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Regrets and Consequences


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"I can understand why you would want to be free of him after that, but I still don't get how he could just give up his kids in the first place."

"That's the thing. He never really wanted them or me in the first place. He blames us for stealing his life. Never mind the fact that he was the one pressuring me into having sex in the first place. I mean, I admit I was hungry for anyone to love me after losing my grandfather, but I was still able to accept responsibility for the lives I brought into this world. Mark never did. Anyway, after that I didn't date anybody for over four years, and even after that it's been sporadic. No one I meet wants to inherit an instant family, especially with older kids, and even though I'm a little lonely, I won't sleep with anyone that won't accept the full package. In other words, I haven't been with anybody for about seven years."

"I can totally respect that. I imagine I'm in for a long haul for the very same reason. I don't think I'll ever find anyone that can replace Sarah, and I'm not in a hurry to try."

"It's a good thing we met. We can lean on each other until we're ready to move on. In the meantime, we can keep raising our kids, and sharing the occasional coffee."

After that, Chris and Steph would get together to chat about once a week. A little over a month latter, one of the guys at Chris' work invited him to go out for a drink and to shoot some pool. Chris was putting him off because he didn't want to impose on his part-time nanny. She was only scheduled to work until he got home every day just before six. Chris mentioned it to Steph during their weekly coffee, and she quickly offered to watch his daughters so he could go out.

He was hesitant at first, but decided it was time to develop at least one other friendship. As soon as he took his kids to her house, he was greeted by Daniel and Katelyn. He was surprised by how polite they were, as well as how eager they were to meet Ashley and Emma. Of course, Emma was only a year and a half old, so she really didn't know what was going on, but Ashley latched on to the two older kids very quickly. There was a fairly significant age difference, but Daniel had brought out some of his legos to play, and Katelyn had some books to read to the girls.

Chris watched them play for a few minutes, then thanked Steph for doing this. He told her he wouldn't be long, but she insisted he take as long as he wanted. Chris and John spent about 3 hours at the bar talking and shooting pool. Actually, Chris only had about a one and a half beers, but he had a great night connecting with his new friend. Over the next few years, they would get together regularly for a bar night to shoot pool or throw darts. During the warmer months they would play golf about every other week.

By the end of February, Chris and Steph had progressed to having a family dinner at one of their houses at least a couple of times a week. By April, they decided they were dating by default although they hadn't done anything other than hug and kiss. One week in May, Chris asked Steph to bring the kids over for a sleepover that Friday and Saturday night. His parents were going to be there for several days, and were willing to watch all the kids. Chris wanted to take Steph on a romantic getaway weekend. It was their first time sleeping together.

They continued to spend more and more time together over the next few months, although both were hesitant to take the next step. October was there before they knew it. Steph's firm was going to be holding their annual party, and she wanted to take Chris. It would be their first time meeting her co-workers as a couple. Unfortunately, it was the same date that Sarah had died. It had only been a year, so Chris knew he wouldn't be good company. Steph completely understood, but knew she had to make at least a brief appearance. Chris practically insisted that she go, and he watched her kids while she was there. He knew it was expected of all the employees, and after all, they were dating, but had yet made a firm commitment to anything more. Steph went, but she managed to be back at his house by 9:30 and they spent the rest of the evening together.

One month later, Chris hosted Thanksgiving dinner at his house, although Steph helped with a lot of the cooking. They had also invited Steph's grandmother and Chris' parents. It was a wonderful meal, and as they finished eating, everyone was talking around the table. Steph was a little surprised that Daniel and Katelyn weren't asking to be excused to go play on their phones like they usually did, but instead, they sat at their places with silly little grins as if they knew some secret.

Chris had told them a secret the day before. Actually, it was more like asking them a question, but they both readily agreed. Chris took Steph's hand at the table to get her attention.

"A year ago, I couldn't imagine being like this. Here we are sitting around the table with all of our family sharing Thanksgiving. But I can imagine one more thing that would make me even more thankful. Steph, will you marry me? Will you make this family one?"

As soon as he started talking, Steph began to tear up. When he proposed, she suddenly was overwhelmed and couldn't speak. But she started nodding her head vigorously, while trying to hold her hand still so Chris could slide the ring on her finger. He barely had it on her hand when she jumped into his lap, hugging and kissing him. Almost as quickly, she started talking with her grandmother and his mother, planning the wedding she missed out on years before.

The next few months passed quickly. Steph and her kids moved in before Christmas. Daniel and Katelyn each had their own room. Ashely and Emma had shared a room the entire time they lived there.

Plans for the wedding continued. Because of the way Steph's first marriage ended, her grandmother insisted on a prenup. Chris really didn't think anything about it, but understood why Steph's grandmother wanted it. In essence, if the marriage were to end because of abandonment or infidelity, the injured party would get the house, primary custody of any children, and 70% of the assets gained during the marriage. Anything brought into the marriage would stay with each person. Mainly, those assets were a little bit of savings, their separate retirement accounts, and the remainder of Sarah's insurance and settlement money. Chris and Steph both signed, and neither ever really thought about it again.

October rolled around and it was time for the Halloween party again. Just like the year before, Chris said he wouldn't be good company, and begged off. He did say he would be happy to watch the kids so Steph could go and have a good time. She thought about it, but decided it was more important to spend time with her new family than go to a party. She explained it that way to her boss, who was more than happy to excuse her. He even told her he respected her a little more for insisting because to him, family was really more important. After all, he was a man with four kids and six grandkids, so far.

Chris and John still got together once in a while, but because of Chris' combined family the men went out to bars for pool and darts less and less. Instead, John got invited to spend more time with the family. He came over for dinners and barbecues. Of course, Steph frequently tried to set him up with one of her single co-workers.

The family continued to bond. Daniel and Katelyn were thrilled to have a dad, and spent as much time as possible with him.

The next fall was the first major change for the family. In September, Elizabeth was born on Daniels's birthday. He may have been a teenage boy, but he was thrilled to hold and care for little Libby. He made no secret of the fact that he would be her protector for life.

A month later, when it came time for the annual party, there was no question that Steph would be staying with the family. After all, she was still on maternity leave.

Chris came back to the present as he heard Steph's moans get a little deeper. He snuck a peek at the couple in the next alcove and could see them in a passionate kiss, with John's hand firmly massaging Steph's breast. He tried to casually bring his phone up to snap a quick photo of the couple. He needn't have worried about it too much, as the couple was much too absorbed in their own activities to even acknowledge there was anyone else around.

Their little chats in between kisses told Chris more of what had happened.

"Don't you wish you hadn't wasted all that time on those bimbos you used to date."

"Oh my god, Steph, I actually never cared for any of them at all. I only went out with them to distract Chris from the fact that when I first met you all those years ago, I fell in love with you immediately. I rarely went to bed with any of them, and even when I did, it was because I was so worked up about you, I needed some relief."

"I have to admit that over the last year, as I've fucked Chris, I've usually been thinking about you."

"Do you still love him?"

"Do you really want to know? You're not jealous are you?" She teased. "Honestly, I'm not really sure I've ever loved him. I mean, I care about him, and I felt so bad about what happened to his wife. But I really wanted to have someone to help me raise the kids. I guess, in one aspect, I understand what Mark was upset about. Getting pregnant at eighteen really stole my life, too. I like being a mom, but I missed out on so much."

"I get that. I've slept with quite a few women over the years, but you've had, what, three?"

"Yeah, you're only my third, and you, by far, are the best lover I've had. I was the only person Mark had been with, and I'm only Chris's second, so neither one really knows as much as you about what really gets a woman going. I guess I can forgive you for all those women since it turned you into a better lover for me."

"Come here, honey. I'll show you exactly what kind of lover I can be."

"Oh John, maybe we should move this up to my room." Steph exclaimed somewhat breathlessly.

"That sounds perfect. But we shouldn't be seen leaving together. Let me have the key, and I'll head on up. You mingle a little, make some excuse to your boss, and meet me in the room in 15 minutes or so."

"Sounds good. It's room 812. See you in a few minutes, lover."

"Get going you hot little minx."

Neither noticed the seething, broken-hearted Mandalorian listening to their entire conversation. A plan was starting to form in his mind. He got up and quickly headed to the front desk. He hated taking off his helmet where someone could see him, but he needed the desk to give him another key to the room. He simply explained that his wife had both keys, and he couldn't find her in the party, but he really needed to get in their room. Surprisingly, he only had to show them his ID. Since the credit card account that Steph used to reserve the room also had his name on it, they were happy to issue him a new room key. Now all he had to do was stall about 30 minutes to let the party in room 812 really get under way. He put his helmet back on just in case he ran into anybody he knew.

When a half hour had passed. He calmly walked up to the room, and tried to listen through the door to see if it was time. He wasn't positive, but it certainly sounded like his timing was right. He took off his helmet and set it down outside the door. He didn't need anything extra in his hands, and he was afraid he might throw it if he saw what he expected to see. He pulled out his phone and opened the camera app. He then swiped the key card across the lock and heard the door click. Carefully, as quietly as he could, he opened the door, and stepped into the room. He could see that Steph went all out and had rented a suite. He could see into the bedroom to the left through the open French doors. However, even though he wasn't in the same room, he slowly closed the main door behind him. He was afraid if it closed loudly, they would be startled and cover up before he could get a clear photo.

Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw on the bed. It wasn't that they were doing anything unusual or kinky. John wasn't really built any differently that him. It was just the shock of seeing the woman he loved having sex with another man. They were so into each other, they didn't even realize he was watching them from the living room area.

After the initial shock, Chris started a video, taking a few still shots at the same time. He didn't say anything. He just sadly turned around, and left the room. Going out, he wasn't as careful about the door closing loudly, but he assumed they were so preoccupied they probably wouldn't notice. He picked his helmet up off the floor, put it back on to disguise himself again, and quickly headed for the stairs.

Inside the room, Steph and John did hear the door close, and they paused in their lovemaking, looking into the other room. But they didn't immediately jump up. They lay there still connected, expecting that someone would come in. After looking for a few seconds, John did get up and walk toward the door. He didn't open it, but he did look through the peephole. When he didn't see anything, he shrugged his shoulders and walked back toward the bedroom.

"I don't know. There's nobody there. I guess it was the next room. It just sounded like it was our door. Weird."

Chris walked quickly to his car, finally taking off the helmet. But as soon as he fastened his seatbelt, his emotions broke free. Tears started flowing down his cheeks. He knew he loved Steph, maybe not as much as he had loved Sarah, but it was still real. And now he was shattered. This, in many ways, was worse than losing Sarah. She hadn't chosen to die. She was taken from him. Steph on the other hand, chose to betray him.

Multiple times driving home, he realized he was distracted, and not paying attention to the road. He was lucky he managed to get home alive. He left the helmet and his overnight bag in the car, and walked through the garage door and mud room into the kitchen. Almost walking into Daniel surprised him enough to slow him down.

"Dad, what's wrong? I didn't expect you home tonight."

Chris just looked blankly at him.

"Dad, you're scaring me. Where's mom? Is she with you?"

Chris couldn't say anything, but he did start crying again. Daniel pulled him to a chair in the kitchen and sat him down before he collapsed. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water, setting it on the table in front of Chris. Unfortunately, his dad continued to just sit there basically in shock until Daniel said, "Let's get you out of some of this armor." He pulled at the catches, and began removing various pieces of the costume, relieved that it was designed to be easily worn over a tee-shirt and tights.

"C'mon Dad, talk to me. What's got you so upset?"

Chris took a deep breath, and said, barely loud enough to be heard, "You mother is cheating on me."

Daniel stopped what he was doing and just stood there for a second, "Are you sure?"

"I saw it. I took photos of it."

"Who is she with?"




"Sorry, that slipped, but it doesn't make it less appropriate."

"Still, I don't like to hear you use that kind of language."

Daniel laughed a little. Chris looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Daniel explained, "Well, you got to admit, it's a little funny. Your life is falling apart, but your first thought is about making me be more polite."

It was Chris' turn to chuckle, "Yeah."

"So what are you planning to do?"

"It's not like I have much of choice. From what I could see, it's been going on for months at least. Not to mention that I heard her say she never really loved me. She was just looking for a father figure for you and Katelyn." He wiped the tears on his cheeks again. "And now she's planning on leaving me and taking you, Katelyn, and Libby away from me."

"Not if I have anything to say about it." He took his seat at the table.

"Daniel, she's your mother."

"I know that, and I love her, but the last few years, I've felt a little like she resented me. Like I stole her life, too. You know, the way my sperm donor claimed I stole his life."

Chris wanted to tell Daniel he was wrong about that, but he had heard Steph say basically the same thing earlier that night. "Even if that were true, I know your mother still loves you."

"In her own way, but that doesn't mean she doesn't also resent me a little."

"Based on what I heard her say about me, I can't say that there's not some truth to what you're saying." They both stared at the table in front of them. "Anyway, I guess I'll have to find a lawyer to decide how we're dividing everything. You mother will be home tomorrow morning. I think first thing in the morning, I'll take you kids to your grandmother's."

"I'd like to be here, dad."

"I know, and don't worry, you'll get your say, but I think I'd like to confront her by myself, first. It may get a little ugly, and I'd rather not have the girls around if that's the case."

"I understand, dad. And for what it's worth, I guarantee it's going to be ugly when I confront her. I really can't believe she's done this to us."

"Hold on, Daniel, she's cheating on me. She did tell John that she's a package deal with her kids, so I know she does love you."

"That may be, but she's still breaking up this family, and that affects all seven of us." He paused thinking for a second. "Actually, it's more than that. I love all three of my grandparents, and if Mom is planning on leaving you, how often am I going to get to see your parents? Probably never. And to me, that's really unacceptable."

"Daniel, I know I've only known you for a few years, but it's things like that that make me love you even more. But I also did legally adopt you, so I will have visitation rights, and I promise you, I will make sure you get as much time as you want with your grandparents."

"Thanks, Dad, you know I love you, too!"

"What do you say, we try to get some sleep. In the morning you help me get your sisters to your grandmother's, and then we'll see what happens."

Chris had no idea what kind of night Daniel had, but he didn't get any sleep at all. He thought it was amazing that he could be so sad and so angry at the same time. He really loved Steph, and to find out it was all an act on her part just hurt so much. The next morning he was in the kitchen starting to make some pancakes for the kids before he took them to Steph's grandmother's house. Suddenly he was bear hugged from behind by Katelyn.

"Oh, daddy, I'm so sorry. What are we going to do?"

Chris twisted around so he could hug his 14 year-old adopted daughter. "I guess your brother told you, huh?" He looked down at her tear streaked face as she nodded. "Just know that I love you, and I'm going to protect you from all of this as much as I can. Nothing is ever going to stop me from loving you."

"How could she do this to us?"

"I don't know, sweetheart, but we're going to be okay, no matter what, okay?"

She still held onto him, but nodded her head.

"You and Daniel haven't said anything to Ashley and Emma, have you?"

"I wanted to, but Daniel told me to wait."

"He's right. I need to deal with your mother first. Then we can talk to the other girls. After breakfast, I want to take all five of you to your grandmother's for a little while so I can talk to your mother about what's going to happen."

"Daddy, isn't there any way to make this all go away."

"I wish there was, but after what I saw and heard last night, there's just no way I can forget it, and I won't be able to trust her ever again."

Katelyn didn't say anything, but did barely nod her head again.

"Why don't you help get breakfast ready for everyone? You work on the pancakes for a couple of minutes. I'm going to give your grandmother a call and see if it's okay to bring you guys over there."

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