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Re-acquianted Ch. 05

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The conclusion to a nude love story.
9.7k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/18/2017
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This is the fifth installment in a series under this title. This chapter picks up where the fourth chapter stopped and concludes this series. This story is a work of fiction. While the story has some basis in reality, any similarities to any real person or entity are entirely coincidental and unintended. _________

The school year after the trip on which we met Christy and Rob was Terry's last year as a high school coach. The day after the school year ended, Terry was busy setting up her new business. She couldn't find a suitable building to buy, but found a building which she could lease that had been used as a basketball facility, so it already had the hardwood floors. Carol, Terry's sister Sherri, and I kicked in some capital and she got going. Since Terry had a good reputation for sending players on to play in college, a lot of her coaching friends referred players to her. After a year in business, she was actually showing a small profit. I know because Carol and I helped her keep her books.

Terry had just gotten past the one year anniversary of her business when Brandt announced that he had been hired as assistant women's volleyball coach at a major university in North Carolina. That left Terry very conflicted because she was really attached Brandt and didn't want to lose him, but also didn't want to leave "home" or give up her business. Brandt did not, in my opinion, help Terry any by pressuring her to move to North Carolina with him. Love finally won out. Terry sold her business for very little, sold her condo for more, and left with Brandt for North Carolina at the end of July.

Carol and I had both come to like Terry a great deal. We were sorry to see her leave town, but were happy that she had found Brandt. Initially, Carol and Terry talked frequently on the phone after Terry's move. After about six weeks, those conversations dwindled until the two women rarely talked. We assumed that Terry was simply too busy with her new life and wished her well.

It was a snowy Saturday in mid-February, a bit after 6:00 p.m., when a car came up our driveway (Carol's home before we married.) We weren't expecting anyone, especially in that weather. We always stayed nude at home. I usually let Carol answer if someone came to the door because she's just a lot better-looking than I am. However, if it is a stranger, I was usually right behind her.

It was too cold to go out on the porch nude. We peered through a window as the car parked in front of the house. As a single figure, bundled in a coat, got out, Carol said, "What the fuck? That's Terry Cole!"

As Terry came up onto the porch, Carol opened the door, exposing both of our bare bodies to a blast of very cold air. "Terry," Carol said, "please, come in. What are you doing here?"

Terry just looked at us for a moment. Carol had to grab her arm and pull her inside before one of us got frostbite on a nipple or a dick. I could see from her face that Terry had been crying.

As Carol closed the door behind Terry, I took her snowy coat and asked "Where's Brandt?" The look on Terry's face made me wish that I had bitten my tongue instead.

Carol put an arm around Terry and began to guide her to the kitchen. "Do you want coffee or wine?" Carol asked Terry.

Terry's first words to us were "Uh, can I have both?"

"Of course," Carol replied.

I put Terry's coat in the mud room and walked into the kitchen. Terry was on one of our barstool chairs leaning on the island. Carol had put a glass of red wine and a cup of coffee in front of her. Terry took a sip from each.

"I'm sorry to just barge in like this," Terry said. "I didn't know where else to go."

"What happened?" Carol asked.

Terry took a deep breath. "Well, it started almost as soon as we got to North Carolina. You remember that I stopped talking to you on the phone not long after we got there?"

Carol nodded her head.

"That's because I didn't want you to know how bad things were going," Terry said.

"What happened?" Carol asked again.

"Well," Terry said laboriously, "we got there and got an apartment together. Brandt was busy getting to know his players and getting ready for the season. I couldn't find a job and was getting really bored. I wanted to find a nudist group over there so I'd have someone I could let my hair down with but Brandt wouldn't let me. He said that it would hurt his career if people found out that his girlfriend was a nudist."

Terry took another sip of wine. "Brandt didn't want me to go nude, but he sure wanted me to dress sexy when we went to any athletic department function. At one of them, the guy who is the AD over there got a bit drunk and started hitting on me. I wasn't the least interested in him. I thought Brandt would tell him to back off, but Brandt just let him go. Even when the guy grabbed my tit Brandt just stood there smiling."

Terry sipped some coffee. "Anyway, I was bored out of my mind. The only thing Brandt would agree that I could do was workout. Shit, I'm probably in the best shape of my life."

Terry paused. "Of course, I expected that Brandt would be gone a lot once practice started and when they got into their season. Brandt was still gone a lot after the season ended. He'd get home very late, usually after I had gone to bed. I didn't think anything of it. I thought that he was working hard, trying to prove himself at the college level. Uh, well, one of the seniors on the team called me a couple of weeks ago."

Terry took a sip of wine and a sip of coffee. Carol and I waited for Terry to tell her story at her own pace. "I'd gotten to know this girl a little bit. A senior. Nice girl and a really good player. Anyway, she asked me to meet her at a Starbuck's in town, a little away from campus. To get to the nut, she told me that Brandt was fucking one of the younger players. They started a few times on road trips during the season and have kept it up since the season ended. I know the girl. Jesus, she's thirteen years younger than I am. She's gorgeous, sexy, in great shape, and so damned young and fresh. My first thought was 'well, of course Brandt would rather fuck her than me if he could get her.'"

"Driving home from the Starbucks," Terry continued, "I started thinking that Brandt was being a real shit. I'd trusted him. I sold my business and left home to follow him to North Carolina and he was cheating on me because he has access to a younger, tighter ass. Also, she's his player! Brandt's abusing his influence as her coach to get her to fuck him. I knew the whole situation was wrong, but I didn't have the courage to confront Brandt."

Terry drank some more wine. "I think Brandt sensed that I was upset about something because he's been home earlier the last couple of weeks and has been a bit nicer to me. Until last night that is."

"What happened last night?" Carol asked.

"Well, Brandt got back to the apartment about 6:00 p.m. I could tell that he'd been drinking. As he walked into our dinky kitchen, a piece of paper fell out of his pocket. I picked it up. It was a receipt from a motel just outside of town over there, dated that day. I handed it to him and asked him if he'd gone to the motel with Natalie, the player he's fucking."

"Brandt admitted it," Terry went on. "That just set me off. I let it all out about how he'd ignored me, hadn't helped me find a job, cheated on me, wouldn't even let me go nude. Well, Brandt picked up on that last one. He told me that he hadn't grown up as a nudist. He just told me that when we first met because someone had told him that I'd become a nudist. He thought that if he claimed to be one also, he'd get into my pants faster. Shit, he was right about that. He said that he'd hated all the times we'd spent together nude and thinks that the two of you are perverts. He just played along with it so he could keep fucking me."

Terry shook her head and was quiet for a moment. "After he told me all that," she said, "he went into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of bourbon. He drank it and said, 'Well, I've got to go out.' I asked him where he was going and he told me that he was also fucking Marge Kelsey; she's the associate AD for women's athletics over there. I just looked at him. He smiled and said "job security.' Then, he said, 'you know, I wouldn't have to fuck Marge if you'd fucked Ralph Baswell.' Baswell is the AD who hit on me. After he said that, he walked out."

Terry sipped some more coffee. "I was hurt and pissed. I felt like Brandt wanted me to whore myself to advance his career while he used that career to fuck younger, tighter women than me. I didn't know what I was going to do, but, when Brandt wasn't home by midnight, I said 'fuck it.' I gathered up all my stuff and tossed it in the car. I got on the road about 1:30 this morning. I just wanted to go home. It was snowing in the mountains on the North Carolina-Tennessee line. I didn't care. I just wanted to go home. I crawled along at 20 miles an hour, barely seeing the semi in front of me. It wasn't until I was passing Lexington that I realized that I didn't have anywhere to stay when I got here. I'd sold my condo. I probably should have gone to Sherri's but it just seemed natural to come here. I'm sorry."

"No," Carol said, "you did the right thing. Of course you should have come here. You're always welcome here. You've been driving since 1:30 this morning?

"Straight through," Terry said. "Only stopped for gas."

"Have you eaten?" Carol asked.

Terry shook her head.

"Well, we were just fixing dinner," Carol said. "There's enough for the three of us. You'll stay here tonight. Is there anything in your car that we need to get out tonight? It's going to be cold."

"No, I think my stuff will be ok in the car until morning," Terry replied. "Uh," she said, "may I take my clothes off?"

Carol was actually surprised at that question. "Of course," Carol replied. "You're usually naked when you're here."

Terry stood up. "You guys are great," she said as she pulled off her boots. Of course, I watched Terry undress. She knew that I was watching and smiled at me several times. Terry had always had a firm, athletic body, but she was right that her months of working out in North Carolina had gotten her in fantastic shape. I couldn't help thinking that Brandt had really screwed up by letting Terry get away. She wasn't Carol, but she was damn sexy and desirable.

The three of us ate nude around the island in the kitchen. Almost as soon as we finished, Terry said, "Jesus, the wine is getting to me. Despite the coffee, I'm falling asleep!"

Carol responded, "Well, you've had a very long day. Why don't we take you up to the guest room and let you get some sleep? Harry and I will clean up."

Carol led Terry upstairs. I followed carrying Terry's clothes. I have to admit that it was wonderful watching two very beautiful bare female rear ends going up our stairs.

While Carol and I were washing the dinner dishes, Carol said, "Terry is a really great person and I love her dearly, but she gets into some really crappy situations. I have to believe these events are taking a toll on her. Maybe someone should watch out for her."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, for one thing, I'd like to know that the guy who's fucking her isn't also fucking her over," Carol said.

"That would be nice," I said without much thought.

"Well," Carol said, "there is only one guy whom I really trust in that regard."

I looked at Carol. She was looking at me. I knew what she meant. I started to say something, but Carol cut me off. "I'm not saying Terry instead of me. I love you too much to give you up. But, what's wrong with Terry in addition to me? She's a good person, honest to a fault, and she's got a hot body."

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"Well," Carol said, "what if we take Terry in as the third member of our family? That way, we could help her and steer her away from some of the things that have bitten her in the ass in the past."

"Ok, I'm being dense," I said. "What, specifically, do you mean?

"I'm thinking out loud," Carol replied. "What I think that I mean is that Terry would live here with us on the same terms that you and I do. We'd help her, support her, and do things together, including sex."

"Do you want to do that?" I asked.

"The more I think about it, yeah, I do," Carol replied. "Terry is a good friend. She has a vulnerability that gets her hurt, but is also a very attractive part of her personality. She is very trusting. We know that she can trust us and we'll never hurt her. What do you think?"

"I see your point about protecting, for want of a better term, Terry. Do we really want her sharing in our relationship though?" I replied.

"Well, she's shared a lot of it over the last couple of years, since she started taking her clothes off. Those have been positive experiences for us. Bringing her completely into our relationship will provide us both with more variety without, really, cheating," Carol argued.

"Ok, I see your point," I conceded. "Will Terry go along with this?"

Carol smiled. "I think she will. She's wanted you to fuck her ever since she first stripped down out on our 'beach' a couple of years ago."

"If we and she all go along with this," I said, "we can't ever bow out because we don't think it is working. That would be just as bad a breach of her trust as what Tom and Brandt did to her."

"I know," Carol replied. "We'll have to make it work. I think that it will."

I think that the idea of involving Terry in our sexual relationship was exciting to both Carol and me. We went to bed early that night. The door to the guest room was open so we left our bedroom door open. In bed, we made love for a long time before we went to sleep. I don't know whether she did, but we hoped that Terry heard our lovemaking.

Terry slept late that Sunday. Carol and I were in the kitchen, drinking coffee and catching up on our magazines when Terry came down. She was still nude as were Carol and I. I again made a mental comparison of the two women. Carol was (and is) quite simply beautiful. Hers is a complex beauty, like a cut diamond that is always beautiful but looks beautiful differently depending upon the light and the angle from which you look. Terry, in her face and blonde hair, has a wholesome, 'girl-next-door' look. Carol was in good shape and has a luscious very female body. Terry's body was more overtly muscular. In truth, there was nothing to fault in either woman's appearance.

"Sleep well?" Carol asked.

"Yeah, I did," Terry responded. "It's weird, but I slept better here, and felt more comfortable last night, than I did at any time while I was in North Carolina with Brandt."

"What are your plans" I asked.

"Well," Terry said, "I suppose that I shouldn't burden you guys. I'll call Sherri and see if I can move in with her for a little while."

"You're not moving anywhere today," I said pointing to the heavy snow coming down outside the window. "You might as well relax."

"You're not a burden on us, dear," Carol said. "In fact, Harry and I had an idea."

"What?" Terry asked.

"Well," Carol said, "it seems like a lot of real shit has happened to you. We thought that, maybe, if you stay with us, we can help you avoid the same sort of shit in the future."

"You mean, move in here, like permanently?" Terry asked.

"Yes," Carol said. "Now, we do have some rules. The first rule is that we're always nude inside the house no matter who else is here and we're nude outside on our property if the weather permits no matter who is here or who can see us."

Terry giggled. "That's no problem. You know that I like people seeing me in my birthday suit."

"The other rule is that my body belongs to Harry and his body belongs to me. What that means is, if he wants sex or I want sex, the other cannot say no."

"So, if Harry comes home from work, walks in the door, and says "I want a blow job; you have to give it to him right then?" Terry asked.

Carol laughed. "Well, he usually walks in and says that he's had a bad day and wants to eat me. Yes, we do it then and there."

"Any kind of sex?" Terry asked.

"We agreed a long time ago that we don't do anything with shit, piss, blood, or that causes serious pain. If it is something which we haven't done before, we talk about it first. But oral sex, intercourse, masturbation, and anal are all fair game," Carol explained.

"You want me to agree to live by the same rules?" Terry asked.

"Yes," Carol said simply.

"So," Terry said as she scooted her bottom towards the edge of her seat, "I could ask Harry right now to come over here and go down on me?"

"And I'd do it gladly," I said.

"Ok," Terry said.

I got up from my chair and walked in front of the barstool Terry was sitting on. I knelt down on the floor, which put my head on the level with Terry's cunt. Terry spread her legs, exposing herself. I took a quick look at her neatly trimmed blonde pubic hair and then put my head between her thighs. I ran my tongue slowly along her cunt lips and then began flicking her clit with it. After a bit of that, I started sucking on Terry's clit. I moved my face even closer to her and ran my tongue deeper into her cunt. I have to say, Terry tasted pretty nice.

I'd never given Terry oral sex before so it took me a little time to sense what she was most responsive to. Once I identified a few especially sensitive places and what she liked done to them, I focused my efforts on that. Once I got the hang of what made Terry feel good, it wasn't long before I could sense her pulse and breathing speeding up. She started bucking her hips a little which forced me to push my face more closely into her to keep constant contact. My face was getting wet with Terry's juices. Frankly, I was having a great time.

Sooner than I really wanted, Terry clamped her thighs very tightly to my head. I think that she was moaning, but I could really hear anything. Terry's body heaved about three times. After that, she relaxed the grip which her thighs had around my head. When I could hear again, I heard Terry exhale and say"Oh . .. My . . . God. That was wonderful!"

"Harry's pretty good at it," Carol said. I looked over at her. Carol was beaming. Her plan was working so far.

"Damn straight he's good at it!" Terry said. "If I can get that whenever I want it, I'm all in on your idea."

Just that simply, Carol, Terry, and I had made a decision and a commitment to each other that we've stayed with ever since.

"Would you like breakfast?" Carol asked.

After breakfast was done and the dishes cleaned, Carol said, "With Terry now part of the family, we ought to get to know her and her know us better. Let's go upstairs."

We followed Carol up to our bedroom. Carol had me lie on the bed on my back while she gave Terry a tour of my body. When Carol reached my dick, she told Terry, "I'm sure that you know what to do with that. Get Harry's dick and balls in your hand and lift them up."

I felt different hands on my dick than the only two that had touched it in years. Terry lifted me up. "Rub that spot just behind Harry's balls," Carol instructed, "he really likes that." Terry did that enough to start getting me hard before Carol had me roll over.

Facing down, I heard Carol say to Terry, "Good. Your fingernails are cut short. I'm going to spread Harry's ass. I want you to put your finger in his asshole, run it up until you feel his prostate. Massage that."

I felt Carol's familiar hands spreading my hips apart. I felt Terry's finger rubbing around my asshole. That felt good. Then, I felt Terry's finger pushing into my asshole. That felt better. Terry quickly found my prostate and began to rub it. That felt great.

Carol told Terry, "You'll be amazed at how hard that gets him. I made him come once, just doing that." Terry rubbed my prostate for several more, minutes or seconds, I'm not sure. My hard-on was pressing into the mattress so strongly that it hurt.

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