mass of a man with the biggest and ugliest dick I'd ever seen. Curls of pubic hair climbed up the shaft. Bluish veins spilled down the flesh that moved so freely in Brent's fingers. My jaw kept dropping lower, as if to gauge just how wide my mouth would have to open to even accept such a chunk of flesh inside.

Brent stroked himself right in front of my face, and it was the first time I noticed the mass of balls that wobbled below. As his big fingers spread down the shaft, so did the veiny skin, and I witnessed a swollen red tip peel forth from the rolls of foreskin. I felt like recoiling from such a manly hunk of cock, and yet my own little dick strained forth against my panties. Brent stroked a few more times before letting the thing fall from his fingers. The cock sagged toward me, pointing right toward my eyes with furls of skin barely hiding that shiny red tip. It nodded with life, lifting to meet my gaze and beckoning to me.

"This is what you were really after, right?"

I barely heard Brent's words. Yet, I nodded and gave a reply.


It was unlike anything I'd ever seen. It seemed so hairy and dirty, and for that I couldn't tear my eyes away from this fat cock. I'd never seen an uncut dick, and now the folds of skin were so close I could smell them. A musky odor invaded my every shallow breath, and leaning in just an inch felt like stepping out into a humid summer night. A million doubts whirled in my brain. Was I really going to do this? Could I even... suck this thing?

I had to at least feel it. I wanted to touch it.

My fingers slid through curls of pubic hair and took the thick base of the thing in my hand. I shuddered. I could actually feel the weight of this dick as I stood it above my wrist. My eyes widened as I stared up the ever growing length of Brent's penis. I felt inferior once more. I knew why I was in a dress wearing fake tits and makeup when I looked upon this thing.

I started to stroke the cock, and lost control of parts of my body. The skin on the shaft glided down the head and gathered around my thumb, and easily retreated when I released the pressure. I kept doing it, and my knees slid apart on the hardwood. My dick throbbed and my jaw opened watching the hairy skin slide up and down this thick cock. I whimpered. I'd never heard myself make such a pitiful sound. I clutched the dick more firmly, feeling it swell back against my palm while I stroked the veiny flesh just to watch it move.

I was rubbing myself. I didn't know when I'd even started, but my other hand was massaging a dull burn in my panties while I played with Brent's dick. The sensations were like nothing I'd ever experienced. It was far better than the first time I'd ever touched another man's cock. There was so much more flesh, so much hair and warmth, and the nasty slick feeling of Brent's skin only made me want to squeeze it harder.

I drifted closer to the cock, inhaling the masculine smell of Brent's crotch as I sank. The energy in the flesh in my hand built with each beat of his pulse, and it hypnotized me. I squeezed the shaft. The head swelled behind the folds of skin at the top. Two heavy balls rolled in their hairy sack just below my palm. I released myself and placed both hands greedily on the mound of flesh before me.

The only thing that broke my trance was the weight of Brent's hand on my head. His fat fingers pet my hair, but I felt the slightest tug toward his crotch as he urged my head even deeper.

My eyes shot up to his for the first time in what seemed like hours. His hand pulled me closer. I had no idea how I must have looked to him. I obeyed him, and allowed him to guide my face toward this hunk of meat. The hairy shaft planted itself on my cheek. I felt it throb beside my nose, and a fat tip swelled just in front of my right eye. My lips fastened around hairy flesh as I planted a wet kiss on the big dick.

Something flipped in my brain. There was a brief blur in my vision before I felt the overwhelming need to shove it into my mouth. My tongue glided up the slick flesh until I reached the end, high above Brent's crotch. As one of my hands tugged down the shaft and clamped around it, the fat red head bulged forth and glanced across my lips.

I dropped my jaw and shoved the slick red head into my mouth. I crammed as much of the dick into my face as I could. I moaned, and I heard Brent do the same. This tasted so new and different. Peter's cock had always tasted no different than a freshly washed finger. This meaty thing tasted like sweat and a myriad of other flavors that I couldn't even decode. I whirled my tongue across the swollen head in an attempt to taste each one, feeling the whole mass of meat throb forth from my efforts.

I pulled away to see the effects of my mouth. As I did, I stroked the meaty dick and watched the foreskin swarm the wet tip in front of my eyes. I shuddered, realizing I didn't have to wonder what the foreskin would taste like. I stuck the flesh into my lips and allowed my tongue to explore every wrinkled fold.

My eyes crossed. A sweet yet sour flavor spilled across my taste buds. I was immediately addicted to the sensation of burrowing my tongue beneath the skin and across the round head of Brent's cock. I stroked the dick as I licked, feeling the flesh bunch into my lips. I dug the tip of my tongue deep through the skin and felt it slide away.

A huge hand tugged me down, and I couldn't breathe anymore. The skin slid so far away, and I was left with only a massive cock head mashing its way across my tongue until it squeezed between my tonsils. I couldn't have been halfway down Brent's cock. He held my head there for a bit, and I did my best to lower my jaw to accommodate the girth of man that was crammed in my head.

Brent released me, but I didn't release his cock. My lips burst back toward his tip, but I was so eager to feel that much of a person in my mouth again that I shoved my head back down the shaft again. Brent's fat cock tip mashed the back of my throat in such a snug way that I had to feel it over and over. A few times, I thought I could feel his big dick bend in the middle above my fists, before it nodded and shoved my head away.

I distantly heard Brent letting out long, low moans of pleasure. His heavy hand rested on my head, no longer pulling me or guiding me deeper. I did that all on my own. This cock was so strange and thick that I couldn't get enough of it. The way his flesh slid up and down the shaft was hypnotic. The smells and the taste were foreign and fragrant, and I swam my tongue through each one unashamedly. I opened my eyes a few times, if for no other reason than to make sure it was all real.

Brent held his big thighs wide. His massive belly spilled out of his shirt above me, with waves of hair moving with his every breath. So too did his flabby breasts, and I could not fathom the mass of man that I was servicing. I stared across Brent's body, watching his wrinkled face contort with every wag and whirl of my tongue. For a few moments I watched him, grounding myself in the reality I'd created.

Brent was nothing like Peter, and I loved it. It made me cram even more of that monstrous thing into my head.

I grew insatiable, tugging the big cock from my lips, and gliding down into the hairy depths of flesh that coated the man's balls. I buried my face in the fat folds of his crotch. I breathed in the smells of a real man as I whirled my mouth through his sack. Each passing second felt a bit more degrading, but for some reason made me feel more and more like a slutty girl. A huge testicle spilled into my mouth while I slid the skin of the chubby cock up and down the length of the man's shaft in my hand.

Thick fingers jerked through my hair and pulled my head upright. I gasped and looked at the man that dared to pull me away. I stroked his dick in my fists, with droplets of saliva at the corners of my mouth. Brent was sitting forward now, gasping and glaring down into my face. His shirt hung open wide, and I eyed the mountain of flesh that hung over me.

"God, you're fucking incredible, baby!" Brent growled into my face.

His hand cupped my head and pulled my face toward his. Sizzling shock made my brains a dull fizz when Brent kissed me yet again, taking my wet mouth to his. His thick tongue beat its way through my lips while he held me, while I stroked his foreskin in my fingers. I could have fainted from the assault of emotions and sensations. Brent kissed me more passionately than before, my mouth still wet with the flavors of his hairy dick.

His fingers plucked me away again by the hair of my head, and I had just a second to gasp before he crammed my head into his crotch.

Now, two big hands held me by the head and pumped my skull down between his legs. The fat cock still refused to fit further than halfway into my mouth, painfully jabbing at the back of my throat. Brent kept pushing me down. My forehead now beat at the soft hairy mound of his belly. I felt his balls bouncing below my hand. I shut my eyes and fastened my fists tighter around the hard hairy shaft. It only made the thing swell fuller in my mouth.

A distant little thought kept floating through my mind. He's fucking my head. He's fucking your head. Oh my god he's face fucking you.

I wasn't sure if he was being too forceful. When the pressure released on my skull, I hoped each time he'd push me back down. He did, every time. I relaxed my jaw and let the swollen cock beat its way through my mouth. I started to wonder what it would feel like if it actually popped into my throat. I knew I'd let him. Brent's fat dick was too good not to let him choke me with it.

It was just becoming difficult to breathe when those powerful fingers jerked me away. My mouth fell open wide as I sucked in a deep gust of air. A thick milky film of spit drooped away from the shiny red head of that cock and fell across my dress. The silicone tits I wore heaved with my every breath. I had little time to recuperate though. Brent had stood up, his shorts falling from his thighs to his ankles. The engorged cock stood out stiff below his belly. I never had time to close my mouth before Brent pointed the thick thing back into my lips.

I was all but crumpled on my knees under this huge man. With both hands, he held my head still while his big body rocked. I stared up in disbelief at what was happening. Brent towered over me, his massive form fully positioned in a way that kept me pinned between his legs in the floor, while he thrust his cock into my head, grunting and groaning with his face turned to the ceiling. I saw his huge belly rolling. I could feel each flap of his dangling balls. I didn't even feel like a person in those moments. I just felt like something Brent was fucking, like a doll or a sex toy.

When he finally tugged the length of meat from my lips, I actually felt an ache in my jaw as the thing left my head. I stared up at Brent from beneath the slimy, hairy cock. As he caught his breath, he pet my messy hair and grinned. Those eyes were still the same. Kind... but dangerous. I waited for him to cram the dick back into my face. It jumped and throbbed under his stomach, oozing with my spit. Not even the mass of foreskin could hide that swollen head now.


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