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Quaranteam: Blake's Seven Ch. 02

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Ruairi is joined by his second partner.
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An adjacent story in the Quaranteam universe.

Thanks go to CorruptingPower for letting me play in this universe, and a big shout out to the other spin-off authors, who are now getting rather numerous, for their help and encouragement.

Ruairi Blake is the cousin of Aisling Blake (partner of Andy Rook) and Dermot Blake her brother, characters in CorruptingPower's original Quaranteam stories.

Naimh O'Sullivan is the sister of Siobhan O'Sullivan from my own Quaranteam: Team Tim story.

Quaranteam: Blake's Seven

Chapter 2.

Monday, 24th August 2020

Rebecca came awake slowly to the feeling of euphoria deep within the core of her being, vividly remembering the life-changing experience of her bonding with Ruairi up until the point when she'd passed out. As Rebecca started to become aware of her other senses, she detected a unique and subtle aroma that made her smile, knowing that this was Ruairi's. Reaching out with her left hand, she gently touched Ruairi, a feeling of comfort washing over her just from the contact.

Other senses were starting to impinge on her consciousness, though, not the least the fullness of her bladder. Opening her eyes, Rebecca glanced over at the only light source that was currently illuminating the room, Ruairi's Sony clock-radio alarm, which was indicating a current time of 04:23. Rebecca couldn't remember the exact time that they'd entered the bedroom together, but put it somewhere between 11 o'clock and noon the previous day, which would indicate that she'd been asleep for around 16 hours.

Her need to visit the toilet was becoming an imperative, and so Rebecca rolled to the side of the bed and stood up. She could now sense that Ruairi was further away from her and found this to be mildly unnerving for some reason. Also, she was naked. Crossing the room to where Ruairi's clothes had been piled, she quickly found his worn tee shirt and pulled it on over her head. Grabbing the front of his shirt in both of her hands, she brought it up to her nose and inhaled deeply, the unmistakable smell of 'him' calming her.

Rebecca found her pink holdall and took it with her to the bathroom. As she left the bedroom and entered the living area on her way to the bathroom, Rebecca couldn't fail to notice that her possessions, which had been widely strewn about after having been brought in from her car the previous day, had all been cleared away. After using the loo and brushing her teeth, Rebecca slipped into the shower, something that required her to remove Ruairi's tee shirt, unfortunately.

Showered, dried and dressed in clean panties, shorts and Ruairi's tee shirt and with her hair in a towel turban, Rebecca needed to address the next of her senses that was causing her concern; she was ravenous. It was a long time since her last meal, the breakfast she'd cooked for Ruairi and herself the previous day, and since then her body had been through a major change even if there were no visible changes of note. Having been informed of the possibility of a regen during her imprinting, she'd checked herself over thoroughly in the shower but found the few scars that she'd collected over her lifetime to be all present and correct.

Rebecca set about seeing what Ruairi had available in the kitchen. In the breadbin on the counter, she found the remains of the seeded sourdough loaf she'd brought with her and dropped two slices into the toaster before putting the kettle on to boil.

Five minutes later, Rebecca was sitting on the sofa in the living area with two slices of toast and marmalade and a mug of tea. Looking around, she wondered where all her things had been put as she could only see her wheelie case tucked away near Ruairi's computer rig while a couple of her coats were now hanging on hooks near the front door to the apartment.

Having finished her snack and drunk her tea, Rebecca placed the dirty crockery on the counter near the sink and set out to find her missing things, eventually discovering them tucked away in a largeish closet, the remainder of her coats hung up on hooks that were probably provided for out-of-season outerwear.

Feeling clean and somewhat replete, Rebecca rinsed out her mouth and returned to the bedroom. Slipping off her shorts, she crawled into the bed and luxuriated in the feeling that being close to Ruairi gave her, a feeling that increased dramatically when she first touched him. As she snuggled up beside him, a sense of peace settled over and she was asleep within minutes.

= = = = = = =

Ruairi slowly came awake to a feeling unlike any other he'd experienced while waking up, that of something warm and wet slowly sliding up and down the rigidity of his morning wood. Opening his eyes, he looked up to see Rebecca wearing his previous day's tee shirt slowly sliding up and down his manhood, her legs spread wide so as to not touch him.

"Ah feck, you're awake!" Rebecca exclaimed. "I was wanting to see if I could get you off before you woke up."

"Then I apologise for waking up," Ruairi replied, looking at the juncture between their bodies where Rebecca's panties were being held to one side. "You're welcome to try again in the future, though," he added. Looking further up, Ruairi watched in awe as Rebecca's nipples pushed at the front of his tee shirt, the two points jiggling up and down with her movements.

"I intend to," Rebecca promised, as she started to speed up. "But by then, I'll probably be sharing you with the others, so I won't get an opportunity like this again after tomorrow."

Ruairi just stared up at Rebecca, watching the emotions pass across her face. She looked down at Ruairi and their eyes locked. Rebecca was moving faster and Ruairi could sense that she was getting close. Less than a minute later, Rebecca sat down hard on Ruairi and started quivering as her orgasm began to consume her. The feeling of her cunt walls rhythmically squeezing his cock set Ruairi off and, thrusting up hard, he unloaded within her.

The effect on Rebecca was instantaneous. Her eyes closed and her head went back. Throwing her arms out wide, she gave a strangled scream of "Ruairi." Ruairi half expected Rebecca to be surrounded by a crackling aura of power as if the quickening took her.

"Feck, the feeling of you coming inside me is just so intense," Rebecca stated, when she'd regained some composure. "I don't think it will ever get old."

"Well, we've the rest of our lives to find out," Ruairi replied.

Ruairi felt himself starting to go soft, which he knew Rebecca must also feel. Rebecca's response was to swiftly pull off him, tugging the crotch of her panties back into position before rolling over to lie next to him on her back. Elevating her hips, she exclaimed "Now let's get your swimmers to where they need to go."

Ruairi was taken aback by this. They'd not spoken about it, but he'd assumed that Rebecca would be on the pill and that children would be a subject for the future, not for today.

"You're wanting to get pregnant?" Ruairi enquired.

"Aye, and as quickly as I can," Rebecca answered. "So many have died, Ruairi, and it'll be up to us survivors to bring forth new life to replace them."

Ruairi rolled over and went to kiss Rebecca, only to be pushed back as she dropped down onto the bed, pushing her hand against his chest. "Oh no you don't, Ruairi. A wake-up fuck is fantastic, but kissing must wait until teeth have been brushed."

Rolling to the side of the bed and standing up, Ruairi almost pitched forward as he tried to take a step, his loungewear shorts having slid down to his ankles from where Rebecca had pulled them to gain access to his cock. Deciding that modesty was definitely overrated at this point, Ruairi picked them up and tossed them into the hamper before striding naked to the bedroom door.

Nearly half an hour later, Ruairi and Rebecca were both dressed and sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee after having enjoyed their second breakfast together.

"What do you want to do today?" Ruairi enquired, looking at Rebecca over his coffee mug.

"What do I want to do or what do we need to do?" she replied, having just taken a sip of her own coffee.

"Both, maybe," Ruairi answered, putting his empty mug down and sitting back.

"What I want to do is to fuck you all day, or at least until I'm so sore I can't," Rebecca exclaimed, also putting her mug down and leaning back, mirroring Ruairi. "But what I think we need to do first is to see what food you have here and whether we need to order more to keep us going for the next few days. Don't forget that Ciara will be arriving at some point tomorrow."

"I've not forgotten," Ruairi replied. "Nor that we're supposed to be moving to Emma's on Thursday."

"That's true," Rebecca offered. "Do you think you've got enough here, then, to cover the few days until we move?"

"Let's see, shall we?" Ruairi said, standing up and moving over to the fridge.

It took the two of them about ten minutes to inventory everything that Ruairi had in the cupboards, fridge and freezer and to work out a rough meal plan for the following days until they were due to move. Although there were a few things that it would be sensible to order, such as eggs, milk and bread, there was definitely not enough to warrant a supermarket delivery. Instead, Rebecca texted the few items to Ciara, receiving a 'thumb's up' and a reply that she could cover them.

"What's next?" Ruairi enquired.

"Can I look at your computer?" Rebecca asked. "I'll need to work over the next few days and it would be easier if I could sit at your desk to do it. I've brought my laptop, but the screen is quite small."

"What exactly is it that you do, Rebecca," Ruairi quizzed her. "I know that you're an accountant, but really don't know what that entails."

"Well," Rebecca began. "For the last couple of years, I've been working as a forensic accountant. It's my job to look at the accounts of companies and individuals to discover if there have been any financial irregularities and whether these are sufficient to warrant prosecuting. For the last few months, the company I work for has been contracted by our government to investigate the various large overseas companies that have been given government subsidies and loans to see whether there have been instances of misappropriation, embezzlement or, in the extreme, straight forward theft. More recently, I've been looking at those companies that are defaulting on their commitments to see whether there are grounds for our government to seize their assets."

"So companies like Equinix," Ruairi enquired.

"Yeah, what do you know of them?" Rebecca asked him.

"I worked for them," Ruairi replied. "Worked being the operative word. I understand that they're defaulting on their repayments."

"I shouldn't really say anything, but their case is open and shut," she confided. "Unless they're extremely lucky, they'll be losing their datacentres here in Ireland very soon."

Ruairi couldn't stop the smile forming on his face.

Leading her across to his computer rig, Ruairi switched it on and bade her sit down. Within minutes, she'd connected to her company's servers and, after the security on Ruairi's machine had been verified, was allowed to access her work. Very soon, Rebecca had different documents up in four of the screens and her reporting document open in a fifth. Sitting back after a few minutes, she let out a long breath.

"Wow," she exclaimed. "Having six large screens sure makes a difference. On my laptop I've had to switch back and forth between different documents as I collect the evidence and compare different sources of data. With this, I'll be able to do things a lot faster."

"I'm not sure I'll be able to take it to Emma's," Ruairi observed. "We'll just have to see. Her rig is good, but I don't know how many screens she has. Plus, it's hers so you'll have to ask her whether you can use it."

"Yeah, that's true," Rebecca agreed. "But until we move, you'll let me use this?"

"Definitely," Ruairi stated. "I've a vested interest as there's a possibility of a job in it for me."

Just then, Rebecca's phone beeped with a sound that Ruairi hadn't heard before. Looking at it, Rebecca stated "My boss wants to know why I'm logged on. Apparently, I've been granted two days of paid leave for reasons he doesn't understand, so I don't need to log back in until Wednesday."

Turning to Ruairi after shutting down the different documents and letting Ruairi turn off his computer, Rebecca asked "So what is this about a job for you?"

"Well, I worked for Equinix, but was laid off soon after the start of the lockdown. Someone recently mentioned that should they default, there'd probably be a job for me in the new Irish company set up to manage the seized assets."

"Wow!" Rebecca exclaimed. "I'd better do my job thoroughly, then."

"Does this cause you a conflict of interests?" Ruairi enquired.

"No, you're not listed as part of the current or previous management for any of the companies I'm investigating. The fact that you've worked for one of the companies in the past as an employee is unimportant and anything that may happen in the future is, as yet, unknown," Rebecca stated. "Except, that is, that we're going to have a lot of sex," she added, with a grin.

Ruairi could only laugh at this as Rebecca approached, wrapping her arms around him and moulding her body to his. Leaning her head back slightly, Rebecca put a hand behind Ruairi's head and pulled him down into a kiss. His arms wrapped around her instinctively and for the next minute or so, their lips remained locked in a kiss that gained in intensity as time passed.

Eventually, they surfaced for air and as their bodies separated slightly, Rebeca's hand started slowly massaging Ruairi's crotch. His cock, which had already started to stiffen from the kiss, reacted as per the manual, gaining more rigidity and was becoming uncomfortable within the confines of his cargo shorts.

"Now let's set this beast free and get on with the sex," Rebecca urged, her hands starting to unfasten his shorts. "I want to feel you inside me in so many ways. Yesterday was intense but it wasn't all that long before the lights went out. Today I want to enjoy everything from a long slow screw to a fast and furious fuck and be able to luxuriate in the afterglow."

Ruairi stepped out of his shorts after they fell down to his ankles and started leading Rebecca towards the bedroom, but she resisted, instead quickly stripping off and moving to lie over the arm of the sofa, her pussy pointing towards him.

Ruairi was now as naked as Rebecca and, stepping up behind her, slowly sheathed his cock in her tight, warm and well-lubricated channel.

"Yesss. Oh feck, yesss," Rebecca crooned. "That's it. Now pound me, Ruairi."

Taking a handful of Rebecca's long chestnut brown hair, Ruairi started to slowly and forcefully pull back and push into her, their bodies meeting with an audible slap each time their bodies collided.

"Feck, Ruairi, that feels so good. So deep," Rebecca declared, her voice attesting to her state of arousal.

Rebecca's pussy was hard against the arm of the sofa and with every thrust, her clit was being scraped across the coarse fabric. In short order, she was breathing hard and the sounds emanating from her mouth were incomprehensible as speech. Ruairi was still stroking into her at a reasonably slow pace when her first orgasm consumed her, her body convulsing in rapture as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her. Rebecca's pussy started to rhythmically contract and relax, making her tighter but Ruairi was able to keep ploughing her furrow as she was so well lubricated. Ruairi increased his pace but still hitting the same depth with each thrust as a second, followed by a third orgasm claimed Rebecca. It wasn't until her third orgasm had crested and had subsided slightly that Ruairi unloaded within her, having to let go of her hair and hold onto her hips with both hands to stop himself falling.

The effect on Rebecca's body from the forceful introduction of Ruairi's cum was spectacular as she achieved an orgasm a magnitude greater than those she'd just experienced, expelling all of the remaining air from her lungs in one deep guttural moan. Collapsing onto the sofa as Ruairi released her hair, Rebecca's body continued to quake for a long while after Ruairi was spent.

Ruairi, for his part, was also breathing hard and remained standing behind Rebecca, his cock still lodged inside her as he supported himself leaning against her bum, his hands still holding her hips.

As her orgasm receded and her conscious mind resurfaced, a shiver ran through Rebecca's body. Slowly, she pushed up and, as the angle of her body changed, Ruairi's softening cock slipped from her pussy, quickly followed by a large dollop of their combined juices. Pushing herself up to standing, Rebecca turned and threw her arms around Ruairi, enjoying the feeling of his body against hers and inhaling the unique aroma that was Ruairi mingled with the stronger smells of their recent sex.

"Feck, Ruairi, you've really done a number on me when all's said and done," Rebecca informed him. "That was one of the most intense experiences of my life. I thought that at twenty-nine, I'd have felt all there was to feel during sex, but that was insane, even before the big one."

Ruairi moved to sit down on the sofa with Rebecca sitting on his lap, her arms still around his neck. Ruairi's arms naturally went around her waist as she laid her head on his shoulder. They sat there for quite a while, comfortable in their silence and just enjoying the closeness of their bodies. Eventually, though, the sweat from their exertions began to cool sufficiently that even though it was a nice summer's day outside, they began to feel a bit chilly.

"Come on, we'd better move," Ruairi prompted Rebecca. "I don't know about you, but I'm getting cold and I'm definitely feeling sticky as well."

Rebecca turned her head to look at Ruairi, her face expressing her feelings about having to move. "If we must," she deadpanned, before standing up with a sound not unlike Velcro as their bodies became unglued. Taking his hand, Rebecca started pulling Ruairi towards the bathroom.

The apartment's bathroom wasn't very big which extended to the shower cubicle, although it was big enough for the two of them ... just. With a lot of contortions, not the least to retrieve their respective bottles of shower gel, they managed to wash each other. Towards the end, Ruairi was amazed to find that he was back to full mast, which was proving to be just another thing to get in the way as they manoeuvred in the small cubicle.

As Ruairi was turning off the water, Rebecca gave his cock a loving stroke. "They weren't exaggerating," she exclaimed.

"About what?" Ruairi enquired, waiting for Rebecca to exit the shower enclosure so he could follow her out.

"The pamphlet that we were given to read implied that partnered men would experience increased stamina and a reduced refractory period, basically be ready to go again sooner," Rebecca explained, whilst stepping out of the shower cubicle. "Looking at you, I can see that at least the second part appears to be true. And there was also the suggestion that both will improve as you get more women partnered to you. What you're going to be like when you're fucking all seven of us will be interesting to see. If you've not seen it, I've got my copy somewhere."

"He might be ready to go another round already, but the rest of me definitely isn't," Ruairi commented, taking a bath towel and handing it to Rebecca before taking another and starting to dry himself. "What I need now, after we get dried, is something to eat and drink. A slice or two of toast with marmalade and a glass of orange juice wouldn't go amiss right now."

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