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Queen Me Ch. 01

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In which we meet the queen & witness a conversion.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/30/2022
Created 08/10/2007
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It started innocently, I'm sure. I was standing at the boring café's counter, waiting for tea and a price, minding my own business. I guess I attract these kinds of people. I stand out, with the lavender dyed hair tied back in a tight bun. Or maybe it was the leather knee highs in the business woman's attire. Or maybe he just saw my ass. If it was the latter, I certainly don't blame him. I'd go to drastic measures myself to get a piece of it, if I wasn't me.

"Here." A handful of change clattered onto the counter. "Let me get that for you, babe."

Ugh. Colloquialism. He certainly wasn't doing himself many favors with that.

"Thank you."

"Could I at least get your name in return?"

I finally paid him a glance. He was startlingly typical. Spiked short hair, but he definitely had a good build, even if his clothes- a white tank top and black jeans- were atypical. He looked like one of those high school kids who never grew up, who was a quarterback for the school football team. Now he just works out and wastes away to the retail world, while women like me run those retail firms. Not like that's what I do, specifically. Just typecasting. As he takes off his boring rack-bought sunglasses, I finally get a good look in his eyes. I'm trying to tell him he's out of his league with my own eyes, but he's not really smart.

"I think it's a fair trade, honey. What's your name?"

"You seem to think it's Honey. Or Babe."

"Oh, come on, don't play me like that."

You fool, I can play you however you want. It's amazing, how these lunkheads don't understand they're the ones who need us.

"If my tea's good, I'll think about it."

"Mm, a flirt."

I smirked, as my tea arrived. I took a sip...mm. It wasn't bad. "This is rancid. Now, good day." I turned quickly, walking to the trashcan, and throwing it away. Let's see how far quarterback will chase me. A sharp twitch of the hips as I open the door will be my worm on the hook, and walk down the street, quickly. Door opens...oh, and there's running footsteps, pitter-pattering like my own cruel heart. Maybe you'll be of use to me after all, boy.

"Hey, wait!"

"You heard what I said, and you'd be wise to mind-"

"No, you listen to me."

I stopped, dead in my tracks.


"That's not fair. I just bought you six dollar tea that you just threw out without hesitation, and I'm not going to let a broad play me like that." He stood before me, hands on his hips, sunglasses left behind.

"First off, you should never interrupt a woman."

He rolled his eyes.

"Second, you bragging about buying me six dollars worth of tea just proves you're a cheapskate."

"I'm not cheap. Baby, you don't even know what I've got."

"Oh, real classy. What's your name?"

"Jimmy. See?"

"Jimmy. Well, Jimmy, you shouldn't mouth off like that to a woman, because Little Jimmy and the twins might suffer for it. More than they usually do, and especially if you keep calling women little pet names you never grew up past, you crass 18 year old Cro-Magnon."

"You're not a woman."


"I haven't made you one."

I couldn't help but laugh in his face. My choice is made.

"Ohhh...I needed that."

He smirked at me. "I've got something else you need, baby."

God, it's the square block in the circle hole. "You're a joke, you know that?"

"Shut up."

"That's all you have. Really? You get sacked much, boy?"

"I'm not a boy."

"Prove it."

He grins again. "Alright. How?"

"Drop your pants."


"Drop your goddamn pants. Oh, are you deaf as well as dumb?"

He gulped. Aww. "Right here?"

"Right here. A real man is secure in who they are, and what they look like."

He got incensed at my challenge of his manhood, and growled at me. "You want to see a man? Huh? I'll show you what a man looks like." His haste was his enemy, as I watched him struggle with his belt. "...come on!" I laughed again. "Oh, what's the matter? Does mommy dress you and you don't know how to take it off?" He snarled, like a teenager thinks they do when they're being mean. Finally, the belt came loose, and he started tugging his pants down. "The button, genius." "Shut up!" Passersby stopped to look, blinking at the scene. I must admit, it probably looked strange. His pants dropped, and I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

Tazmanian Devil boxer-briefs. I couldn't even start to hold it in.

"What?! You..." The humbled young man pulled his pants up, and I turned to walk down the street. As he fought with his belt, grunting, I heard him follow. "Hey! I did what you want! Give me something!" I turned back to him, grinning. "You want something? Westgate hotel, Presidential Suite. The passcode is Bright Eyes. Four o' clock exactly." He grinned. "What about your name?" "We'll get there. Make yourself scarce, though." And so, he walked away.

I don't stay in one town for too long, so I've developed a few nasty habits. In every big American city there is, I have a friend or two, except down here in San Diego. I'm going to make a friend out of him. No, not a friend. He'll get special treatment. I'm going to make him into my pet. I'm going to be the worst thing that ever happened to him. But first, preparations must be made.


Damn, I'm gorgeous...I've probably been staring at myself in this mirror for a good hour now. A loose bathrobe that matches the hair, a black and purple basque, and a look to stare through a man, much less the boy. I'm constantly enamored with myself, and who wouldn't be? The kinds of tits that a boy has wet dreams over, the hourglass figure with the tight abs...mm. I am truly something to be feared.

Alright, alright, enough about my own hot self. It's time to check the bag. Let's see now...

Incense candles. Check.

Lube. Check.

Condoms. Check.

Rope. Check.

Shackles. Check.

Cane. Check.

Blindfold. Check.

Ballgag. Check.

Assless skirt. Check.

Collar. Check.

Harness. Check.

Plug. Check.

Ribbed vibrator. Check.

Signal whip. Check.

Flogger. Check.

Alright! That's everything. Back in the bag.

Clock says 3:59...and there's the doorbell. Good. I trotted over to the door, opening it to see the boy, dressed exactly the same. I put my disdain face back on. "Get in here." "Hello to you too...Jesus, you look-" "In!" I barked. He just shook his head and entered. He tried to put a move on me again, and I'm glad I didn't interrupt. "I told them not to come help no matter how much screaming there is." I just grinned to myself, then turned back to him, grimacing. "Big ego, huh? Naked, now. And meet me in the bedroom."

I strutted to the room, then quickly hid. The blind spot in a room is always the same; behind the door on your way in. As he walked in naked, he laughed. "Here I am, ba...by?" I whispered "Sorry," but I wasn't, as my foot lifted into his pride. He yelped like a little girl and fell over in shock, face first onto the bed. Perfect. I opened the bag, and got to dressing. Blindfold and gag, knot after knot, shackle and shackle, cane bracing, condom, and the coup de grace; the male assless skirt. It was too small, so it ground his nub down even further than I was intending. Oh well.

He started struggling, so I sat on top of him, applying my weight so I could finish up the job; the collar with the rope fixture. I drilled in a little hinge on the roof, and I had more than enough money to pay the damages. I hopped off the bed, and let him come to, breathing with utter panic, struggling against his bonds as I laughed, shrugging my robe off. "You wanted my name? I have a name you'll be calling me. You'll call me Queen, and nothing else. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll have to do some prep work...I'll be back soon, baby."

The candles were jasmine scented, a personal preference. Of course, the poor boy couldn't enjoy the odor. He was too busy struggling helplessly against my strong bonds. Listening to him grunt and whimper was starting to turn me on, to be honest. It's the aesthetics of it as well. A strong, virile young man- I'm such a flatterer- being deprived of such basic freedoms. He was starting to sweat, giving his body a shiny sheen. I set the four candles, taking my sweet time and watching him squirm in utter futility. I moved closer to the bed, setting a hand on his little skirt. He jerked away as best he could, yelping through the ball. With that, I started to sing into her ear. Oh, PJ Harvey, you have a song for every occasion.

"Tie yourself...to me. No one else, no, you're not rid of me..." My hand slid down his thigh, listening to him try to breathe and watching him drool. "No, you're not rid of me..." I slid around, pressing myself to his body and tugging on the rope of the collar, Night, and day...I breathe..." I panted right onto his neck, making sure it was nice and warm. "You're not rid of me...yeah, you're not rid of me..." I slid behind him, my hand grasping his chin. "I beg you..." I reached up, wiping a finger around his drool soaked mouth. "My darling..." My other hand bent him over. "Don't leave me..." My hand went down to his ass. "I'm huuurting..." And that finger went into his ass. He yelled through the gag. But I noticed something odd.

"Oh my god...it's clean!" My uproarious laugh made him struggle harder, as I slid the finger in slowly. "You're a little manwhore! Tell me, baby, is it just a bidet or is it a full blown enema? Oh, wait...I forgot, sorry. I guess you can't be a manwhore since it's so tight, but we'll fix that." He started yelling and moving, enough to ram the headboard into the bed. I pulled out, and grabbed at his balls, tightly. Probably uncomfortably, but I wouldn't know. "You know...if you keep acting up like this, things will only get worse for you." I squeezed, and he yelped. I couldn't help but groan. "Ungh...now, are you going to be a good boy? Or do things have to get worse?" He was silent for a little, so I let him go. "Good..." But, like that, he started fighting again.

I leapt off the bed, running to the bag as he continued to make a racket. I found the whip quickly, and uncurled in. With a mighty swing, a loud crack was heard, and immediately, he stopped moving. I growled. "Yeah? Did that get your attention, you little bitch?" The stupid boy sat up, like I wasn't still mad at him. Quickly, I snapped the whip, and lashed him once across the back. He howled through the gag, body quivering as I watched the welt form. Before he could lean down, I gave him one more, causing him to seize up and spasm, back muscles twitching wildly. It was pretty hot, giving his build. I moved over to him again, grasping his chin and purring in his ear.

"If you act up again, you'll get two more lashes, and you will take them where ever I am able to give them." I draped the whip over his ass. "Do we understand one another?" He quickly nodded his head. I could hear him sobbing. I spit on his face, letting go. "You know, men can be pathetic. You work hard for your body, and you act with bravado, but a little pain and you crumble. What's the matter, crybaby? You scared?" No answer. So, I slowly laced the whip around his neck, and gave a little tug, making him gag. "I asked you a question, toy." He nodded quickly. "Pathetic...absolutely pathetic." I released the whip, as he shuddered.

"Scared, huh? Then why are you hard?" He stopped cold. I laughed, and slapped him on the ass. "We're going to find out all sorts of things about you today... " Draping the whip over my neck, I went back over to the bag, getting the flogger, and going back over to him. I rubbed the deerskin over his body, watching him twitch at the feeling. It did feel nice to touch, and this was probably all the relief he'd get today. Not that I felt bad about this or anything. "We're going to find out how far I can take you over the edge, and how long it'll take you to break." I lightly smacked the flogger on his skirt encased cock, grinning. He gasped, shuddering. "And you will break."

I slid off the bed, leaving the flogger there, and getting the vibrator. It was long, like a large finger, with bumps every few centimeters, and well curved. I got the lubricant out, looking over at him and watching him shudder. "Did you know that a prostate-induced orgasm is more powerful than any other kind for a male?" He shuddered again. "That's probably the only thing I envy about men..." I got the lubricant out, and started to rub it on the vibrator. "Sometimes, I think about what it'd be like if someone buttfucked me like I fuck others. I mean, as a guy. I wouldn't even have to get myself off." He started struggling again, and I snarled. "The whip is a few inches away, fool." He stopped, and slumped forwards a little, sniffing once. I felt heartless. And incredibly horny.

Slowly, I walked back towards him, climbing onto the bed. "This will hurt far less if you learn to relax." I pressed the thin, lube soaked tip of the vibe to his anus, listening to him grunt, and then yelp as it started sliding in. It would've gone straight in, but I'm not that heartless. Not to a first timer, anyways. Maybe to my little pet at home... Oh, I'm losing focus. Although, I can't wait to get home to her now.

I slid the vibe in to the first bump, watching it spread him open. He was breathing frantically, head lowering and landing on the bed. "Ha! Now are you just doing it because you want it to be over with?" Maybe I am a little heartless. I slid in two more bumps, at least two inches in with three bumps to go. He yelled, tightening around the toy. "Or do you want it?" He shook his head no, breathing hard through his nose. I grabbed one of his butt cheeks, squeezing, and then forcing it the rest of the way in, all four inches of it. The way he was yelling made me think I already put the dildo in. I let him calm down slowly, releasing the handle and letting it wiggle softly as his ass squeezed around it. I made it shake harder, tracing my nail down the welts on his back, causing him to shake hard.

"Mmm, you like it...wait until we really get started." I reached down to the handle, wiggling it and letting it stir slightly inside him, listening to him grunt. I looked down, watching his cock throb strong as I moved the toy around. "Look at you! You're hard enough to fuck a hole in a wall. I bet you'd want to fuck me, huh? Rape me? That won't last." I reached down to the control on the bottom of the handle. "I'm gonna fuck you till you love me." I flipped the switch, letting it buzz low, and getting what I wanted; he moaned. "That's right. You already want it. I wonder what you're thinking? I bet you're arguing with yourself...well, let me tell you something. You're not a man. I'm going to make you one...but I'm going to make you my kind of man."

I reached behind me, grabbing the flogger, and lifting it up. "Are you ready to be my man?" No answer. A bad idea. I slapped his ass with the flogger, listening to him groan in pain and watching him shudder. Before he could relax, I dropped it down on his other cheek with a loud slapping sound. Slowly, I went back and forth, cheek to cheek. After the third on each, I turned the vibrator up one. His grunting and yelping was like music to my mean ears, as I went back and forth, smashing the flogger to his ass again and again, bringing a bright red flush, but not hard enough to bruise. At six, I turned the vibrator up again, to high, and went until ten for each cheek. I turned the vibrator back on low, letting it buzz away and letting him breathe.

"Now, I'm going to ask again. Are you ready to be my man?" He shook his head yes, vigorously. I even heard him sobbing a little, and I bet my laugh didn't really help him calm down. "Good! You're learning...then let's go over the ground rules..." I gripped the handle of the vibrator, and started sliding it in and out, listening to him moan.

"I am your queen travel the world as a business woman, but in every big city, I have a toy like you waiting for me. As your queen, I expect total, singular subservience. You will have no other queen, no other dom. You're free to fuck whoever you want, but it is my word that will take precedence over all others. And above all things, unless I tell you or make you, you'd better not dare touch me. Do you understand?" He nodded.

" I will call you 72 hours before I touch down. You will pick me up, and you will listen to my every instruction. If I ask you to show up in drawstring pants and a pink shirt covered in unicorns, you will do this. If I ask you to fuck a man in front of me for my own entertainment, you will do this. I won't get you in legal trouble, you have my word. But if you do not follow my instructions, you will be in worse trouble than the law can put you in. Do you understand?" He nodded.

"You will refer to me as queen, your highness, and other such terms. You will never have my name, only my title. Do you understand?" He nodded. "You will keep yourself in the condition I tell you to. You will eat the diet I tell you to eat, you will work the muscles I tell you to work, and you will keep your ass trained. Whether you do this by yourself, or find yourself a man, I don't care. Do you understand?" He nodded.

So, I turned the vibrator up one more, and started fucking him hard with the vibrator. He grunted and moaned, and started to push back into it, moaning louder around the ball. I laughed softly, pumping firmly, in and out as he started to actually rock into it. "See? You're already learning new things about yourself." He started to shake, and sure enough, he came, ejaculating into the condom. I let him ride it out, and once he was done, I pulled the vibe out, and the condom off. Carefully, I lifted it up, and tapped his shoulder. "Sit up straight." He did, shakily. "Lift your head." He did. And because I'm demeaning, I poured his seed onto his face. He quivered, breathing hard.

"Understand that what I have for you is not love. This is merely a sexual relationship, and I would just as soon throw you out of this room just like this. You must fight for my attention, and if you break, I will break you. I will demean you, I will humiliate you, and I will fuck you, and though you will love me for it, you are nothing to me. Do you understand?" He nodded, breathing slowly.

"I'm going to take your gag out. Choose your words carefully." I reached up, unhooking the buckle, and lifting the ball from his mouth. He gasped and breathed deep, until it regulated. He let his head droop slightly, then straightened up. "...your highness."

I won.

"Do you want my attention?"

"Y-yes, your highness."

"Are you ready to be tormented to get it?"

"...yes, your highness."

I reached over, and grabbed the flogger. I felt the skirt, his hardon pressing hard against the latex, still firm and still ready. It hasn't even depleted a bit.

"I will fuck you."

"Thank you, your highness."

"But first, you must endure."

I patted the flogger against his hard on, skirt or not. He seized up slightly.

"I will hit you five times."

He gulped.

"You will not only make as little noise as possible, but you will thank me each time I do." I smacked the Flogger across his lap. He bit his lip, growling, and then exhaling.

"Th-th-thank you, my queen..."

"Ask for another."

"M-may I have another?"



"Ahh!" He panted quickly, chest heaving, still blindfolded. "Thank you! Oh, god, thank you..." He shuddered. "Please, my queen, another..."


"Nnnngh....thank you so much..." His body was sweating and shivering. "May I have another?"

"Only if you can tell me how many that was."

"Three, queen..."


"FOUR!" He yelled just a little bit, and then went back to breathing hard, chest heaving. I waited, and he said nothing.


His whole body trembled with the effort it took not to scream.

"That was extra, bitch. You didn't thank me for the fourth."


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