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Radiance Ch. 95


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"Wow impressive you must have been really backed up my servant, I guess you don't get a lot of relief in your Brotherhood," she said not as a question but as a statement which Adam did not respond to choosing to simply stand there panting fighting his now weakened knees as he tried to realign his senses.

Rather than wash her hand clean Jewel lifted her hand in front of her face and looked at the thick white liquid that coated her fingers creating translucent hanging strands between her fingers, to his amazement she brought it up and sniffed at it before to his further amazement actually licking some off her fingertip.


Being able to make him orgasm on command had filled Jewel with such a rush of power and adrenaline, never in her life had she felt so powerful, so in control, it was taking over her very being like the purest drug she could ever imagine, so powerful was it that she didn't even notice the truly pitiful look that was now on her servants face, or even the self-loathing that was swimming about in his eyes, all she saw was the pretty blush on his face and chest.

As she lifted her seed-coated hand up to inspect it she caught a whiff of the scent and n sooner had a little wisp of it enter her nostrils than she felt truly compelled to get more, so she brought it closer to her face and took a proper smell of it and as the almost earthy musky pheromone laden scent entered her lungs she felt a powerful rush of heat through her stomach and loins, it was like it was some kind of aphrodisiac for her kind, she felt compelled to taste his seed and before she even could begin to chase that disgusting intrusive thought from her brain she had it on her tongue and the taste hit her like a red hot fluffy punch.

His seed sent every single one of her senses crazy, it was like it had lit her very blood on fire in her veins, it had made the fog in her brain thicker than her downy coat and all she could think about was getting more of this and she knew just how to do it!


Before Adam had the chance to collect his thoughts or to process any of what had just transpired Jewel had taken hold of his shoulders and was steering him out of the bath, "Time to dry off we have important things to take care of!" she declared and before he knew what was going on Adam found himself outside of the bath stood holding a towel and Jewel was stood before him looking at him expectantly.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" she asked impatiently and Adam reached out and began to dry her feathers off carefully making sure not to pull any out or break any as he ran it all over her entire body before she handed him what appeared to be some kind of hand-held hair drier that had been modified slightly with a kind of narrow tip.

"Place this in between my feathers while I dry you," she said snatching the towel from him and beginning to rub his much easier-to-dry skin, so he did as he was told and turned the device on so that it began to emit a soft humming noise as a constant stream of hot air pumped out of it.

As he placed it in in-between her feathers he could actually track the path of the hot air as the feathers began to fluff up, pretty soon she began to resemble a puffball as all of her feathers fluffed up.

Once he was done Jewel simply shook herself from head to talon making all of her feathers shimmy and realign themselves like watching a giant organic slide puzzled slotting pieces into place.

Once that was done Jewel took the feather drier from him turned it off and then grabbed his hand before pulling him towards the living room, "Umm what about our clothes mistress?' Adam asked confused by her rush.

"Leave them we won't need them for a while, wait for me in the bedroom I need to find something," she said without looking at him as she let go of his hand.

Adam was confused but did as he was told heading through into her bedroom where he stood looking around while she rummaged around in the living room before a cry of triumph announced that she'd found what she was looking for and she emerged a moment later into the bedroom carrying a small box and what appeared to be a length of rope which really didn't fill Adam with any kind of hope or confidence.

Infact upon seeing the rope Adam actually felt himself beginning to shake, "I was awarded these after the completion of my unity training, in order to become an officer in our army one must display the highest level of cohesion, trust and unity with your fellow soldiers possible, so in order to display that you are capable of not only taking control of a situation but to work together two applicants are cuffed together and you have to step willingly off the edge of the city, it is up to the pair of you to work together to be able to fly back to the city, not many every takes the plunge and fewer still succeed, most fall and wind up having to be retrieved, or they panic undo the locks and free themselves, therefore failing the task," she said proudly.

Adam was horrified as she opened the boxy to reveal a pair of strong-looking leather manacles that were joined together by a series of small but strong-looking chains, they also had awkward-looking clasp locks that were blatantly designed so that they could be undone with a free hand but if a person was wearing both it would near impossible to get them off yourself.

"Give me your hands," she commanded and he looked at her in alarm.

"Err you know I can't fly right mistress?" he said in alarm and she looked at him and then burst out laughing.

"I know that silly boy, oh I have other intentions for these tonight, now give me your hands," she said once again commanding him so Adam feeling his heart bouncing hard in his chest held out his shaking hands.


So caught up in her fantasy, in her right, in her control that she didn't even register or notice his blatantly obvious fear or reluctance, she didn't notice the shaking of his hands as he held them out to her or the look of pleading in his eyes silently begging her not to do this to him, no not a single one of these blatantly obvious red flags managed to break through Jewel's lust fogged mind, she only saw what she wanted and it didn't even occur to her that he would not want the same thing or wouldn't be willing.

As she looked at his naked and cuffed body she felt a rush of power, he looked absolutely amazing in nought but his skin and that red blush to his flesh, a part of her wanted to punish him for all his kind had done to hers since their arrival and a small voice whispered in the back of her mind that she should show him in no uncertain terms who was in charge here, make it so he would never question her authority again.

So foggy was her head that the little voice of reason that was positively screaming at her not to do it, that she had given him her word, that she would be breaking her oath and would be punishing someone who was already being punished essentially for nothing but her own gratification was falling on deaf ears.

"Turn around and bend over the bed," she commanded and Adam hung his head and nodded looking very hesitant and untrusting but he still did as he was told getting down on his knees so he could bend forwards over her bed.

"Put your hands out in front of you," she said and once again he obeyed stretching out his manacled hands towards the sideboard on the opposite side of the bed and she let out the rope so she could loop one side through the chains of the manacles tying it off before pulling it to a bar on the opposite side of the bed which was against the wall where a supporting bar ran the length of the wall.

She looped the rope over it and tied it making sure to pull it taught so that his hands were stretched out taught in front of him and with his knees on the ground and him being basically face down on the bed he really couldn't move now, he was powerless to stop what was coming next and the rush it gave her was incredible.

"Your kind has harassed and killed mine ever since you came here, you invade our lands, kill our people and for what?" she said feeling a rush of anger mixing in with pure lust as she saw Adam's exposed rear end poking up in the air.

"I wish I knew mistress," Adam said in a pitiful-sounding voice.

"Well not so powerful now are you human!?" Jewel said as if he had said nothing and before she even realised what she was going to do she had smacked his arse with a crack so sharp it sounded like a gunshot.


Adam yelled out as the pain hit him like a thousand sharp needles being driven into his flesh, for a moment he thought that she'd actually struck him with something and it was only when he managed to get his head around far enough that he saw her bare hand which thanks to years of training were as hard as fucking concrete.

"I asked you a fucking question human!!" she yelled and she hit him again making him yell out in pain, this was a fucking nightmare, all his worst fears had come to reality.

"No!!" he yelled as she struck him again.

"No, what!?" she yelled striking him again.

"Mistress!!" he barely had time to say before the next trike came and with it, Adam felt his soul collapsing in on itself, all her promises, all her words, they were all fucking empty, as empty as his heart now felt.

The blows came continually to the point where all he could feel was pain, he couldn't move thanks to the awkward position he had been in but after what felt like forever she either got bored or maybe her hand began to ache because she finally stop and moved to the wall ahead of him releasing the rope from the wall.

Adam's head was so foggy from the pain that he didn't know what to think, he was barely hanging onto his sanity as it was but little did he know that what would come next would forever break him and forever change him.

The relief he felt from the physical pain was only temporary because, at the end of the day, humans are as many emotional creatures as we are physical ones, you can just as easily break a human being without ever laying a hand upon them as you can with stones and sticks.

Jewel pulled the rope to the top of the bed hauling him up onto it and tying his hands to the headboard via the chains of his manacles, "You belong to me now human, a penance for your crimes against us and after tonight you will be under no illusions who is in-charge, you belong to me!!" Jewel snarled looking down at him and licking her beak.

There was a cruel look in her eyes and it filled Adam with dread so powerful it felt like it was consuming him from the inside out, he didn't know what to think or what to do, but then what could he do, he was powerless here.

"You are an instrument of my will, my desire, my want and you will give me what I want whenever I want it or you will know my wrath!!" she stated looking down at his body while still licking her beak and making Adam feel sick to his stomach, all the thoughts of her once being a beautiful woman had now vanished like paper thrown into a fire, here was the real Jewel.


As Jewel looked down at the helpless human below her she placed a taloned foot onto his chest so he could get a look at her sharp talons and see her power over him, she clenched them a little so that they pricked his skin and drew a small amount of blood where they just barely pierced his skin making him wince but oddly the expression in his eyes never changed, it was like looking into the eyes of a doll, glassy and not really there but this all-consuming fog in her mind didn't allow her to see it, to see the truth of what she had already done let alone what she was about to do.

Jewel noticed that Adam's manhood was not filled with blood and ready to go as she had hoped it would be, it was flaccid and shrivelled between his legs so she moved his legs apart with her foot exposing it, immediately she reached down and gripped it pumping it with her hand in order to force blood into it, it was always a common misconception that just because a male had an erection that he was aroused, it is as much a mechanical part of their body as any other and just like a joint could be forced to bend under pressure this could be forced to work against their will as well.

It didn't take her long to bring it to full mast and it swelled and throbbed in her hand with a powerful and fast beat that mirrored his heart, "P-P-Please mistress, not like this, please don't do this," he said in a whisper that was so quiet it was barely audible and the voice of her reason screamed at her but it was too late because the fog of her anger and lust had won, she lowered herself and lined him up with her dripping loins.

With a single movement, she took him right to the hilt and she screeched as the size of him stretching her out, he was just so much bigger and thicker than any of her kind was and it felt fucking incredible.

"This is mine now! You are mine! You belong to me!!" she screeched as the intense pleasure of the alien manhood inside her scraped against her sensitive inner flesh as she began to rock her hips driving him as deep as he would go inside her.

Jewel ran her hands up his bare chest and felt the trickles of blood smear across his bare skin as she ran her hand up over his exposed throat until she had his head clasped in her strong hands, she reached down and using her beak to force open his lips she shoved her tongue into his mouth tasting every single one of his alien teeth and the sweetness of his saliva.

A frenzy overcame her movements and she began to drive herself onward faster and faster as her passions turned to form a fire into a raging inferno as the sensation of having him powerless to resist her and buried to his hilt within her drove her onwards.

"You taste as sweet as you look my servant!!" she yelled rearing up so she could force his tip to crash into her womb over and over again until she felt it, she felt the tightening in her belly indicating that she was so very close to her reward and by the tightening and twitching of his manhood she knew he was close as well.

"Together!! We will cum together!!" she yelled and that's when it hit her, an explosion so powerful threatened to tear her very soul from her body as she clamped down n him she felt the heat of the first liquid jet hitting her womb and she let out a pleasure filled screech.

"Yes my servant!!" she yelled throwing her head back as the pleasure rocked her to her core, never before had she felt like this, never before had one of her kind managed to achieve this yet this human had managed to twice in one day and the second time it wasn't even him doing the work if this wasn't proof that the two species were meant for one another then what was?


Adam's mind was so filled with regret, fear, self-loathing and despair that he barely felt anything else, not the pain, not the pleasure of being inside a woman, not the powerful orgasm she'd managed to wring out of him, just negativity and darkness.

He simply lay there as she took her pleasure from him and even as he looked up at her he truly didn't see her, it was like he was looking right through her, his mind had shut itself off from his body to try and protect itself, it had left him nought but an empty shell but one series of thoughts did manage to head with him into the darkness of the depth of his mind, 'Is this what I am now?' 'Is this what has become of me?' 'Why didn't I die with my comrades?' 'What kind of man does this make me nw and can I even call myself a man anymore, because what kind of man would let this happen to them?'


Jewel collapsed forwards onto Adam's chest and lay there revelling in the feeling of his silk-smooth skin, of the warmth of him penetrating her feathers and adding to her own, of the feeling of his throbbing manhood still buried in her depths, depths that had barely ever seen the attentions of a male and now were filled to the brim with human.

she panted and revelled in the afterglow of the sensations flooding through her it was like the purest mixture of pleasure and relief she had ever felt in her life, she just couldn't resist nuzzling the side of Adam's jaw and his cheek, it had felt absolutely amazing not one bit what she had expected but then when Adam didn't move a little sharp niggle of concern pricked the back of her mind and it made her lift her head to look at him and what she saw hit her like a slap from a super mutant.

In a single second, that fog that had clouded her mind vanished like dust in a hurricane and cold hard reality and truth stabbed her clean in the heart, Adam looked like a fucking doll, his eyes were glassy and unfocused and he was staring off into space, for a dreadful moment she actually thought he was dead but she could feel his heart beating through her chest and even throbbing still inside her and that's when she heard it clear as day, the voice of her reason and condolence screamed into the mind like a banshee with a megaphone.

"Look at what you have done!!! Look what you did to him!! He fucking trusted you and you gave him your word and look what you did to him!!" it screamed at full volume inside her skull.

Fear, panic, regret, horror and so many more emotions hit her in a whirlwind strike as the reality of what she had just done sank in all at once, "Oh no, oh no no no no please no, Adam? Adam can you hear me?" she exclaimed reaching up and gripping his chin turning his head so his eyes met hers but they looked right through her.

"Adam I'm going to release your hold on," she said and quickly tried to undo the manacles all the time her fingers shaking hard as a hard edge of panic and regret tore at her heart.

No sooner had she released his hands than his arms slumped to his side and Adam turned away rolling himself into a protective ball and even from here she could see tears running down his face despite him not really blinking, what had she done?

It took her a moment to realise that he was speaking but not to her, to himself and it was the same thing over and over again, "What did I do wrong? I'm not a man now, how can I be a man anymore?" he was whispering to himself in a voice so filled with despair and grief that it tore at her very soul.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the redness of his rear end and her mind instantly replayed what she had done to him, the unjustified pain she had inflicted and the cruelty she had perpetrated against him for nothing more than a selfish power trip.

"Oh no, what have I done, why did I do this to you? Oh great flock please, please bring him back, I'm so sorry I didn't mean any of it, please I didn't mean to do this, please gods bring him back," she sobbed as the absolute truth of what she had done hit her, she had beat and raped a defenceless man who had been entrusted to her as a servant.

Adam simply responded by rolling himself into an even tighter ball and he simply kept repeating "What did I do wrong?" over and over again.

Jewel went to place a hand on him but then froze with her hand in mid-air as she saw him beginning to shake harder and harder the closer the hand came to his skin, his mind was beginning to come back to him and it was filling him with grief, "I'm going to fix this, I'm going to make this right, I'm going to atone for this Adam I swear it to you, I'm so fucking sorry, please believe me I didn't mean to do any of this to you I lost myself and took it out on you, you didn't deserve this any of this, please please believe me I never meant to do this to you," she wailed as the grief of seeing the bruises and marks all over his rear end let alone the blood smears and cuts on his chest from her talons, she had hurt him abused him and worse scared him, his skin had been so smooth and clear and now he was marked all because of her.

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