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Grace said it was over, I had other ideas.
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The rain is torrential I can barely see, the blinking of hazard lights further up the road catch my attention, I slow down as I approach them. My headlights shine on a young woman standing beside a car, her arms waving in the air, as I get closer I can see that she is soaked through to the skin.

I pull over getting out of my car, "How can I help you."

"I don't know what happened, all of a sudden it just stopped,"

I don't know much about cars but I do know why her car stopped, a hole in the fuel line. How do I know that, I put the hole there and as I planned she ran out of petrol before she got home.

"Open your bonnet I'll have a look."

She unlocks the bonnet, I lift it up and stand there for a couple of minutes looking at the engine.

"Give it a try now."

She turns the engine over, nothing, I stand there for a couple of minutes more before getting her to try again.

I walk to the driver door, "Sorry that's the limit of my mechanical know how."

"Did you notice your petrol light is on."

"Yes but it must be broken, I only filled up a couple of days ago on the way to work."

"You might have a leak, I thought I smelt petrol when I was working on the engine."

"Shit and I got no mobile reception to call road assistance."

"Where do you live?"

"I live with my parents about 10 miles down the road."

"Look I'm heading that way, how about I give you a lift and you can ring the road assistance in the morning.

"Umm I don't know, I don't know you."

"Fair enough, my name is Bruce," I hold out my hand.

"Nice to meet you Bruce I'm Jane," she says shaking my hand.

"Now about that lift."

"Umm, well I still don't know you, you could be a serial killer."

"Would a serial killer stand in the pouring rain for half an hour."

"Probably not."

"But a good Samaritan would, now that lift."

"Yes thank you Bruce that would be nice."

Jane gets into my car, we chat as we drive along, I turn into the driveway stopping at the front door.

"Come inside Bruce, Mommy and Daddy will love to meet you plus I owe you some dry clothes."

"Thanks Jane but no I should get home it's getting late."

"Do you have someone waiting for you?"


"Well then I insist and if you don't I'm just going to stand her in the rain and being a good samaritan you would hate for me to catch the flu and get sick."

"Your right, you win, let's go meet Mommy and Daddy."

The door opens, Jane's father stands in the doorway, he's in his early sixties', he's about the same height as me but would be nearly twice my weight, his hair grey and receding.

Jane introduces me her father Alan telling him about her breakdown and my assistance.

"Really appreciate that Bruce, now days most people would have left Jane stranded," he shakes my hand, "Please come in, let's get you dry and you can join us for dinner."

"Oh I don't want to impose Alan, I'm happy to head home, I don't live far away."

"Rubbish you're staying, follow me I'll find a dressing gown for you and we'll put your wet clothes in the dryer."

"Jane tell your mother we have a guest and get dry yourself."

"Yes Daddy."

It's a two story house and I follow Alan upstairs, the dressing gown is too large but at least I'm warm and dry.

After drying off and getting dressed voices draw me down the stairs into the living room, Alan and Jane are there.

"Hope your warmer Bruce, your clothes will be ready after dinner."

"Thanks Alan, definitely better now."

"Here let me get you a drink, what's your poison."

I see a bottle of scotch, "Scotch is fine thanks."

I sit down sipping my drink, I casually run my eyes over Jane, she has changed into a sloppy joe and leotards. She is an attractive young woman and would look sexy in just about anything.

We're sitting around talking when Jane's mother Grace walks into the room, or more accurately she's Jane's step mother. Jane's mother passed away about 15 years ago and Allan remarried 5 years later to his then secretary.

From what I've heard it did cause quite a stir at the time, a 50 something year old man marrying his 20 year old secretary, shortly after their marriage Grace stopped working.

Jane would have been about 10 at the time.

I thought for a second when Grace saw me talking with her husband and step-daughter she was going to faint, she went as white as a sheet and her legs wobbled, she reaches for the door frame for support.

I've known Grace for 3 years and been fucking her for the last 2 and half, we met at the local gym. She was a regular gym goer, going 3 or 4 times a week, with her husband on the road and her step-daughter working she had a lot of spare time.

Our meetings started innocently enough, just two people in the same gym at the same time, gradually over time we got to know each other doing workouts together, saunas together, coffees together and eventually sex together. At 28 Grace's sex drive was more than Alan could satisfy when he was home and as he was planning for his retirement he spent more time away from home leaving a very unsatisfied wife in need of some attention.

Everything was going fine for 2 years, gym session in the morning then back to Grace's for a bedroom session in the afternoon, them Alan decided it was time to retire.

Suddenly Alan's home all the time, Grace cuts back her gym sessions, afternoon fuckfests turn into carpark quickies and within a couple of months she's saying we're finished.

Problem is I didn't want to stop fucking this little dynamo, she's wild in and out of bed and I wasn't ready to be finished with her yet,

That raised the question of how do I get access to Grace if she's staying home all the time, I needed to find a way to visit her at home without drawing suspicions. That where Jane came in and my planning began.

The plan I came up with involves me rescuing her, I thought this would make her feel indebted to me as her saviour and her father would feel he owes me for coming to the rescue of his only daughter.

Once I saw Jane I decided it would be a bonus to win her over, she has a hot little body that I would love to use.

I followed Jane around for a few weeks to learn her routine, to say she was a creature of habit would be an understatement, she is very regimented sticking to a very strict schedule.

8am she leaves home, 8.20am she buys her double espresso coffee from the cart outside her office, 5 minutes drinking her coffee then 8.25am she enters her building. 12.05pm she leaves for lunch. She sit in the window table on the left, orders a chicken avocado wrap and iced coffee, 12.45pm she walks back into her building, 4.15pm she leaves her building, 5.05pm she arrives home.

Every day is the same, here routine doesn't change and on weekends she only goes out if she's with her father or step-mother.

It helps she doesn't have a boyfriend or a large circle of friends, I'm not sure why as she is very attractive and also pleasant to everyone around when she is getting her coffee or lunch.

The plan was to have her breakdown, I would then come along rescue her and take her home, I thought of two options for her breakdown, a flat tyre or run out of petrol.

I planned to do it on a wet afternoon, if her tyre went flat as she was driving it could be dangerous, she could have a crash, plus it's also harder to control when a slow leak would become a flat tyre. I went with having her run out of petrol, I'll drain her tank then put enough back in to get her started and on her way, that with a small hole in her fuel line should ensure she runs out of petrol before she gets home.

The initial part of my plan has worked perfectly, I'm now in Grace's house sitting beside her at the dining table enjoying a lovely home cooked meal. Jane sits across from me, we chat away getting to know each other, my eyes fixed to her face as we eat and talk.

Meanwhile my hand is between Grace's legs rubbing the front of her panties, she has tried to move it, squeezing her legs shut and wriggling away from it but all to no avail. She is ignoring me the best she can and barely talking, I'm confident she isn't going to say or do anything, she won't risk Alan finding out about her affair.

With the main meal over Grace pushes her chair back, separating my fingers from her panties.

"Well if everybody is right I'll go get some dessert," she says as she picks up the dinner plates.

As she walks to the kitchen I study her ass as it wriggles, remembering how attractive it looks wriggling as I fuck her doggy.

"Another wine Bruce?"

"No thanks Alan, got to drive home."

"Nonsense my boy, you're going nowhere, I'll have Grace make up the guest room and you'll stay the night," he says as he fills my glass with wine.

"Oh yes Bruce please stay, it's nice having someone other than Daddy and Mommy to talk to," Jane says reaching across the table touching my hand while at the same time her foot runs up the inside of my leg, she gives me a smile.

"Alright Alan, if you insist," I say smiling back at Jane.

"If you excuse me for a sec I just need to find the bathroom."

"Yes sorry, haven't shown you around," Alan says apologetically, "Down the hallway pass the kitchen on your right."

"Thanks," I say getting up, I didn't need to go to the bathroom or get directions, I've been here often enough to know my way around, I just want an excuse to leave the table.

The hallway is out of sight from the dining room, I stop at the kitchen doorway, Grace has her back to the entrance as she prepares the desserts.

I step in moving up behind her, I reach around closing a hand over her mouth to stop her making any noise that might attract attention from the dining room.

Holding her tightly against my body I move the dessert bowls to one side before bending her over the bench top, I remove my hand covering her mouth as I lift up the back of her skirt and pull her panties down her thighs.

She doesn't resist as I move my cock between her thighs, guiding it into her wet pussy.

Her own hand now covering her mouth, muffling any noise as I fuck her.

It isn't long until I'm filling her pussy with cum, removing my cock I pull her panties back up, with a smack on the ass I straighten her skirt.

"Dessert is served," I say walking into the dining room placing a dessert in front of Alan and Jane, Grace follows behind me with hers and mine.

After dessert we go to the living room, Alan pours himself and me a generous amount of port. Grace is very quiet as the rest of us sit around chatting, every time she looks at me she gives me a disapproving glare.

"Thank you Alan, ladies for an enjoyable evening but it's getting late and if someone can show me to my room I'll retire to bed."

"Been a pleasure my boy, again thank you for stopping to help Jane," Alan says.

"I'll show Bruce the way Daddy, then go to bed myself."

"Alright, goodnight sweetheart."

Jane leads me to the guest room via the laundry to collect my clothes.

"I'm just across the hall if you need anything," she says kissing my cheek, "Anything at all."

I lie in bed satisfied with how my plan is playing out, Jane is interested in me which I will continue to develop, Alan accepts me and this will increase as long as his daughter is happy with me. As for Grace, I'm confident she'll do what I want to make sure her family stays happy.

I'm awoken by a body touching mine, a hand runs down over my stomach, long fingers wrapping around my cock.

I roll over facing her, I kiss her, my own hand exploring her body.

It's pitch dark, I've no idea who has climbed into my bed but with the exploration of her body I realise it's Jane, Grace's body shape and size is quite different to that of her step daughter's.

I climb over Jane, my legs moving between hers as she spreads them wider, her hand firmly holding my cock, stroking me slowly. As I lower my hips she guides my cock towards her pussy, rubbing the tip along her lips before pressing it against her opening, as I enter she lets out a soft sigh.

Jane's finger nails dig into my back as my cock glides back and forward inside her, slowly at first before quickening as my desire grows.

"Bruce, I'm not on the pill, please don't come inside me."

I'm disappointed, I would have loved to have come inside plus I didn't bring any protection either. One thing in my plan I forgot, not that I had really planned on fucking Jane on my first encounter with her.

"That's ok," I say as I reposition myself moving my head between her legs and my mouth to her pussy.

I eat her to a couple of orgasms, "My turn now," she says lifting my head up from her pussy.

I sit up on my knees, I can feel the bed move as Jane moves around, then I feel her warm mouth wrap around my cock. It isn't long until I feel my cock twitch in her mouth before I come, she gags as my cum pours into her mouth, down her throat.

Jane sits up, leaning forward she kisses me, I taste my salty cum on her lips.

Climbing off the bed Jane disappears as silently as she arrived.

Next morning I'm drawn to the kitchen by the smell of freshly brewing coffee.

Grace is behind the breakfast bar, Alan sitting at a small table in front.

"Morning Grace, Alan."

"Morning Bruce," Alan says.

"Mind if I grab a cup?" I say nodding towards the coffee.

"Help yourself to whatever you want."

The coffee pot is beside Grace on the bench top, I smile at her as I move round to it.

"Anything I want," I whisper to her as I pour my coffee with one hand and grab her ass with the other.

Grace is wearing black leotards and a sweat shirt, her little ass looking sweet in them. As I lean against the counter sipping my coffee I continue rubbing her ass, my hand slowly moving down between her legs.

Grace doesn't say anything, she knows to make a scene may raise awkward questions with Alan, especially if I say what has been going on for the past couple of years.

I slip my hand inside the front of her leotards, as my fingers move under her panties touching her pussy Grace jumps slightly letting out a soft groan. Her pussy is wet, my finger easily gliding inside her.

We chat as Bruce eats breakfast, he is off to golf early and likes a hearty breakfast before he goes.

I keep fingering Grace, she is fighting to control herself, her breathing is getting heavier and I can see her face flushing, she is on the verge of coming.

I stop, pulling my hand from inside her leotards I lick my finger tasting her, Bruce doesn't seem to notice but Grace stares at my finger intently. As I do this my other hand unzips my pants pulling my cock out, I take hold of Grace's hand placing it against me, still staring at me sucking my finger her fingers automatically close around my cock, she slowly starts stroking me.

"Sorry I can't stay Bruce but duty calls."

"That's fine Alan have a good game."

"If your not doing anything tonight pop round and I'll do a bbq, it was nice to have another man to talk with last night."

"Thanks Alan I'll keep that in mind."

"Bye Honey, see you later."

"Bye dear."

As the front door closes I push Grace on to her knees, her back pressing up against the bench as my cock enters her mouth.

"Did I miss Daddy, I was hoping he could take me to get my car fixed."

"Yes, he just left."

"Where's Mommy, I thought I heard her voice."

"Something came up she needed to take care off it."

Grace's hands squeeze my ass as I fuck her mouth, the back of her head knocks against the bench and she is making gurgling noises as I thrust my cock into her.

Jane doesn't appear to notice.

"If you like Jane I'll take you to breakfast and then help you sort out your car."

"That would be great Bruce, give me a couple of minutes to change and I'll be ready."

When Jane returns Grace is standing beside me.

"Morning Mom, what have you done to your top?"

I look at Grace's top, the very middle is soaking wet, stained with cum and saliva.

"Little accident, tried to swallow more than I could handle," Grace said with a laugh. "Well I'll leave you two and go clean up, looking forward to later Bruce."

I squeeze Grace's ass as I walk pass her around the counter, "See you later Grace."

I take Jane's hand leading her to the door.


"Yes, if you don't mind your father invited me back this afternoon for a bbq dinner."

Jane smiles brightly squeezing my hand, "I don't mind at all."

I quickly stop at my place putting on fresh clothes before breakfast at a little coffee shop. We sit chatting having a relaxed breakfast, then go to my mechanic explaining the situation with Jane's car.

He says he can pick it up today but being Saturday he won't get a chance to look at it until Monday or Tuesday. I tell him that's fine and to give me a call when he knows what the problem is and I'll confirm the details.

Jane and I spend the rest of the day together returning to her house just after 5pm.

"Ah Bruce good to see my boy, staying I hope,"

"Yes if that still ok?"

"Perfect my boy, help yourself to a drink while I fire up the bbq."

Jane goes to her room to freshen up, I step into the living room, Grace is standing near the entrance.

Grace walks up to me, her hand grabs my crotch as she gets on her tip toes leaning close to my ear.

"I was pissed with you last night Bruce, really pissed, I told you we were finished, that I couldn't see you any more with Alan home."

"You were pissed but your not now."

Squeezing my cock harder, "No, I've been thinking, I did enjoy last night and this morning, doing it with Bruce and Jane so close was even more exciting then when we did it at the gym."

"So you want me to keep fucking you."

"Yes, more than ever."

"Good girl," I kiss her on the forehead, "Now go make me a drink."

Just as Grace pours my scotch Jane enters the room, she has changed into a little sundress. She walks over to me giving me a kiss, "I'm going to lie outside for a while if you want to join me."

"Be there in a sec," I give her a kiss.

As she leaves I stare at her, admiring her sweet body.

"You planning on fucking her also?"

I turn around, "And if I am, what concern is it of yours."

Grace just looks at me.

I take my glass of scotch off her, grabbing her chin I tilt her head back kissing her lips.

I don't say anything else, I turn around following the path Jane took out the side door, leaving Grace to follow me with her eyes.

Alan cooks a mean steak and like last night he is very generous with the drinks, I settle in ready to spend another night.

While I was outside with Jane Grace had also changed into a little sleeveless dress with a low cut neckline and a high hem line. It appears that Grace has got it in her head that she needs to compete with Jane for my attention.

Partly true, Jane is appealing and I did enjoy last night, I'm attracted to her and when the opportunity presents itself I will fuck her. But it's Grace I really want, she hot and sexy, a real wild cat in bed and married, the forbidden fruit of fucking a married woman is what I find the real turn on.

After dinner we sit around watching TV and drinking, Alan sits in his recliner, Jane and I are on the lounge, Grace sits in a chair near Alan.

The day of golfing and night of drinking is catching up with Alan, he's dozing off to sleep in the chair, "Sorry all I need to be going to bed, see you in the morning," Alan says giving Grace a kiss.

After Alan leaves Grace gets up getting another round of drinks, returning to the room Grace squeezes herself between me and the arm of the lounge.

We are watching TV, the only light in the room is the glow from the screen, making it dark enough to hide what I'm doing.

When Grace sat beside me I placed my hand on her thigh, once I was confident Jane wasn't worried about Grace sitting so close to me and couldn't see where my hand was the fun began.


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