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Rachel Started with Her Pics Ch. 01

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Loving wife and my friend help from far away.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/08/2022
Created 03/27/2009
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True, I have always had this hard-driving fantasy to see my wife taken by other men. But, as I headed out the door to spend a year away from her, supposedly defending my country, we had yet to experience that wonderful fantasy. It wasn't that my wife, Rachel, was averse to involving another man in our bedroom, quite the opposite. Rachel is a very sexy woman and a very confident woman at that. Her confidence is what, essentially, makes her that much more sexy. Very little, in regards to sex, disgusted her; there was very little she wouldn't try. She is the perfect woman!!!

Before she met me Rachel had had experiences of various sorts. She'd been in threesomes with an ex-boyfriend with another woman and she'd even had a threesome with two women. We had talked openly about those experiences and I knew them well; even though I hadn't been there those scenes ran through my minds hundreds, if not thousands of times. It was always so easy for me to imagine other hot girls going down on her, licking her pussy and bringing her to orgasm. It was a fantasy that wouldn't die easily.

I am in my mid-thirties and Rachel is 27. She's a beauty, pale skin with dark Italian hair. Her eyes sparkle and speak a language all their own. They were the first thing that sucked me into her world and they have held onto me tightly ever since. Though she has small boobs they are incredibly perky and proportionate and absolutely wonderfully perfect. There is no sag in them and it's wonderful. I love making her nipples stand on end. And her ass, don't get me started on her ass. It's absolutely amazing; one that you just want to sink your teeth into. Rachel is also a dancer, so it's very easy for her to keep her ass and legs in great shape. I swear, the woman is like a spider---she's all legs.

From the moment we might the electricity was high. It didn't matter to either one of us that we didn't like each other much from moment number one; there was something there, something undeniable about her—about us. There was a magnetic draw between us; no matter how hard we wanted to be away from each other we couldn't stay away. Wherever we went we seemed drawn to each other; we seemed to simply be at the same place as if one of us could feel the other and unconsciously found ourselves seeking that missing piece, finding it in the person we didn't like. Needless to say, neither one of us was found of the fact that we couldn't deny each other. That energy simply continued to build and build until we both realized that fighting it was a ridiculous waste of our time and we gave in and, once we did, it was amazing. To this day I still can clearly see and feel that first kiss, first touch....a grown man and I shook like a school boy getting to third base for the first time.

So all this wonder and joy is dearly missed. Why, you ask? Well because I'm not with Rachel. Unfortunately my job has taken me overseas, halfway around the world and the woman I treasure and adore. Neither one of us wanted this or asked for this but it's what life has dealt us and we're dealing with it. But we're not fooling anyone, least of all ourselves. It's tough being away from each other and knowing that it was going to be an entire year didn't help things. So we had to plan activities that broke up the monotony and also gave us something to look forward to. I planned things like internet chats and online poker and games to keep us involved with fun activities but it was Rachel who came up with the killer idea.

It came as a surprise, but Rachel got the idea to take monthly "themed" pictures of herself and send them to me. It was my job to try and figure out what the theme was. It was a great idea. Rachel has a sparkling personality and a smile to knock anyone out so I couldn't wait to see what she would devise. Being the little devil she is she was "kind" enough to let me know when she'd mailed the pictures. The week of waiting for them to come in the mail was excruciating. But the wait was worth it when the pictures came.

I tore open the package before I even got back to my place. It was the most difficult drive I've ever had; torn between keeping my eyes on the road and the pictures of my wife. It was February and it was easy to pick out the theme she'd chosen. There were a slew of wonderful pictures of her standing in our bedroom in ski clothes. One by one as I flipped through the pictures Rachel decided to tease me with either the pose or the amount, or lack of, clothing. She started with pictures of her striking silly poses, her scarf wrapped around her long, sexy neck, the hood of her jacket pulled over her hair. Pictures with her tongue out, pictures of her pulling the hood down staring sexily into the camera. Then she turned her ass toward the camera, slipping the jacket off. Picture by picture she began disrobing for each subsequent picture. Her ski pants suspenders were pulled out, her thumbs hooked in them, a wicked smile on her face. My body began warming at the photos; her smile gets me enraptured and the world melts away when I stare at her perfect grin. But just as she got down to her tee shirt and shorts the theme stopped. I was crushed at first, until I unwrapped the next sheet of paper which contained a few more pictures.....and these were worth waiting for.

She wore the dress we got married in and teased me with various pictures of her in the dress and slightly pulling up the dress to expose her long legs in stockings. Some pictures were shot from above and some; the best were shot from below, up through her dress and legs. The pictures were perfect; they showed all the leg in the worlds without showing her panties at all, simply implying they were there. The next outfit was a green St. Patties t-shirt pulled tight from the waist to the neck in that wonderful "country girl" style and the tightest pair of white shorts you'll ever see. It was in these pictures that she started shooting more and more of her ass, giving me the look over her shoulder—knowing that it is my favorite look of hers. The culminating picture is of the shirt pulled up just underneath her breasts, her legs spread in a standing V and her thumbs hooked into the tops of those wonderfully tight shorts, pulling them down just to the top of her panty line. Suddenly I was hungry and couldn't figure out why. The next set was of her in a red nightie and on the bed. I couldn't think of a better place for her to be. She was holding the camera shooting down at her face and then had set it off to the side of the bed for the next shots. On her back, Rachel stuck a leg into a v-shaped arch and tilted herself up on her elbows and leaned her head back. Her pronounced neck was just begging to be nibbled on. Then she had found my guitar, the acoustic I left behind, and decided she and it should make friends. She pulled the bedspread down over the bed and spread it out on the floor and laid on it with the guitar in front of her completely naked body!!!! I haven't had sex with anything except my hand for a month and here was my beautiful wife completely naked but hiding behind my wonderful acoustic guitar. Just before my temperature went through the roof, the last picture was of the guitar standing on end, straight up into the air. Rachel sat behind the guitar, her legs spread to each side of the guitar as she leaned forward against it; hiding all of her vital "girl" parts.

The pictures were wonderful, so absolutely wonderful. I got hard just looking at them and couldn't look at them enough. How many times I had put them away only to pull them back out again and enjoy them. The phone call that night was torture; Rachel spent the entire time laughing at my enjoyment of the pictures. She was so happy that they worked for me so well and I told her that I planned on enjoying them routinely. And I did just that.

As the days passed I looked at those pictures over and over again, so happy that I have such a sexy, fun and open wife. Nothing got me through those days of work and misery being away from her without the knowledge that I could go home to pull out those pictures again. There was only one problem though. The pictures, as wonderful as they are, were difficult to enjoy her full sexiness because she had to operate the camera by herself. She was forced to either hold the camera and try to get good angles or she set it on the timer and tried to get into position before it snapped the picture. I wondered how much better the pictures would have been if she had someone to take them for her and decided that I would talk to her about it.

Rachel wasn't shocked when we talked and I expressed my thoughts. She, to her credit, agreed that they would have come out better if someone had taken them for her.

"Don't get me wrong babe," I told her; "I absolutely love them."

"I know honey," she replied. God, that's what I love about that woman. She isn't like any woman I've ever known. I can be so open and honest with her. "I wasn't thinking that."

"What were you thinking then?"

"Well," she paused, "I was thinking I could see if someone wouldn't mind taking next month's spread."

I loved her word choice, my mind wandering to wonderful places. "You would be okay with that?"

She paused. "Yeah, why not? What do you think?"

"Oh I don't know," I answered honestly. "I think it would be great. Then I could soak up all of you and not have your arm in every picture." We shared a laugh but the other end of the phone got quiet. "Are you okay, honey?"

"Yeah," she answered. "I was just thinking about it and how much nicer the pictures would be if someone else took them."

I agreed, picturing the possibilities already. Her question broke my thoughts. "You wouldn't mind it?"

I laughed. "Absolutely not. Why would I. I mean, I guess it would depend on who you had taking the pictures. Did you have anyone in mind?"

"Well, no, not really," she giggled. "This was your idea mister, remember?"

"Yeah, I do. Well would you want a guy to do it?"

"A guy?" she asked tentatively.

"Yeah," I said. "Our closest friends are the guys who come over for poker and football. Any one of them is like a brother to me."

Rachel guffawed. "I don't know about that, honey. I mean, I know I couldn't do it with one of my girlfriends. You wouldn't have a problem with one of the guys taking pictures of me in the house without you around?"

I thought before answering. "No, I wouldn't mind. I trust those guys and I need to see you and if this is the way it has to be I'd be willing to under one condition."

"What is that?" she asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"That you get those damn pictures to me immediately," I laughed and she joined me. That broke the ice and we worked out the details of the who, what and when of the next picture session. To us communication is so incredibly important especially when doing something like this with me out of the country. We agreed that my friend Steve would be the one we'd ask. He is a single guy right in between our age with a great personality and he is someone who Rachel has always taken to right from the beginning. They've always been able to get along well because he's a real guy, not one who was too fact to talk real with her or afraid of offending her. He can drink beer with us and not turn into a fool either and, of all of my friends, he is the one guy I knew wouldn't take advantage of the huge level of trust that I was putting in him.

"Could I still do the pictures I was planning?" she asked me.

"Stop," I ordered, not wanting to hear what she had planned. "I want this to be a surprise for me, don't ruin it."

"But honey, some of them could be racy," she warned. She was so cute using the word 'racy'.

"I know," I shrugged. "Hell, that's what I'm hoping for."

"Okay," she said in a firm voice, "let's do it. This could be fun."

With Rachel's agreement I contacted Steve and told him what Rachel and I were thinking. "Are you sure about this?" he asked me. The skepticism was anticipated.

"Yes, dude," I told him. "Rachel is doing this thing where she comes up with some theme of the month and sends me the pics. They're great but we both agree that they'd be better if she could just model and had someone to take the pictures. I trust you and know the pictures would be great."

"I'm not going to lie," he replied, "I wouldn't mind doing it; Rachel is definitely cool and there's no secret that she's beautiful. I just wouldn't want to fuck anything up and have you guys get mad at me."

"How would you do that?" I asked. He didn't have an answer for me. "Don't worry about it, I told him. You are the guy that we trust and we are all adults. Both her and I know that there will be some sexy pictures that might be uncomfortable for both of you but we both trust you and know that we wouldn't trust anyone else with taking the pictures or what you might see when taking them."

Steve admitted he was interested and had no problem checking out my hot wife if I didn't mind. "Not at all," I laughed. Rachel and I had never opened our bedroom doors to anyone else but this wasn't like we were doing that. It was simply Steve taking pictures of Rachel. It's not like she hadn't been out in public in a bikini before and it's not like Steve had never seen her dressed like that. The only difference this time would be that Steve and her would be alone on location to do a photo shoot. I told Steve that I would finalize the plans with Rachel and she would let him know.

Rachel and I finished making the plans for the upcoming weekend. She would call Steve and give him all of the details as to not ruin the surprise for me. The rest of the week seemed to drag and, because of the time difference, I couldn't talk to Steve until the weekend. He's truly a stand-up guy; he called my international phone that Saturday morning to make sure I was still okay with all of this. Absolutely, I was! Rachel and I talked before the shoot.

"How are you doing?" I asked her.

"I'm a little nervous babe," she admitted. "But you are right; it's not like Steve hasn't seen me in all the small bikinis I have and we've been friends for so long it's ridiculous to think this is anything different. It will be fun and I can't wait until you see them."

"Me either," I agreed.

"So I am going honey," there was a little hesitancy in Rachel's voice.

"Are you okay, sweety?"

"Yes," she answered. "I just hope this goes well."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Steve is your friend and he's going to be taking the pictures," she paused, "I just don't want it to be weird around him when we see each other after this. It's not like you're going to be around for a while and I don't want him reacting weirdly."

"Don't worry about it," I laughed. "He's not going to. I mean, he'll definitely enjoy looking at you but Steve knows the lines. He won't cross them.....not without our permission."

"Huh? Our permission."

"Yes, honey," I laughed. "He'd only say or do something if we let him."

"Well," she said determinedly, "that's not going to happen but he's definitely going to see a lot of me."

"You are such a tease," I said.

"I know." I could see her smile from the other side of the world. "Okay, time to go honey."

"I love you baby," I smiled, already picturing her sexiness out there for my friend to see. "Have fun."

"I will call you after we're done," she said.

"Okay." Hours passed and I tried to occupy myself with small tasks around the dormitory I lived in. I left the room for a work out, made something to eat, watched some tv, anything I could to distract myself. I wondered what was happening, what they were doing and it was so powerful. It consumed all of my energy and all of my thoughts. When Rachel finally called I was on the brink of going insane, but in a good way.

"Hey baby," the joy in her voice relieved all the pressure that had built up.

"Hey gorgeous! How was it?" I couldn't wait to hear the details and Rachel knew it. She wasn't going to torture me.

"Oh baby," she started, "you are going to love the pictures. We went through them after we were done and they're amazing. You were so right that they'd come out better if we had someone else do them and they did. I can't wait for you to see them."

I couldn't wait either. I wanted to know everything but I didn't want a clue about them either. I just needed to know that Rachel was okay.

"Oh, it was fine," she answered. "I was being silly for worrying. You were right; Steve was incredibly sensitive and respectful. I didn't know what I was thinking. Anyways, I'm going to mail them out first thing tomorrow."

The few days it took for the pictures to come in were the longest days of my life. In the meantime Steve and I wrote emails to each other. He thanked me for the chance to take pics of Rachel and he constantly commented on her beauty. I thanked him for doing this for us and he said he should be the one to thank me. We agreed that if Rachel wanted to, and if I enjoyed the pictures, we would ask him to take next month's shoot as well. The day finally came when a small package sat in my mailbox. This time I waited until I got back to my room before opening the package. I figured that if I waited this long I could wait the few minutes to get back to my room before opening them. I knew what I was going to do and how I was going to react once I saw them.

The pictures started out in the driveway. Rachel was dressed in small shorts and a bikini top, cleaning her Jeep. I laughed; she knew I love her in a bikini, cleaning a truck. How much sexier could she be? There were lots of shots of her just cleaning it, lots of white, bubbly soap all over the Jeep, her hands and arms and her chest. Rachel bent over the hood and looked back over her shoulder. Bending over at the waste to clean the tires. There was something so sexy about the white soap all over her arms and nearly naked chest. Then the water hose came out. She held it close to her body as if embracing it. She squirted it, a wide smile on her face as it shot out. There were pics of her shooting the water in the air and it raining back down on her, soaking her skin, wetting her shorts. The material of the shorts clung to her ass as they got wetter. The last outdoor picture was one of Rachel pouring a bucket of clean water over her head, soaking her dark hair to her skull and completely drenching her shorts.

I was so hot looking at the pictures. My cock was rock hard and I had already been stroking myself for a few minutes. The next package read "Inside". I tore open the wrapper. Rachel was standing inside our sun room; staring the camera, her thumbs hooked in her shorts waistband; her eyes teased the camera. I was dying looking at her seductive eyes and I just knew that Steve had to be as well. The pics that followed showed Rachel slowly starting to peel her shorts down her legs, leaving her standing in just her bikini top and bottoms. She toweled her hair, pulling her breasts up and her dark, long curly hair bounce out in ringlets. The next pic had Rachel wrap the towel around her shoulders, draping it over her breasts, covering them. Next she reached behind her and pulled the top of her bikini top string. I was shocked; was she really going to untie her top? I mean, we had talked about her getting sexy in the pics but I had no idea that she was planning on getting naked or exposing herself to Steve and me. I didn't have to wait long....the next pic showed her standing with the towel in place over her now naked breasts, the bikini top dangling from her pinched thumb and finger. I couldn't believe it! My wife had exposed her breasts to my best friend and I was totally hot. I don't know what I couldn't believe more; the fact that Rachel had taken off her top or the fact that I enjoyed the fact that she did. With shaking hands I flipped over the next picture. Rachel was leaning against the glass door, her breasts covered by her hands and her waist thrust out towards the camera. Steven must have dropped to her knees because the camera was level with Rachel's waist.


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