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Rachel Ch. 03

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The postman gets a pleasant surprise.
845 words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/22/2004
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Chapter 3: The Letter

A couple of weeks after my adventures down at the garage I plucked up the courage to have another go at doing an ‘accidental’ flash. I’d become so aroused by my previous flashes that I’d become addicted to the feelings exhibitionism gave me. This time, I decided to treat my postman to a sight of my naked body.

I had to plan the flash quite carefully, and decided to post myself a recorded delivery letter that would need signing for. I reckoned that the letter would arrive on Saturday morning and Steve, the postman, would have to knock on my door to get my signature. He usually delivered the post at about nine in the morning, so I got up a little earlier than usual to decide on my outfit. After showering I put on my very short black silk kimono. It’s a bit too small for me; my large breasts are barely contained by the material even if the belt is wrapped tightly around. I adjusted the lapels to make sure that most of my soft white breasts were on display, leaving my nipples just hidden behind the silky material. I’m quite tall, so the hem of the kimono only just managed to cover my pussy. At the back the bottom of my ass cheeks were on display.

Waiting nervously in my hallway, I kept checking the time, hoping that Steve would call soon. I felt pretty silly standing there waiting like that, like some kind of black spider waiting for their prey. Luckily the bell rang just before nine, and my adventure could begin.

I checked my outfit, making sure that it was revealing enough, but not too obvious. While pretending to yawn as if I’d just been woken, I opened the door. Steve looked up at me and gasped. Smiling, I joked, “Morning Steve thanks for getting me out of bed so early! What is it?”

“I’ve got a recorded delivery letter for you Miss Lethem. Would you mind signing for it please?” As Steve spoke, his eyes gave me a good look over, starting at my breasts and moving down to my long, bare legs.

I replied, “Sure, have you got a pen?”

“I did have, but it must have fallen out of my bag. I couldn’t borrow one of yours could I?”

Sensing my chance to take things a bit further I nodded and turned back into the hallway. As I went off to get a pen, I made sure that I gave my bottom a casual rub, hopefully pulling up the material to let Steve have a better look at my bottom. I found a biro in the kitchen and made my next move, loosening the belt of the kimono so that it would fall open with the slightest movement. There was only an inch or two of overlap separating my nakedness from full exposure!

I gingerly walked back out to Steve, hoping that the kimono would stay decent until I could get closer. He offered the pad to sign and I leant over to print my name. As I expected, this forward movement was enough to make the kimono finally gape open, the belt untying itself almost straight away. I could sense Steve’s hot breath on my neck as I scribbled my signature. I decided to pretend that I hadn’t realised what had happened, standing up straight with the silky material merely framing my large soft white breasts, erect nipples and pussy.

“Have you got the letter for me then?” I asked.

Steve fumbled around in his bag while I waited, at the same time not taking his eyes off my nakedness. I appeared intent on looking at him while he searched, keeping up the pretence that I didn’t know that my body was on display. Eventually he found the letter and almost regretfully passed it to me - I’m sure he was disappointed that my show was about to be cut short. I sensed his disappointment and decided to prolong things a bit more. As I made small talk, barely listening to his answers, I could feel the wetness between my legs. I wanted to reach down and rub myself, but had to restrain my feelings. My small pink nipples felt as if they were about to explode as I became more aroused. I realised I’d have to stop things before they went too far.

“Well, thanks for the letter Steve – I’d better go and get dressed now.” I looked down casually and gasped in mock horror as I realised I was exposed. As I pulled the kimono together I blurted out, “Oh my god, what am I doing? I’m sorry about this.” Steve’s face blushed bright red, and he mumbled that it was OK.

Clutching the kimono tightly around myself, I waved as he went off down my path. After I had closed the door I immediately ripped off the gown and set about pleasuring myself with a long, hard orgasm. I was beginning to really like this exhibitionist life…

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 21 years ago
Your stories are hot!. Please carry on!!

Hi Rachel, please keep on writing your hoy stories.

I cannot wait to read what is next...



AnonymousAnonymousabout 21 years ago
Hot Tamale !


What else can I say?

Will eagerly look for next chapter !!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 21 years ago

why is a woman as beautiful as you unattached? i'm sure you are leading up to stories of making,fucking...that will leave us with hard cocks that need immediate attntion. i may be wrong, but i sense a well toned body wit small, hard breasts. thes drive me wild. almost every woman built like this ive known, has extremely sensitve nipples that really need to be chewed on. come on lovely, tell us about that first hard cock that entered your gushing pussy and gave you the pleasure you wanted and needed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 21 years ago

You are doing an excellent job Rachel...Your dtories are really great...I cant wait for your next one...MAGNIFICENT!

steveindasteveindaabout 21 years ago
sexy and true to life

Very nice short story. Keep me it up <blushing>

- Steve (my real name :-))

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