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Click hereHi, it's me again. I haven't written for a while, but I'm glad you liked my previous letters. You seemed to really enjoy my thoughts on how I play with myself. I also got many nice responses to my little essay on penis sucking. I always love to hear your reactions to my letters, and your nice comments encourage me to write to you about other things.
This time, I thought I'd share with you my thoughts on pussy shaving. This may not be as interesting to you as the other subjects I've written about, because it isn't about sex per se. Let's face it, everyone is fascinated by sex, but pussy shaving is of less general interest. It can be a nice accompaniment to sex, though, so I felt you might be interested in a woman's thoughts on the subject.
First of all, pussy shaving isn't for everyone, and I don't suggest it should be. I've talked to women about this, and the majority didn't share my enthusiasm for it. In fact, there are probably more good reasons against shaving than in favor of it. The most common reasons I've heard include: Too much bother, their men prefer them hairy, and the stubble is scratchy. All very good reasons, and I have no argument with any of them. In fact, I probably wouldn't do it myself if my circumstances weren't rather ... unusual.
Considering all the reasons not to shave, you might wonder why I do it. A perfectly reasonable question, and I'll try to answer it. As I mentioned, my situation is different from that of most women. I'll explain my reasons for shaving my pussy in light of those circumstances.
Most importantly, I am only with my lover for two two-week periods each year. It's only during those times that I shave my pussy. I let it go furry the rest of the time, because there is no sex and no reason the bother with it. No way I'd keep myself shaved just for me.
Those of you who have followed my little ... adventures know that everything I know about sex and sexuality comes from one person. He was my first and only. He likes my pussy bald, and what he likes, he gets. I love pleasing him. Anything that makes him happy makes me happy. Pleasing him sexually really makes me happy, because I love it at least as much as he does. After several months apart, our time together is ... intense. Having my pussy clean shaven pleases him, that pleases me, and our lovemaking is just that much better.
I didn't even develop any pubic hair until I was ... older, so I was completely, naturally bald when I had my first sexual experience. I mean like a cue ball. Even after I started gowing some hair, we still preferred me bald, so we kept it that way. After all, when we're together, everything about me, including my pussy, belongs to my lover. He can do with it as he pleases. He likes it bald, that turns him on, and I love what happens when he's turned on. He says he loves the look and feel of a totally bald pussy. It makes the oral sex and lovemaking better for him, and that makes it better for me. Talk about a win-win situation!
Shaving me is a part of our lovemaking. I always show up for our first meeting freshly shaven, but he takes care of it after that. Shaving me once a day is a very intimate and loving thing for us to share. It always leads to my freshly shaved pussy getting thoroughly kissed, and that gives me an orgasm or two to get us started. We end up in bed, and what can be better than that? I guess you could say that shaving my pubic hair is part of our foreplay.
I'm lucky. I don't have much pubic hair, and what I have is soft and easy to shave. When I'm shaved, it's like I've never had any hair at all. Can't see or feel any trace. Some women have told me that the best shaving they can do results in something like Robert DiNero's chin in those gangster movies. I think being fully bearded would be better than a five o'clock shadow.
How much to shave? Well, that's totally a matter of personal preference. My lover likes me completely bald. Like a cue ball. He says he likes to kiss a smooth, hairless mound. I like it kissed, too, so that's what he gets. He tells me likes the "clam" look. Even when I'm standing with my legs together, he can see my cleft instead of just hair. I think he enjoys the "little girl" look. I've seen some women who wear those thong bikinis leave a strip of hair up on the mound. I've even seem pictures of women who shave their pubic hair into a heart shape, and that's kind of cute. Personally, I go all the way. My lover likes me with no trace of hair below the neck.
The appearance is important, but it's the removal of the hair down in the delicate parts on the outer lips of the pussy that my lover likes. He loves the feel my soft, totally smooth labia on his lips and tongue. Anything that encourages him to kiss my pussy is okay with me. He says that smoothness is much nicer for his penis than rough hair, too. I've actually never had sex with hair on my pussy. As soon as I developed some, we started shaving it. I don't think I'd feel quite as much if I was hairy down there. After all, there's no feeling in hair.
Should someone who has never shaved her pussy try it? It's totally up to the individual, but why not? It's a great way to spice up your sex life. Ladies, did you ever get a radically different hairstyle? Did you notice the effect on your man? Many women have told me that a drastically different hairstyle really turns on their men. Like he's got a new woman. Well, I think a shaved pussy would have a similar effect. Probably even more dramatic.
Men, wouldn't you like to experience the feel of a totally smooth pussy on your mouth and penis? Ladies, wouldn't you enjoy your man slavering over your newly bald pussy? Sure you would. It's one of the few things I can think of that can't possibly hurt anything and might turn out to be great for you both. You just need to be a little adventuresome.
For a man, dropping a little hint at an intimate moment might arouse her interest. Something like, "I'd love to know what you feel like there if you didn't have any hair." Who knows, she might be intrigued by the idea. For a lady, just ask him if he ever wondered what you would look and feel like with a bald pussy. Even better, do it yourself and surprise him. I'll guarantee he'll like it.
Okay, let's say you're feeling adventuresome and a little naughty and want to try it. I'm going to save you a lot of trouble, discomfort, and frustration by telling you exactly how to go about it. My lover and I have experimented a lot, so I know all the "dos" and "don'ts."
The first "don't" is using a depilatory like Nair. The main ingredient in that stuff is potassium hydroxide (lye), and it dissolves hair. It has a very strongly alkaline pH, and it will cause chemical burns on skin. It may be okay for tougher skin like on the legs, but don't get that stuff anywhere near a sensitive pussy.
Okay, let's assume you're starting with a full bush of pubic hair and want to be just as bald as I am, like a baby. First, use scissors to cut the hair short, about 1/4 inch long. Not so short that you cut yourself, but it's almost impossible to shave really long hair. Dull scissors will pull and irritate, so they should be sharp. Be very careful down on the lips. A man is very useful here.
Now your hair is short, and you can begin shaving. Wash well with soap and warm water to soften the hair, then apply some shave cream to keep it moist and soft while you shave. Get two or three new disposable razors or fresh blades for your razor. Change to a new razor or blade at the first sign of pulling.This is very important the first time you shave. Shave the mound area first, because this is the easiest and is good practice for the more difficult parts. Shave it in all directions, until you're smooth as a baby's bottom. Don't press hard, because this will cause irritation. Don't forget to change blades.
Shaving the soft lips is more difficult, but take your time and you'll get great results. Again, a man is handy here. You have to pull up on the labia with your fingers to stretch them a little, then shave downwards. Then pull down, and shave upwards. Don't press, because you'll get razor burns and irritation. The little notch right at the top of the cleft is difficult to get, but you can do it if you're patient. A tiny bit of hair left there really doesn't matter anyway.
Rinse, pat dry, sooth with some lotion, and you have a nicely bald pussy ready for some loving attention.
That's how to get yourself smooth the first time. Now, how to keep it that way. The day after you shave, you'll feel some stubble just like after shaving your legs. My pubic hair grows fast enough that I need daily shaving to be baby smooth. The choice is, keep it smooth or let it grow back out?
The first shaving is quite a procedure, but keeping a smooth pussy is much easier. You've done all the hard work, why not keep it smooth for a while? Most women that I've talked to who shave do it periodically, keep it smooth for a while, then let it grow back. Some, though, keep themselves smooth all the time. If you've gone to all the trouble of getting smooth, a little daily attention will keep it that way. I'd encourage you to keep it smooth for a while. Shaving gets easier, and the results get even better.
If you use a blade, always use a fresh blade or disposable razor. Never shave with a dull blade. You might get away with using a blade many times on your legs, but a pussy is too delicate. You can only get smooth without irritation if you use a new blade. It only takes about two minutes a day to keep a smooth pussy, and you can even do it in the shower. A man will always volunteer to help, though.
For the ultimate in keeping a smooth pussy, use my method. No blades except for the first shaving of the muff. I use an electric shaver that's designed to be used with shave cream. They're called Wet 'n Dry, or something like that. The vast majority of electric shavers are meant to be used dry. DON'T use them. They don't work very well. Mine is a Remington, and I believe Norelco also makes one. It cost about forty dollars, and I think it's the best investment I ever made. They're cordless and rechargable, so you can use them in the shower without worrying about getting shocked. Lather up just as you would using a blade, and you get a perfect shave. Closer than a blade, no nicks, and no razor irritation. Makes a pussy as smooth as a baby's bottom. The razor also produces a nice vibrating tingle when the side is gently pressed against the clitoris. DON'T try this with any shaver that isn't cordless and specifically made to use with water and shave cream. You may have to do some shopping to find the right shaver, but it's well worth the effort.
Well, that's Diane's course in Pussy Shaving 101. If you follow my guidelines, there will be a minimum amount of problems and the best possible results. You might even find it adds a new dimension of pleasure to your love life. Anything that does that is definitely worth a little effort, isn't it? Well, it certainly is for me.
Rather than votes, I'd love to have your comments on this. Are you a pussy shaver? What are your experiences with shaving? Any special tricks you've discovered? Any questions? Did reading this motivate you to try it? How was it? Please take a moment and tell me about it. Also, are there other topics you would like me to write about?
I'll respond to all comments and try to answer any questions you might have.
I have shaved myself, mostly out of curiosity. I have to admit after the first time it felt a bit strange, but it became a turn-on. It feels erotic to make love with nothing down there, Guys either find it a turn-off or are really excited. It does grow back in case you wonder. Should you be really weird like me, then try shaving your head.
I was shaved for the first time,by my hens on my hen night last saturday. A mite embarrassing as it was in the changing room at the local gym, with about thirty observers. It feels good though,and just hope hubby to be likes it !
The first time I went to pull my gf Michelle’s panties down I was shocked
I had never been with a girl with a au natural bush before it was growing out of her panties on both sides & even over the top of her waist band
Not only was she extremely hairy with most of the hair being almost 4 inches long but it was a natural light blonde I wasn’t sure what to make of it at first but after several attempts giving her oral wasn’t something i would do for fear of choking on her huge Matt of hair
Even after several weeks of asking her to maybe trim or tidy up a bit she blatantly refused
It was really affecting our sex life until one drunken night she agreed to letting give her a little trim
I carefully shaved her with my beard trimmer giving her a bikini line for the first time ever then she agreed to me shaving her lips & inner thigh
She still had thick ringlets of pubes all over & still the hairiest bush I’d ever seen
After trimming the long hair from her lips & thighs I started to wet shave it for total smoothness
By the time I had finished the shaving the alcohol had got the better of her & she had fallen asleep
With the trimmer still to hand I decided to seize the opportunity
The trimmer was about 1 inch wide so I thought I’d remove an extra inch from each side of the huge triangle
Still not content I decided to remove another inch from right across the top of her bush
Still not content her bush about 5 inches across at the top but the hair was still 4 inches long I grabbed a comb & pair of sisscors
As the comb ran through the hair it slowly unraveled her massive curls I sniped away about an inch of her hair the whole way over her pussy
It looked better but shaking with excitement I didn’t want to miss the his opportunity
It took several minutes to gain the composure but eventually I had decided to go even further I placed my trimmer on her already shaved lips I decided that fate should chose for me by flipping a coin I started the razor buzzing & flipped the coin heads it would remain & tales I would shave her as the coin landed on heads for remain something urged my hand forward until an inch wide strip was shaved straight up the middle of her once full bush
I knew I couldn’t stop so quickly I shaved the rest of her curls brushing the shorn hairs onto the towel
I have he applied shaving foam & finished the job by shaving her completely bald
I quickly gathered her massive pile of pubes to keep as a souvenir & cleaned away all the mess I pulled her panties back on then I climbed into bed to sleep until the morning
As we awoke the next day all was well even I thought it might have been a dream
That was until she went to the bathroom after taking a piss she rushed back shout what had happened to her bush
I simply told her she had agreed to letting me shave her I even said she had shaved a lot of it herself as I’d promised to give lots of oral if she did
At first she seem confused but then agreed saying she thinks she can remember what happened
I quickly changed the subject & began to eat her pussy she orgasmed loudly even squirting on my face we then fucked & because of her newly sensitive parts aha came again & again
Needless to say she likes the results that she now shaves every day but little does she know I have her big blonde bush as a keep sake
I can fully agree with what you say it's much nicer kissing a smooth pussy but also it feels better during sex.
Many of my girlfriends ask me to shave them a job that i enjoy, basically as you have outlined.
When the job is finished i can't help but kiss their beautiful pussy, they always taste delicious after especially when i suck their clitoris.
There is another aspect though and that is if they are smooth then in fairness then i too should be too.
In point of fact this isn't an issue as i am smooth and have been for 25 years it was done for reasons other than sexual but that was the big bonus.
I think it feels so much nicer when i sink into a nice tight wet pussy up to the hilt without a lot of hair getting in the way.
I have enjoyed reading your article and think that you are so right thank you and keep up the good work.
My wife has been shaving for several years. She does it because I enjoy performing cunnilingus on her. It would be a moment killer when I had to clear a stray hair from my throat. So she started shaving so the moment wouldn't pass.
Then she wanted me to shave so that she could lick my scrotum and the base of my penis. After I did, I understood why she kept shaving. Not having hair increases the sensitivity.
How do you tell what a lover likes best? It's my first time with someone and I've been debating on how to shave. How can you tell?
Very informative for those who do not believe in shaving the part that really requires clean up due to sweat and what not. Thanks...
We are an Indian couple in our late thirties. I am shaving my wife for about last 10 years. She removed her hair from her pussy first time at the time of our marriage, however she used hair removing cream. Later on I shave her regularly to keep her bald. I love to eat her bald and smooth pussy.
I shave it makes the sex better and I don't think he would enjoy a hairy pussy while eating me out . to be honest if I know I'll be seeing him I shave my Puss before I come over because shaving makes me horny a big dick inside of my hairless puss ready to he came on is amazing I just want a better shaving way and have questions about if you or anyone reading could email me thanks
My wife and I have been shaving for a long time. We shave very day. The skin gets conditioned to this and we've found that the smoothest shave comes with using mizani moisture fusion silk cream conditioner, it works great on your hair too. It absolutely makes the area more sensitive. She loves the attention I give her and it drives both of us crazy!
I love to shave my pussy for ME not for my man !!!!
I love its smoothness and softness it truly soft as a silk.
I love to masturbate often and I find a shaved pussy gets juicy and wet sooner than a hairy pussy.
I have never nor will I ever shave my pussy for a man.
Ladies shave your beautiful pussy and stroke it for pleasure sake and you will feel the ultimate feeling ever !!!!!