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Reclaiming His Balls Pt. 04

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Ted takes a mistress.
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Reclaiming His Balls

Part 4 of 9


Everything has changed for Ted and Michelle. Now, they need to find a way to move on from her affair. In Part Four of 'Reclaiming His Balls,' Ted has the good fortune of meeting a woman who appreciates him more than his wife ever did.


Like most healthy men his age, Ted always woke with an erection. It seemed unusually sensitive on the morning after he had sex with Michelle. He liked the way it felt when he touched it. Michelle was still asleep, but he took her hand and wrapped it around his cock. He worked her hand up and down. Soon she woke, realized what was happening, and then took over the job of jacking Ted off.

He enjoyed this handjob for a while, then decided it wasn't enough.

"Suck my cock," he whispered.

Michelle knew better than to argue. Although she was still half asleep, she sucked his cock into her mouth, discovering that it still tasted like her pussy. That was to be expected; they'd had sex the night before. She realized that Ted's demanding actions were rude, but they were also bold. It turned her on to suck the cock of a man who was suddenly assertive and demanding.

Ted loved how it felt. He held Michelle's head down as he began to climax, making sure she couldn't stop until he was finished. But that action wasn't necessary. Michelle didn't want to get away. She wanted to suck his cum from his balls and swallow every drop. Michelle understood that Ted saw her as responsible for taking care of his cock, and she liked the way that made her feel.

He throbbed as he filled her mouth over and over. Michelle kept sucking and swallowing until his cock got limp. He finally pulled her head away, then got out of bed. Michelle wished he'd let her have a climax, but she realized she shouldn't expect that anymore. She took comfort in the knowledge that she'd surely cum when he fucked her that night.

"I'm going to leave early so I can go to the gym before work," he said. Ted got dressed in his workout clothes. He put office clothes in his gym bag, then told Michelle he was leaving. There was no kiss, no hug, no words like "I love you." Those gestures stopped while Michelle was having her affair, and there was no reason to believe they'd ever resume.

He went to the gym in his shiny new Porsche, enjoying how it felt to drive a high-performance car. He particularly enjoyed the fact that he'd gotten it for $1 from the asshole who'd carried on with Michelle.

He went to the exercise room and began lifting the heaviest free weights he could manage. A fitness trainer once encouraged him to use visualization during his workouts. The idea was to imagine that if he could manage just one extra rep, he'd get some big reward, like a winning lottery ticket.

Ted imagined that lifting more weight would let him tattoo the letter "A" on Michelle's forehead. The imagery worked. Ted had his best workout ever.

During the session, he ruminated over the fact that he still had big problems. He was angry. Jealous. He felt emasculated. He needed to do what he could to purge himself of those toxic feelings. He came up with two ideas he thought were worth trying,

The first involved a plan to torment Dr. Brianson. During the months of useless therapy, Ted noticed there was a coffee shop located directly across the street from the building where the therapist had his office. Starting that day, Ted had his morning coffee at that particular shop, parking the pretty green Porsche in a space where it could be seen by everyone going in or out of Brianson's building.

He imagined that the therapist's partners would wonder why Dr. Brianson didn't have a Porsche any longer. Seeing that someone else was parking that car across the street each morning would add to the mystery in a way that Ted hoped would cause embarrassment. The act was petty and vindictive. That's what Ted liked about it.

It wasn't as easy finding a way to vent his anger with Michelle. He'd already chained her to a virtual leash and promised to ruin her life if she didn't do as she was told. But he needed other ways to get rid himself of frustrations.

What he decided to do involved the trove of nude selfies he'd found on her cell phone. She'd sent them to Dr. Brianson, but Ted thought they deserved a larger audience. He took the most explicit images, and then pixilated the areas showing Michelle's face. He posted her photos on amateur porn sites, knowing that thousands of men would use Michelle's naked selfies to masturbate. He enjoyed reading the comments of anonymous viewers who described what they'd like to do to Michelle.

Ted liked imagining what Michelle would think if he ever showed her the images he shared across the web. It was something he might do if she didn't behave. If that ever happened, he might threaten to post versions that showed her face.

It wouldn't be so easy to take care of Ted's biggest problem. Michelle's betrayal left him feeling emasculated. What she'd done was the metaphorical equivalent of turning a stallion into a gelding. He needed to find a way to get his balls back, and Ted knew this meant he had to find some fresh pussy. It was the only thing that would cure him of the feeling he'd been castrated.

Ted looked online for information about escorts. He didn't like the idea of paying for sex, and he doubted that he'd get much satisfaction from sex with a professional. He also looked at websites featuring young women looking for sugar daddies, offering to have a sexual relationship in return for money.

That idea felt more promising, and some of the women available looked very cute. But what Ted needed was a real relationship with a real woman who liked and respected him. He needed a mistress, and he had no idea how to find one.

It turned out that she found him.

The newest engineer hired by Ted's firm was a perky young woman named Florence "Sassy" Collins. She was named after a great-grandmother, and she didn't like the name because it was so old-fashioned. A friend nicknamed her "Sassy" and that name stuck.

Sassy was very pleased when Ted hired her. She was born and raised in New Haven, and working for Ted let her move back to the town she'd always called home. Being a civil engineer at a private firm paid better than working for a government agency, and she liked the other people who worked at the busy, growing office.

She particularly liked her boss, Ted.

Sassy had plenty of reasons to be attracted to Ted. She was a Daddy's girl who'd always been drawn to older men. She'd never acted on those urges, only dating men her own age. She'd been with several nice guys, and her college boyfriend was a particularly good companion.

But Sassy never felt much chemistry with the young men she dated. She tried everything she could think of to make her sexual relationships hotter, but nothing worked. She felt discouraged about her failure to cultivate a lasting relationship with men she recognized were perfectly nice guys who simply failed to inspire her passion.

Her girlfriends didn't have this problem.

Then she met Ted. Sassy loved older, muscular men, and she saw Ted as a perfect physical specimen. He had a clean-shaven, well-groomed look she adored, and he was in such good condition that he seemed to radiate energy. She liked the way he looked in slacks, dress shirts, and a tie. She loved the sound of his voice, which conveyed the impression that Ted was confident and compassionate.

Although Ted's personal life was a mess, he was the master of his destiny at work, where everyone felt respect and loyalty for him. At his office, Ted was an Alpha. That never failed to make Sassy's heart go pitter-pat.

But he had a wife, and Sassy had no interest in destroying a marriage. She couldn't resist flirting with Ted, and she loved it when he flirted back. But she never went further, just doing her job during the day and checking online dating sites at night. Someday, she hoped, she'd find a man hidden among all the profiles of boys.

On the morning after Ted's confrontation with Michelle, Sassy noticed that he showed up at work without his wedding ring. She knew that he might have simply forgotten to put it on, but she immediately suspected there might be a reason his ring was gone. Ted was too disciplined and organized to absent-mindedly leave his ring at home.

When he came to work the next day without his ring, Sassy found herself thinking this meant he was available for a relationship. She felt ashamed about hoping Ted's marriage was in trouble, but she couldn't help it. She also couldn't help finding more opportunities to flirt, and she couldn't help feeling glad that Ted made more effort to flirt back.

Weeks went by, and Sassy found herself continually wondering about the significance of the disappearance of Ted's ring. She continued to flirt, and the temperature seemed to climb every time they were in the same place at the same time.

One day she went back to the room where the workers ate their lunch, and she found Ted eating alone. She walked up to his table and said "Is this seat taken?"

Ted was always happy to see Sassy. She seemed to be paying more attention to him, and he liked it. Sassy was very cute and sexy in a girl-next-door kind of way. He'd begun to wonder what she looked like naked. He imagined that she looked like a model who'd stepped out of the pages of a men's magazine.

"I believe that chair is reserved for Sassy Collins," Ted said.

They began to chat, and although Sassy tried to get him to talk about his personal life, Ted kept the conversation focused on work. Work was the only topic he felt good about, and he was determined not to complain about his wife to anyone, especially other women.

Only two friends knew about the troubles in Ted's marriage. The trio had known each other since college, and the two others were the first engineers Ted hired when he started his own company.

"Ted, I've wanted to mention something for a while," Sassy said. "I'm impressed by your dedication to fitness. You must spend a lot of time at the gym. It's very noticeable."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Ted said. "In my experience, every part of my life is easier and more satisfying if I'm healthy. I'm not doing it to look good in a swimming suit."

Sassy jumped on the opportunity to flirt. "Yeah, but I'll bet you'd look great in a Speedo," she said.

Ted couldn't help but enjoy it when Sassy said things like that. "I imagine that you'd look pretty good in a swimsuit yourself," he said.

"I like it when you use your imagination," she said.

Is this really happening? Ted asked himself. Is Sassy serious, or is she just joking around? The idea that this young, beautiful, creative woman might be interested in him excited Ted, but he was too sensible to get his hopes up. A woman like Sassy could get plenty of men her own age. She was 23. He was 36. Why would she want someone like him?

Nothing happened until the next day, when Sassy went to fetch some legal pads from the supply closet. The closet shared a wall with the office shared by Ted's two friends, and Sassy discovered she had no trouble hearing them talking.

". . . had an affair. I'd be sick if my wife did that," one man said.

"I feel bad for Ted. Do you think he'll get a divorce?" the other said.

"Maybe. I don't know all the details, but it's got to hurt that Michelle messed around with the guy who was supposed to be their marriage counselor. I'm pretty sure Ted would kick her to the curb if it wasn't for their son."

"How old is Henry?"

"Ten, I think. It's obvious that Ted's completely alienated from Michelle, but he's completely devoted to their son. It's a mess. A big, hot, mess."

"Yeah, I feel sorry for Ted. There's no way he deserves to be stuck with a queen bitch like Michelle."

Sassy left the closet and walked back to her desk as quietly as possible. She didn't want anyone to know what she overheard. Sassy felt her heart pounding as she absorbed what she'd learned.

Now that she knew Ted was stuck in a broken marriage, the temptation to pursue him was more than she could resist. She managed to get to the end of the day without doing anything rash, but the only thing she could think of that night was Ted, and how much she wanted him.

Sassy didn't particularly care that he probably wasn't available to have a conventional romantic relationship. She was starved for sex, and she desperately wanted to go to bed with Ted. If she could have his cock, it would be more than enough. That's what she was thinking when she arrived at work the next day, and she couldn't stop fantasizing about the possibility of making a play for her boss.

By the end of the day, she couldn't stand it anymore. She waited for everyone else to leave the office, then locked the doors. As usual, Ted was working late. Sassy was terrified that Ted might have too much integrity to accept a straightforward suggestion to have an affair. She needed to make him an offer he couldn't refuse.

Summoning up all her courage, Sassy removed her clothes. Her heart was pounding as she walked naked into Ted's office. This is it, she thought to herself. I hope I'm not about to humiliate myself.

She walked up behind Ted and cleared her throat. "Boss, I need for you to see something," she said.

Ted swiveled around and beheld the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen. There was Sassy, nude and trembling, looking at him with an expression that was equal parts hope and fear. She looked like a young, sexy, goddess. Ted had dated some very attractive women in his life - including Michelle - but he'd never seen such a gorgeous woman in the flesh before he saw Sassy.

He realized that it must have taken a lot of courage for Sassy to do this, and he wasn't going to make her wait for his response. Ted rose from his chair, swept her into her arms, and gave her a passionate kiss that let her know exactly how he felt.

He had to have her. Immediately. Ted lifted Sassy and set her down on a cabinet against the wall. It placed her at the perfect height. Sassy was thrilled when she realized Ted wanted to have sex right then, right there.

I guess I made the right move! she thought. Thank God! I'm finally going to make love to a real man!

Ted undid his pants and let them drop to his ankles. He wasn't willing to take the time to remove the rest of his clothes. They could do that next time, if there was a next time. Sassy scooted forward so her bottom rested right on the edge of the cabinet, and she lifted her knees high so Ted had clear access to her pussy. It was already hot, wet, pink, and fragrant.

Ted ran the tip of his cock up and down the length of her pussy, getting them both nice and wet. Sassy jumped each time his cock touched her clit. She longed for him to push inside her.

Sassy exhaled a long breath of relief when he slipped the head of his cock into her vagina. She wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him into a tight hug. Ted understood that she wanted more, and he was determined to give it to her.

He slowly worked his cock in and out, going slightly deeper each time. Sassy thought it felt amazing, but what felt best was the sensation of Ted's thumb massaging her clit. Most of the men she'd dated either didn't know she had a clit, or they didn't know where to find it, or they didn't know how to touch it.

Ted knew all three of those things. Sassy realized she'd won the Trifecta.

Ted's cock was less than halfway inside Sassy when she had her first orgasm. She wailed joyfully, thrilling Ted with her unrestrained exclamation of pleasure. She shook in Ted's arms as the climax went on and on and on. Seeing her arousal gave Ted a powerful feeling that his manhood was restored.

He had balls again, and the new ones were bigger than the old.

As soon as her orgasm was over, Sassy looked into Ted's eyes and smiled. She began pulling him to her more forcefully, letting him know she wasn't finished. Ted was happy to give her more, easing his cock in and out at a measured pace that Sassy loved. He kept rubbing her clit, forcing her to become more excited quickly.

Watching Sassy writhe in his arms excited Ted so much that he knew he'd have to climax soon. There was nothing he could do to prevent it. Although he wanted to have sex with Sassy all night long, his cock had other plans. He saw the sexy, sensual look on her face and felt thrilled by the idea that such an amazing woman wanted him.

Sassy felt a second orgasm building inside her, aided by Ted's relentless stimulation of her clit. She didn't realize how close Ted was to climaxing until she felt his cock begin throbbing. She felt it as he began flooding her with wet warmth. The sensation pushed Sassy over the edge, triggering an orgasm that was much stronger than the first.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" she howled. The sound echoed through the empty offices. Ted loved it when women made noise during sex. He loved how it felt when Sassy's pussy muscles contracted, squeezing his cock as they both came. She felt him filling her pussy again and again and again, reinforcing her image of Ted as the kind of powerful, virile man she wanted.

Sassy felt that way again when she realized that Ted's cock showed no sign of going soft. They held each other, trying to catch their breath, with Ted's erection as hard as ever. Ted put his hands under her butt and lifted her from the cabinet, carrying Sassy across the room without ever withdrawing from her pussy. Sassy was shocked and thrilled, seeing this as more evidence of the powerful attraction between them.

Ted was surprised by the persistence of his boner. He hadn't experienced anything like this since the early days of his relationship with Michelle. He'd always been able to get hard again fairly soon after having an orgasm, but it was extremely unusual for him to be so excited that he could climax without getting soft afterward.

He swept items from his desk to the floor, then gently placed Sassy on her back. "God! Ted! That was wonderful!" Sassy moaned, looking at Ted with an expression that displayed both joy and arousal. From this angle he had particularly good access to Sassy's body, so he allowed his hands to roam from her generous breasts and firm abs to her lovely face.

They made love slowly this time. The fact that Ted had cum once and Sassy climaxed twice meant they didn't feel much urgency to climax again right away. This time, they were able to savor the pleasure of having slow, gentle, relaxed sex. Sassy grabbed Ted's necktie and pulled him close enough to kiss him. It was a romantic, sensuous, passionate kiss that revealed a lot about the feelings they had for each other.

But it was also true that their lust was overpowering. They'd both felt sparks of attraction from the moment they first met. They genuinely liked and respected each other. Sassy had never experienced such strong feelings, and Ted hadn't felt this way for a very long time. Both of them realized they gave each other something they needed and wanted.

They went on, and on, and on, enjoying sex on Ted's desk more than most people enjoy it on a mattress. Sassy climaxed two more times. They were gentle little orgasms that weren't as strong as her first ones, but they were very satisfying. Sassy was able to have multiple orgasms with her vibrator, but this was the first time she experienced that with a man.

Eventually, Ted needed to climax too. He slammed his cock into Sassy's pussy as he came. He didn't have much semen left, but it was enough to make Sassy marvel at the vigorous way he'd ravaged her body. She knew she'd found the man she'd been looking for. Sassy wished that Ted wasn't married, but that wasn't going to stop her from doing everything she could to make him a regular presence in her bed.


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