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Recruiting for the Team

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Lana lends a hand to the coach's recruitment efforts.
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Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/17/2024
Created 01/25/2024
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This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events or people, living, dead, or fictional is entirely unintended. Sexual activity should occur only between consenting adults in the absence of coercion. What is sexy in fantasy may be appalling in reality; do not confuse the one for the other.


I leaned in towards the mirror, carefully brushing color onto my lips. The bathroom was quiet, testifying to the quality of the hotel's sound proofing. The only real sound was the hiss of quick breaths through my nose and the pounding of my heart. Some of that could be chalked up to my hurry in getting here and getting ready, but a lot of it was knowledge of what was coming next.

I'd been having a perfectly normal Monday morning in my office with no classes to teach. Usually that meant time to grade, prep classes for later in the week, take care of committee work, and maybe if I was lucky do a little research and writing. All in all it was one of my most productive days. But then the phone rang. Not taking my eyes from the lecture I was preparing, I brought the phone to one ear.

"Dr. Drake, I'm glad I caught you," I heard Dean Franks say, and my heart caught in my throat.

Dean Franks was important to everyone in my college, but he was especially important to me. Ever since I had fucked my way into my job he had used my creative approach to career mobility to his own advantage. From time to time he would call on me to perform services for important and influential persons, like large donors, or simply to entertain his cronies. And once a week I had a standing meeting to service him in his office. If I refused, my husband, Mike, would find out exactly what kind of woman he'd married.

It wasn't time for one of our mandatory weekly meetings, which could only mean that he had another little job for me. As he explained I felt my stomach curdle. Like most large universities, our athletic department generated an enormous amount of revenue, both directly, by selling tickets and merchandise, as well as indirectly, by acting as a focus for alumni commitment and therefore alumni giving. Like many large universities, we had head coaches who earned higher salaries than our President did, much less the faculty in general, and were rather more popular with the alumni and trustees as well. Never mind that these days many of our athletes only showed up to class to maintain eligibility to play, and cared far more about the draft into the big leagues than they did about earning a degree. Oh, there were still plenty of scholar athletes actually deserving of the term, but it seemed like there were fewer every year. And when you put all that together, the result was inevitable: what the athletic department needed, or more often wanted, it tended to get.

In this case, what the athletic department WANTED was a way to entertain, and recruit, three visiting athletes. This was a chance for us to sign some major talent, or so I was told, and ultimately it was worth a lot of money to the university. And a big part of that entertainment was supposed to be pretty young women who would be very accommodating, and very discrete.

"The problem is that they can't get here," he growled, "I don't know why, Coach Johns wasn't very clear, but it sounds like their flights got all screwed up. Why we're paying for pussy to be flown in when there's so much of it here for free, I will never know. Whatever. We've got the athletes, we've got the room, we've got two hours on the schedule, but we don't have any entertainment for them."

I felt my face heating, "You can't expect me to do it? They're students, or might be! I'm probably old enough to be their mother!"

"No, but it's close, and I absolutely expect you to do it! Coach Johns is on the President's ass about it, and the President is on my ass, which means that either those three young men are going to be on YOUR ass, or there are going to be consequences."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. I didn't know exactly what those consequences would be, but somehow I doubted that I'd like them any better than the current arrangement. And if the head of the athletic department and the president were sitting behind this demand, well, "no" wasn't really an option.

"Fine. Tell me when and where."

I could hear him grinning as he answered, "When and where is about an hour from now in the university hotel."

"An hour?!" I yelped.

"Your teaching schedule is clear so that's no issue. There'll be a key at the front desk; tell them your name is Tiffany and you're picking up a key for room 402. They'll know what to do."

He paused for a moment and then continued.

"Get moving and get this done. Your job is to make those three as excited as possible about signing with us. Don't fuck it up, or I'll have YOU fucking the equestrian team. And I don't mean the riders!"

Before I could respond I heard the click of him hanging up. My eyes rolled at that hyperbole about the horses. Still, whatever he came up with, I was certain not to like it.

An hour sounded like plenty of time, since I was already on campus, but I hadn't been expecting to see anyone today. Somehow I didn't think my worn but comfy slacks and wool sweater would do me any favors. I took off for home to get clothes, makeup, and a few other essentials. Then a mad dash back to campus and over to the university hotel. Mike and I lived close to work but, even so, I was asking for the key with less than twenty minutes to go.

When I opened the room I found a suite, with a sitting area, a separate bedroom, and a bathroom, but I didn't have time to really take it in. I just noticed the couch and pair of arm chairs, not to mention the tastefully generic artwork, as I closed myself in the bathroom and frantically tried to get ready. Fifteen minutes isn't a lot of time to go from "frumpy" to "fuck me" but, surveying myself in the mirror, I thought I'd done a reasonably good job.

The slacks and sweater were gone, replaced with a flowing dress of thin, lightweight fabric in teal with a paisley pattern. The dress came down to my ankles and was empire-waisted beneath my bust, but the neckline was a plunging-v held together at the top by strings knotted behind my neck. You could see exposed flesh from my neck all the way down to the bottom of my sternum, with my cleavage on prominent display. In the rear my dress plunged even deeper, open from my neck to just above my ass, leaving my entire back exposed. No bra was going to work under this number, but I'd thrown on a matching blue thong. I'd bought this dress for my honeymoon and remembered well how Mike's eyes had lit up when he saw me in it, as well as how thoroughly he'd fucked me after taking me out of it. I could only hope that after so many years, it still had some of that magic.

I hadn't bothered to bring any fancy shoes, mostly because I was in a hurry, but had enough makeup to give myself red lips and long, dark lashes. My shoulder length auburn hair I left hanging down my back with a clip holding it in place. I turned left then right, surveying my handiwork and decided it was good enough.

I froze as I heard a click, followed by the door opening and closing. I could hear male voices chatting indistinctly through the door. It looked like my time was up. I took a deep breath, straightened my spine, and stepped out of the bathroom, dress swirling around my ankles.

Three men turned to look as I stepped into the room. I put on my best hostess smile and waved at them cheerfully.

"Hello! My name is Lana-"

'Why the hell did I use my real name?' a part of my mind screamed, 'What happened to Tiffany?!'

"-and I'm here to take care of you during your visit."

I crossed the room confidently and held out my hand, "If you would tell me your names and sports?"

'Do escorts introduce themselves like this?' I thought frantically, 'What the hell am I doing?'

The first man glanced at his associates as he took my hand. He was at least six feet tall and looked like he was two-thirds of that across, with light brown hair in a buzz cut. His grip was firm and obviously powerful, but not painful. He looked back at me, "I'm Bart. Football."

I moved over and extended my hand to a dark haired man with powerful arms and chest but much skinnier legs. He raised a skeptical eyebrow, but took my hand, sighing, "Andy. Baseball."

I smiled and nodded, before taking the third one's offered hand. He was taller than Andy, though not as tall as Bart, with curly golden hair and a strong, prominent jawline. He was the least obviously muscular but had a confident poise about him. "Isaac. I play real football."

Bart snorted, "He means soccer. We're in America, Isaac."

Stepping back, I gave them what I hoped was an inviting smile, "It's good to meet you all. As you know, we're very much hoping that you'll join us and I'm here to make sure that any... needs... you have will be promptly attended to."

Isaac was smiling, but Bart looked confused and Andy was shaking his head and frowning.

"Man, this is bullshit," he began, "There were supposed to be girls here, not... some wannabe MILF."

Bart snickered a little, "Yeah, man. I was hoping for, like, an asian chick. Or at least some big titties. Not the girl next door from ten years ago."

Andy threw up his hands in exasperation, "Seriously! If this is the best Coach can do, then I should go somewhere else."

Isaac joined the conversation but I don't know what he said. All I could hear was blood pounding in my ears. My smile had congealed on my face. I had dropped everything, rushed over here, and prepared to fuck the brains out of three strangers all at the command of some fat-ass Dean. I was prepared to spread my legs for three boys I'd never met before today, and they complain that I'm not young enough?

I took a firm grip on my anger, keeping it off of my face (not that they were paying me any attention) while I focused on the real issue. If I didn't get these three back with the program and they didn't sign with us, I was not going to like what happened next. Even if they did sign, if they complained about the "wannabe MILF" I'd be in for it. I didn't think horses would be involved, but the Dean was inventive enough as it was; he didn't need a reason to get really creative. Assholes these three might be, but I had to get things under control.

And just... who the hell did they think they were?! I wasn't fit to fuck because, what, my tits weren't big enough? Oh, so sorry I don't have gag boobs! My husband never complains about my 36C tits, and the Dean certainly never gets bored with them! Hell, I've had a room full of men cheer when I get my tits out! While these boys went on and on about how below expectations I was, an iron resolve hardened in my heart. I was going to fuck the shit out of these little bastards and when I was finished, no eighteen-year-old bimbo was ever going to measure up. But to do that, I was going to have to get at their cocks. You wouldn't think that would be difficult but fuck it. If I could do a dissertation, I could damn well do this.

"You know," I said speculatively, "I understand your concern. I mean, when I was asked to come and entertain you boys, I honestly felt intimidated."

I turned a bit and walked over to the small couch in the living room, hoping my naked back drew their attention. Isaac and Bart watched me curiously, while Andy still looked skeptical.

"I mean, what do I know about entertaining strong young men like you?"

I sat on the couch and turned, leaning back against the arm and stretching my legs out. Then I bent my left leg, the one closer to the back of the couch, and pulled my foot up along the upholstery until my heel almost touched my thigh. My dress slipped down the back of my left thigh, the puddle of fabric just barely preserving my modesty. My entire inner thigh was on display for them. I set my left elbow on the back of the couch and put my forehead in the palm of my hand, looking at them sideways with what I hoped was a puzzled expression.

"I wracked my brain for something I could do to entertain you. I thought to myself, 'how did boys like to be entertained when I was in college'."

I delicately drew my dress up with my right hand, revealing the small blue triangle of my thong. Slowly, looking them in the eyes one after another, I lightly rubbed my pussy through the fabric.

"And just like that, I had my answer! Now, I know what you're thinking..."

They were focused now. I leaned back a bit and lifted my right leg up, holding it straight towards the ceiling so that they could see my firm runner's muscles. I lifted my right hand and slowly traced a path down my leg with my fingers.

"You're used to nineteen-year-olds with big tits and perfect skin. Why would you want anything to do with me? What can I possibly do that they can't?"

"Yeah, basically," Andy snarked.

I looked straight at him, lowering my leg and pivoting my hips so that they could see my long legs and underwear clearly. From their eyes, I knew that one of my tits was almost hanging out of my dress. I smiled a bit more widely and continued.

"Think about it: those girls probably saw their first cock three or four years ago. But me? Well, I've been sucking cock, and taking facials, and bouncing up and down on hard dicks for longer than those girls have been alive. Just think about that and imagine what I can do to you."

I sat up and got to my feet. I took a few steps forward and clasped my hands together behind my bum, making my tits stick out a bit more. Their eyes locked onto my cleavage.

'Where the hell is this coming from, Lana?' I thought.

"So, what will it be, boys? How would you like me to entertain you?"

It was the moment of truth. Either they would take the bait, or they would blow me off. Judging by the obvious erection Bart was sporting under his pants, I was fairly sure I knew which way he was going to jump, but Andy still looked sour and he opened his mouth to respond.

"Well," Bart said, cutting him off, "I wouldn't mind seeing those tits of yours, Lana."

Andy glanced at Bart, looking annoyed but didn't say anything. Isaac crossed his arms over his chest, grinning widely. My foot was in the door.

I smiled at Bart and looked down at myself. My fingers traced the inside of my neckline, sliding delicately over my cleavage.

"Oh, you want to see these?" I said softly.

I reached up behind my neck and started untying my dress. Once it was unknotted, I took hold of one string in each hand and lowered them slowly to my collar bones. The dress slid down my breasts, stopping just high enough to keep my nipples covered. Bart was grinning.

"You know, back in college I was really anxious about my breasts. I was worried that boys wouldn't like them, because they were small. And I really wanted the boys to like them. But do you know what I realized?"

Isaac lifted his chin slightly, "What?"

I gave them my sunniest smile, "It doesn't matter how small they are, when you get them out, all the boys want to look!"

They all laughed at that. Even Andy.

"So are you ready to see my tits?"

Bart and Isaac chorused, "Hell yeah!" and "Right on!" Andy didn't answer, but his expression wasn't enthusiastic.

I took a deep breath, straightened my back, and let go of the strings. My dress fell at my feet, leaving me standing in a pair of panties and nothing else. I slowly lowered my hands to my hips, turned just slightly, and gave them a coy look. My tits were fully on display and my nipples were rock hard. My heart was pounding.

"What do you think?"

"Those are some great knockers, Lana!" Isaac said eagerly.

'Knockers? Are we twelve?' I snarked in my mind.

"Yeah, I like 'em big, but those are beautiful," Bart agreed.

"Oh, thank you, boys," I said. I turned around and looked at them over one shoulder, "And how about my ass? It's not too soggy for you?"

I was pleased to hear Bart say, "Oh, hell yeah," as my thong came into view. Maybe you couldn't bounce a quarter off of my ass, but I kept it as firm and toned as I could.

"No worries, Lana. That is a great butt," Bart answered.

I wiggled my ass back and forth, and then did a little spin in place, making my breasts jiggle. Finally, I climbed into an armchair, on my knees facing the back, and clasped my hands in front of my waist. I used my arms to squeeze my breasts together.

"I am so glad you like it! What would you boys like to do next?"

Andy had a speculative look on his face, but Bart didn't need any more encouragement. He stepped forward, already opening his pants.

"Well, uh, I'm curious about all that cock sucking you say you've done. You ever sucked one like this?"

He pulled his cock out of his underwear. It was about average length, and a little thicker than many, but nothing exceptional. Not that I was dumb enough to tell him that. I leaned forward in the chair, rested my elbow on the back, and took his penis in my hand. He inhaled sharply as I started to gently stroke him. It's always funny to see a cock for the first time and know that in a moment it's going to be in your mouth. It's even stranger when you only met the guy it's attached to a few minutes earlier.

"Oooh, this is a nice one! So thick!" I cooed, looking up at him, "Is this for me? Can I please taste it?"

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but in my experience blowjobs are a lot more reliable. Bart was no exception; he just nodded at me with wide eyes.

I leaned forward and brought his cock to my lips. I started by licking him up and down his length before swirling my tongue around the head like a lollipop and lightly flicking the tip. Then I licked my lips, took a breath, and took him into my mouth. I slid my lips down his length, smoothly taking more and more in and gently stroking with my tongue as I went. I reached my fingers at the base of his cock and moved them so I could keep going. I didn't stop until his entire length was buried in my mouth and throat. My knees were on the seat of the chair and I was bent over flat, allowing his cock to slide unobstructed all the way into my throat. I leaned back slightly and looked up at him so he could take in the view of my red lips wrapped around the base of his cock.

"Holy shit!" Isaac exclaimed, "She took the whole thing on the first go!"

I slid back up and let it fall from my mouth with an audible pop, "Mmmmm... you're delicious, Bart."

I drew his dick back into my mouth and started stroking up and down with my lips while my tongue swirled. I rolled my head back and forth, flicking my tongue firmly under his manhood. As I blew him I could feel my tits jiggling back and forth. I picked up speed, pistoning my mouth up and down on his cock. I could imagine how I looked, leaning over the back of a chair and pounding a cock down my throat while wearing nothing but a thong. I could hear him groaning a little as I worked his dick and suddenly felt a pair of hands exploring my ass.

"Damn, her butt is so cute in that thong," Isaac said as his fingers moved down towards my pussy. He stroked me through the fabric of my thong before slipping them underneath and into my pussy. "Damn! She's already wet!"

"Mmmmm," I purred while I kept up the pace with Bart. Isaac dipped his fingers into my cunt before moving up to stroke my clit. Another hand started cupping my right breast.

"She's fine if you like worn out and saggy," Andy sneered, tweaking my nipple viciously.

Isaac was fingering me in earnest now, ramming two fingers in and out of me with pauses to attend to my clit. Meanwhile, that little shit, Andy, was doing everything he could to make me react. Twisting my nipples, slapping at my tits, whatever seemed most uncomfortable. Fortunately, bending over the back of the chair made it hard for him to really get at me. Bart's legs were trembling and he kept jerking his hips forward in little thrusts. With an explosive grunt he rammed his cock down my throat and erupted. I pulled his penis back into my mouth so I wouldn't choke and started jerking him with one hand while I kept sucking. His cum pulsed into my mouth, hot and salty on my tongue. Isaac kept fingering me as my mouth filled up with semen. Once Bart was done, I let him fall from my lips, met his eyes, and made a show of swallowing.

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