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Quaranteam Ch. 01-10


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Aisling giggled a little bit, and reached behind her, grabbing a tube of lubricant, handing it down to Lauren. Andy peeled his shirt off and felt Lauren's hands prying his jeans open, nearly ripping them down his legs. It wasn't until she'd gotten them down there that she realized he was still wearing his shoes from having walked out to the mailbox earlier.

"Oh, you useless cunt, girl," Lauren said to herself. "Forgot to get his runners off."

He certainly didn't go easy on her, and she certainly seemed to enjoy herself.

Niko had slipped into bed with them an hour or so later, and the four of them drifted off to sleep. But it wasn't going to be a long and restful night for Andy.

There was a knock on the door in the middle of the night. Aisling and Lauren were on his left and Niko was on his right, so he only had to move past her to get to the door. He saw her stir a little when he crawled out of bed, but he was able to avoid disturbing her too much. He pulled on a pair of boxers, tugged on a t-shirt and opened the door to his room to see Eric and Lily standing outside.

Eric curled his fingers at Andy to come out of his room. Andy nodded and stepped out into the hallway, then followed Eric and Lily downstairs to the living room.

"Andy, we," Lily started, then paused, then started again, "I need your help."

"Help?" Andy said, looking over at Eric. "What kind of help can I provide? I'm a writer, for fuck sake."

"My roommate, well, my former roommate... she was given the vaccine, but..." Lily motioned for Andy to sit on the couch, so he did. "Look, Jenny's a nice girl. She's a little naive, and occasionally she's a bit daft, but she's a nice girl. She wasn't prepared for this."

"Prepared for what?" Andy said. "What's happening?"

"They delivered her to the man who was supposed to be her partner, and he took a swing at her, said he wanted to put her in her place before he'd let her have a taste of his seed. He tried to hit her, the fucking bastard. But Jenny's been studying aikido since she was six, and she broke his arm defending herself and ran. Even as horny as she was, she wasn't going to let someone push her around. So she fled and she's in hiding, and I can't let that stand, so we need to go and get her."

"Go get her? Go and get her? And do what with her?"

"I don't know, alright?" Lily said, raising her voice for a second. "I'm thinking we can take her to one of my coworkers and pair them up."

"Isn't the government doing match ups? Aren't they going to be pissed that she isn't with who she's supposed to be?"

"Look at me, Andy," Lily said, pointing her fingertips at her eyes. "Do I look like I give a shit what the government thinks? They didn't even do a proper check on the guy they were connecting her to. They paired her up with some abusive asshole with a history of violence towards partners. That isn't going to fly, okay?"

"Let's go get her, and then we can figure out what to do with her, okay?" Eric suggested.

"I'm sure one of us is going to regret this," Andy said, heading back upstairs to grab his socks and shoes.

Before the plague had hit, even at three in the morning, there would've been at least a few cars on the road, but now, everyone was staying at home nearly all the time, which meant the freeway felt like a ghost town. That was for the best, because despite it not raining that much in the Bay Area, tonight it was pouring like a flood was coming. And people in the Bay were terrible drivers in the rain.

It wasn't a short drive, and after a bit, Andy started to get a bit nervous. "How far up into the hills are we going, Lily? We're more than half way up to San Francisco at this point."

"She's up here in Hillsborough, camped out in someone's vacant house since she fled from the asshole. I'm more worried that the cops have shown up to haul her ass to jail."

"Or us," Eric said. ""They're gonna arrest us for being out under curfew."

"Quit whining, baby," Lily said to him. "Right up there, on the left, 2885." There were in a very posh neighborhood in Hillsborough, with mansions on either side of them. There was plenty of space in between the houses, something that was mostly at a premium in the Bay. "You wait here with the engine running, Andy, in case we have to to bolt quickly. Eric and I will be right back with her."

Lily and Eric hopped out of the car, closing the doors and heading over to the house, and left Andy to wait. A minute or so later, a helicopter flew overhead, low and with a spotlight shining down, but it was off to the side and the beam of light cut through some back yard three or four streets over. Andy wasn't sure if they were looking for Lily's friend Jenny or not, but he hoped the police had other things on their mind.

The wait was nearly unbearable.

After ten minutes, Eric and Lily came back out of the house, a third person between them, hanging on, covered in a blanket it looked like had probably been stolen from whatever house she'd been hiding in.

Eric held open the door and Lily loaded the woman into Andy's back seat before Lily ushered the girl into the car, crawling in after her as Eric slid into the front passenger's seat. "I think the cops are close, Andy," Lily hissed at him. "Fucking drive already!"

As soon as both doors slammed shut, Andy's foot was off the brake and the car was in motion. It was hard to look back behind him, but after a few blocks he had to stop at a red light and glanced over his shoulder as he had to wait, and saw a familiar face resting her head in Lily's lap.

"Jesus Lily, you didn't say your roommate was Jenny Carnero!"

"Who's Jenny Carnero?" Eric asked.

"She's the goddamn weather forecaster for channel 2."

"How the hell would you know that?" Lily asked. "Neither of you strike me as Fox News watchers."

"It's the only thing they had on over at 24 Hour Fitness when I went to work out, so I saw her all the time."

"It was a job, Andy," Lily said. "I also didn't expect you to hold a grudge."

"It's not that, Lily," Andy sighed. "She's going to be noticed missing. It's not like she's somebody we can just keep hidden without people knowing where she is. The minute she goes into work, the guy she's supposed to be with will know where to fucking find her, and that means they'll come for her."

"By that point, she'll already be imprinted on someone, so it won't fucking matter," Lily growled. "And it won't be that asshole who tried to hit her."

The girl whimpered, her head squirming in Lily's lap. "Lily," she whined, "Lily, it hurts. Need cock."

"Soon, Jenny, soon. It won't be long."

"Not long, NOW," Jenny said, her voice starting to sound almost violent. "Give cock."

"Oh shit, her nose is bleeding," Eric said, his eyes back on Jenny's face. "Just pull over and Andy can fuck her."

"Excuse me, but I've already got three girls, and supposedly one more on the way. Why don't you fuck her?"

"Because Lily says I can't."

"Andy, stop the car," Lily said. "Eric, get back here."

"But you said..."

"I know what I fucking said, you little shit, but I'll have to fucking learn to deal with it, won't I? Get back here and let her suck you off while Andy's driving us home."

Andy brought the car to a stop at the next red light, and Lily swapped places with Eric. As soon as Eric was sitting in the back seat, Jenny was practically ripping his pants off, fishing out his cock before slamming her mouth down on it.

"Lily, are you sure about this?" Eric said, nervousness apparent in his voice.

"Give it to her, Eric. She and I were good friends, we will be again. It'll just be an adjustment."

Andy kept his eyes pointing forward for the rest of the drive as Eric got blown in his back seat.

Chapter 9

The next day Andy was struggling to figure out a plan. He'd been running it around in his head for hours, trying to see some easy way through this, but he kept coming back to the same inevitable point - he needed Phil's help.

God, he was tired of having to ask Phil for help.

"You're vexed, Andy," Niko said to him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

He'd been sitting at his desk, and he looked back over his shoulder to her. "How can you tell?"

"You've been looking at that computer screen for almost an hour and haven't typed a word, babe," she said, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. "That's vexed. We haven't been together long, but I recognize when you're vexed. I do the same, when I'm thinking very hard about something. I stare and I fret, while I'm vexed."

"You seem rather like a badass, Niko. You sure you're going to be okay, being saddled with a square like me?"

She laughed. It was a sound he was quickly learning to love, confident and yet still somehow a little cheeky. "You've been keeping this house together despite all the chaos. That doesn't seem square to me."

"You know I'm like a dozen years your elder, right?"

"I won't tell anyone if you won't. So how can I help? What are you vexed by?"

"Last night, our little voyage out, we brought back a new girl for Eric. She's Lily's former roommate. She was supposed to be with someone else, but apparently the man she was paired up with has a history of domestic abuse, and so Lily insisted we rescue her and paired her up with Eric so no one could pull her away."

"So you're trying to figure out how to tell the government about how she's paired up with someone different? What makes you think they're even going to notice?"

"She's a weather reporter on one of the local news stations, so people are going to notice. I think I've got a solution, but I just hate to do it. I feel like I'm always leaning on this friend to help us out."

"Oh? Someone you've told me about?"

"Phil. I've mentioned him. In fact, you should probably meet Phil. I'm just tired of constantly asking him for help."

"Do you really ask him for help a bunch, or does it just feel like it and you're overreacting?" she grinned.

"Probably the latter, but it doesn't always feel like that." Andy grabbed his phone and loaded up the Signal messenger app. He and Phil used it to keep their communication private. -Meet up in an hour at the usual spot?-

Almost immediately he got a response. -Make it 2.-

"Okay, looks like I've got a meeting set up. Phil's been our man on the inside for this whole pandemic. He works for a company that contracts for the military, and while he can't tell us exact details about what's going on, he can help paint in some of the corners. Phil'll know how to get all this sorted out."

"How long have you two known each other?"

"Nearly 20 years? He's good people. Why don't you come with me?"

"Sure, lemme go throw some pants on."

A couple hours later, Andy and Niko had headed back to the park to meet up with Phil, who didn't bring Audrey with him. He was dressed wrapped in head to toe, much like he was the last time, a mask over his face and goggles over his eyes, with a ballcap pulled down over his jet black hair. Andy was dressed much the same. Niko didn't feel the need to wear goggles, and had her hair drawn back into a ponytail. Phil kept a good distance from them, pushing his vape pen behind his mask to take a drag from it, then tugged the mask down briefly to blow out a cloud of vapor into the air. "So what's the 911 call about, Andy?"

"First, let me introduce you -"

"2nd Lieutenant Redwolf," Phil said, cutting him off.

"Mr. Marcos," Niko replied. "Didn't know your name was Phil."

"I'm surprised you even remember me, Redwolf. You were pretty out of it when I sort nudged you towards Andy."

Andy cocked his head. "You sent her my way?"

"She's part of our tribe, Andy. Geek cred through and through, and I figured it wouldn't hurt to have her kept in the family, so I just made a connection in the system. She had decent odds to end up with you anyway, but why take a chance, right?"

"Guess I owe you one then, Mr. Marcos," Niko said.

Phil swiped his hand in the air. "Then I'll call in that favor to insist you never, ever call me Mr. Marcos unless we're at work. Deal?"

"I can make that promise."

"This what you called me about, Andy?" Phil said, finally stepping a little further back, pulling off his mask so he could just continually draw from the vape pen.

"Nah. I've got a bigger problem. So Eric's picked up a runaway."

Phil frowned a little bit. "How do you mean?"

"So Eric's partner, Lily. She had a roommate before the whole pandemic, name of Jenny. Now apparently Jenny was set up with some guy."

"That's how it works, Andy."

"I get that, Phil. But it turns out the guy she was set up with was some kind of domestic abuser."

"Wait, what?" Phil scowled. "That sort of thing should've shown up before he got paired up with anyone."

"I dunno. Maybe it didn't get reported before, maybe this was his first time and he was trying it on. But before Jenny could get imprinted on him, he tried to take a swing at her."

"Fuck. She okay?"

"She's got some self-defense training, so she got away from the guy unscathed and went into hiding."

"You get the guy's name?"

"I can have Eric send it to you. But that's not the big concern. The big concern is that once we rescued her, she imprinted onto Eric. And she's a talking head."

"Shit," Phil said, taking another drag. "News?"


Phil swiped a hand back in the air again. "Send me her name. I'll get it taken care of. Don't even trip about it. That's the least of our problems right now."

"Shit getting bad, sir, I mean Phil?" Niko asked.

"You have no idea."

"How bad?" Andy asked.

"We're looking at ten to twenty before it's all done."

"Ten to twenty million people dead? Jesus!"

"No, percent. We're talking ten to twenty percent of America dead, mostly men. We're guessing it'll end up around sixty million dead before the vaccine's in full effect in the middle of next year." Phil took a heavy drag, and the news hung in the air like a guillotine's blade. "The news is going to break any day now how fatal the new mutation of the virus is getting, and then everything'll be crazy. The army's going to be deployed here on US soil and martial law's going to go into effect. President Pelosi's at least been quick about it, and she's bunkered down. News hasn't broken yet, but the orange gooomba died on the operating table a couple of hours ago. Looks like milquetoast will be next in a couple of days."

"Forty or fifty million men dead? That's nearly half of the male population!" Niko said. "How the hell are we going to recover from that?"

"We're going to have to pair up a lot more women with the remaining men, and encourage them to have a whole shitload of kids," Phil sighed. "But even with that, it's going to be a fucking mess for a generation. Which reminds me, when you go home, I want you to start packing up your things."

"Packing?" Andy asked. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, start figuring out the absolute minimum you would need to take with you if you had to leave in a hurry, and then get anything that might take a few minutes packed up. Anything else, just have it at the ready."

"Should I be worried?"

"Nah, but it wouldn't hurt to be a little prepared."

"What's happening, Phil?"

"I can't tell you that yet, but the world's gonna keep on changing, and it doesn't hurt to be ready for it."

"Yeah, okay."

"You'll actually be very happy after it happens, man. Trust me."

"If you say so."

"Trust Big Daddy Phil."

Andy rolled his eyes. "I trust you about as far as I can throw you, and that ain't very far."

"You'll see." His watch beeped and Phil turned it up to look at it. "I gotta get back into the office. Send me Eric's new girl's name and the guy she was supposed to be hooked up with, and I'll make a few edits into the system."

"You know Phil, there are days it feels like you're seriously into some black bag shit."

"Only some days?" Phil said, taking one final drag off his vape pen before blowing a huge cloud up and into the air. It smelled vaguely of cinnamon buns, Andy noted. "Then I gotta up my game again. I'll see you soon, brother." He pulled his mask back up and headed back to his car.

Andy and Niko watched him go, stretching out a little bit. "So you worked with Phil, huh?" Andy asked her.

Her face scrunched up a little. "I was part of their security detail until I got exposed to the virus and then got quarantined. When the symptoms started to get severe, they used us as test cases for vaccinations and tried to pair us off. They were having trouble finding someone to match me with, based on my stated preferences before I got drugged."

Andy smirked a little behind his mask. "I knew I wasn't exactly what you were looking for."

"You're a little older than I initially wanted, Andy, but I don't have any complaints now that I'm with you. I was also a bit leery about sharing a partner with anyone, but it seems like that's going to be SOP moving forward."


"Standard Operating Procedure. If Mr. Mar- if Phil's right about those casualty numbers, they're going to have to pair up a LOT of women to individual men. I bet you're going to get a bunch more than just the one more you're expecting."

"Jesus, that's a whole lot of personalities to keep in balance," Andy grumbled. "I dunno if I'm up to that."

"You don't have to do it alone, stupidhead," she teased. "You've got Ash and me to help manage the cavalcade of women you're going to be saddled with. We'll try and keep everyone from killing one another and manage your time, although we're definitely going to have to continue getting you into better shape."

"Lauren's started in on that, but frankly, I probably need to eat better."

"And cut down on the soda. You've got a full nest to look after."

"This scares the shit out of me," he sighed, leaning his back against a tree. "You know that, right?"

Niko strolled over to him, a coy playfulness to her stride, as she moved close. "I know how to relax you."

Andy arched an eyebrow beneath the goggles. "What, here?"

"Who's going to see?"

"We're in a public park, Niko!"

"Ask me if I give a fuck," she said, as she dropped down to her knees, nuzzling her face against the crotch of his jeans.

"Alright," he laughed, "Niko, do you give a fffff-"

His sentence was cut off as she pressed her mouth down along the length of his cock until the head of it was pressed against the back of her throat. She held it there for a good moment, long enough that he could feel her suppressing her gag reflex, straining back tears before she drew her head back and gasped in a deep breath of air. A playful giggle rolled from her lips, saliva dripping from them. "No sir, I fucking do not. But the faster you give me what I want, the faster we can go home," she said, moving to kiss at his balls, suckling on his nuts for a moment before moving her lips back to wrap around the head of his dick. "Now hold my hair back and fuck my face."

Andy reached down and grabbed her silky ponytail with one hand, the other moving to curl his fingers against the back of her head as he pushed her face back down onto his cock. In response, she let out a wanton moan onto his cock, her hands reaching back to grab his ass, helping push her lips down to the base of his shaft, his balls pressing right against her chin.

His hand holding her ponytail pulled her back, sliding her lips back to the head of his cock before pushing her face back down again, feeling her fingernails sinking into his jeans a bit more in response. He could swear he saw her hips thrusting forward beneath him, her legs spread wide, her knees almost pressed to the inside of his ankles.

The pace quickened, as he thrust forward into her face while tugging her down onto each shove, whimpers that sounded delighted shivering across his skin between the sloppy sounds. He finally pulled her head back, letting her pop her head off his cock, just in case she wanted to tell him to stop, tell him she'd changed her mind, or whatever. Instead, she turned her eyes up to him. "Don't fucking stop. Fuck my face. Gimme that load of hot cum right against the back of my fucking throat. Please?" Her brown eyes were peering up at him as she licked her lips, and he could feel her struggling to try and lean even closer to him.

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