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Rent Wives Ch. 02

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Wives in an apartment building get a rent discount!
3.9k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/12/2021
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Chapter 2

"Huff....huff.....huff....." Steve panted, clutching Amrita's dark pony tail as he drove deeply into the woman. Amrita had dropped by her landlord Steve's apartment today for one of their "sessions," part of an arrangement where Steve returned some of her family's rent money to her in exchange for some....private dates....together in Steve's abode.

"OOOOooooo...." Amrita moaned, clearly enjoying the hard thrusting she was being subjected to. Steve had her bent over one of his kitchen counters, her short skirt flipped up over her back and her little thong panty pushed to the side to allow Steve to enter her.

Amrita had been quietly enjoying their sessions over the last few weeks, in part because her husband Ravi was consistently mean and aggressive to her. Even naughtier for the woman was the fact that she had been partaking in her sessions with Steve without any birth control.

"Huhhh..." she gasped after a particularly enthusiastic push. She clutched the edges of the counter for stability under Steve's onslaught.

" it comes, honey....." Steve panted, pumping deeply into the dark beauty.

"HAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" he shouted, bucking his hips so hard the woman's lower body was lifted a little, her feet rising up on their toes. Amrita imagined the hot gush of seed that Steve was unloading into her body, and smiled thinking of how her asshole of a husband was oblivious to the fact that another man was just now inseminating her.

"Huhhh...." Another, little thrust emptied what was left in Steve far up into Amrita. Steve ran his hands down the woman's tight back muscles and wrapped them around her front, caressing her breasts as he lifted her to standing, and slipped out of the woman. Amrita stood and stretched like a cat, clasping her hands and extending her bangled arms up over her head, arching her back and jutting her tight little ass out as her skirt flipped back down.

"MMMMmmmmmmm.....Feels good to have session," she smirked.

"Yeah, see?" Steve asked. "Nice arrangement. Tiring for you though, I'll bet, probably getting too much sex?"

Amrita cocked a slim eyebrow on her pretty face at Steve.

"Oh please..." she smiled coyly. "Husband and I have sex only once a month maybe. I come see you few times a week...if I get baby, is yours. In fact...." She looked off into the distance, "My cycle is supposed to be 2 days ago. Is not here. Maybe you give Ravi and me a baby!"

"Whooaaa!" Steve gasped. "I.....uh....." not really knowing what to say.

"Do not worry about it..." the married woman mumbled. "Ravi will think it is his." Amrita winked at Steve, then slipped out of his apartment.

Several weeks later, Steve was looking over his schedule for the morning when he heard a knock at his door. Opening the door, he found one of his tenants standing there in a suit and tie.

"Hey Dean, how's it going?' Steve greeted.

"Hi Steve," Dean responded. "Just on my way to the office. I just wanted to let you know that our kitchen sink's pipes are leaking again. Mary had to mop up this morning before taking Cody to school. I know that you're only a landlord, but isn't your kind supposed to be good with tools?" the smirk on Dean's face rankled Steve.

[What a stuck-up asshole] thought Steve. But what he said was, "Ahhh, shit, Ok, those pipes have been causing trouble for a long time. I'll probably be able to whip up there maybe this afternoon to fix 'em up. You're in 1302, right?"

"Yep, ok get to it then!" Dean smiled as he strutted off towards the parking garage door.

Later in the day, Steve looked at his cellphone. "1:00, ahh, I'd better get to work." Gathering his tool box, he headed up to apartment 1302. Dean was gone, his kid Cody was at school, and Dean's wife Mary was probably at the mall again. Steve fumbled for his skeleton key and opened the door, letting him into the unit. As the door closed gently behind him, he heard the telltale sound of huffing and puffing coming from deeper in the apartment.

"Uuuunn.....uuuunnnn....aaahhhhhh...." gasping moans filled the hallway leading to the bedrooms, a man's and woman's voice clearly deep in the mating ritual.

[Shit, why didn't Dean tell me he'd be back early today?] Steve thought. Unless it was some of the building's teens who had forced their way into an apartment they knew would be empty to get naughty in? Boy, their parents would flip. Steve thought he'd better get some proof in case things went south. Amid the panting, groaning noises, he opened the film app on his phone, started it going, and turned the corner into the master bedroom.

"Gasp....aaahhh...aaaahhhh.....oooohhhhh...." A beautiful, long haired blond was sitting up, nude, straddling a man on the marital bed. Her shimmering golden hair cascaded in waves down her supple back as her tight, hourglass form undulated on the naked guy underneath her. Steve's film app was capturing it all.

"What the!!!! Holy fuck!!!!" the guy yelled, seeing Steve, and Mary whipped her head around to finally discover Steve standing there.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Mary hollered, leaping off the guy and grabbing at her robe, which was lying in a heap at the foot of the bed. She threw the robe around her milky white shoulders and covered her ample breasts. "What the hell are you doing here, Steve!????"

Steve looked down at the bed. The man struggling to sit up was not Dean. It was Andy from across the hall! A glistening condom covered his shaft, which was now deflating after Andy's shock had set in.

"Oh geez.....sorry guys!" Steve said, shutting off the camera app. "Mary! Sorry! Didn't Dean tell you I would be by to fix the sink pipes??"

" he didn't," Mary almost sobbed. "Look, never saw anything here, ok? Ok Steve? Nothing happened here!"

"Look, um, it's none of my business, ok? But, Andy, you'd better clear out of here. What if I was Dean? Andy, your wife Jen would freak! She'd throw you out if she knew!"

"Steve, don't tell anyone, ok? I was never here!" Andy tried. He quickly gathered up his clothes and quickly dressed on his way to the door. "I'm gone....uh.....bye Mary!"

"Look, I'm just gonna get to work, ok?" Steve told Mary. He retreated from the bedroom and moved into the kitchen, opening up the sink's cupboard and leaning into his work on the pipes.

About 10 minutes later, Mary padded into the kitchen, dressed now in tight yoga-pants that showed off the stunning curves of her long legs, and a tight t-shirt. She knelt down at the sink next to Steve.

"Look......Steve....about that...." Mary started. "you can't tell Dean, ok? It would tear our family apart. You don't want Cody to have divorced parents, do you? And Dean and I have been trying for another. Please, ok? Please erase those pictures and keep it to yourself?"

Steve struggled out from under the sink. "Well, I don't know, Mary," he said, playing his cards 'close to the chest.' "I mean, Andy's wife Jen is cool, I wouldn't want her getting hurt..." he looked up at Mary's worried face, probing for more response.

"Ok..." she continued, "look.....I wouldn't even have been fucking that loser unless I was in trouble. I....I'm in a bit of trouble, ok Steve? I've gotten in a little over my head with some debts. Dean gets to go off to his office every day, and me? I get to sit here and do housework. Well.....I started to play some games online and stuff...." Mary clasped one hand to her other arm's elbow and looked down at the floor, blushing, "and I ended up in some debt from gambling. Dean is going to kill me. I don't want to tell him. He's always going on about responsibility with money to Cody. So Andy was hitting on me once or twice, and I hinted to him that if he wanted to help me fill my wallet up, he could also fill....."

"...YOU up..." Steve finished for her.

"Ok, ok, it was stupid," Mary whined. "But he was going to give me a few hundred dollars..."

"Mary, you know, you could have come to ME for help!" Steve said, "I'm the landlord! I take $2 500 a month from you in rent!"

"You would help me?" Mary nervously asked.

"Well, there is this little program I could extend to you," Steve began. He had film of Mary fucking the guy from across the hall, so Steve thought he could get a little bolder than usual.

"Mary, what if you and I had a couple know......private sessions......per week, and I could find my way to taking a few hundred dollars from your rent and slipping that back to you each month? You come see me a couple times a week, you get to handle your debt...." Steve looked at Mary. The woman was clearly thinking things through, doing the math.

" want to....have "sessions" with me?" she frowned. "How is that different from Andy? men......" she glared.

"Well, one of the obvious differences is that I've got film of you riding Andy like a horse," Steve reminded her. "I doubt Dean would like to see it, but that could happen..."

"'ve gotta let me think about it, ok? You're actually blackmailing me, you son of a bitch!!??" Mary growled.

"Well not really..." Steve suggested, "I'm not going to make you do anything you don't consent to, ok? This would be your choice."

"SHIT......" Mary raged. She got up and left the kitchen, letting Steve finish his work.

On the way out, Steve found Mary sitting on the couch watching TV, but by the frown on her face, she wasn't focussing on it.

"Listen, I'm done here, ok?" Steve said. I'll be in my apartment. You think about it and let me know, ok? It's Wednesday, maybe let me know by Saturday what you wanna do?" he left without Mary saying anything back.

By Thursday evening, Mary had made up her mind. Just before supper, she approached Steve's apartment door. Suddenly, the door opened and a pretty Indian woman almost staggered out, a small baby bump stretching the lower area of her t-shirt. Mary thought she recognized the woman from around her building. Noticing Mary, the Indian woman quickly averted her gaze and plodded off down the hallway, still almost staggering. Mary noticed the woman's slightly tousled hair and glazed look in her eyes.

[If I didn't know any better....] Mary thought, [I'd say that's the look of a freshly-fucked woman!]

Steve opened the door after Mary knocked, himself looking a little out of breath.

"Ok you asshole...." Mary whispered to him. "I guess I have to play ball. Come by tomorrow around 1."

"Well, ok, if it's what you want..." Steve smiled. Mary had to leave before she slapped him.

The next day, just after lunch, Steve got a text message from Mary.

"Ok get up here" it said.

Steve rode the elevator up to 1302 and knocked on the door. Mary opened it, a summer skirt around her tight hips and another tight t-shirt on.

"Hey Mary, you ok?" Steve started.

"Shut up and get in here," Mary grunted at him, turning her back to him and walking into the family room. Steve locked the door behind him, then for good measure, locked the bolt higher up on the door.

"Look, Mary, if you don't want to do this, we don't have to..." Steve started.

"Shut up....ok? Just shut up. I need the money. So how does this work?" she frowned.

"Well, like I said, I've got a few hundred bucks here..." Steve pulled the rolled bills from his pocket and set them down on the coffee table, "and a few times a week maybe, we have, you know.....some sessions together....."

"Shiiiiiiiiiiiit....." Mary rolled her eyes. "If Dean ever finds out, we'll both be dead, you got me? Dead."

"Got ya" Steve responded. "This is private. So, then we do, you know, some different things, try out what I ask you to...."

"I get it..." Mary stated. "What's first?"

"Weelllll....Steve had given this some thought. "What about you start by slipping my pants down?"

Steve stood up in front of the woman and she glared up at him. She knelt on the carpeted floor, undid his belt, gripped his pants, and shoved them down to his ankles. Steve's member popped into view, slightly lifted in anticipation of the beautiful blond's body.

"Maybe, you know, get me going a bit?" Steve smiled down at the grimacing wife and mother.

Mary reluctantly reached up with her left hand and gripped Steve's shaft by the base. She glared at it and pulled the foreskin back, revealing the mushroom shaped head. Glowering up at her landlord, Mary's tongue quivered out of her mouth and gently flicked Steve's tip a few times. Mary's pretty face, combined with her wet tongue's tricks, caused Steve to firm up quickly.

"Ok, more now...." Steve urged.

Mary sneered, closing her eyes and leaning forward, engulfing Steve's shaft in the warm wetness of her mouth.

Squelllltch....the sound of Mary's suction filled the room as she pulled her face back on Steve's shaft.

" that...." Steve moaned.

Squelllltch..... squelllltch....squelllltch....Steve heard, as Mary began a slow, rhythmic pumping on him. She gripped his hips to keep him from thrusting too deeply into her mouth, and Steve admired the glittering diamond on the woman's left hand. Steve ran his hands through Mary's long, blond hair, gathering it up on her head and letting it run through his fingers as she bobbed up and down. The woman gathered up spit as she went and increased the suction. Steve couldn't believe how hot and wet Mary's mouth felt. Her bobbing increased in pace and intensity, and soon Steve could picture himself blowing a big load into her mouth. Should he hold her head down if he did, to make her swallow? A little tired out from pumping a hot load of semen into Amrita the evening before, Steve didn't want to finish too soon with Mary, the newest tenant in his discount program.

"O....ok, babe....lets try something else..." he gasped. Mary popped off his shaft and frowned up at him.

"Don't call me "babe,"" she warned.

Steve held Mary's hands as she rose to stand, and he led her to the side of her sofa. The sofa had tall, wide arms, which were soft and padded. Steve pushed down on Mary's back and she dutifully bent over the sofa's arm, leaning forward until her upper body was angled downwards, resting on the sofa's seat. Her arms stretched out in front of her, to help stabilize her. Steve slid his hands down the pretty woman's sides, hooking his fingers in her skirt and panties. He kept the pressure up until they were sliding down her supple legs, and finally dropped to the floor, exposing the woman's soft skin. Her ass pointed up at Steve, and she turned to face him, a glare marring her beautiful features.

"I can't believe you're fucking me, you asshole....." she blurted out.

"You can say 'no'" Steve said, running his hands around Mary's hips and ass. He wiggled his shaft into the little space between Mary's thighs, to help firm him up again. Mary whipped her head around to face forward and gripped the sofa's cushions.

"Steve reached down to line himself up with Mary's entrance, her soft yellow pubic hair clinging to her skin with moisture.

"Ahhh...." Steve smiled, the soft, warm lips hugging around Steve's tip as he leaned into her. " feel good, honey," he murmured as he pushed himself gently into her, probing deeper, deeper, sliding in until he hit bottom. Mary's ass was pushed up against Steve's hips as the tip of his shaft kissed the barrier of her cervix.

"Ooohhhhhh!" Mary gasped, rearing her head up in surprise. Steve began a gentle, slow pumping, probing deep into the reluctant woman.

"WAIT, WAIT!!" Mary urged, "you're not wearing a condom! You've gotta wear a condom...Dean and I have been trying for a kid, I'm not on birth control! That's why I made Andy wear one!"

"What about it's part of the arrangement, honey?..." Steve asked her. "HUNDREDS of dollars...a couple of sessions a I like it....."

"'d better not cum in me!" Mary growled, Steve continuing his deep thrusting, propping Mary's hips up at the end of each stroke, reaching as deeply as he could into the woman. "You'd better not cum in me! I'm fertile!! And you'd better not have any diseases!"

"No diseases, hun..." Steve soothed her. He traced his fingers up and down the grooves of Mary's sexy shape. She was curled over so far that Steve could prod deeply down into her depths. At the end of each deep stroke, Mary clenched the sofa cushions with her hands, letting out cute little "uuuhhh" sounds.

Steve started pumping into Mary so firmly that the lithe woman was being pushed farther up the side of the sofa. Steve reached both hands up to the backs of her shoulders and clamped on, drawing her back into him, tugging down on her shoulders each time he pumped hard into her belly.

"Just....just remember....." Mary panted at him, frowning still, "you'd better not cum in can cum on my face or breasts or something....hufff....hufff...." she quickly removed her tight t-shirt, showing Steve she wasn't wearing a bra today.

Suddenly, Mary's cell phone started to tweedle. Someone was calling her! As Steve continued to rail into her, his need for release urgently building, Mary looked over at her phone, perched on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Oh my god, it's Dean!" she shouted, taking the phone into her hands. "I've.....I've gotta answer him....he'll get suspicious!" she panicked. "Just......just keep quiet, you asshole!"

"If...." Steve panted, continuing to buck forcefully into Dean's wife, "if I slap your ass, you'd better hit the mute button!"

"SHIT!!!" Mary growled, and hit the "answer" button on her phone. "Hi honey," she answered sweetly, "how are you?" Mary's hair throbbed in waves in front of her as Steve lurched over and over into her.

Steve could barely hear Dean's responses on the other end of the call as he continued to pump.

"Nuh.....nothing, honey" Mary told him, "just....{huff}.....just sitting here going through some of my exercises.....{huff} know, trying to keep fit so we can add another little tyke to our family! {huff.....huff.....}

Steve thought he could hear Dean describe some business deal he was on the verge of making that would turn their company's luck around.

"{Huff.......huff.......} Oh, that's great, honey, maybe we can afford a new crib" Mary panted into the phone as Steve took her with increasing ardour. Dean continued to prattle on the phone, oblivious to the fact that his wife was being taken as they spoke.

"{Huff.......huff.......} Mm-hmmmm..." Mary nodded. "I've got casserole for us for supper....{ huff.......huff.......}"

As the two spoke back and forth, Steve was hitting his peak hearing the "dutiful" wife talking to her hubby as Steve claimed the woman on their sofa. Pushing into Mary's midsection over and over, Steve began to feel the telltale feeling of the tingling heat that started to coalesce in his own midsection. Railing the woman even harder, he tried to hold out the inevitable, but it was becoming impossible.

"{Huff.....huff....} yuh.....yeah, honey.....I'll pick some up when I hit the store later on...." Mary quivered into the phone.

All it took was Steve thinking about his shaft repeatedly separating the folds of Mary's deepest reaches, right before her cervical opening. The combined juices of Mary's body and Steve's precum had created a slick passage that seemed to pull Steve even deeper into the forbidden woman. Thinking of the woman's unprotected eggs, a mere few inches from his pushing member was sending him over the edge. The hot, white life began to boil up in Steve, and he felt the compulsion to reach with it as deeply as he could into Mary's body...

SLAP!!!! Steve's hand came across Mary's ass cheek as the woman continued to pant out a blithe conversation with her clueless husband. Slap! Slap! Slap!

Finally, and just in time, Mary's thumb found the "mute" button to silence vocal input to the phone. Steve pulled on her shoulder with one hand, the other hand clutching down on her waist, and he came, and came hard, buried extra-deep inside the frantic woman.


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