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Rent Wives Ch. 03

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Wives in an apartment building get a rent discount!
5k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/12/2021
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"Oh...Omigawd, don't stop that..." Steve groaned up at Mary, the long-blond haired wife and mother who lived in his building. Mary was straddling Steve, naked atop her landlord in the bed in his apartment. Her large breasts heaved as her upper body undulated back and forth, her hips gyrating front to back, milking Steve as he was buried deep in the frowning woman. Mary's growing baby-belly rose and fell in time with her riding.

"Just shut up and finish off..." Mary growled at him. "I've got to get back to my husband and kid..."

Steve traced his hands up Mary's swollen front to her hanging breasts and gave them gentle squeezes. He tried to lift his hips each time Mary sank on him, probing deeper up into her hot canal.

"I'm..." Steve panted, his soft explosion rushing up on him suddenly. "I'm gonna go!!...AAAARRRRRRRRRNNNNNN!!" he growled through his climax, pumping a heavy load into the pregnant woman's belly. It was the second load she had taken from him this week, and she had been to see him a few times a week for many weeks now.

"Oh...OOOOOAAAAAHHHHH!!" Mary stabilized herself on her landlord by pressing both hands down on his chest, arching her back into her own orgasm as Steve's throbbing hit the right places deep inside her. She ground down hard on him, and Steve smiled, pumping the last jolts of semen up into her as she shook and quaked.

"Nice to see you enjoy this too!" Steve quipped. He knew that Mary wasn't all that happy with their arrangement, each month Steve took several hundred dollars from her rent payment and returned it to the woman without her husband Dean knowing. It was a gift in exchange for their twice-weekly sessions, and Mary wanted the money to satisfy an online gambling habit. The other gift Steve had given her was now growing in Mary's belly.

"I DON'T enjoy it" she asserted, the half-hearted frown betraying the lie. "You're an asshole." She gently flipped her legs off him, sitting on the edge of Steve's bed, a telltale trickle of semen running out of her.

"Ok, well, you seem to like the money back!" Steve retorted. "Nice session, honey. How about Monday again?"

"Fine." Mary stated flatly. "And don't call me honey...that's for my husband to say."

[Yeah, well,] Steve thought, [I doubt your husband would be calling you that if he knew you're down here a couple of times a week having me fill you up, and that I put that bun in your oven...].

After he and Mary got dressed, she flounced out of his apartment, putting on a show of being in a huff. As Steve told her many times, she was free to stop their arrangement whenever she wanted. She seemed to like the extra money coming in.

Later in the day, Steve turned his attention to the many jobs that needed tending around the building. He greeted the mail carrier on her way out of the lobby and went to repair the malfunctioning parking garage door.

About 5 PM, Sofia DeAlonso returned home from work, entering the lobby and getting her family's mail on the way in. She pulled a handful of envelopes from the box that could only be bills.

"Mierda!!" She swore. Francisco would be ticked. They still hadn't paid some of these bills from before last month. She hoped their daughter Veronica had found a summer job by now. If the 20 year old wanted to go to college, Sofia and Francisco would need to try for another loan.

"Trouble, Mrs. DeAlonso?" Steve asked, walking by the mail nook.

"Ah, Ahola, Steve" Sofia smiled. "Well...lots of bills...not lots of pay raises," Sofia quipped.

"Well, I can call you Sofia, right?" Steve smiled. "I might be able to help there. There's a little...ah...program...I might be able to sign you up for that would save you a few hundred each month off your rent..." he tried.

"Really?" Sofia gasped. "That would be a help! What kind of program?"

"Come on, I'll let you know..." Steve told her, leading her down the ground level hallway to his apartment. He led her to the sofa in his family room and they sat.

A few minutes later, an audible SLAP could be heard throughout the apartment. Steve clapped a hand to his reddening cheek.

"What kind of puta do you think I am!!??" Sofia raged at him. "I'm a married woman! And I'm not a prostituta!! Francisco will kill you when he hears of this!!"

"Hey, hey!!" Steve urged, "It's ok...just forget it then! Look, there's no pressure, I'm not forcing anyone!! If you don't want to, then that's fine, too! Just forget it..."

"Gaahhh!" Sofia spat, stalking out of the apartment. A pretty, long haired, and very pregnant Indian woman was swaying down the hallway towards Steve's door. Sofia stalked off to the elevator.

She rode the elevator to her fifth floor apartment and went in.

"Ahola, mami," her 20 year old daughter Veronica greeted. Her long dark hair hung loose down her lithe frame, her pert beauty a 20-year younger image of her mother's.

"Ahola, Veronica. Any luck finding a summer job today?" Sofia asked.

"Ayyy, no...not yet," Veronica moaned. "That big department store is full. I hope there's something by next week..."

"Keep trying, mi hija...where is your father?"

"In his "study,"" the girl rolled her eyes. Her father Francisco had turned the third bedroom into a study for his work, where he found himself spending more and more time.

Later in the evening, Sofia sat beside her husband in bed and closed the book she had been reading.

"Francisco, I need to tell you something..." Sofia began.

"I know, mi amor," he responded. "It's about these bills. I don't know how, but we'll pay them off. Every bit helps. Maybe I can do some odd jobs for people around the building..."

"Well, actually..." Sofia responded, "it's not about that. Our landlord, Steve, propositioned me today. Can you believe it? He said that if I come to see him a couple of times a week and have sex with him, he'd return several hundred dollars of our rent to me!! Now, amor, don't run down there and kill him...believe me, I struck him hard. I belted him across his face and told him where to go with his offer. Never fear..." Sofia prattled on, fearful her husband would explode in rage and go off in search of their landlord right away. She was surprised, therefore, to look over at her husband and find him staring off, in his own world.

"Francisco?? Did you hear me? He wanted to have sex with me for some rent money back!!" she tested.

"Ahhh..." Francisco muttered. "How do I say this? Mi amor, you know I love you very much. This thing you're saying...I would be lying to say that I have never thought of you with another man, and maybe feeling some enjoyment at that...feeling a little excited..."

"Francisco..." Sofia gasped "Are you saying you want me to go sleep with him!!??" Shock painted her face.

"Well, it's also...think of the money! Hundreds of dollars a month! And...it's something a little naughty, eh? A little...exciting!"

"I..." Sofia started, then stopped. Could she go and have sex with another man? What would it be like? To do that...and have her husband's blessing for it? It shocked her to think about it, and that Francisco had never mentioned this desire of his to her before.

"Francisco, I...maybe I could...if you're sure...it wouldn't bother you? But also...you know we're not getting any younger. I'm 40 now, and we have been trying to give Veronica a little brother or sister...one more little chico or chica before we're too old? What about that?" Sofia said hesitantly.

"Well, as to that..." Francisco said, "I would just insist that Steve uses a condom. You know, amor, many men have this little fantasy, of having another man enjoying their wife. If you can do it, we would have more money, yes, and maybe you can tell me all about what you do with him?"

"May...maybe..." Sofia responded. "I know we've been trying for another little one for a few years, now. How do they say it? My biological clock is ticking...Maybe if we can have hundreds of extra dollars a month, it will make things less stressful...maybe I'll get pregnant and we can have a son!" The two spoke long into the evening about Steve's offer.

Veronica padded quietly down the hallway towards the kitchen. [Damn] she thought...[it really DOES give you the munchies!]. She noticed her parent's bedside lamplights on and their door slightly open. [That's odd] she thought. [They're usually asleep by now...]. She stopped to listen at their door.

"Well, ok," Veronica heard her mother say. "I suppose I can go and see Steve a couple of times a week, if it's going to mean he gives us back several hundred dollars a month..." Veronica couldn't believe her ears! Their landlord was clearly blackmailing her mother! The 20 year old put her hands to her head and rushed away from her parent's doorway. She had to find a way to stop this! Unfortunately, what she did NOT hear was her mother continue, "...as long as you're ok with it, mi amor...but we can NEVER let Veronica find out about this!!"

The following evening, Sofia sat on Steve's sofa, going over the pending arrangement.

"What made you change your mind, Sofia?" Steve asked. "Not that I mind of course!"

Sofia held her head proudly high. "Well, since you asked, I suppose the money could be very needed."

"Sure," Steve said. He went to his office and returned with an envelope for the woman.

"It also changes things that my husband Francisco...ah...wants me to do this with you..." Sofia stammered..."and to tell him about it afterwards..."

"Oh!!" Steve said, surprised, "Uhh...sure, as long as it's not weird for you..."

"BUT," Sofia stared intently at Steve. "One thing we CANNOT allow, is for our daughter Veronica to find out about this arrangement. SO...you will swear to me, before anything else, that you will NEVER talk about our arrangement to her. Do you understand me!!??"

"Of course, of course," Steve assured her. "I swear on it...I will NEVER talk to Veronica about any of this...I barely see her or talk to her anyway!"

"Ok then..." Sofia smiled, satisfied. "Ahh...what now then?"

"Well...uh...are you ok for your first session now?" Steve asked.

"We might as well start," Sofia blushed. "Francisco is at work late today."

"Sure then," Steve said, not really knowing where to start with the woman, now that she had agreed to their arrangement. She was certainly lovely. She was thin but strong, with long dark hair, beautiful high cheekbones, and a passionate fire in her eyes. Her generous breasts were held back in a tight bra, and her shapely hourglass hips merged with long, supple legs that ended in stiletto heels today.

"Um..." Steve suggested, "Maybe we could start down the hall here?"

Steve led Sofia to his bedroom and the two sat on the edge of his bed. Sofia seemed to know what to do now, and took the lead. She gently pushed Steve down and slipped off his pants and boxers. She stood briefly, to casually slip off her top and pop open her bra, then pushed her dress pants to the floor. She stood in her white panties and high heels. Smirking, she knelt on the bed and hovered over Steve's hips, staring at his manhood, which was not yet fully at attention.

"You wish me to..." Sofia started, running a finger along her lower lip.

"Sure, whatever you feel comfortable with!" Steve returned.

Sofia crouched over the man and lifted his shaft up towards her mouth. She gave Steve a playful lick up his length, then rolled her tongue around the head, as Steve lay all the way down and moaned. His hands found the sides of Sofia's head as she lowered it onto Steve, engulfing him in the warm, moist mouth that proceeded to lift up and down, gently massaging him to rigidity.

Suction noises filled the room as Sofia worked at her task, "Thhhhhkkkk, thhhhhkkkk, thhhhhkkkk, thhhhhkkkk, mmmmmm... thhhhhkkkk, thhhhhkkkk..."

Steve's world was rocking. Sofia 's suction was powerful, and he felt himself being quickly gobbled up by the matronly woman. He felt himself tickling the back of Sofia's throat as her head bobbed up and down, the experienced woman pulling Steve deep and yanking back on him, "thhhhhkkkk, thhhhhkkkk, thhhhhkkkk, thhhhhkkkk..."

After a few more minutes of this, Steve lifted gently on Sofia's head. She popped off her landlord and looked up at him.

"How...how about we turn over?" Steve asked her, and Sofia scooted over on her backside to where Steve had lain, while Steve rotated up on his knees where Sofia had been crouched. Steve gently pulled the woman's tight panties down her smooth legs and dropped them to the floor, leaving the sexy stiletto heels on her. Steve slowly pushed on the insides of her knees, and Sofia dutifully spread her legs to allow Steve access.

"Uuhh..." Sofia stopped and said, looking concerned. "Look...I've been thinking about something. You know that Francisco knows about this."

Steve nodded to her.

"...But..." Sofia continued, "he did have one condition. You needed to wear a condom. My husband and I have been trying for another child before it's too late for me...I'm 40 this year..."

"Oh, ok, well..." Steve started.

"BUT..." Sofia interrupted him. "We have also been trying for a couple of years now, and nada. I know this sounds very bad, but I'm worried that our time is running out. If I am the one who is fertile, and it might be that Francisco can't..." she stopped, lowering her gaze.

"I understand," Steve said.

"Then, I thought," Sofia whispered, "as long as we are having sex anyway...he has given his blessing...maybe...no one would ever know if..."

"...If we don't use the condom and something happens?" Steve finished for her.

"Si..." Sofia whispered, still lowering her gaze. "If it is ok with you..."

Steve answered her by holding her hips and pulling her down the bed to where he kneeled. Sofia's legs opened, and her calves hooked behind Steve's back. She lay back and gave a small smile.

Steve positioned his tip right at the entrance to Sofia's body, noticing her dark pubic hair curled around her labia. As he slowly pushed himself inside her, she closed her eyes, exhaled, and leaned her head back.

"UUuuuffffff..." She trailed.

Steve propped himself up over Sofia's upper body as he pushed into her, enjoying the view of her breasts as they lolled to the sides. Her hair fanned out around her shoulders and she reached up to grasp Steve's elbows. When he felt his hips compress into Sofia, bottoming out, he pulled back out a little and began a slow, pushing pumping, feeling Sofia's soft insides with his tip, back and forth.

"Aaaaayyyyy..." Sofia murmured. "That is nice like that..."

Steve kept up the gentle pace, thrusting slowly, but deeply and powerfully, into Sofia's belly. Supporting himself on his knees and one hand, he ran the other hand softly over her breasts, cupping one, then the other, as he used his warm palm to circle the hardening nipples. As he massaged the woman, she lolled her head back and cooed.

As the bodies interlocked and the pace of Steve's pumping slowly increased, they both started to groan in pleasure. Sofia was surprised to find herself enjoying this more than she expected.

[So, she wants a baby, does she?] Steve thought...

"Here, honey, I can go deeper like this..." he murmured. He flipped Sofia's legs up so that her high-heeled feet were propped up on his shoulders, her legs extended straight up and pointed to the head of the bed. Steve buried himself over and over so deeply in the Latina woman he could feel himself hitting bottom...

"Ayy...right there..." she gasped, "you feel...?"

Each time Steve pulled back, the edge of his tip scraped a fleshy rise just inside the roof of Sofia's vagina. He made a point to flex upwards each time he withdrew, and was rewarded with Sofia's clenching hands, grasping his arms tighter and her moaning increasing to a wail.

AAaaayyiii..aaahhhhhh..." Sofia cried. She tried to hold out against Steve's hard pumping, but she was losing that battle. She gave it up, and felt her peak slam into her...

"AAAAAAYYIIIIIIAAAA," she shouted, her vaginal muscles crashed into a clench, gripping hard on Steve as her toes curled in her high heels. She almost raked gashes in his arms as she clutched his elbows in the throes of her orgasm.

Putting Sofia over was causing Steve to lose control himself. As he drove himself into her again and again, he felt the heat rush up from the pit of his stomach. Leaning his weight on the woman's clenched hips, he pushed hard one more time and erupted deep inside her, lancing a hot white bar of semen straight into her cervical gap.

"AAAAAHHHHHRRRR" he let go, bucking hard into her and emptying himself in the heavily-breathing woman underneath him.

"Hooooofff!" Steve panted, slowly withdrawing himself and plopping down to lie beside Sofia. "You are amazing, Sofia..." Steve gently caressed Sofia's breast.

The married Latina dropped her legs down and took a few deep breaths. "Ayyy...it was nice." She said, wrestling with the feelings of enjoying a bout of sex with another man. "I will have something to tell Francisco..."

The two got dressed and walked to Steve's front door. Sofia turned to him and jabbed her long-nailed finger into his chest.

"Now see here..." she looked intently at him, "you remember...as far as Francisco is concerned, we are using the condoms. AND..." she raised her eyebrows. "You promise to NEVER talk about this with my daughter Veronica or anyone else."

"I solemnly swear" Steve smiled, raising his right hand. "No worries, Sofia..." The prim woman shook out her hair, turned, and closed the door behind her.

It was the evening of the next day, after Steve had polished off his dinner and was watching TV when he heard the ring at his door. [Shit!] he thought...[did I have a session planned with Amrita tonight? Mary? It can't be Sofia already...]

He opened the door to find Sofia and Francisco's 20 year old daughter Veronica standing there, frowning at him. The stunning youth had a tight crop top, showing her tight and toned midriff, and a short skirt on, her long dark hair swaying down her back. She gazed balefully at Steve and said, "I need to talk to you, Mr. Landlord..."

[Uh oh...] Steve thought...[she must know something. I promised her mother I'd never talk to her about it...]. Veronica stalked into the apartment and helped herself to a seat on Steve's sofa, grabbing a handful of the chips he had in a bowl on the coffee table and crunching into them loudly.

"O-kaaaayyyy..." Steve smiled, why don't you come on in?" He sat next to the young woman and asked, "you want a coffee or something?"

"No, I don't want a coffee, Mr. Landlord..." Veronica said curtly. "I want you to not blackmail my mami. I know what you plan to do with her. I'm here to make you stop it. I have an offer...um...you're not going to refuse."

[Ok] Steve thought to himself [Firstly, you're too late. I unloaded my semen into your mom yesterday. And secondly, there is NO WAY in hell I'm going to talk to you about this...]

"Ahh..." Steve said instead though, "Offer? I don't think we should..."

"Quiet." Veronica ordered. "So here's what I'm thinking. I need a summer job, and some money coming in to help with college and my family. YOU are blackmailing my mom for sex. I am telling you to take the several hundred dollars in rent money and give it to ME instead, and I'll...fill in...for my mom a couple of times a week. PLUS..." she rose her voice as Steve started to shake his head, "you hire me for a part time job for the summer around the building. I know there's lots of jobs to do around here, to keep up the pool, the gardens, the building. I know how to do a bunch of things, and..." she lowered her voice, "I'm good with my hands...you have no idea..."

"Ok, one thing..." Steve began forcefully, "there is NO WAY I'm talking to you about this. You can bet, though, that you have this...part of this...all wrong. And we are NOT having this conversation."


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