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Radiance Ch. 11

Story Info
Visa and Seven's relationship is revealed to their group.
6.3k words

Part 21 of the 125 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 04/17/2021
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Radiance Chapter 11: Acceptance.

When Seven and Visa finally reemerged from the pool cave they found everyone grinning at them as they entered the main cave, well except for Wisp but Seven could actually feel her grin through her expressionless metallic face.

"Crap you know don't you?" he said and Ven's grin reached critical mass to the point where it looked like his lips were going to retract over his skull and peel his skin off like a fucking banana.

"Kinda hard not to with the noises you were making my beloved sister make, but hey let me be the first to congratulate you for being brave enough to take that step, not everyone can love a claw especially a crazy tail like my sister, but I'm proud of you, you really stepped up and it's obvious you make her happy so you got my blessing, but just a warning here if you ever break her heart you won't have to worry about her because there will be no place on this earth you'll be able to hide from me," Ven said the smile never leaving his face despite his chilling words.

Visa went from outraged at being called a crazy tail again to surprised to happy at her brother's words, "S-So none of you are weirded out by this?" she asked and all of them even Gregory shook their heads, infact it was the timid young human that answered.

"Life is too short and harsh enough as it is, if you make each other happy then that's good enough for me, you are both good people, I've already seen that in the very short time I've known you, you stepped up and saved me, protected me and even let me come with you, despite my presence being nothing but a hassle for you so that for me speaks volumes, both you and Ven have already shown me that not all claws are vicious animals, but people just like me, so why shouldn't you have the same feelings as me? And if Seven makes you happy and you make Seven happy then who in this world has any right to tell you it's wrong? Because the way I see it, love is never wrong, at the end of the day it's about the only good thing we have left and it comes in all shapes and sizes" Gregory said surprising them all.

Ven put his long arm around the slender human's shoulder and gently and playfully shook him, "Well said this man, you see this sister? It looks like that human of yous is a good human magnet, in all our lives we've never met good humans before, now we've met two err three in the space of days" Ven said catching Wisp shooting him a glance mid-way through that sentence.

Visa nodded her large head then taking a deep breath wrapped her long arms around Seven in a very tight bear-like hug, "This here is my human, he is mine, he belongs to me, I claim him as my mate for life and I will never let anyone hurt or touch him ever again, I will guard him and love him till the end of my days, I will be his alpha and death will follow on swift claws to any who would try to hurt or steal my male from me, this I swear before all of you" Visa said and Ven looked amazed.

"Wow kid the oath of the alpha claw, that's a lot to live up to, you really must have touched her heart in all the right ways if she's willing to make that pledge, well then all you have to do now is accept and you have a claw for life," Ven said looking between them.

Seven's heart went into overdrive as he turned in Visa's arms and looked up at the expectant and hopeful claw female, but as his eyes met hers he knew that he'd already accepted despite the words not leaving his lips yet, "I accept Visa, I am yours and no-one else's" he said and Visa let out a squeal that was very un-claw like as she hoisted him off his feet and smashed her lips to his.


"See? What did I tell you? Claw love is the best love, you find the right big strong handsome claw boy to love you and you'll never fear again" Ven said shaking Gregory's shoulder as he watched the happy couple basically sucking each other's face's off.

"Yeah, I think your right there Ven, love is love no matter what shape it takes," Gregory said in a kinda dreamy thoughtful voice, it was literally only then that Ven noticed that he'd absent-mindedly coiled his tail around Gregory's hips and Gregory was absent-mindedly stroking the tip of it like he was petting a cat or something, Ven smiled to himself, could two miracles really be possible to the same group?

He really hoped so.


As Visa and Seven sat down to eat Visa insisted on Seven sitting in her lap, which made him look rather small and it would be obvious to anyone that he was embarrassed by it, but he still did it because he could see it would make Visa happy, she he perched himself on her huge thighs and she pulled him back against her belly with one large hand before settling in to eat her bowl of stew that Wisp and Ven had made for them.

To his utter surprise Visa looked so very proud with him sat there, plus given how genuinely happy for them everyone seemed he rather swiftly relaxed and just ate his stew enjoying the comfort of his living seat.

Wisp had sat down next to them as Gregory and Ven were on the other bed and we deep in conversation, Gregory was telling Ven all about his life both before and during his enslavement and the big claw seemed utterly enthralled by the slender human man, Seven was beginning to suspect that his interest was maybe a little deeper than he just found him interesting.

"Thank you for the food Wisp, it is delicious" Visa said happily as she finished her second bowl, she really did have a rather healthy appetite, but then given her size Seven wasn't surprised, he just hoped as her man he wasn't expected to go out and hunt for her all the time now or that could be quite a mission.

"Thanks, Ven helped quite a lot, for some reason I rather like cooking despite not being able to you know to eat or taste anything myself, but he lets me know when I got things just right" Wisp replied and Visa nodded in agreement.

"My brother did always have an eye for a choice cut of meat when he saw it," she said.

"You know I really am glad you two got together, you both deserve to be happy you know, plus it a kinda selfish way it kinda gives me hope too you know?" Wisp said and both Seven and Visa cocked their heads at her sensing a kind of vulnerability shining through the metal exterior.

"Well you know no offence here but you two don't exactly look like you should become lovers you know, big claw little human, but then you did, you found the part of yourselves that simply said fuck it, maybe we're not so different after all and you took a leap of faith and look what it got you, a happiness you never knew could be, it makes me think that maybe if it can happen to you guys being so different then maybe it could for me too you know, maybe somewhere out here is my price just waiting for his metal princess with a kick-ass head cannon to rock up and utterly rock his world you know?" Wisp said trying to disguise her pain under her humour.

But Seven saw it plain as day, he reach out and placed a hand on Wisp's metal shoulder, "I got no doubt he's out there Wisp if anyone deserves a prince it's you, you're a good, kind, gentle person, while also being tough as nails and you have a kick-ass head cannon that turns ghouls to ash, so what's not to love?' he said and Wisp laughed out loud.

"Yeah, thanks Seven that means a lot, just hope that he's like you and can keep an open mind, these Assaultron's don't exactly come with the right attachments for sexy time, more like turn certain parts of your anatomy either inside out or to dust time," she said playfully and Seven laughed.

"Yeah don't do that, We open-minded guys tend to draw the line at having our junk burned off of turned inside out," he said and Visa growled above him.

"No one touches my male's junk but me, it is for my eyes, hands and body only, I am the only female that gets to enjoy it," she said proudly and Wisp laughed again.

"Easy big girl not making a play for you human, trust me I can see that Seven is well and truly taken, especially from the noises you were both making earlier, for a moment I thought you'd taken up opera singing Seven and was trying to teach it to Visa," Wisp said making Seven flush bright red, Visa flushed also but unlike him, she doubled down.

"I am not ashamed of the mind-blowing pleasure my human made me feel, he honoured me and gave me a joy I never knew existed, I am proud to express my love for him," she said not realizing she'd just set Wisp right up.

"And boy did you express it girl, not just vocally either, from those slaps I kept hearing I thought I was going to have to loan Seven my titanium pelvis for sure," she said and Visa growled.

"I admit I may have gone somewhat overboard, but I make no apologies for it, as such was the depth of the enjoyment my male gave me, I hear no complaints from him," she said looking down at him and he simply reached up and stroked her horns.

"And you never will," he said.

"Seven, slayer of claw hearts and loins, has a kinda nice ring to it, now see if you can find me Alan the blind and handsome, robot lover extraordinaire" Wisp said and Seven laughed.

"Why Alan?' he asked and Wisp just shrugged.

"Dunno first name that came to mind and I quite like it, but honestly I'd settle for Philroy if he could love me the way you love her," she said and Visa growled proudly.

"Don't worry Wisp I'm sure there's someone out there for you, just gotta keep an open eye and more open mind" he said.

"Not to mention heart," Visa said squeezing Seven happily.

"I'll do my best, I just hope whoever I find isn't powered by Apple otherwise it'll be a pretty dull relationship, every time I try to do naughty fun things with him he'd just shut down and pretend I don't exist before locking me out," Wisp said laughing at her own joke.

"What the hell is an apple?" Seven asked and Wisp just waved her hand dismissively.

"Never mind just some android humour, you'd have to be an android like me to understand I guess," she said and with that, she got up headed over to the other side of the cave and sat down before going into maintenance mode.

Visa seemed to sense Seven's concern for his friend and she tightened her hold on him, "Do not worry my mate, she will find someone worthy of her, she is a good woman despite her worries, plus with her abilities maybe she could find a better body than the one she currently possesses, one that would make her life easier" she said and that set Seven's mind ablaze, she was right, upgrades were the key.

"Sometimes your genius is frighting you know that my little lover claw," he said reaching up and kissing her horn making her quiver.

"I am glad you noticed" Visa purred proudly before tightening her grip on him, they had finished their food now and it was obvious that she intended to lay with him tonight, so letting himself relax in her arms Seven gave no resistance as Visa lay herself down and pretty much coiled herself around Seven encasing him in scales and claws as she held him tightly to her chest, it was like being encased in a warm scaly blanket with a heartbeat for a lullaby, he honestly had never felt so loved in his life.

The next day Seven woke slowly with a yawn and as he stretched himself he felt a slight tickle along his stomach, opening his eyes he looked down his body and realised that Visa's very long fingers hand wormed their way into his clothes overnight, one hand was over his belly and his chest and the other had slipped into his pants and underwear and was very gently cupping his entire manhood.

He felt something warm and very agile slide over his neck and ear-tickling inside as it passed making him shiver as his confused sleepy mind realised it was her long tongue, "I love the way you taste my delicious little human, not to mention feel" she whispered right in his ear before she very very gently nibbled on his ear lobe with her long fangs short-circuiting his brain.

Suddenly Seven noticed something swishing and wiggling in front of him and decided some payback was in order for his playful claw and he shot his hand own and snatched hold of her tail before popping the tip right into his mouth.

Now it was Visa's brain that short-circuited, "You're not the only one who likes a good taste my sexy alpha," he said making her purr a little louder than she meant, but it was obvious she loved it when he called her that, he believed he'd found his new pet name for her.

He felt all of her muscles tensing like she was preparing to spin him over and have her way with him right there and then, but a sudden snort and murmur froze them both in place and slowly they both moved their heads and eyes to locate the source, Visa's tail tip remained in Seven's mouth the entire time.

To their left, they both saw Ven and laid in front of him with two very large hands encircling him was Gregory, the young human seemed to have fallen asleep on the big male claw and by the look of it, Ven had no problem getting a human cuddle of his own because Gregory seemed to be clinging to Ven's chest like his life depended on it.

Seven actually felt himself smiling even through a mouthful of Visa's tail tip, it looked like their new human friend was into men and by the look of the way he was holding him, Seven got the feeling that Ven was maybe hiding a human fetish and secret love of his own.

Without even realizing it Seven had begun nibbling and sucking on Visa's tail tip and a soft growl in his ear reminded him and she leaned down close to his ear nibbling it again, "If you keep doing that my beautiful human I won't be held responsible for my actions" she said soft enough for only him to hear.

he felt a very gentle but also very possessive squeeze to his manhood which had swollen with blood and had fitted itself very nicely into her large hand.

Her long tongue coiled around his throat and ran along his jaw before moving force it's way into his mouth filling it to the brim as it coiled around his own, she also rotated his body along with her own so she was now atop him using her knees and elbows spread far apart to pin him below her without either distressing him or hurting him anyway.

Suddenly Seven felt Visa's hand gently easing his trousers down, "Please be quiet my male, I cannot resist you" Visa breathed after she pulled her tongue from his mouth.

Seven panted and nodded softly, Visa eased him down her long body and gently aligned him with herself, then with a slow precise movement he felt her rubbing his tip along her already exposed and dripping slit, then with a slow measured movement she inserted him fully inside her and Seven was engulfed him her heavenly feminine flesh.

Seven gripped Visa's large hips as she pushed down forcing every single inch of him inside her, above him he watched her quickly stuff her makeshift pillow into her mouth so she didn't make any noise, other than the very soft wet sounds of their flesh meshing together and some muffled moans their lovemaking was silent.

Visa was every bit as passionate as she was the night before, Seven could feel it in the power of her hip movements, though it was obvious she was holding back because she knew she would injure him if she went full steam, but he could feel her pleasure rippling through her, he utterly loved the way her body seemed to overflow the pleasure pressure into her scales which seemed to make them lift and vibrate like she was a bird fluffing and arranging her feathers Visa's scales seemed to ruffle under his grip and all along her huge body.

Above him he could hear the soft muffled moans she was making into the makeshift pillow she had stuffed into her mouth though from where he was beneath her be couldn't really see her as her chest swells were in the way, their height difference really kinda showed like this, but it also made him feel utterly amazing because here he was pinned beneath this truly powerful, strong force of nature of a woman, powerless against her will and strength and al she wanted to do was make love to him.

To have her wicked way with him right here on the cave floor with their friends and her brother only feet from them, the thrill of the fact that any second anyone could simply look up and see them locked in this most intimate compromising position ran through him like electricity, now Seven wasn't by any means an exhibitionist but he couldn't deny the thrill or the excitement it hit him with, plus the fact that Visa was a claw and not a human-made it even stronger.

It also seemed to be affecting Visa in exactly the same way, he could feel her excitement in every movement, the way her insides gripped, twisted, squirmed all around him, pulling on him so tightly and refusing to let go of his flesh as it quested to draw him as deeply as it could inside her, it was like having a mixture of hot liquid silk and liquid latex wrapped around your flesh, like being inside a vice made of flesh and muscle.

It was also obvious that Visa couldn't get enough, the sensations were driving her crazy, all that primal energy, lust, desire and just simply power were running through her like water, to Seven it felt like she'd waited her whole life just to find him and now that pure possessiveness was shining like a sun inside her, like a part of her was just so excited it didn't know what to do with itself like she was trying to meld his entire body into hers and make them into one pure being made of male human and female claw, her perfect ideal.

Under such intensity neither of them lasted long, it was way too much for either or even both of them to handle, with one final powerful push downwards which sealed the entirety of Sevens length inside her Visa's insides clamped down hard and Seven felt all of the powerful muscles rings inside her begin to vibrate and pump like she was a living milking machine, he also felt a torrent of liquid head flowing around his manhood as an explosion of her nectar flowed around his flesh bathing it in heat.

Visa bit down so hard on the pillow she'd stuffed in her mouth that she bit through it in order to stop herself letting out an ear-shattering roar that would the living hell out of God himself, Seven on the other hand jammed one of her exposed nipples into his mouth to prevent him doing the same which only made things worse for Visa because it added yet another layer of unexpected pleasure to the explosion going off inside her, which combined with the pleasure of Seven shooting his red hot seed into her was just too much, his big bad claw girl nearly passed out from pleasure overload.

It was a good thing that Visa had managed to lock her legs and elbows into such a position that they wouldn't give out if he muscles did because she simply sagged on Seven, he felt the moment she lost her control and it was like her whole body just turned into scaly jelly above him like she was made of putty under his touch, he ran his hands over her hips down onto her ample rear giving it a loving squeeze before running them u her solid broad back.

Visa hung there panting like she'd run a marathon above him, before finally he saw the moment that her brain seemed to remember who and what she was and she lifted her head up from the utterly ruined pillow she pressed in into, she looked down at him under her breasts and he smiled up at her.

"Enjoy that big girl?" he whispered in a somewhat raspy voice still panting hard.

"I-I-I simply don't have the words to begin to explain how that felt for me Seven, I-I-I just can't even begin to explain what you do to me, what you make me become, I have never felt or behaved like this around anyone before, ever, it's like something primal inside me takes control and will not let go until you are so far into me that I cannot tell where I end and you begin, I-I-I didn't just want you, I mean yes I wanted you, of course, I wanted you, but it was just so much more than that, I needed you like I need to breathe like I need to eat like I need to sleep, you complete me in a way I cannot even begin to explain, your body, your taste, your scent, everything, it's like I utterly covert all that you are," she said in a breathless confused sounding pleasure soaked voice.


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