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Queen of the Concrete Jungle Ch. 05

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A female Equalizer with a death wish, Laura lion saves women.
3.8k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/08/2019
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A female Equalizer with a death wish, a champion of their cause and the woman to turn to for help, Laura Lion defends physically, emotionally, and sexually battered and abused women who aren't able to help themselves.

Continued from Chapter 04:

Claiming that she was sick with the flu, after being stripped naked and raped by Tony, Darren, Ritchie, and Paul, Ashley called in sick from work the following week. Mad that they would gangrape her, wanting revenge and hoping for help, Ashley was so angry that she answered Laura's ad in the newspaper. Unless she's a lawyer with connections to the District Attorney's Office, Ashley didn't know how a mere woman could save her from the likes of these four criminals.

"Are you an emotionally, physically, or sexually abused woman. You're not alone. I can help. I can protect you from those who are hurting you. Write me at this ad, Laura Lion."

Allegedly home sick with the flu, when she stayed out of work for a week, Tony feared that he and his men may have crossed the sexually permissible line by violently assaulting her. With her an integral part of their money laundering business, he needed her back. Before paying her a personal visit, he sent her flowers with a get well card, something he only does for 'friends of his'.

Obviously, raping Ashley was no big deal to them. They strip women naked, sexually abuse them, and rape them all the time. They were just blowing off steam. Besides, they've had sex with every woman who works for them. For the strippers to get a job stripping, they first must sexually satisfy the boss and his men. A gangbang to them is just another day at the office.

The day that Laura received Ashely's letter, she contacted Ashley. Pretending she was Ashley, she had Darren pick up Laura at Ashely's apartment. With the two women the same height, weight, and size, Laura was disguised as Ashley but not dressed like her. Unlike Ashley dressed in the long dress of a school librarian, Laura was dressed in more comfortable clothes. She was dressed in her fighting clothes and ready for trouble.

Ready for anything, she wore a baseball cap that had the protective, inner shell of a hard hat and dark glasses with a mirrored finish. She wore a bulletproof vest beneath her clothes with a Kevlar shell under that to stop knives from penetrating her skin. In case she was attacked by a knife wielding assailant, she also wore Kevlar, synthetic fiber bands covering and protecting thighs, her wrists, and her neck beneath her one-piece, synthetic, silk, black bodysuit.

Obviously, not happy with what he was seeing, Darren stared at Laura in his rearview mirror. Keeping to herself and maintaining her low-profile, she sat quietly in the backseat of the limo with her head down. With her small enough and young enough, she looked like a spoiled, rich kid being driven around town by her chauffeur. With him on her hitlist and earmarked for Ashley's revenge, if only he knew who Laura really was, he'd stop the car, get out, and run.

No doubt, by the way that he was looking at her and staring at her, she was dressed very oddly. With nothing sexy or special about her, she wasn't showing any skin. With her an employee of the strip club, even though she was handling the finances and wasn't a stripper, according to Tony, she still needed to conduct herself like a whore and dress like one. He wouldn't like the fact that she was dressed more like an assassin.

All women who worked for Tony, even his bookkeeper, were for sale for the right price. All women who worked for Tony were expected and encouraged to have sex with his male and/or his female clients and with his male and/or female employees. All women who worked for Tony were there to make him, his men, and his business associates happily entertained and sexually satisfied. Readily disposable at a whim, to them women were there for sex.

# # #

"You're not wearing any makeup," said Darren with disapproving shock. "And what's with your hair? It looks shorter. Did you cut your hair?"

When Laura didn't answer him, Darren looked away from her while making a face and shaking his head.

"The boss likes women with long hair. You know that," said Darren. "No matter. Crystal or Tiffany can fit you with one of their wigs or give you some of those hair extensions."

Laura slightly lifted her head to peer up at him beneath the visor of her baseball cap and over her sunglasses. As if she wanted to beat the piss out of him, and as if she wanted to kill him, she looked at him with hatred in her eyes. An abuser of women, he was a typical bully. Over the years that he worked for Tony and long before, she couldn't imagine how many women he had sexually abused, beaten, raped, and murdered. The type of man that she brutalized, he was just the type of man that women hired her to protect them against.

"Just do your job and drive the fucking car," she said.

With no man or woman talking to him in that disrespectful kind of way, he looked at her as if she had slapped him across the face. He had done more physical harm to women for showing him less disrespect. Yet, unable to touch her until he got the word from the boss, Ashley was his boss's woman and not his woman. With her laundering his money and keeping his business transactions clean, she managed a valuable service for Tony's organization. Figuring she was still not feeling well, he let her disrespectful remark slide.

# # #

"What's with the black bodysuit? You look like a ninja warrior. You look like Catwoman," said Darren with a laugh. "I'll tell you right now, the boss ain't gonna like you dressed like that," said Darren shaking his head. "You know what he likes. He likes women that dress sexy. He likes short skirts that exposes their panties or their naked pussy whenever they sit. He likes low-cut tops that show their long, line of sexy cleavage and the tops of their big breasts," he said.

As if she was a female Satan, already dressed for the part, she laughed a diabolical laugh.

"No man tells me what to wear and how to dress," she said with venom in her voice.

Darren returned her laugh with his smug laugh.

"Unless you're still under the weather, Tony expected you to dress sexy today to meet his clients. No matter," said Darren with a shrug. "Crystal and Tiffany will get rid of that unisex jumpsuit, give you something sexy to wear, and get you ready with hair and makeup for some sexy, sexual action with his guests," he said with a dirty laugh.

Laura peered up at the driver again with venom in her voice.

"Fuck the boss. I'm not having sex with anyone," she said. "And fuck you, too, Darold, for raping me and forcing me to suck your puny, little dick," she said laughing while pretending that she was Ashley who was raped.

Deliberately angering him, she baited him by calling him Darold instead of Darren. She patiently waited for him to make a mistake by leading with his emotions instead of with his head. Unable to control his aggression, especially against a defenseless woman, quickly growing angrier, he looked at her as if he wanted to slap her. He looked at her as if he wanted to strip her naked. He looked at her as if he wanted to rape her. He looked at her as if he wanted to shoot her.

"Fuck the boss? If the boss didn't want you bruised, I'd stop the car right now, pull you out by your short hair, strip you naked, and beat the piss out of you," he said with rage. "You fucking whore. You're nothing but a little fucking whore. Whore!"

Pouring gasoline on his fire, Laura encouraged his anger.

"What man hits a woman? You're not a man. You're a little boy. What man strips a woman naked and forces himself on her? If I'm a whore, then what are you? You're a violent rapist. That's what you are, a rapist! You're a man who hates women. You belong in prison with all of the other animals locked away in a human zoo."

If looks could kill, in the way that he was staring at her in his rearview mirror, she'd already be dead. His face was so red that his head looked as if it was about to explode. He looked as if he had smoke coming out of his ears. Yet, not stopping her verbal attack, wanting him to lose his control with his rage, she continued.

"The only way that you can get an erection is by forcing yourself on women and raping them," she said goading him. "No doubt, that's what you did to your mother, your sister, and your elderly grandmother? You sick fuck. You stripped them all naked, raped them, fucked them, and forced them to suck your little dick, didn't you? You raped your mother. You raped your sister. You raped your grandmother. Fuck you, Darold," she said again.

Until he confessed that he did rape his mother, his sister, and his grandmother, she had no idea that he did. Yet, not surprised that he raped his relatives, if he raped his mother, sister, and grandmother, what's to stop him from raping Ashely and/or her? He was no better than a wild dog that needed to be put down.

# # #

Going beyond being disrespectful, she was violently insulting. He hated it when someone mistakenly called him Darold instead of Darren. He shot and killed the last man who mocked him by calling him Darold. No doubt, as soon as he stopped the car, he'd hurt her. He'd really hurt her. Then, if he received Tony's okay, he'd kill her. Yet, with her laundering Tony's money, needing her services, unless he found someone else to launder his money, he'd never give him the okay to kill her.

"Fuck me? Fuck me," he said turning in his seat to look at her? "My name is Darren, not Darold," he said chewing out his words with hate while banging the steering wheel with his big hand. "You little, fucking bitch. That's what I'll be calling you from now, a little, fucking bitch," he said turning in his seat to look at her. "Who the fuck do you think you are? You're nothing more than shit on my shoe."

Laura laughed out loud.

"Okay, Darold. Whatever you say Darold," she said getting him even angrier. "Darold, Darold, Darold. What kind of queer name is that?"

Boiling mad, he shouted at her.

"And don't you ever disrespect my mother, my sister, or my grandmother. I only had sex with them that one time, years ago, when we were all drunk," he said pausing as if thinking all that he was going to do to her. "When I get you alone inside, I'm going to fuck you up. I'm going to tell the boss what you said. I'm going to tell him that you told him to fuck himself. After he's done with you, it will be my turn," he said banging the steering wheel again.

Laura laughed.

"Fuck me up?" She laughed out loud. "The only one who is getting fucked up other than you, Ritchie, and Paul, is that fat fuck, Tony. I'm going to make the four of you assholes sorry that you ever met me," she said. As if grimacing, she gave him a seriously stern grin.

Darren's face was red with anger. He was so angry that he could barely drive the car straight. He was so angry that he couldn't talk without spitting. If he wasn't driving the car, he'd drag her out of the car, punch her in her face, and continue to punch her in the face until she was bloody pulp.

"I guarantee you that after Tony, me, Paul, and Ritchie have our sexual way with your mouth, your pussy, and your ass, you'll be too sore to walk for a week," said Darren. "You'll be calling in sick for a week and soaking in an ice-cold bathtub."

Laura laughed.

"Fuck you, Darold, you frigging pussy. You can't hurt me," she said. "When I'm done with your pussy ass, if I don't kill you first, you'll be useless as a man."

Not knowing that he was driving himself to his own funeral, Darren drove the limo as if driving to a fire. Obviously, he couldn't wait to get her inside. Thinking she was Ashley; he couldn't wait to seek his revenge on her naked body.

# # #

Chapter 04:

Darren was so angry that, when he parked the car, he didn't even open her door. He walked away from her and continued inside. Not taking much to anger him, he was so enraged that this little, shit whore disrespected him that he could easily have killed her or someone else with little provocation.

"Frigging bitch. Fucking cunt," he said walking inside the strip club. "I'll fix her ass."

Unaccustomed to a woman talking to him like that disrespectful way, especially a woman so petite, he'd rather shoot her than look at her. Clearly, he couldn't wait to beat the crap out of her. He couldn't wait to strip her naked and have his forced, sexual way with her naked body. He couldn't wait to fuck her hard in her mouth, in her pussy, and in her ass. He couldn't wait for her to beg him for mercy and not give her any.

Once inside, Darren gave Paul and Ritchie the nod. As if she was a tackling dummy, they grabbed a hold of her arms, picked her up and carried her to the strippers' stage. Big men, as big as Darren, all three men were 6'5" tall and well over 200-pounds. Ex-football players who didn't make the pros for one reason or another, they were as strong and muscular as they were mean and angry, and as they were violent.

Darren, Paul, and Ritchie were ready to undress her and strip her naked before having forced gangbang sex with her. Yet, the obedient and loyal soldiers that they were, they'd never have sex with any woman until the boss had sex with her first and until the boss told them that it was okay to do whatever they sexually wanted to do to her. Yet, stopping him dead in his tracks, as soon as Darren removed her hat and dark glasses, he knew that she wasn't Ashley.

"You're not Ashley," he said looking at her with as much shock as he looked at her with confusion. "Who the fuck are you?"

Laura smiled while still being restrained by Paul and Ritchie.

"I'm Ashley's fairy Godmother," she said with a laugh. "I'm her protector. She hired me to save her. She hired me to defend her from the likes of you four assholes."

All four men laughed out loud.

"Fairy Godmother," said Ritchie?

The men three men laughed even harder.

"Her protector," said Paul?

They laughed again.

"Defend her against us," said Darren?

The men laughed even louder and longer.

"I'm your worst nightmare. I'm going to kick your asses for all that you did to Ashley," said Laura. "And I'm going to slap you senseless, Darold. I'm going to slap you so hard that your mother will feel my slap. Then, I'm going pick up your sorry ass and body slam you until you're out cold."

The three men laughed again, even harder this time.

"Where's your wings and halo? Body slam us? I don't see you carrying a magic wand for you to lift us off the ground," said Ritchie.

Darren stared at Laura as if he hated her and, clearly, he did. He stared at her as if he was ready to shoot her, kill her, and dump her body in the dumpster in the back alley and, clearly, he was. Although, someone as small as she was would easily fit in the wood chipper. Not bothering to kill her first and wanting to make her pain last longer, he was so angry that he'd stick her feet first in the wood chipper while she was still alive.

Their other favorite place to get rid of a body and any residual police evidence was at the crematory. Yet, it was costly to have the owner fire up the furnace for just one body, especially a body so small. Firing up the furnace in the crematorium was their first choice, but only the boss had the money to pay to use that. Tony had the money to buy his own crematorium but not wanting to call undue attention to himself, he left that job to the mortuary professionals.

"Get real," laughed Darren. "How can someone as petite as you going to kick our asses?"

Now, the three men were really laughing hard. No doubt, from hearing all of the loud laughter, wanting to know what was going on, Tony came down from his office. He looked from the men to look at this small, strange woman.

"What's going on here? Where's Ashley," Tony asked Darren looking from him to Laura? "Who the fuck is that broad," he asked while staring hard at her? "Her sister? They look a lot alike."

Darren laughed.

"She claims that she's Ashley's fairy Godmother and that she's going to kick all of our asses," said Darren.

Tony laughed.

"That would be really something, a little broad kicking the asses of my three biggest, baddest, and best men," said Tony. "I don't have time for this shit. Take her in back and tie her up with a gag in her mouth," he said with a wave of his fat hand.

Ready to obediently obey his boss, he was ready to take her upstairs.

"Okay, Boss," said Darren.

Before he could take her upstairs, Tony told Darren all that he hoped to hear.

"Then, after our guests leave, you all can go upstairs and fuck her. After you're done with her puny body, take her out back and shoot her. I don't care what you do with her, just get rid of her and don't leave anything left of her for the police to trace her back to us," he said.

# # #

Not wanting them to take her upstairs, she'd rather make her stand down here and in the open where she had the room to move around. When Laura made a move to pull away, the two men holding her tightened their grip on her. Pulling her harder in each direction as if trying to pull her arms out of their sockets, Richie and Paul struggled to control her and hold her in place.

An immovable object, with both men powerlifters, and each man outweighing her by two-hundred pounds each, shocking them by her easily getting the better of them, she was too strong for them. She continued to walk with them holding her. Then, as if she had suddenly turned into the Hulk, another power she didn't know she had until she needed it, the more the men tried to force her to move, the angrier she grew and the stronger she became. The two men struggled to hold her in place but she moved with ease while they continued pulling against her.

Baffling them and with them not knowing what to do, the more they pulled her the madder and harder to hold she became. Then they tried to force her down on the stage floor by kicking her legs out from under her and putting a forceful hand to the back of her neck. Unable to kickout her legs and unable to force her down by applying pressure to the back of her head, she resisted them. Obviously, with her a genetically altered, superwoman, she was much stronger than the two men combined.

As she did before with two men trying to attack her in the back alley, she whipped Ritchie and Paul together as if they were ragdolls on an amusement ride. Firing up her electromagnetic field and recharging her reserves of energy, as if her arms with particle accelerators moving in opposite directions, ready to split their atoms, she forcibly swung them together. They banged their heads against one another and, out cold, were flat on their backs on the stage floor.

A dumb move for him to make, instead of drawing his gun and shooting her, as if he was a linebacker ready to tackle a quarterback, assuming the tackling position, Darren launched himself at her. As if she was a matador evading a bull, Laura sidestepped him. Then, when he came at her from the other way, she put a hand to his forehead, stopped him in his tracks, and held him in place.

Then, instead of beating him to a bloody pulp, she humiliated him. She made him feel what every woman that he hit, manhandled, sexually, emotionally, and physically abused, and raped felt. Every time he tried to talk, every time he opened his mouth to speak, and before he could utter a word, she slapped him hard across his face. Finally, as if she was the doctor and he was the patient, he was receiving a taste of his own medicine.

"Who..." Slap! "What..." Slap! "Fuck..." Slap!

Unaccustomed to a woman slapping him across his face, especially this hard, and with her so tiny, especially compared to the monstrous size of these men, she made him angrier. Before she even hit him, he was already a defeated man. With Tony watching her display of superhuman strength, he watched Laura roughly pick up Darren by his crotch and neck and body slam him over and again. After four, hard body slams, he was done and out cold as were the other two men.


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