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Quarantined with My Sisters Ch. 01


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The point is: I knew Alex was feeling weird and awkward, and I didn't want those feelings to fester. We had JUST gotten her to be a functioning, participative member of our family, and I was scared she would retreat back to hiding into her cave all day every day.

Alex's door was closed, obviously. It was almost midnight and we all had virtual classes in the morning. Michelle would be asleep by now, and I had been trying to squeeze out a last ejaculation before going to bed myself. I knocked twice and waited for her to let me in.

She didn't.

I waited about fifteen seconds, knocked again, and this time added, "Lex? It's me. Can we talk?"

"Go away."

"C'mon, Lex..."

"What do you want?"

"I just want to talk to you."

There was a short pause before she replied, "It was my fault. I'm sorry for barging in on you. Just go back to your room and jerk off and we'll forget the whole thing happened, alright?"

I took a deep breath, weighing her wish for me to just go away and forget everything against my concern that we hadn't actually resolved anything. "Lex, please? Talk to me."

"We're talking."

"Can't you let me in?"


I waited her out, giving her some time to process. Ten seconds turned into twenty, and then thirty. But just when I was about to ask again, the door popped open and Alex stood there with a stricken look on her face. Before I could say a word, she waved me in, and I headed for her desk chair while she closed the door behind me.

My big sister returned to her bed and sat cross-legged atop it, looking at me expectantly. "You wanted to talk? Talk."

"I just want to make sure everything's cool between me and you," I explained. "I couldn't be sure of that standing on the other side of your door."

"It's fine. We're cool. And if that's it, I'd like to go to bed now." Alex gestured for me to leave.

I kept my butt firmly planted in the chair. Arching an eyebrow, I gave her a skeptical look and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" she scoffed. "What's *wrong*? EVERYTHING'S wrong! I've been cooped up in this fucking house for almost two fucking months, scared of a virus that will quite literally KILL ME if I catch it while half the friends on my Facebook feed are out and about acting as if everything in the world is fucking normal, even though we all know that BOTH of Becky's grandparents died of this thing, Kevin's older brother got over it but can't run FIFTY FEET without getting winded, and now Ashley's entire family has it! What's WRONG?!? We're in the middle of a fucking PANDEMIC, I'll probably never see half my college friends ever again, I haven't gotten laid since three days before being sent home, I have NO fucking clue when I'll be able to even TOUCH another man for the rest of my life, and my little brother has a BIG FUCKING COCK I can't get out of my fucking MIND! *THAT'S* what's wrong!"

For the first half of my sister's rant, I had been mentally formulating a response that would address her concerns over the uncertainty of the situation, explaining that we were all in this together and that even though Michelle and I didn't have immune system issues like she did, we would never abandon her and would always be here to take care of her. But then the last part of her rant hit me, and all those coherent statements flew right out the window.

I blinked rapidly, my jaw dropped to the floor, and I just sort of gaped at her like a fish flopping on the deck.

Two seconds later, Alex's jaw dropped as far as mine had, although she covered it with her mouth and popped her eyes open WIDE, as if in utter shock she'd said those words out loud.

I managed to recover first. "Uh... well..." I began uncertainly, not sure how to respond but desperate to cover the awkward silence. "Thank you? I think? For the compliment?"

Alex snorted, cracked a smile at my weak joke, but then buried her face in both hands and looked ready to cry.

Seeing my big sister so weak and pathetic, my familial instinct kicked in and I was suddenly out of the chair. I moved to sit beside her and wrapped both arms around her in a fierce hug. She had managed to keep it in so far, but the moment I held her the waterworks started. And she buried her face into my upper chest to cry her poor little heart out.

Wordlessly, I let her shudder and sob while she sagged deeper into my embrace. I adjusted my grip, hugging her tighter. The headboard wasn't far behind me, and I reclined against it with her pillows supporting my lower back. That allowed Alex to truly rest her head against my chest, and I was able to look down at her, brushing locks of hair back from her pretty face, beautiful even though her expression was one of abject misery.

I don't know how long she cried, but I held her until she'd let it all out. Even when her sobs went silent, I squeezed my arms, willing her to understand that I loved her. She was my big sister, after all. And after a while, she lapsed into such stillness that I wondered if she'd fallen asleep.

But just when I started to think about how to escape, plotting out how I'd gently lower her head to the pillows and slide myself laterally across her bed, her eyes opened and she looked up at me, my love for her mirrored in her eyes. Yeah, she could be a real bitch sometimes, but I understood the stress she was under and didn't really hold it against her. I told her with my eyes that I would always be here for her, and I'd like to think she understood.

That's when she kissed me. One minute, I was smiling down at her, wordlessly just reminding her I was here for her. The next, she had closed the gap between our lips, molded hers around mine, and hummed rapturously as her tongue parted my teeth and pushed in to tease mine.

At first, I responded in kind. I'd kissed quite a few girls over the years and had lots and lots of practice. My arms instinctively pulled her closer to me and I tilted my head to the side to pull my nose out of the way. Alex moaned and scooted up the bed a little closer to get a better angle on me, but as I felt her right hand slide off my belly and start to head further south, I suddenly realized exactly what I was doing, and WHO I was doing it with.

Breaking the kiss, I pulled my head back while my eyes flew open in shock. "Lex? What are we-?" I began in confusion.

Her right hand darted up behind my head and tugged it so that my forehead was pressed against hers. Her eyes closed and she husked in a low voice, "Please?"

That's it. Just one word, pregnant with all kinds of meaning. She didn't need more than one word, because I already understood what she was asking. She NEEDED this right now. She needed ME right now. She needed to kiss me and feel love, and was that really so much to ask?

Nodding slowly, I bent my lips to hers and renewed the liplock.

Alex sighed happily, her left arm holding me tight while her right cinched around the back of my neck. We kissed and kissed and kissed some more. My conscience went to war with my heart, telling me this was wrong. My heart fought back, the sound of my sister's "Please" echoing over and over and over again.

And hell, kissing her felt GOOD. I hadn't been kissed like this since the last time I saw Avery face-to-face. I'd spent almost two months only experiencing self-inflicted orgasms, never feeling the touch of another human being in a sexual way except for my own right hand. And even though I couldn't compare the stress I was under to what Alex had been going through, it was still pretty stressful to be under lockdown for this long, painfully aware that if I were to screw up and catch the virus outside from someone else, it may not kill me but it certainly COULD kill someone I loved.

It's not like we were having SEX. This was just kissing. Brothers and sisters kiss each other all the time...

... just...

... well...

... not like this...

But this wasn't SUCH a big difference, right? I'd pecked both Alex and Michelle on the lips lots of times... although it had probably been a few years since the last time. Still... this was just kissing.

And then Alex's hand slid into my pajama pants and wrapped around my boner.

I broke the kiss again, "Holy *shit*."

My big sister kept kissing me, although her lips were no longer on my mouth. While my eyelids fluttered and I gasped in surprise, Alex nibbled on my chin, walked her lips down my jawline, and sucked on my neck a little bit. Her cool hand encircled my rod, pumping back and forth along its length while she audibly groaned into the crook of my neck. And I was powerless to resist her.

'This is soooo much better than stroking myself,' I thought.

"I love your cock, little brother," she crooned before sucking my neck again, not quite enough to leave a hickey but getting pretty close. "It's so hot. It's so *big*.

"Lex..." I breathed, not believing this was happening.

"Do you know how long it's been since I've had a cock in my hands?"

"Lex..." I groaned. "We shouldn't."

"Please, little brother?" Her hand sped up its pumping.

"Ohmigawd... Lex..."

"I love your cock. It's beautiful, did you know that?"

"Actually, I did." I actually laughed a little. "Avery said the same thing. Others, too."

"I'll bet you're pretty good at pleasing girls with this weapon, aren't you?"

I groaned, feeling torn. "Lex... I'm your brother."

"Well are you? Are you a pussy-pleaser?"

"Lex... Are you actually suggesting-"

"I'm gonna taste him, okay? I haven't had a real dick in my mouth in SUCH a long time."

"Holy *shit*, Lex. We can't... I-"

"*Pleeeease?* I need it. I want it. I can't get it out of my head."

"Lex, Lex, ohmigawd. You're my sister. We really sh-. Holy SHIT!"

It was in her mouth. She'd slid down the bed while I rambled, pulled the waistband of my pajama pants down, and crammed the first four inches of my prick into her mouth. Thirty minutes ago, I had been slowly jacking myself while reading about a fictional hot model sucking the dick of a fictional Wall Street I-banker. Now my actual sister was sucking my actual cock, and I was helpless to resist her. I simply felt too *good*.

"Mmph, mmph, mmph." Alex feasted on me like I was the yummiest dessert she'd ever tasted.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I groaned, unable to do anything but let my head fall back and place a hand atop her head. "Holy shit, Lex. You're *amazing* at this."

My big sister popped off at the compliment, beaming up at me when I looked down at her. She gave me a silly grin and redoubled her efforts. This time, she fed on me with a little bit more of a sloppy technique, wet and crazy and keeping her big, beautiful eyes on me the whole time. Before, she had been sucking my dick to satisfy her internal cravings. Now, she was *performing*.

"Holy shit you're amazing," I repeated, in awe of the sight of her lips stretched wide around my girth. My big sister was on all fours, the scoop-neck of her pajama shirt hanging *super* low and affording me an *incredible* view of her bra-less tits. I knew from doing the laundry that she wore 36D bras, and those big juicy melons swayed back and forth, every now and again allowing a pale pink nipple to come into view. She was taking more of me into her mouth by now, not deep-throating me or anything but still bobbing up and down with gusto. She managed to smile around a mouthful of man-meat, pausing to wink at me before resuming. Only then did I realize she was fingering herself at the same time.

Part of me felt like I owed it to her to return the favor. Part of me rebelled at the idea of going down on her. Not that I had any qualms about eating a girl out - but she was my *sister*. We were already crossing a line I never thought we'd cross, and I couldn't bring myself to suggest crossing another one.

Plus... well... getting my first blowjob in nearly two months was FANTASTIC, and I didn't want her to stop. I sagged downward a couple of inches, letting my upper-body go limp as I concentrated on the pleasure. Avery had been a pretty good BJ artist, but *dayyum* my sister could suck dick. And Alex hadn't even pulled out her best weapons yet.

After only a few minutes of blowing me, Alex suddenly went still as she concentrated on herself. She remained bent over with four inches of my dick in her mouth, suckling softly while her eyes were closed. I noticed her forearms was shaking with a lot more intensity, and ten seconds later, she more or less screamed into my mushroom head. Her head trembled, her spine contorted, and she quivered and quaked as the orgasm took over her entire body. And when it finally finished, her eyes flashed wide open as she stared up into my face.

Then she REALLY went to work.

Now with both hands free, my sister wrapped them around my shaft and twisted them in opposite directions while she nibbled on the knob. She tickled my testicles. She scratched her nails on my thighs. And she gripped my hips for increased leverage as she more or less tugged her face ALL the way down my shaft.

Only one girl had ever managed to deep-throat me. Alex made it two. She even stuck her tongue out to lick my balls while she was doing it.

By now I simply lay back and let Alex do whatever the hell she wanted to me. If you had told me this morning that my day would end with a smokin' hot, big-titted babe would be sucking my dick, I would've been only too thrilled to hear it. The fact that she turned out to be my big sister wouldn't have changed a thing at all, because right now my smokin' hot, big-titted big sister was giving me the most amazing blowjob of my life while I moaned and thrashed and pleaded with her to let me cum. She teased me to the edge of eruption and backed off more times than I can count. She tickled my tip with the little nub on the end of her tongue. She slam-fucked her own face on my upright prod, skewering her throat over and again. I was sweating profusely, quivering with need. And finally I simply grabbed hold of her head, held it down so she couldn't back away, and crunched those ab muscles she admired to thrust my dick up into her waiting hole.

She started laughing, promptly choked, and I immediately let go of her head, groaning in frustration. But Alex quickly caught her breath, started stroking my shaft again, and flashed me a wicked grin.

"Is my little brother getting impatient to get off?"

"Stop fucking teasing me," I wheezed.

"Aww... poor baby... Let Big Sis make it all better..." And with that, she hoovered my meat into her mouth.

It didn't take long after that. She'd stopped teasing and instead focused on my mushroom head, using both hands to stroke me expertly. Like a farmgirl pumping a hand crank for water, she drew out my life-giving liquid with power and precision, and then suddenly I felt my swollen testicles evacuating their precious load.

"Lex!" I exclaimed, clenching my teeth to avoid yelling loud enough for Michelle to hear, as the cum raced up my rod and blasted off into her sucking mouth.

"Lex!" I repeated, still clenching, half in disbelief that I was screaming my own sister's name.

"Lex!" I whimpered one last time, feeling her milk out the final few spurts with a little extra squeeze in her fingers.

Finally, I was done. My spine went limp and my body sagged against the mattress. I gasped for breath, winded for the moment. Alex had swallowed every last drop but continued to nurse my penis as if she were hunting for even more. But after another minute or so, she finally picked her head up and flashed me yet another wicked grin.

"My little brother just came in my mouth," she murmured, whether to me or to herself I'm not quite sure.

"I've got my little brother's sperm in my belly," she added, giggling in delight.

Catching my breath, I gestured for her to come closer. "Kiss me, Lex," I crooned.

She looked surprised, but pleasantly surprised, as she crawled up the bed and lay in my arms. She kissed me as requested, this time with none of the urgent passion of before. It was a much more... sisterly... kiss this time around, but no less loving for it. In fact, there was probably even more. We held each other and continued kissing for a long, long time. Longer, I imagine, than I had ever kissed a lover *after* climax.

But eventually, the moment passed, and we pulled away from each other. Now that the elated high of sexual arousal was gone, niggling doubt began to creep into the back of my mind. Had we done the right thing? Had we lost our heads had gone too far? Did we really just commit *incest*?

I saw the same worry in my heart reflected in Alex's eyes. Her smile faded slowly, and almost in embarrassment she raised the waistband of my pajama pants to tuck me back inside. But after staring at my crotch for a long few seconds, not actually staring at my crotch but rather staring a thousand yards beyond it, she blinked twice and leaned up to kiss me on the lips once more.

It lasted just a moment, so fleeting that I found myself following after a few inches to try and keep our mouths together, and she quickly rolled off the bed.

"Lex?" I asked hesitantly, scared that we'd somehow irreparably damaged our relationship. Forever.

"Go to bed," she said quietly, the tone that of a big sister used to ordering around her siblings.

Obediently, I swung my legs out and stood up. But before I walked away, I gave her a sad look and asked, "What happens now?"

She took a deep breath, and when she exhaled it took ten seconds for the air to stop whistling. Shaking her head slowly, she looked up at me and shrugged. "I don't know yet."

Pursing my lips, I nodded my understanding. She walked over to the door, opened it, and looked at me expectantly. I headed to the doorway, but as I came alongside her, I stopped, gave her a warm smile, and leaned down to kiss her once more.

She let me, whimpering a little as my tongue penetrated her lips. But I didn't overstay my welcome, standing up again and giving her a reassuring look. "I love you, Lex," I told her sincerely.

She brightened a little and smiled back. "I love you, too."

And then I returned to my room.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Why in almost all incest stories is the male so loath to fuck his sisters?👯‍♀️ All 18 year old males are horny as the devil 👿. I don’t think this is realistic. 5 stars anyway.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I get that this is fantasy, but the fantasy is the situation and the willingness to be ok with incest, not basic human nature. With that said, if you start to lose your mind after 1 month without sex you have a serious problem and need literal medical treatment, that's not normal or healthy and you are probably a sex addict.

laughdruidlaughdruid3 months ago

Alex is slower than this story.

laughdruidlaughdruid9 months ago

This is way to slow but not as slow as the brother. This when be a better story without the brother in it.

OldUncleAlOldUncleAl10 months ago

Were they REALLY that brainwashed by incest bullshit?! It is just another lie by those homosexual choirboy rapists in the vatican . Incest started when humans began having children. Not many to choose from, and everyone was closely related. But it is best NOT to reproduce with siblings as birth defects are more common. But there is no reason at all not to practice with your sibling. Get out in the dating world experienced and get a good reputation right away!

Very good story , by the way. Just too much guilt crap.

KnightofmindKnightofmind11 months ago

Had proper medical protocols been followed or those in leadership not worked tirelessly to politicize a medical emergency and stand idle during a key window we would indeed have seen a proper quarantine. Instead we all had to isolate. However. A quarantine involves isolating disease vectors in order to contain disease vectors so that a medical team may observe symptoms and determine treatment, if possible. These steps were eventually, if belatedly, followed so it amounts to the same thing and it also makes those that massively bungled things initially seem less like nitwit bunglers so the term caught on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Absolutely love this, I absolutely adore Cunt in every way possible. The more I get the more I want.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The brother acts like an idiot. What? Huh? What did you say? All the time. And he doubts everything. Doesn't he have a brain that actually functions properly.

Other than that, I liked the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fun story. Good writing, few spelling errors. My only complaint is why use *asterisks* so often? It is a distraction from your writing. I get using occasionally but in my opinion it is too much.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You said it would get to the good stuff eventually, but your sense of realistic humor had me chuckling to myself so often I barely noticed the build up until it ramped up to the deviance. I'm not sure how you did this, but it was like reading something the way I'd have played it out in my head. Normally I'd say stop reading my mind, but it's only fair after reading this piece. Keep up the good friggin' work!

Gym52Gym52about 3 years ago


A beautiful romantic fictional relationship between three members of the same family, a situation that was truly plausible, now looking forward to chapter two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I think this is one of the best stories I have ever read, and that is coming from both a prolific writer and reader of erotica. Thank you, keep at it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I love that he references a scene from John Billionaire Chapter 2 … Which happens to be my favorite go-to scene. Nicely done.

CloseEncountersFilthyKindCloseEncountersFilthyKindover 3 years ago

A lot of people here complaining this is an actual story with actual characters, lol. This is well written, and the effort in the back story is what makes the final scene worth it.

There is plenty of barely written smut for those whiners, keep doing what you are doing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

What a boring, lame story. Probably because it's quarantine story #74352, unoriginal, and poorly executed.

OldUncleAlOldUncleAlover 3 years ago

Thank heavens there’s a link to chapter two! I was thinking “No! You can’t leave me hanging like this!” Lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Way too much blah blah for kind of story it is. I’m not saying the action should be going from the start but this is lockdown story. Don’t have many things to be done. Just feels like going in circles.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Only thing is no one fights that hard not to jerk off to an image in your mind. Sure a little struggle but when it’s time to get it and only one thing comes to mind you go with it. They can’t see in your head any way

InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaosalmost 4 years ago

That was pretty hot but I was hoping he would get with Michelle instead :( They get along much better and I think the chemistry they already have is amazing. She is just too cute with her giving him permission to ogle her :3

DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 4 years ago

I can understand the frustration but my sisters are many miles away. In fact one of ' em nearer to you than me.

Smm1Smm1about 4 years ago

Welcome back. You certainly know how to tell a story. Desperately hoping there’ll be many more.

SlimySpartacusSlimySpartacusabout 4 years ago
The legend is back!

Been a big fan since forever. Glad you're back with another series. As always great read!


I love it thanks for sharing this. It's cool to have a relevant story during this want to be Apocalypse

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
bluedragonauthor is back!

It’s nice to see you back, Maestro!)) I just read this in one sitting and I’m already looking forward to your upcoming stories. You are truly a gifted writer. I wish you health and inspiration! Best.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Good to see you back

I had honestly thought that you had moved on to some other site and had left this site in neglect. The Book of David is one of my favorites. Good start - let's see how it develops.

ren135ren135about 4 years ago

"Something tickled my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake."

OMG I have missed that line. Glad to have you back!

bluedragonauthorbluedragonauthorabout 4 years agoAuthor

My apologies for all the asterisks. The story was originally written for a text upload where the asterisks get converted into bold or italics, which is far less obtrusive than the asterisks themselves. Chapters 2 and 3 are already posted, but I'll try to clean up Chapters 4 and beyond for the Literotica uploads. There are HTML versions with the bolds and italics as originally intended on my Patreon (BlueDragonAuthor).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great Story but distracting punctuation

Story was great and the characters were believable but the over use of ** and all caps distracted from the story telling. I understand it was to emphasis what the characters were thinking but something like that need only be used *sparingly*. Look forward to the next chapter.

ImaginaryTigerImaginaryTigerabout 4 years ago
Good start

I like the story in and of itself, but I do have to ask why the pervasive use of asterisks? In a spot or two, I can see where the emphasis could be warranted, but too often it was just distracting, and oftentimes incorrectly used. Your writing is pretty good, description and dialogue are as well, but the structure is way off.

Still, I see that the second chapter is out, and I'm definitely interested in seeing where it goes. I just hope you take this as purely constructive criticism.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Wow, what a wonderful story!

I love to read an excellent story without overly complicated plots and contrived motives.

As to the comment above about your use of * *, I took it to mean you were emphasizing the word bracketed by the pair of"*". I would much rather see asterisk than all caps. I may be wrong, but it did not take away from my enjoyment of the story. (For any comment writers / readers / anyone who is interested, there is a simply explained and well "illustrated" (in this case, I mean use of examples, not illustrations (art).) It is called Basic Text Formatting 101.

(To the author: The above comment was <b>in no way</b> directed toward you. It was also not directed in any way towards the commentor. It was meant as a general FYI for those who read comments and want information.

To a different commentor, Anonymous, if I remember correctly, (yes, it the British English spelling, as is my particular idiom). No it isn't. That is, as far as I am aware, not possible.

Thank you for writing an enjoyable story. Please write more when you are able.

Mary_K_KinksterMary_K_Kinksterabout 4 years ago

Well written in *every* respect. I enjoyed all *three* characters, and thought they were well *developed* and believable. You seem to have a *faithful* following here among the Literotica community. Tell me though, what is your *predilection* with the *asterisks* about? I'm not usually one to comment on spelling or punctuation, but this really began to *distract* me and disrupt the flow of your writing. I am normally, pretty good at ignoring the little stuff, but this was so pervasive *throughout* the text it was difficult to pass without giving it a thought. And although, I tried not to spend any time trying to figure it out, it didn't seem to have any readily *discernible* rhyme or reason. Would you be so kind as to let me in on it?

There_itisThere_itisabout 4 years ago

Wow, this was such a powerful story. Well done, super impressed!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I don't like gay stories

tj_4evertj_4everabout 4 years ago

Looking forward to the next chapter!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
After damn near a decade...

Welcome back!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Besides stories online

Is there another site besides sol or are you writing under another name here on lit? Its been over 8 years since you posted here as far as I can tell. Been a fan since you wrote the David series and am definitely going to check out the sol series

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Amazing work! Great buildup and building of relationship. Keep it up♥️

TheKingWrightTheKingWrightabout 4 years ago

Thoroughly enjoyed this first part. The patience and execution was perfect. I look forward to reading more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Your back!

David was the best series i've ever read here! Hope the world building will be as great here!

BruceWoBruceWoabout 4 years ago

Loving this story

sp9983sp9983about 4 years ago

Too long for too little action. If you want to write a novel, get an agent and a publisher.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Great story! Can’t wait for the continued saga. Keep it going!!

JaceyTreyJaceyTreyabout 4 years ago

Ok, liking the story so far. I don't feel like I'm being led down a path of years long denied passion and unrequited sibling love, so the warning you gave at the beginning about the content is duly noted, and I'm expecting the next installment to be spicy and all menage-ish. I make this point because a lot of sibcest authors do a false leader of romance and sib monogamy, only to have the whole family jump in with an all-out sexathon that includes everyone except the pets. Those authors piss me off. You have prepared me to expect a sibathon, without a emotion-heavy false "I've loved you forever" intro. Thanks for that, by the way.

I'm digging it!

5 stars

HDblackheartHDblackheartabout 4 years ago

Fuuuck that was a great story definitely need to continue this one

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