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Radiance Ch. 95

Story Info
Jewel makes a costly mistake (sexual assault warning).
7.6k words

Part 121 of the 125 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 04/17/2021
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Chapter 95: Aftermath and Clarity.

Adam's heart was pounding through his chest like a super mutant was trying to beat its way out through his rib cage from the inside with a rocket-powered sledgehammer.

Jewel had wasted zero time getting to work on him after her little declaration and had made him stoop so she could work on his head with her feather wash and was currently working her surprisingly long and dextrous fingers through the strands and raking his scalp gently.

"Your fur is surprisingly soft and well kept this makes me happy it shows that my servant takes his own care and hygiene seriously and knows the importance of appearance," she said from behind him.

"The Brotherhood is at its heart a military organization and good hygiene and personal care is part of good discipline mistress," he said softly.

Jewel gently squeezed his head on both sides, "I agree wholeheartedly! A good solider should always be presentable and neat, they should be a reflection of what the very best of her people has to offer," she replied resuming her scrubbing before unceremoniously dumping a pot of water over his head to wash the excess feather wash out of his hair.

Her fingers worked very quickly as she moved down onto his shoulders and upper back, she didn't appear to be using any kind of tool to work and he could feel her bare hands gliding over his exposed flesh, "Hmmm human skin is so fascinating, so soft and yet with the light patches of fur here and there it adds and almost coarse quality to it and your blood is hot as well which feels nice to the touch," she said and Adam really couldn't think how to respond to that so he remained silent as she worked her way lower down his back.

"Stand up," she commanded as she reached the water's edge at his waist so Adam complied and Jewel immediately resumed her work even before the water had finished cascading off his skin and he couldn't help but gasp as he felt her fingers run over his rear end.


Because she was behind him Adam couldn't see the smirk that lit Jewel's face at his reaction to her touches there, she knew that the males of her kind were really sensitive about their tail feathers and most didn't like anyone to touch them but this male didn't have tail feathers or plumage the way hers did so she didn't exactly have to worry about that now did she?

As she looked down she could see the dimples in each of his buttocks and she quite liked the way they grew deeper as he flexed them in order to resist her probing fingers that were currently tracing the gap between them.

She almost chuckled as she thought of him trying to resist her but at the same time it kinda sent a flush of heat southwards into her womanhood again which given the mind-blowing orgasm his fingers had induced in her earlier was already boiling hot and raring to go.

Once again the little voice of reason reared its head and tried to remind her not to take this too far, it tried to remind her that not only were they two different species but he was a servant, that he was in a position of weakness given that he had no choice but to follow her orders and to make him do certain things against his will was still wrong.

She tried to remind this voice of reason that basically everything he was currently doing was against his will as he was a prisoner and had only been granted his life on the condition that he served her and catered to her every whim and want at least with these things he could not only get something out of it but that he could make her happy which was the entire point of his being and purpose right now.

As she imagined having her once enemy powerless against her wants and advances another rush of heat and lust flared inside her adding more fuel to the already burning fire which added to the thick fog of lust that was clouding her mind right now.

She actually began to trace this feeling back to when she had first seen him sitting in his cell, when she'd first set eyes upon his awake and alert form she'd gotten a bit of a shock, she'd never imagined a human being beautiful.

This was a feeling that was only magnified and compounded when she'd seen him in all of his glory in the tailor's shop and she couldn't help but look him over and by the way, the girls in the shop had acted like she wasn't the only one who was getting surprised by the beauty of human males.

And now here she was in her bathtub with him, having felt the incredible delights of his powerful and dextrous fingers all through her feathers and over her skin, they had brought her delights she had seldom known in her lifetime, something she had no choice before but to perform for herself as no male of her own kind had ever even bothered to try to focus on her pleasure and wants but he had made it seem almost effortless, it was like he instinctively knew exactly what to touch and when to send her into a tizzy.

Then there was the intoxicating feeling of having such power over such a powerful and destructive creature, humans were feared by all creatures large and small for their unparalleled destructive nature and power and here she was with under her control, oh to tame him, to bring him to heel and to serve her wants, her needs her demands, it was beginning to feel like a drug, one she was swiftly getting hooked on.


Adam gasped and winced as he felt Jewel's fingers brushing over his arsehole, he really hoped she wasn't going to stick his finger up there as he had for her, though not that he'd meant to do so in the first place she'd kinda made that happen when he'd been cleaning the outside and she'd simply pushed back onto him forcing his finger inside, a second later his fear was realised as a sharp pain slapped him and he felt her finger pierce him.

He couldn't help but let out a small yelp of both pain and surprise and he tried to pull away but she had her other hand clamped on his hips holding him in place, "Stay still or this will hurt," she commanded but it was already too late for that and he felt a throbbing from his rear, he did not like this not one bit.

His mind began to swirl as a part of him screamed for him to at the very least tell her that she was hurting him while another warred with it screaming that if he let on that he was in pain he would appear unmasculine and weak, it was like a never-ending cycle in his mind and he didn't know where to turn.

This time the voice that protested won out, "T-That hurts mistress," he stammered in a small and incredibly quiet whisper but she seemed to catch it as he felt her probing finger stop moving inside him.

He felt fucking terrible as he'd said it, it was like the words were water lapping against the beach of his masculinity, eroding it with their very presence and existence.


Jewel had been so caught up with the sensations of having her finger buried to the second knuckle in such a sensitive and intimate place that she'd had no idea he truly didn't like it until he'd spoken, she'd thought that his attempt to pull away was nothing more than a little bit of playful resistance which if anything had made her want to do it all the more, like relishing a battle and overcoming a foe to emerge victorious, the intoxicating feeling of victory at her fingertips, quite literally in this case.

But when she'd heard him speak in such a quiet whisper that the fog of her lust had very nearly drowned it out it had given that little voice of reason a boost when it had shouted at her to stop what she was doing, that it was not fair to cause him pain when he had done no such thing for her.

Of course, she had not meant to cause him pain she had merely wished to explore such an intimate and forbidden thing and the very taboo nature of it had driven her forwards regardless of her inner voices, hell she could barely remember actually sliding her finger inside him at this point but boy she could remember the feeling of his flesh surrounding her, of the heat, of the softness, of the suction, those things were as clear as glass to her fog-filled mind.

But her honour still had a little sway in her mind however little it was at this point and she withdrew her finger from his arsehole and quickly rinsed it in the water before without apology continuing to wash him down, if he did not like this one place then she was sure there were others that he would like and there was still so much to explore.


Somehow Adam had never expected an apology but he had been hopeful but the fact that she had not even muttered the word sorry to him actually hurt him inside, a hurt that was compounded by the sharp burning throb from back there that served as a reminder of the situation he was now in, hell he was just glad that she had listened because if she had chosen to ignore him there would have been fuck all he could have done about it except weather it and that made him feel really sad.

Jewel finished his back and swiftly moved around to his front and Adam wondered if he should try to hide the throbbing erection that was still burning between his legs left over from when he had been touching and admiring her body let alone pleasuring her, but given her dedication to him being truthful and honest he figured it wouldn't do much except piss her off so he simply left it be.

As she stood before him now he kept catching sight of her eyes and there was an intensity to them that kinda worried him, she had struck him as an honourable being who took the feelings of others into account when making her decisions but given the way she seemed to be staring at him now he began to wonder if he was seeing a completely different side to her?

She was not rough as she worked her way off the front of his chest and shoulders though she did seem absolutely fascinated by his nipples again, she kept running her fingers over them and playing with them seemingly delighting in the little twitches and involuntary reactions even the lightest touch evoked from him and he couldn't deny that he touch wasn't pleasant at this point.

"Why do male humans have these?" she asked and he did not know if it was aimed at him or a rhetorical question so he answered anyway.

"As I said before mistress they are vestigial, they serve no purpose," he said softly.

"But they are still sensitive I can tell from the way you flinch and twist when I touch them," she said flicking the right one lightly with the fingertip seemingly delighting in the way he flinched as she did.

"They are full of nerves even if they don't do anything, I don't make my skin or biology I simply live in it mistress," he said and she actually laughed at that and nodded.

"And wear it very well you do my servant, very well indeed if I do say so," she said with a deep husky pant to her voice that sent a surprising shiver down his spine.

"Umm thank you, mistress," he said softly as he felt her hands moving down his chest and onto his abdominals.

She seemed to like the clefts and channels that ran between the muscles of his abdomen and not only did she run her fingers down them as she washed them but after she rinsed them she actually leaned in and ran the tip of her beak down between them making him gasp as he imagined that super sharp tip digging into his flesh.

But that's when he felt the odd tickling sensation that took him a moment to realise she was actually licking his flesh, she was actually running her tongue down the clefts of his muscles!

"Mmmmm your skin is so soft and why do you taste so sweet?" Jewel growled softly nipping at his flesh and making him wince as he felt the light pinch of her beak which left little red marks in her wake and given that he really had no answer to this question he simply remained silent.

That's when Jewel moved onto his legs seemingly deliberately avoiding his manhood as she moved down onto his legs but he could see her staring at it and she was licking her beak and gently clacking it as she sized him up.

As she washed his legs her eyes and that intense stare of hers never left his manhood for a single second, he could see her running her eyes up and down it from the root to the tip.

She washed his legs so quickly that her hands were basically a blur, once she was done he saw her reaching for his manhood and he actually noticed a slight tremor to her fingers and he found himself wondering if it was excitement or whether it was nerves.


Why did he have to be so beautiful?

Why in the name of the hell did a human of all things have to be so beautiful?

Why did his skin have to taste so sweet and feel so soft?

Why did his manhood have to be so fucking appealing and why was it drawing not only her eyes but her hands like a moth flying towards a flame?

Surly the moth knew it was dangerous, that it would be death to touch it.

But she couldn't help it, she yearned to touch it, to feel it, but it was more than that she yearned to possess it and to control it, to make it an instrument of her pleasure that would sate her desire, to be a unique pleasure that she could indulge in whenever her desire was up.

That's when it hit her, she already did, this was a part of him, of her human, of her human servant and she owned him now, she controlled him now, his every breath was an extension of her will for him to take it and by that logic surely every part of this beautiful and masculine body of his was now by right hers wasn't it?

Also by that logic, she had the right to indulge herself in him whenever she like, in his attentions and his actions, she could make him an instrument of her desire and her pleasure in whatever way she wanted.

That little revelation sent a glittering sparkle through her entire being, she knew that technically it was considered taboo to want to lay down with a human, but it wasn't like she was giving up herself to him truly now was it, no it was she who was in control of this, it would be he who not only served her but strove to please her and by that logic that beautiful body of his was hers by right and she was going to do whatever she wanted to it and to him.


Adam gasped as Jewel gripped his manhood tightly in her hand and his eyes widened as she leaned in and very gently nipped the very tip of his foreskin with the tip of her beak pinching it and to his sheer surprise sending a sparkle of pleasure through him.

"This and everything that it's connected to belongs to me now and I'm going to do everything I want with and to it do you understand?" she said in a controlling but also surprisingly husky voice.

Adam swallowed hard and nodded his head, he didn't like it one bit but again what fucking choice did he have if he resisted her it would most likely result in him losing his life and not pleasantly or painlessly.

"Say it," she demanded.

"I-I-I understand mistress, I belong to you and you will do what you want to and with me," he said feeling like the words were gravel in his mouth.

"Good boy," she said giving his manhood a squeeze that while a tiny bit painful wasn't all that bad.

"Loyalty and obedience are given rewards disloyalty and disobedience are given punishment, now given how different this is from one of my kind you will show me how it works, show me how you would please yourself but and let me be very clear on this you are not to pleasure yourself not now or ever, that will be my decision on whether you get it or not," she said very firmly and making Adam's heart sink so fucking low it felt like it was trying to burrow out through the soles of his feet.

But he still obeyed her, he reached down and took hold of his manhood and gripping it in his closed fist he began to pump it until she took it from him and began to copy his movements with her own hand while the other came up and cradled his balls in it rolling them around in her hand.

All pretence of washing him was now gone, this was her living out her fantasy and passions and nothing more and Adam began to worry just how far she was going to take this, how far would she be willing to go to live out her fantasies at his expense and what kind of state would he be in afterwards, the weirdest thing was what scared him the most was the fear of him actually liking and enjoying it.

Jewel pressed her entire body against his right side as she continued to pump his manhood in her tightly clenched fist, she was so completely fixated on it especially since she'd discovered that the outer skin peeled back to reveal the super sensitive tip hidden beneath it, "Humans have such an odd shape, a large head, no sheath, no protection, all exposed and ready for the taking," she said as she moved herself around his back and brought her left arm around his waist in order to take hold of his balls again.

She was playing with them like one of those old executive stress relief toys he kept seeing in bombed-out offices, just rolling them around and squeezing them though thankfully she wasn't doing it hard enough to be painful but it still sent prickles of fear down his spine.

Adam had never felt so fucking vulnerable in his life as he did at that moment, having his most sensitive parts in her hands and knowing that she had more than enough power in her muscles to end his life as a man in a single movement if she so desired was both a humbling and relatively terrifying experience at its core.

Adam didn't know if it was the constant motion that she never let up for a moment or the fear heightening his senses and sensitivity but he found himself not being able to hold back, his hips began to pump his manhood into her fist but slightly more pressure on his balls put a stop to that right quick as did the words, "Ah ah ah nope, I'm in control here, it happens if I want it to and only if I want it too, not one second before, understand?" she said in a husky but commanding voice that he swore he heard a hint of cruelty to as she stopped her motions sending a wave of what actually felt like desperation through him, but was he desperate to finish or desperate for this to be over his mind was so fucking muddled up he couldn't tell anymore.

"Y-Y-Yes mistress," he stammered hating himself all the more as the words tumbled out of his lips, his body was fighting his pride something fierce here, it was like she'd managed to strike all the right fucking nerves to create wave after wave with her fluffy and soft feeling hand on him but at the same time his pride demanded he fights back, to hold on as long as he wanted not she, to just not cum at all so he began trying to think of the most un arousing things he could in order to not only prolong his hold but to try and break hers.

It did work for a time as she resumed her torturous assault on his manhood, it felt like she was trying to pull his very soul from his body, to leave him with absolutely nothing left of himself to call his own, it was like she wanted to process and control the very fabric of his being but little did he know this was only the beginning.

It became a battle of wills on his manhood, Jewel's pace constantly quickened and slowed maddingly, it appeared that she'd learned to spot the signs of him getting closer by the way his pulse quickened and his heart sped up and she slowed down to counter it but eventually it seemed to frustrate her as well because she sped right up until Adam had no chance of fighting it off his body was betraying him and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"Cum for me," she said and like his manhood was listening to only her now Adam felt his balls tighten and jet after jet of hot seed shot from his tip into her hand as she cooed over his shoulder as he grunted feeling his self-loathing increasing with every jet that she pulled from him.

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