by CorruptingPower
All that sex talking from Melody and in the middle "you beautiful bald bastard" 😅😅. Another great instalment but wonder and concerned about Andy. 5⛤
So is she a sleeper agent all along, just some hold over from her family history? And what is up with that oddness at the very end? I so want to have the next installment immediately, just to find out what is going on with the double cliff hanger. LOVE YOUR WORK 5 stars only because I can give no more on this forum..
Was really hoping the talk with Emily would be in this chapter. Thanks for sharing another chapter.
Got a small nit to pick about this series. I understand that you are busy, and you have a bunch of other series to maintain. However, the amount of new material you publish on this series is very lacking. I'm talking quantity, not quality. There are 4642477 characters, most of which don't get any screen time. And when you do put something out, it's only a couple pages that advance the story by maybe 10 minutes (like this chapter) . I am enjoying the story and will keep reading it, but could we maybe get some longer chapters that have a bit more content?
Niko isn't a traitor; she just also (like Emily) sometimes keeps secrets from Andy. It appears that Melody has been, in some way, "encoded" by some Russian source. I think that when everyone wakes up, there will need to be a major conference of Andy and the fiancees...but only after Niko and Melody play a game of solitaire or two.
I don't find the russian word particularly ominous. The reassignment serum was coded up in Russian is all.
As for Niko? She didn't tell Andy about the cocoons until one of Andy's partners was cocooning. There must be some benign reaction when a man achieves an absurdly high number of partners. Under the circumstances, it's likely Andy's getting a powerup.
The most fun here is Melody's sexuality. She said Andy could have her military records, but did not mention her oracle survey. Did she even get to do one, or did Covington offer her a job without caring about her personality? I think she has a submissive streak deeply embedded in her psyche, hence why she was able to follow Niko's order to talk dirty to Andy.
To save everyone a search in the future, "кодировка" translates as "encoding", certainly a synonym for imprinting, which would have been "импринтинг". Very curious.. fantastic work as always Corrupting.
A Russian word first, how interesting, what comes next l wonder?
Another great chapter to a great story l’m just loving it.
This is definitely one of my favorite stories. The anticipation of how the individual characters respond to changes as the harem grows and Andy's handling of each situation leads staying up with each new chapter. Others have taken your theme but fall short of maintaining fascination to the plat that you build. Looking forward to each new chapter and seeing how the plot develops. Thank you for such an interesting story.
I'm sure Melody is going to work out . GR8 chapter . All well said below .
Honestly I'm hoping this work outs. But I'm worried because of the Russian that is mixed in with Mel's implanting process. That I'm wondering what kind of bloody power up Andy is about to get.
How about another Quaranteam story located in New Zealand where because of isolation and effective quarantining, neither COVID or DuoHalo have taken hold. Only possibility for building a harem in NZ would be by importing innoculated women from Australia (3 hours flying time), Hawaii or Bali (8.5 or 9.5 hours) or LAX or Singapore (almost 11hours). Should be a bit of tension in the air with those times....
Also there would be a few thousand men who who be happy to do the return trip...
It looks like everyone needs to be careful what he says to a woman being reimprinted -- maybe also to any woman in a similar state of sexual incoherancy. The order to "talk dirty" seems to have taken hold like a post-hyonotic suggestion, that the woman in need must follow whether she likes it or not. That's not something that a man like Andy would feel comfortable with.
What the heck?!? Is this a new variant or is she a Russian sleeper agent? Seems as if Niko wasn’t surprised by this development. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.