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Radiance Ch. 122

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Varrel and Eve finally take the plunge.
6.2k words

Part 35 of the 125 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 04/17/2021
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Chapter 122: Love Travels on Buzzing Wings.

As it turned out Varrel was a lot stronger than he looked and as Eve pounced on him he managed to catch her.

With a sweeping motion, he managed to switch their positions so that instead of her landing atop of him like she had planned he instead landed atop of her pinning her to the bed.

Eve felt her heart start doing back flips in her chest as she found herself looking up into the handsome face of her insectoid boy as he looked down at her with those complex compound eyes of his.

"You are a true beauty Eve," he said softly as he leaned down and very gently used his mandibles to nibble all along the side of her exposed neck sending electrical tingles shooting up and down her spine.

Eve let out a little moan as the pleasure crackled across her like electricity finding jumping points between her nerves.

Never in her life would she have imagined falling in love with another species but with him it was just so easy, there was just such a wonderful innocence to him that made him irresistible and when combined with his fire and passion it all combined into a truly exotic and wonderful individual.

Now as she lay under him and she felt the wonderful contrasting sensations of his carapace against her skin she also felt yet another side to him, his dominant side.

It seemed her Varrel was a bit of a dark horse or was it a dark wasp?

But she couldn't help but rather like this take charge side of him as it made her feel delightfully feminine.

Eve reached up and ran her hands up over the smooth carapace that covered his chest, delighting in the points where it transitioned from the harder almost plastic feel of the carapace itself to his waxy and soft skin that was exposed in the joints between the plates.

She absolutely loved the way he shivered softly as her fingers traced the exposed parts of his flesh revealing how wonderfully sensitive he was and that's when he decided to return the favour in a way that only one of his kind could.

While using his upper arms to hold his weight up he brought his lower arms up and began to run those wonderful three-fingered hands of his right the way up from her hips, over her belly and onto her chest.

Eve's back arched all on its own as an electric shock travelled down her spine, caused by the explosion of tingles from Varrel cupping both of her breasts in his hands and causing her already steel-hard nipples to slot themselves perfectly in between his fingers.

As he saw this an evil smirk appeared on his handsome face and right before Eve could ask him what diabolical evil schemes were manifesting in that handsome head of his he lowered said handsome head and wrapped his long thin tongue around her right nipple.

Eve let out a noise that was somewhere between a house cat that just had its tail slammed in a door and a moose that just got flicked in the balls by a branch whipping back on it.

This seemed to entertain Varrel endlessly as rather than show mercy to her he doubled down and decided to show exactly how long that incredible tongue of his actually was.

As Eve watched in fascinated surprise and a little horror Varrel's tongue wound itself around her right nipple like a hot, slimy, undulating snake and reached its way over from that nipple right the way across her chest to the other one, rapidly ensnaring that as well.

Now Eve was a mess, she was having both of her nipples licked at once by this evil handsome insectoid genius and he had essentially robbed her of pretty much all of her higher brain functions, it was also at this point that through the pink cloud of cotton wool that someone had ramrodded into her skull she realised that his lower hands were on the move and they were marching south.

Eve was powerless to stop the advancing insectoid army as it marched its way southwards down the valley of her abdominal muscles and across the wide scope of her hips rapidly heading for the hidden valley between her thighs.

As they approached and tried as she might she couldn't stop the large fleshy gates of her thighs from opening all on their own for him, welcoming those little finger soldiers like conquering heroes.

A gasp and another cat-moose hybrid noise escaped her as she felt both sets of his lower fingers stoke a lip each on either side sending bursts up into her belly that made her whole body shiver like someone had thrown a bucket of cold water over her.

A ripple of gooseflesh ran over her body like a wave rushing from the tips of her toes to the top of her head making her hairdo a little Mexican wave right the way up her body as it travelled.

Eve felt Varrel's tongue constrict on her nipples trapping blood in them both and making them super sensitive, he seemed to notice this as well because he began to vibrate his tongue almost to the same frequency of his buzzing wings which very nearly caused her to have an orgasm right there, she had never felt anything like this in her life.

Meanwhile using her distraction to their advantage, Varrel's little finger soldiers infiltrated her sacred temple, prising open those fleshy gates and slipping within her defences, they explored incessantly like little workers looking for the sweetest nectar to bring back to the hive to please their queen.

Eve squirmed and thrashed as Varrel systematically cut her off from her higher brain functions with pure pleasure and that's when he decided to burst her brain entirely but this time with words.

"You know I get the feeling that I can put this tongue of mine to far better use elsewhere," he purred without using his mouth which revealed that his kind indeed didn't use a larynx like humans did as his voice was a crystal clear despite his tounge being wrapped around her sensitive nubs.

True to his deviant and delightful words he uncoiled it and began to gently lick his way down her body, following the same grooves and valleys that his fingers had until it too arrived at her sacred gates.

The cat moose made yet another return as Varrel decided to attack the outside first tasting each and every inch of her lower lips before slowly winding it in between her flesh walls but what he did next pretty much broke Eve's brain clean in two.

Varrel wound his tongue around her clit like a fleshy noose moving it along until it was right at the root, trapped between his tongue and mandibles which allowed him to gently pinch and nip it sending starbursts into her skull.

While doing this he seemed to wind it up into something that resembled a fleshy boxing glove or plug on the end and while keeping his eyes on hers he proceeded to push that plug right through her entrance and inside her.

There just were not words pure enough or strong enough to describe what Varrel was making her feel, the sensations of being penetrated and tasted at the same time all while her clit was mercilessly nipped and nibbled sent her into a spiral.

Her whole body was acting on its own which was just as well because all the instructions she was trying to give it simply bounced around her skull like a fuckign echo before vanishing into the fluffy fuzz trapped within.

Eve began to pump her hips against his mouth desperate to make that wonderful tongue of his go as deep as he could make it a feat which he rather helpfully aided her with, pushing it so deep that he began to lick her cervix all while strangling her clit and making it so sensitive that she swore she could actually feel the atom of air colliding with it.

The first orgasm that blew through her was inevitable really and the second and the third, they came and hit in such quick succession that it felt like her body was some kind of semiautomatic weapon that he just kept pulling the trigger on until the mag was empty.

What made it worse was the fact that she could hear him and indeed feel him greedily drinking her nectar as she was having them, which only served to make them far more intense than anything she had ever felt before.

When the third and final one blew through she felt like she should have been left there as a gibbering wreck, but instead what was left was a fire hotter than the flames of hell itself.

It was pure desire, Varrel had shown her his true heart and now it was her turn to show this beautiful man hers.

"Did you enjoy that my new queen?" Varrel purred as he stroked the insides of her thighs as well as her stomach at the same time with his four hands.

Eve responded now with words but with actions, she managed to find the strength to haul her surprised man up on top of her before rolling them both over so he was laid with his wings pinned beneath him, though it did not stop him from buzzing them in alarm.

"You called me and treated me like a queen now I am going to show you that you are my king," Eve said planting a series of desperate and breathless kisses all over Varrel's handsome face.

He reached up and gently cupped her face in his before smiling up at her.

"You are my new queen and I will be forever grateful to you for showing me the truth of love and giving me the chance to fulfil my hive queen's greatest wish," he said softly in a voice so filled with warmth and joy that it brought tears to Eve's eyes but did little to quell her raging desires, if anything it fanned them even brighter.

"Enough talk it's time for love," Eve said softly and with that, she reached down his body until she found what she was looking for, the slit that hid his most sacred treasure from the world and kept it safe from others.

It was well hidden behind a retractable plate that protected this entrance to what she considered would be the kingdom of heaven for her, slowly and very gently she teased a finger inside letting those warm slick walls envelop her digit until she found what she was looking for.

There inside the little warm pouch was a long prehensile tube of slimy muscle that at first recoiled from her probing touch but then like a timid animal slowly came to her.

Eve revelled in the shivers that passed through Varrel as she very gently teased that symbol of his masculinity from its hidy hole and out into the open air, once it was fully everted she got her first good look at it and what she saw took her breath away.

He was about eight maybe nine inches in length, it was shaped much like his tongue only a lot thicker and kinda made her think of a tentacle she'd seen in a Japanese comic she'd found once.

It was a deep rich pink colour and she could actually see let alone feel his hot blood pumping through it silently begging her to take hold of it, which she did gratefully.

Varrel's wings buzzed beneath him as she gripped him tightly.

"Please be careful it's very sensitive," he said in a voice that was one part nervous and one part ashamed.

|Oh don't you worry my buzzy king, the place this wonderful part of you is going is going to have a very tight grip on it," she purred softly before hositing herself up, aligning him and then sliding every single inch of his wonderful organ into her depths.

Eve grit her teeth as she felt his flesh stretching hers out, She'd never imagined that he would be so big but she was determined, she was going to have every single inch of her man within her, not a single bit of his length would be left wanting, after the love he had shown her she was going to give him only the best in return.

There was a soft pop from within her and she realised that not only had she gotten every single inch of him into her but more than that with the effort of squeezing his masculine flesh she had inadvertantly revealed another hidden ace up Varrel's many sleeves.

A smaller tube had been forced to emerge from the tip of his manhood like a manhood within a manhood and this tube had been small enough to pop itself right through the neck of her womb before being gripped by said neck effectively tying them both together.

This little tube instantly began to squirm around as if trying to figure out where in the name of hell it now was, like a little snake made of purest pleasure it stroked and tickled at the inner walls of her womb sending starbursts of pleasure through both of them.

"Oh wow!" Varrel breathed as the pleasure of this new sensation along with the whole host of them hit him all at once.

This spurred Eve on and she began to move, rocking her hips to pump his flesh within her but making sure she didn't pull back enough to remove that little tube from her womb, she wanted it to stay right where it was in her core.

Now it was Varrel's turn to begin making highly embarrassing noises and he began to moan and pant and at one point even began to make a noise that reminded Eve of a rusty gate swinging in the wind.

But none of that discouraged Eve, hell if anything it spurred her onwards because it was a beautiful sign that her man was letting go of his inhibitions just like he'd managed to make her do, she had shown him a side of herself that not only had she never shown anyone before but that in all honesty she'd never even known she had.

This handsome hybrid male had opened up a whole new world to her and shown her things that she could have only ever dreamed existed and now she was going to do her damndest to do the same for him.

Humans had taken everything this wonderful man had ever cared about away from him save for his sister, now Eve was determined to show him that not only were humans worthy of redemption in his eyes but that she was worthy of the chance he'd given her and the love he'd shown her, she would live up to the title of queen that he'd bestowed upon her and she would make sure he never regretted giving it to her.

Every single thrust of Eve's hips drove that hot pulsing rod of masculine flesh into her depths, it ground their sensitive flesh together regardless of the amount of lubrication the pair were pumping out, it drove them to newer and greater heights of pleasure until the pair could not think any form of cognitive thought, they could only act like two primal beings.

By now Varrel had gotten over his shock of all the newness and his body and primal instincts had taken over him, his lower hands had grabbed onto Eve's hips and his upper ones were currently mauling her breasts with reckless abandon, he even managed to have enough power left in his pleasure soaked brain to push himself up off the bed and use his mandibles to nip at her nipples.

In all honesty, neither of them had any idea exactly how long they were both going for, it could have been mere minutes or it could have been hours because time itself had ceased to exist for the pair of lovers, all that existed in their worlds was the other and the determination to give and receive as much pleasure as they could before the inevitable happened and happen it did.

The power of the mutual orgasm that hit them felt like an atomic bomb going off between the pair but rather than blasting them apart it had the inverse reaction, it drew them together with the power and magnitude of a black hole.

As they both wailed and thrashed in pure ecstasy they clung together forcing their bodies as tightly together as they could until the waves ebbed and subsided leaving them live two survivors of a shipwreck washed up on a shore somewhere, soaked to the skin and panting like they'd just swum for their lives.

When Eve managed to drag some part of her consciousness out of the pink fluffy fuzz that had swallowed it like a giant whale she realised that at some point they'd changed positions, rather than either of them being atop of the other they had rolled onto their sides and were processed together in a knot of limbs, flesh and carapace.

But the thing that made her smile the most was the way Varrel was holding her, he had all four of his arms wrapped around her tightly as she had both her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him.

It appeared that the effort and intensity had knocked her wonderful man out of the park and he was out for the count, she leaned in and gently kissed each of his mandibles and his forehead.

"Sleep well my handsome king, I love you," she whispered before laying her own head down on the pillow next to his and allowing the warmth to pull her under as well.


So lost had Varrel and Eve been in their love and passion that neither of them had noticed that they'd had a silent observer the entire time, someone who was so worried that her brother was being taken advantage of and was going to be hurt that she'd felt compelled to sneak off when everyone else was not looking to make sure that he was ok.

But what Vizzy had seen in that room had actually shaken her to her core, seeing her protective and loving brother transform into a passion-driven wild animal with a hunger for his female's flesh had actually both shocked and surprised Vizzy.

As she silently staggered away from their room and darted as quickly as she could to her own room the images of what she had seen in there kept replaying in her mind.

"I-Is that why Thundertail wants a human boy so bad?" she said to herself as she flopped down on her bed and stared at the ceiling all while willing the heat that was currently burning between her legs to leave her be.

But that heat refused to listen, it simply kept on growing warmer and warmer refusing to let her ignore it until it got so bad that she knew she had no choice but to take care of it.

So moving quickly to lock her door and to draw her curtains to ensure that no one could spy on her private moment like she had spied on that of her brother and his new queen Vizzy dropped herself onto her bed and reached down between her legs.

Though mercifully as she began to stroke the soft lips of her now exposed womanhood it was not images of her brother that flooded her mind, but of Seven.

Ever since she'd seen him out of his suit she had been battling with thoughts that she knew would land her in very hot water should they ever find a voice, not least of all from Visa his very protective life mate.

Plus having seen with her own eyes exactly what Visa could do Vizzy knew that she was not someone she wished to pick a fight with though to be fair she knew in her heart that there was no way Seven would ever leave her plus he was far more dangerous than the large Alpha claw would ever be.

But that did not stop these thoughts from invading her mind, of showing her in incredible detail the depths of her wishes of what he could do to her and for her not to mention how he could make her feel.

As she closed her eyes and her fingers sped up working themselves into her flesh she saw an image of the surprisingly handsome human bearing down on her, immobilising her with his power and taking her in a way that every fibre of her being told her that she should fight against but instead welcomed with zero hesitation.

So powerful was the imagery that she swore she could feel him inside her to the point where she had to snap her eyes open to ensure that the handsome human truly had not spirited himself into her room and was not currently atop of her making sweet human love to her.

But the realisation that he was not actually sent a wash of forlorn despair through her and actually killed the buzz that she had been experiencing up until that point causing her to flop backwards on the bed, sprawling herself out and covering her eyes with the back of one hand.

"Why do I want a human of all things, after all they have done to us why did it have to be one of their kind that would make me feel this way?" Vizzy said to herself.

But no sooner had the words left her lips than she felt ashamed of them, it was not Seven or his people who had hurt her or her hive, it was not they that had destroyed so many innocent lives.

No this was the work of the vile raiders and their ilk.


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