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Quaranteam: Off the Grid Ch. 11-13


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An eyebrow went up as he interrupted. "I can understand the idea that you're going for, Ms Weaver. But why am I here if this is a sanctuary for women? And why was I violently kidnapped and my partner left for dead?"

Weaver shook her head. He was getting the feeling that this speech was not only practiced, but that it was as much for the women behind her as it was for him. "My girls were under orders to use non-lethal force only. For the last three millennia men have run everything. Often enough they have run everything into the ground. So we have come together to force a... change in management. Pelosi is a radical but she isn't a radical in the right ways."

Her eyes tracked to the man on the other bed. Something in her expression raised Colin's hackles. "Some men may need a lesson in the way things are going to be."

Her dark eyes latched back onto Colin. "I trust that you will not be one of them, Mr Sullivan?"

Hazel eyes met dark and neither one blinked. Colin decided to risk a wry smile. "While I appreciate your position with all that, Ms Weaver, you never answered exactly what me 'being protected' consists of. Am I going to be locked in this room until the pandemic ends? Are you going to install bunk beds so that more men can be stuffed in here? Are you going to whip me or shock me into submission?"

He managed to keep a level tone through that but the women in the back were still bristling. Maybe it hadn't been as reasonable a tone as he had hoped. Ms Weaver was looking at him with an entirely new expression. "That may be fit for some of the men we bring here." Her eyes flickered to his roommate and back before continuing, "But for you? I think that we will have a different fate. How much do you know about the Quaranteam vaccine?"

The implications of her look and that specific question short circuited his brain for a moment. He shifted mental gears and realized what a verbal minefield he was figuratively standing in. "Enough to know that you probably don't want an audience to have that discussion. And also that whomever that is you tossed on the bed doesn't seem to have had the answers you were looking for."

Weaver smoothed her skirt with her hands which was the first fidget or break in her affect that he had seen so far. She stepped in closer to him. Her voice went low, pitched so that he would be the only one that could hear her. "Hayes here injected herself with this miracle vaccine yesterday before you and Colonel Flannery there arrived. She volunteered to bond with you so that I can see the process in action and decide if I will participate. What I need from you is to know what this man or any other has been doing with this Quaranteam vaccine."

Colin couldn't help it. He had never met the man in person but the stories from Grace and the other women up at Deer Park had made it clear just what a misogynistic idiot Flannery was. He looked at the battered Colonel and choked off a curse. Weaver and the women behind her certainly didn't miss the expression. Weaver's eyebrows shot up. "Ah. So you know the name but not the face then. Interesting. Tell me, Mr Sullivan, since you won't talk about the serum, what is it that you know of our other guest?"

It wasn't a smart choice. Frankly it was petty and probably a bit sociopathic. Colin told her about what had happened to Grace and how he had met her. The faux-pleasant tone that Weaver had been sending his direction died under the information he provided. Several of the guards were unconsciously hefting their weapons and giving Flannery consideration that bordered on premeditation. Weaver looked back at Colin. "Thank you, Mr Sullivan. I was unaware of your prior bonding and the rest of your honesty was... refreshing. I will share with you some information as I believe that it will be resolved rather shortly."

She squared her shoulders and took a deep breath. "Colonel Flannery was supposed to be in charge of this community at one point as part of a triumvirate with my departed husband and the leader of a local militia group. He set up a large amount of the funding and contact network that made all this possible. My former husband ran one of the largest evangelical churches between here and Minnesota. We bought this land once the nuns here died from Covid and we set about making sure that no one would bother us. My husband, most of the congregation, and almost all of the men that Flannery here was working with died of this DuoHalo. God spoke and those men refused to listen. They didn't mask, they didn't lock down and they killed themselves and hundreds of others with their machismo. The women here have chosen to follow me and our task is nothing less than saving humanity from itself."

Weaver gestured to Hayes who was gazing at Colin with what Raina would have deemed Crazy Bitch Eyes. "Hayes here was my insurance policy against Flannery turning on us like he apparently planned to. She has her fingers in all of the systems that the Air Force has set up in the area recently. Never a smart idea for things like that to rely on one person, hmm? The only thing she asked for in reward was to work with me and to have you as her partner."

Her voice trailed off and Hayes' hand reached out. The best description of her smile that Colin could come up with was "dreamy." Weaver turned to her followers. "Ladies, some privacy for a few minutes? Major Hayes will be activating the vaccine and you can take her to her room afterwards. Please remember that Mr Sullivan will not be directly responsible for her condition."

The women didn't even complain before shuffling out of the room. Hayes handed Weaver one of the remotes that controlled the collars and sighed. "This is for Flannery. If he wakes up then please keep him out of the way with that."

Hayes pushed him to the bed and sat next to him, pulling his pants off and licking her hand before stroking him. This... was quite possibly the least erotic situation that Colin had ever experienced. While Weaver wasn't unattractive, Hayes was not what he would have wanted outside this place... and being held at gunpoint for his jizz was not a turn on as it turned out. Hayes reminded him of his high school math teacher. Everything except her eyes could have blended in anywhere in America as a round cheeked Karen type except for her eyes. Her eyes were unnerving. "Ms Weaver... ah, you know that this whole thing is activated by sex, right?"

Weaver scrunched up her nose in displeasure but didn't stop her... assistant? Friend? Minion? "It may be for you, Mr Sullivan, but all we require is your seed at the moment. There may come a time where you distinguish yourself enough to be a partner of sorts to me. But for now I will not debase myself to do more than witness the process right now. Hayes here has had her eye on you for quite some time, however."

Colin was feeling a stirring down below in spite of his feelings on the matter. "Look I might feel some sympathy for your cause here, but UGH. I don't feel comfortable with this. And I would reEEally prefer if you picked some other man to do this with."

The motions of Hayes' hand against him never slowed or varied. It was more like she was milking a cow even as her eyes fixed on my dick. I could tell that the vaccine induced arousal was in full swing for her. "The other men here are all already married. We would never stoop to poaching another woman's property if she is one of us. Now kindly shut up. The faster this goes the less time you need to worry about Hayes'... attentions."

Enough was enough of this. Colin was to the point where he didn't care if she zapped him, he was done cooperating.

Unfortunately for him, Hayes had him by the balls quite literally. She clicked the remote that had been in a pocket of her uniform.

It was a quick jolt but still enough to practically gag him. Weaver shook her head in disappointment. "This is a new world, Colin. And you need to get used to that as quickly as possible. Now shut up and give it to her. She'll get it sooner or later so don't make get yourself hurt more than you already have."

Colin seethed but kept his mouth shut. Hayes' thumb moved across the head of his dick, smearing the first bead of pre for extra lubrication. Maybe if he closed his eyes then it would be less.... Surreal.

Several minutes passed and he was finally getting close. He had reached to take control himself once and Hayes had slapped his hand away, threatening him with the remote. He warned Hayes that he was almost there. She moved off the bed, kneeling on the floor in front of him. Only the sound of her hand moving and their breathing filled the room. Hayes held the remote in the open as the world's least subtle threat. She kept up the wank as Weaver called out to her guards. "One minute and you can come in!"

There was a rap on the other side of the door in acknowledgement. Their eyes met and Colin could see the odd obsession with the act she was performing as Hayes opened her mouth to catch his jizz. He suspected that it was mirrored by disgust in his own expression. Weaver was watching with a surprising look of fascination. Finally he felt his orgasm coming. As it was about to hit, he remembered the "priming" orgasm that Grace had experienced along with the mind-blasting that the full load had given her. He grunted softly and splattered his first rope of cum into Hayes' waiting mouth.

He would never have guessed the result.

Even as his second rope hit her tongue and cheek her fist clenched painfully around him. Her pupils dilated and a choked sound came out of her mouth. She seemed to be locked in position on her knees, eyes glassy and staring up, mouth wide open in a silent scream. A quiver like a gentle seizure shook her from top to bottom. Colin was only aware of the first moment of it. Her other hand, like the one wrapped firmly around his member, clenched. On the button for the remote.

The burn of the shock collar closed his throat immediately. He could feel his arms and legs cramping painfully but that was all background noise. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't move his hands to try to adjust the collar. The pain just kept going. His thrashing hit Hayes in the side, tilting her over but still locked in that rictus and her muscles not changing position at all. Her hand on him actually kept her mostly upright at the cost of dragging him sideways by the prick. That pain added to the rest and was rapidly pushing him to the edge of blacking out. He could hear his own heartbeat in his ears and the fading bit of his mind that could do anything except focus on the pain noted that his heartbeat sounded irregular.

After what was either seconds or three quarters of eternity in hell the door opened. He heard a muffled shout from Weaver and the sound of footsteps charging in. Finally the electrocution stopped. He took a massive gulp of air and started coughing painfully. Tears and snot covered his face as he tried to catch his breath.

Hayes was carried out quickly. It caused a slight obstacle getting her out the door since she was still contorted in that kneeling position even as her whole body was carried out. Now that he wasn't in quite such close proximity to death he could hear her muttering. Her voice was catching and she was repeating but... it seemed less like a stutter and more like a recording repeating on a vinyl record with the grooves worn out. "Im-im-im-im-imprint, imprinting, im-im-im-im-im-imprinting, imprinting, im-im-im..."

The sound faded out as she was moved away and the door was closed. Weaver and the guards were definitely more worried about her than Colin. He went to the bathroom to clean up and get his pants back on. The experience had left him shaken. Off center. He sat on the bed and stared at his hands while trying to ignore the pain of what seemed to be burns left by the contact points of the collar. Movement in the other bed drew his eyes.

Flannery sat up, naked as a jaybird. He gave a condescending look at his fellow prisoner and stood to stretch. "Well well. That was an ILLUMINATING conversation, yes? Maybe next time try not to drown the poor woman in spunk while she has the means to KILL you."


Chapter Thirteen

August 16th, 2020

Tech Sergeant Isabella "Issa" Montressor was having a really bad day.

Beyond being kidnapped and spirited out of Fairchild Air Force Base in the dead of night she was regretting a large number of her choices over the last two months. Top among them was hitching her wagon to Colonel Jerry Flannery.

No one in the know about the Quaranteam project was under any illusions about the potential for catastrophe that came packaged with the serum. Multiple federal agencies and investigative bureaus were tasked with watching every part of the process of creating the vaccine, assigning partners, and mobilizing the shattered remains of the nation to try and have something usable on the far side of the pandemic. But like any major effort that was pushed to scale in an emergency there were some things that fell through the cracks.

Telling Issa about the quirks of the vaccine and how she would be bonded to the subject of an investigation was one of those little details.

As a member of the Air Force's Office of Special Investigations, Issa was often sent out to take a quiet look at suspected corruption. She had started out as a supply specialist during her first enlistment but had proven to be too effective to be contained in the lower ranks. This led to her taking a closer look at a set of maintenance reports for a squadron stationed at the same base who happened to be attempting to smuggle engine parts through double orders.

The fall out from that meant that the boys in the maintenance pool got a vacation to Kansas for five to ten years while she got a new job as an undercover investigator. She knew exactly how to use her looks and her experience to get into places that were under wraps. Her mother was a mechanic from Mexico in LA while her father had been a chef from Vietnam, bouncing between the high end hotel kitchens throughout SoCal. No one watched the staff, and the people who made deliveries were just window dressing to most people. Sure, you might notice a pretty face, but they were always a rotating cast that you could brag to and try to score a one night stand with.

Issa was open with her colleagues in the OSI about her methods. She would flirt, act fascinated, and yes she had considered screwing a target to get what she needed. At 27, she was tall, lean, and exotic and wasn't it just too bad if a suspect couldn't resist her. She hadn't gone all the way to win before Flannery. It wasn't the only tool in her arsenal. A nearly photographic memory helped a great deal. She had gotten training in evasion and infiltration and went for a round of weapons training to make sure that she could hold her own if a perp decided to try things the hard way.

Her reviews were glowing, her superiors were talking about promotion to Supervising Special Agent, and she loved her job. This investigation into stolen medical supplies was supposed to be a milk run compared to some of the other shit going down as the world was falling apart. She found her mark and had the evidence that Flannery was conspiring to steal government property and transfer it to some kind of a religious group before defecting.

She had his email, phone logs, recordings of his calls. All she wanted at the end was a nice confession to wrap the whole thing up. She even had the luxury of warning Cressman and three others that Flannery was going to try something while she was digging up all that dirt. The last bit would be either a confession or nailing him red handed with the purloined serum.

That little bit of professional greed bit her in the ass.

No one had read her into the details of the serum. And that meant that she went to Flannery and took the stupid vaccine and let him whip it out for a blowjob the next day. What she hadn't anticipated was that giving head to the old goat was going to knock her out for 14 hours and leave her connected at the fucking hip. He hadn't managed to inject anyone besides Grace but she was now facing proof that Flannery hadn't been the only mole working to transfer info and materiel to the enemy.

Air Force Tech Sergeant Gina Hayes. She was one of the techies that had deployed out to the cluster fuck in the small town, setting up networks and fixing email problems for the officers. A blocky woman with dishwater brown hair, Hayes had topped out at E6 and just lingered there for almost 15 years as an IT guru in some obscure code base. She had been one of the group of women that Issa had tried to warn about Flannery. What that had meant was that Hayes knew Issa was somehow connected with the old bastard.

She and her OSI handlers had missed the larger picture as well. None of them had been prepared for an armed ambush deep inside their home turf. The Battle of the Bend was a disaster of unmitigated proportions. Issa knew that the political screaming was still in progress somewhere but at the very least the Canadians who had been due to receive their first doses were still complaining about the whole thing weeks later. Issa had been cleared of any wrongdoing and was promised that she was first on the list for reassignment away from Flannery.... Whenever they figured out a way to reassign someone without killing the bonded male.

So now here she fucking was. Locked in a tower like some damsel in distress. Hayes had been there to meet her two nights ago when she and Flannery had been pulled from Fairchild. The cult or insurrection or whatever the fuck they were treated Hayes like a hero. She was awarded the title of Major on the spot by the Head Bitch in Charge, Weaver.

The good news was that Issa's cover was still intact. Once they were off base with their kidnappers Issa got the whole damn sales pitch: Overthrow the patriarchy, cast off your chains, embrace your role as a leader in the new whatever. Issa played dumb and humble, just a supply grunt caught up in it all. Everyone in this compound was kind to her and they all knew some version of the fact that Flannery had bonded her with the Quaranteam serum. She was perfectly willing to play along with the idea that he had done it against her will. Since she had never actually had sex with Flannery she was still getting her doses when needed by sucking him off.

She did feel a little bit bad about Flannery getting whipped with belts at the orders of Mrs Weaver when Issa needed her dose the day before, but not enough to stop the girls here from doing it.

The bad news was pretty bad. She was now being held captive by a hostile force, with no way to communicate outside, no weapons (unless she wanted to try to wrestle something away from the locals), and still bonded to the Colonel. She would need to re-up her connection to him during the next week or so but that itch was manageable for now. Her managers had found Flannery's Oracle profile and set her up as an almost perfect match. Flannery had accepted her onto his Team as the one and only member. Since then she had realized that her own sanity relied on minimizing contact as much as possible with the creepy old son of a bitch.

The only thing she did have beyond her training and frankly exceptional skills was that she was in the same building as the guy who had saved Cressman. The after action report from the ambush the month before showed that he had gone face first into danger without any kind of thought for safety or reward. It would be at least worth looking into to see if he would be willing to do another gorgeous woman a favor and break her out.

Issa was on the 3rd floor in a cramped little room that the militia here had at least been kind enough to let her have to herself. They hadn't bothered to confiscate the clothes she had been wearing since it was just what she had been wearing to bed before getting hauled off in the middle of the night. She had been provided with a comfortable white dress slashed with red on the sleeves and skirt. It was obvious that she had been given that as a way for everyone inside the perimeter here to identify her as someone who wasn't allowed to leave said perimeter but it was better than what she had seen a couple of the men wearing.

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