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Raised By Strippers - I Dance

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Following in her mother's heel steps, Sam starts stripping
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*** This is a stand alone story, but follows after my first Raised by Stripper stories. You will better understand referred to incidents, if you read the previous stories first. ***

Chapter 1

My GODDDDD... How the FUCK am I supposed to sit through this class, when all I can think about is how fucking exciting last night was. My fucking GOD. I actually danced on the main stage with Victoria, and everybody in the club went crazy watching us. Then after... WOW. I can't fucking believe I fucked my first girl... and it was in front of my own fucking mother and all of her stripper friends. After getting gang raped two nights earlier, I didn't think my life could get any crazier. My GOD, I couldn't have been more wrong.

After the sexual high I felt from dancing in front of so many horny men, who clearly wanted to fuck me; to go off stage and fuck my dance partner Victoria, who was also in a sexual frenzy. I felt like a drug addict who experienced the most amazing high and can't think of anything after, except feeling that high again. I couldn't sleep at all that night after, and now I am sitting in this class and I can't give a fuck about what the teacher is talking about. I feel like I want to SCREAM. I feel like I want to push my hand into my silk panties and SQUEEZE my little cock. Oh yes, for the new readers, I am a trans girl.

RINGGGGG. Finally, the bell rings and I rush for the door. I need to get out of here. I need to get to a rest room, so I can cum. "FUCKKKK... get out of my way," I think as I try to pass through the crowded hallway. There it is, the bathroom. I can see it... It is so close... I just need to get in a stall and relieve this desire that feels like it will make me explode. But just before I reach the door, I feel a strong hand grab my shoulder from behind.

The hand on my shoulder makes me spin around and then it pushes me against the wall near the bathroom door. My whole body feels like a live wire. I am so aroused and desperate and all I can think of, is the relief I am so close to. My breathing is so excited, I am almost panting. I look up with wild eyes to see who it is that stopped me so violently. It is Trevor, the guy who I thought really liked me, but just played me in order to trick me into going to a football team party, where all of the players took turns using my mouth and my butt. It was the most humiliating experience of my life. But I am ashamed to admit, that it was also one of the most exciting.

"Hey Sam, you can't go in there," Trevor say, while pointing to the girls room, where I was heading. "I don't care if you dress like a bitch, you ain't one for real. I will make sure you get where you belong," He tells me with an evil grin on his face. Then he pushes me along in front of him, toward the boys room. I blush in shame. Actually, the school administration made special allowance for me to use the girls rooms, after my public "outing" as a trans girl. However, I didn't think it would be in my best interest to correct Trevor right now.

He pushes open the door with one hand, and shoves me inside with the other. I fall forward and would have fallen flat on my face, if Jason was not there to catch me. Jason is anther of the star football players, and also one of the many players to rape me on Friday night. When I look up into his eyes, I can tell immediately, that Trevor was not alone, in wanting to get me in this particular bathroom. And we are in fact, far from alone. I look to my right and left to see two more of my rapists.

I keep thinking of them as my rapists, even though I kind of came to grips with how strongly I responded sexually, to their treatment of me. I am suddenly overwhelmed by the realization that I am feeling that same strong response again. My GOD. I was already in a sexual frenzy and was needing to cum so desperately when I went to the bathroom. Now, I feel like I will cum explosively, from just the looks they are giving me now. I feel like I can't even think, I am so overwhelmed with sexual excitement. I don't know why I do it. Maybe I am on autopilot, but I just get down on my knees and wait for the first cock.

I don't have to wait long. "DAMN, I knew this fag couldn't wait to get another taste of my cock," Jason says, as he pulls out his very impressive cock. It must be about 9 inches or so. I am mesmerized by it and take it in my small hands. I am amazed at how HUGE it looks in my small hands. It feels so hot, like it will burn me. It looks so yummy. I have to take it in my mouth... I jump on it like I am starving and it is my favorite food. I realize suddenly that cock just may be becoming my favorite food. I have sure had more cock in my mouth in the last few weeks, than any other food. That's for sure.

I am sucking and licking his big thick cock, as I stroke it with my hand... SQUEEZING his heavy balls with my other hand. I hear him moan and a thrill of pride runs through me. When did I become THIS girl??? The one who sucks guys off in the bathrooms, and feels proud because she does it better than all the other girls. Who fucking cares????

Right now, I want to relish the feel of this amazing cock in my mouth. I feel him grab my head. He pulls me on his cock HARD. I feel his cock grow, then start to twitch, then spasm as he shoots shot after shot of cum into my throat. It is so much, I try to swallow fast, trying to keep from gagging. For some reason, I don't want them to see me gag. I want them to all know how amazing I am at sucking cock.

"What the FUCK is wrong with me???" I think. Yesterday morning, I went to the club worried that I was gay because of how much I enjoyed my treatment at the hands of all those guys on Friday. Then, that night I am fucking Victoria and it feels indescribably great, so I realize I am not gay entirely. Now I am on my knees in the bathroom in bliss because I just proved that I am probably the best cock sucker in my high school.

These thoughts don't last very long. In fact, they fly right out of my head, when the next cock appears in front of me, and I devour it like I did the last one. I get lost in the experience of this cock in my mouth. Who's is it even? I didn't even look up to see. All I care about is that it is another delicious cock for me to enjoy. My enjoyment is abruptly halted when the cock is suddenly pulled from my mouth.

I am sure I look like a fish out of water, sucking at the air, as I look up to see why the cock was taken away. Just then, I realize that the cock is shooting cum at my face. It hits me in the eyes and I blink them closed out of instinct. Then I feel the heat of more cum splashing on my cheek, my nose, my lips. I can't see, but I reach my tongue out and lick the cum from my lips. It is so salty, but tasty. I smile, realizing how much I like this taste.

"See, look how much the fag loves your cum Dave. She really loves sucking cock too, that's for sure," someone says. I don't know who of course, because I can't fucking see right now... But for some reason, I ignore the hateful slur, and only seem to hear that he called me "she". "He called me SHE," I think as I feel that thrill of electricity run through me.

For some reason this emboldens me and I say. "That's right, SHE does love sucking cock... So, who is next?"

I don't have to wait long for an answer as I recognize Trevor's voice say, "ME bitch... I am next in that whore mouth." Then I do in fact feel his big thick cock push DEEP into my whore mouth... and I use my whore mouth on him so good, that I think his legs will give out when he cums so hard in my whore mouth.

After the last cock left my mouth, it suddenly got very quiet in the bathroom. I use my fingers to clear the cum from my sticky eyes and see that I am alone. For some reason, I am suddenly sad. There are no more cocks for me. Then I remember how fucking horny I still am, so I rub myself to orgasm right there, on my knees, on the floor, in the middle of the boys bathroom. And I don't give a fuck if anyone comes in and sees me.

I realize that I want someone to see me. I realize I want EVERYONE to see me. I also realize that I want all of them to see me as SHE. It is in that moment, on my knees, in the boys bathroom, covered in cum, that I decide I want to do more to become the "She" that I feel I am meant to be. But what does this mean??? I realize that I need to rush down to consult with my closest confidents, my stripper family.

Chapter 2

After cleaning myself and fixing my clothes, I rush down to the club. It is still only about 4:30, so it is quiet at the club and I can get some quality time with my girls. As always, they are so amazing and sensitive, as they listen to my realization, that I want to do more than just dress as a girl. I explain that I want to feel like a girl. I want to be treated as a girl. I want to BE a girl.

Jasmine, ever the blunt one, comes right out and asks, "So, does that mean you are going to get that nasty thing between your legs cut off?" For those new to my story, Jasmine is one of my mother's closest friends, and a dyed in the wool, man hating, lesbian.

I answer, "I am not sure how to answer that. My first thought is "GOD no". I love the way that thing feels and my GOD fucking Victoria last night was amazing, and I definitely want to be able to do THAT again. However, I also realize that I can't be ALL girl, with a cock."

Victoria laughs out loud and says, "Well, I am glad I made such a strong impression on you, and maybe saved that sweet little dick of yours." This gets all of the other girls laughing. Well, except for Jasmine, who just glares at Victoria.

My mother, ever the practical one, says, "OK, so the dick stays. So, do you want to take hormones? Would you like to get implants?"

I don't have to think twice about this, I immediately answer, "Yes, I am sure I want real tits... Big tits, just like Aunt Victoria. After our twin dance last night, I want to do more to look exactly like her, and she has got amazing tits. I want THOSE."

"Well, you can't have THESE," Victoria says grabbing her own tits for emphasis.

I stammer, "Nnnno, of course not YOURS... I mean implants just like your tits. Of course EVERYONE laughs at me, as I realize Victoria is yanking my chain.

It is at this point that all thought is drowned out by the sudden shouting of opinions from everyone there, regarding their ideas on what I should do and how I should do it. It is impossible to follow any one thought, but it doesn't matter. I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from my stripper family.

My mother pulls me aside and gets serious about moving forward with my desires. Once she is certain that this is what I want, she tells me that she will make appointments with our Doctor and with a Psychiatrist, since that is often required before any kind of sex reassignment drugs or surgery can be arranged. Fortunately, the semester is almost over and I will have a long break from school. Since I am already in my Senior year and 18, I flirt with the idea of just quitting school. My mother makes it VERY clear that this is NOT an option.

The next few weeks are a blur. All of my appointments go well and I am cleared to start on hormones, and I am even given the OK to get my implants. Before I can chicken out, I lock in a surgery date, right at the beginning of winter break. That will ensure that I am fully recovered and ready to return to school a new woman... my GOD... I am actually doing this... Well, I guess I will be doing this, since the surgery is still a ways off.

I have been on the hormones for a couple of months now and I feel strange and wonderful things happening to my body. There is nothing so obvious that people really see it, but it is subtle things that I notice. The excitement of my inevitable goal of being a real girl, has me feeling almost constantly in a state of sexual arousal. I can't even remember how many times I walked by Trevor and asked him if he wanted to escort me to the bathroom.

I have been letting my hair grow and it is already almost down to my collar in the back. Of course, I went with my mother to her hair dresser, to have my hair dyed and styled to match Victoria's, as best I could. I have also started to regularly wear my bra inserts, to get used to how I will look with my new large tits. I can't stop looking at myself in the mirror. I love the way I look.

Apparently, my bathroom buddies also love the way I look because we are all spending a LOT more time in the bathroom together. Blow jobs are not enough anymore. The new favorite pass time, is bending me forward as I hold myself on a sink, while each takes a turn fucking me, while fondling and squeezing my big fake tits. I cum so fucking hard every time now, as I am being fucked in the boys room. The only thing that takes away from my pleasure, is that I can't actually feel them squeezing my tits. GOD, I hope this will change when I have my own real tits.

It is finally time... The semester ended yesterday and I am in pre-op, and the Doctors are boring me with what I can expect, blah, blah, blah... All I can think about is, "How will my new tits look? How will they feel?" Time slows down and it is hard to listen, as the stuff the Doctor pushes into my IV starts to make me feel light headed...

FUCK, my mouth is so dry... and my GOD my fucking chest aches. These are the first thoughts I have as I realize that I am waking up. Is it over already? How can that be? I just went to sleep like a minute ago. When I get control of my arms, I quickly reach up to check my chest, and my hands stop way before they should. They SMACK into two large lumps, which hurt like fucking HELL, when smacked by hands, especially right after they are surgically attached under my skin. Note to self, be VERY gentle with the tits for now.

My initial excitement is immediately squashed by an almost constant procession of Nurses and Doctors and God knows who else, checking on my bandages and drainage (don't ask) and how much I am peeing. GOD I feel so damn sexy right now... NOT. I won't bore you with the next couple of weeks while I got to really appreciate the need for pain drugs after this kind of surgery or the long process of waiting for the swelling to go down, etc.

Then, as if the new year brought new hope and joy to the world, not only did my tits stop hurting, but I realize that I can actually feel them in a good way... a VERY good way. I also realize that my nipples are sensitive as FUCK. Were they always this sensitive or is it from the surgery or the hormones or both? I don't know and I don't care. All I know is that even the slightest scratch of my finger nail over my nipple makes electricity shoot STRAIGHT to my crotch.

I quickly learn that it is not only my finger nail that stimulates my nipples. Almost everything that touches or slides over my nipples drives me crazy. Much to my chagrin, I find that my bras also have this affect. How the FUCK, am I supposed to get through a day, if my tits jiggling in my bra make me feel like I am constantly on the verge of orgasm? For the near term, my solution is to stop and masturbate whenever I can't stand it any longer. Unfortunately, I am masturbating a LOT.

I start to really worry about this because school is going to start up again in a few days, so I go down to the club to ask the girls if this is normal and if they have any ideas how I can control this.

I can't tell you how happy I am to find out that this is actually very normal after implant surgery, especially because I am on the hormones. Many of the girls have implants and they assure me that it will get more manageable, and it helps to put Band-Aids or gauze pads over my nipples, so that my nipples don't rub in my bra. I am very glad to have that tip. Although, I love the level of arousal I get from this, I want to be able to control it when I need to.

When I get the chance, I walk over to Victoria and ask her, "Do you want to be the first to feel my new tits? I know that I would love to feel what it is like to rub mine against yours."

She gets that devilish look in her eye and responds, "You dirty, nasty bitch... OF COURSE I want to be your first... AGAIN... and I can't wait to feel your tits squished up against mine. Then she grabs my hand and pulls me to one of the private dance rooms.

There is no way to describe the thoughts and feelings of kissing, licking, sucking, touching, and fucking someone who looks like they could be your twin. I can tell that Victoria is enjoying this same twisted experience. I look at the mirror and I see her watching us with a look of wonder on her face. "It is sexy as fuck, isn't it?" I ask her. "FUCK yes it is," she responds. Then she tells me, "Get behind me and fuck me. I want to feel your big tits slapping against my back as I watch us in the mirror."

I quickly do as she asks and my GOD, it looks so fucking sexy in the mirror. We are both watchin in the mirror, like we are watching the most erotic porn ever. I reach under her and cup her heavy tits. She grabs my hands and SQUEEZES them around her tits and moans LOUD. I whisper in her ear, "This going to make our dance act so much hotter."

I feel her pussy CLENCH around my cock as she gets just as excited at the thought of what we can do with our act. She tells me, "I wish we could end every dance with us fucking just like this... up on the stage... with EVERYONE watching and cheering." I see this in my head and it pushes me over the edge, I cum so fucking hard. My cock twitching inside her, pushes her over also. We both have to get to the floor before we fall there. I doze off wrapped around my sexy twin, my mind spinning with thoughts of my future as a stripper. I laugh thinking that it is a good thing my mother and I wear the same shoe size, because I will be following in her high heel steps.

*** I hope you enjoyed Sam's journey to become the stripper, she was born to be. Please let me know your thoughts and feel free to give me your ideas on where Sam's journey should go next. ***

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

since it is spring semester doesn't Sam need to experience prom?

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