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Renting a Room from Mrs. Taylor


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In a soft voice, she said, "Your punishment is not over. Keep your nose in that corner."

The next thing I heard was the unmistakable sound of a vibrator. I fought to do as I'd been told. I so wanted to turn around and see her. But the last thing I wanted was to disobey her. So I stood there squirming in the corner while listening to the moist sucking sounds of the vibrator pleasuring my landlady. My mind imagined what she looked like laying on the couch, her heavy thighs spread wide while thrusting a vibrating phallus in and out of her perfect pussy.

My thoughts were interrupted when the scent of her arousal touched my senses. I kept my fingers laced behind my head and humped my penis into the corner I stood in. The squishy pink head was brushing against the texture of the wall. I knew it was leaking and leaving a mark. But I was going crazy with desire!

The wet sounds of her using the vibrator became more frantic. I could hear her breathing become raspier and deeper. She began to moan softly and mumble under her breath. The wet, sucking sounds increased to an even faster pace. Her moans and grunts became more animalistic. Until she groaned deeply while cresting in orgasm.

My skinny, bald penis was leaking all over the wall while I stood in the corner obediently. She had told me not to peek at her and I hadn't. But knowing she was pleasuring herself in the same room where I stood was incredibly arousing. It was almost too much to bear. I was breathing heavily while slowly sliding my penis along the wall. The room went almost silent when Mrs. Taylor turned off her vibrator. The only sounds were the two of us breathing.

I eventually listened to her stand up off the couch. I heard the sound of hard plastic being set down on a wooden table. And then, goosebumps rose up all over my body and I shivered in excitement as I listened to her approach the corner where I stood. With my hands still laced behind my head, Mrs. Taylor stepped in close behind me. She let her fingernails glide down my sides which made me squirm and giggle under her touch.

With her brandy scented breath, she whispered close to my ear, "Sweetheart, your punishment is over."

Lowering my hands to my sides and turning around to face her. Mrs. Taylor was completely covered by her white, terrycloth bathrobe. It covered her from her neck to mid-shin and it was cinched in snuggly around her belly. She stepped closer and trapped me in the corner. She looked down and grinned when she saw my penis was still very stiff.

Leaning in close enough that our noses were touching and her lips brushed against mine while she spoke, "Be a good boy and fill my glass." Backing away, she motioned to the end table where her empty glass sat next to the glistening vibrator she had used. My eyes zeroed in on the vibrator that had brought her so much pleasure. Biting my lip, I glance up to her eyes before stepping away from the corner.

After only a few steps, Mrs. Taylor called out to me, "Young man, what is this?"

When I turned back, I saw her pointing to the moist stain on the wall. I squirmed where I stood and whispered, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Taylor. I couldn't help it. I'll clean it up right now."

She grinned at me and uttered, "Damn right you will."

As I turned to get a cloth, she stopped me once again. "Where do you think you're going? Get over here and lick this mess off of the wall right now."

Spinning around, I didn't bother looking at her. I tiptoed back to the corner and after getting on my knees, I leaned into the corner and licked the slippery mess from the wall. I kept my hands on my knees and licked the wall long enough that I was sure I hadn't missed a drop. When I leaned back, I looked up at my landlady and asked, "Is this okay, Mrs. Taylor?"

She stood just behind me and spoke in a deep tone, "Yes, that is just perfect."

I knelt before her, completely naked with a stiff penis and devoid of body hair, looking up into her eyes. Judging by the smile on her face, I guessed she enjoyed looking down on me as much as I enjoyed kneeling naked at her feet. It felt like the place I was supposed to be. After quite a long time, I asked in a very soft voice, "Shall I refill your drink now?"

As I slowly rose to my feet, I bit my lip while glancing up at her smiling face. I smiled back at her before quickly tiptoeing across the room to the table where her empty glass and still glistening vibrator sat. After picking up the glass in my trembling hand, I timidly asked, "Um, Mrs. Taylor, would you like me to clean this too?"

She stepped close behind me before she answered. Her hands were resting on my naked hips and her lips brushed against my ear, when she whispered, "No, I'll take care of that. Just pour me a fresh glass of brandy."

Holding her glass in both hands, I tiptoed to the kitchen and carefully poured a fair amount of brandy into the delicate balloon glass. Taking the glass back in both of my hands, tiptoed back to the living room with my stiff penis bouncing along the way.

Mrs. Taylor was sitting on the couch beside the table where her vibrator rested. After handing her the glass, she said, "Thank you, Sweetheart. It's getting late and time for you to go to bed."

I stood naked and horny before my landlady. All that had occurred that evening had forever changed our relationship. She had shaved away my body hair. She had allowed me to hump myself against her thigh and then had me clean her thigh with my mouth. She had taken my naked body over her knee and given me the spanking I'd needed for so very long. And afterward, she had me stand in the corner while she orgasmed on her vibrator just a few feet from where I stood.

As I turned to head to my room, Mrs. Taylor called out to me, "Sweetheart, no pajamas tonight. I want you to sleep naked. And one more thing, you are not allowed to play with yourself. I'll be checking on you in a little bit. And if I see any signs of you pleasuring yourself, I'll start binding your wrists to the bedframe each night. Do you understand me?"

Biting my lip, I glanced into her eyes and whispered, "Yes, ma'am. I understand. Goodnight."

She smiled warmly before saying, "Come give me a goodnight kiss before you go."

Tiptoeing quickly across the room, I bent at my hips to give her the kiss she requested. As I did, she reached out and pulled my naked body onto her lap. She wrapped her arms around me and as I turned my head to face her, she leaned in and kissed me. There was no tongue, but the kiss lasted a good long time. I whimpered softly while she kissed me and her hands drifted over my bare, hairless body.

When our lips parted, she continued to hold me on her wide lap. In a soft voice, she asked, "Sweetheart, can I trust you not to touch yourself once you get to bed?" She reached out and picked up her vibrator from the end table. Every gently, she touched the tip of her vibrator to the squishy pink head of my penis. "This little penis of yours is awfully stiff." When she pulled the vibrator away from my rigid penis, a string of my creamy excitement connected the two.

As I parted my lips to answer her question, she moved the vibrator toward my mouth and brushed its slippery surface over my lips. Staring into her eyes, I licked my lips and moaned softly. Her flavor and the tasted of my excitement were mixed together. She kept the vibrator near my lips. I could smell her on the rigid phallus. And as I parted my lips to answer her again, she gently slipped the tip of it into my mouth.

We stared into the eyes of each other while she slid the vibrator in and out of my mouth. Her taste was magical and had me feeling like I was floating. My penis was so stiff, if it had even the slightest friction, it would have squirted all over my stomach. I sat here with my arms looped around Mrs. Taylor's neck while she slid the vibrator she'd used just minutes before to make herself orgasm, in and out of my mouth.

She asked in a soft voice, "Sweetheart, have you ever been with a girl before?"

I shook my head slowly from side to side while she continued to slide the vibrator in and out of my mouth.

She smiled happily, "You're a virgin?"

While nodding my head slowly, I licked and sucked on Mrs. Taylor's vibrator.

She leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "Now I'm sure I can't trust you not to touch yourself." Leaning back away from my hear, she pushed the vibrator into my mouth far enough to nearly gag me. "Sweetheart, I don't want to find something to bind your wrists with tonight." She nearly gagged me with the vibrator again, before saying. "For tonight, you'll sleep in my bed with me. It's the only way I'll know for sure that you won't play with yourself." This time she pushed the vibrator in and gagged me. "But if you lay your hands or penis on my body, I'll get the belt and beat you bloody." She then pulled the saliva covered vibrator from my mouth.

She gave me a few moments to catch my breath before sending me to turn off the lights around the house. As I slid off her lap, I half-tiptoed, half skipped around helping her shut down the house for the night. We met at the doorway to her bedroom. She held her vibrator in one hand. Mrs. Taylor looked down into my eyes and stated very firmly, "Young man, there will be no funny business tonight. Keep your hands and all other parts of your body to yourself. I was serious about that belting."

I bit my lower lip and whispered, "I understand, Mrs. Taylor. I promise I won't touch you."

She then guided me into her room and told me I'd be sleeping on the far side of the bed. After I'd gotten under the covers, Mrs. Taylor shut off the ceiling light which left the room aglow from the lamp on her bedside table. After crossing the room to stand beside her bed, she curiously shut off her lamp which left the room in complete darkness.

I lay there waiting anxiously for her to climb into bed. But what happened next, I was not at all prepared for. Her warm robe fell over my head and the scent of her body and musky perfume surrounded me. Before I even thought about moving her robe, she pulled back the covers and settled into bed beside me.

After moving the robe away from my face, I asked in a soft voice, "Mrs. Taylor, are you... I mean..."

The sound of her vibrator coming alive derailed my thoughts. I felt her bend her knees and spread her legs apart. Her foot was close enough to my leg that I could feel the warmth of her body. She moaned, "Sweetie, put your arms outside of the covers and keep them away from me and your little penis."

Biting my lip hard, I slipped my arms out from under the covers and laid them close to my sides. I lay there beside my landlady in her huge, king-sized bed. I was completely naked and hornier than I thought was possible. Just inches away, Mrs. Taylor was using her vibrator for the second time that evening. The bed shook when she thrust the vibrator in and out of herself. At other times, the sound was muffled but there was no movement.

It took a long time for her to orgasm that second time. It was torture to be so close to her, but unable to even touch myself. Eventually, her breathing became very ragged and her moaning got deeper. The entire bed began to shake and I knew she was cumming. I whimpered softly while my poor penis throbbed and leaked all on its own.

She set her vibrator on the bedside table after turning it off. Before she got too comfortable, I whispered, "Goodnight, Mrs, Taylor."

She turned to face me and moved close enough that I could feel her warm breath on the side of my face. "Goodnight Sweetheart." She then moved away from me and rolled onto her side, facing away from me.

While I lay on my back in the darkness, extremely horny, but knowing I'd have to deal with it until it passed. I whispered, "I love you, Mrs. Taylor."

She rolled over to face me once again. I crossed my arms over my stomach so she could get as close to me as she wanted. She scooted close enough that I could feel her body heat along the whole side of my body. When she began to speak, I turned to face her and our noses brushed against each other. She moved a little closer until her lips brushed against mine while she spoke.

"I love you too." She then backed away from me and the next thing I felt were her fingertips painting my lips with the juices from her pussy. After coating my lips, her hand slipped back under the covers only to return with more of her lovely juices. This time she painted a line just under my nose before slipping her fingers into my mouth. Her womanly scent made my desperate penis throb all the more. After licking her fingers clean, she whispered, "Have sweet dreams."

She rolled over, facing away from me and left me lying there with her taste in my mouth and her scent in my nose. Before long, Mrs. Taylor's breathing became very regular and I knew she'd fallen asleep. I never considered touching myself. I'd told her I wouldn't and I wasn't about to break that promise. So I lay there in the dark with a very stiff penis and tried to think of anything to make it go soft. It felt like hours that I lay there, knowing Mrs. Taylor was just inches away from me. But I did eventually drift off to sleep and the dreams I had that night were anything but 'sweet'.

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SimonSmithSimonSmith5 days ago

I loved this story, the interaction between the two characters, and particularly the moment when Mrs Taylor told him to cum on her leg which is one of the most erotic passages I have ever read. I also loved the level of control she exerted when they got into bed, and would enjoy reading more about their relationship developing with her in control.

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

Wonderful evocative story of a young man's first and only experience!! I would love that at my mature age never mind then!!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Please tell me that there is MORE!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A horrible story!

rabbitrobrabbitrob9 months ago

Did you considered further chapters ? Hope you are !!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A fabulous story. Wish this had happened to me when I was a boy that age. I hope you will write more, especially regarding what other kinds of punishment Mrs. Taylor might use on him.

rabbitrobrabbitrobabout 2 years ago

Great story hope you will post a next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please write more of their journey. It's a brill story.

sissyboi69Aricsissyboi69Aricabout 3 years ago

I loved your story; I am massagist too. I would love to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Can’t wait for pert 2

L O ReinsL O Reinsabout 3 years ago

I’m rereading and enjoying some of my favorites. Your stories don’t lose their energy. You are my favorite Lit author. Looking forward to the surprise of your next stories. Ty4S. L O

bbaron2274bbaron2274over 3 years ago

This was surprisingly good. I didn't know that it was my interest, but it is. I like the was you revisit the pervious ations and sumerize them

DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMiover 3 years ago

Ok... that was INCREDIBLE!!!!! One of the Hottest stories I've read. You are now my favorite author on the whole site!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

One of or if not the best writer on this site for sure... The ratings of all the stories are a testament to the awesome content :)))

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Thank you for this and your other stories! This one was, to me, the hottest story I have read in some time (and that is saying a lot on just this website itself)! It melded together a number of my strongest fantasies about being seduced by an older, mature, nurturing, yet highly sexual dominant woman who has a fetish for beta males who are not well endowed, easily seduced and humiliated when taken under her control.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Thank you and well done! This, my second of your works was as touching as the first, the stepmother and grieving stepson. Both encompass much personal and familiar erotic landscape. Yet one particularly appreciated feature is the powerful woman (after dismantling and remaking her ambiguous nominal male) taking her vigorous, deep, satisfying release with a long THICK dildo. There's so much to this that I know first hand from my wife and her tools accomplishing what my desperately erect but inadequately narrow little penis cannot. This and much else has guided our peculiar masturbation based eroticism. If you care to correspond, I will gladly do so. Best wishes, Thomas,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
you inspire me

I didnt start writing here until I read your stories and realized I could be accepted

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Ahh, so here I am enjoying another very fine read from fantaseeboy. Yes, to being a young, beautiful, and sexually active boy/ young man finding himself the object of desire of a large, full figured, mature woman. Pure delight. This hits me right where I live. Thank you for your imaginative, sexy, and tasteful stories. Now where were we? Ah yes, off to the tub we go and with purpose. CF

L O ReinsL O Reinsover 4 years ago

Another wonderfully erotic and oddly romantic story. You weave eroticism, tantalizing teasing and so much emotion into your stories. It’s a unique talent. And we all wait for your next story.

Glenn555Glenn555over 4 years ago

W.T.F.?? When the old bag wanted her "glass filled up" he should have pissed in it !!

Then used his little dick to poke up her ass hole, finishing with ass-to-mouth.

PhylidoPhylidoover 4 years ago

I can completely lose myself in this story. What a perfect fantasy

thekeenreaderthekeenreaderabout 5 years ago
so beautiful

Such a oerfrctly described scene. Wonderful

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