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Resistance Ch. 05

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Star Trek Voyager Fan Fiction.
6.6k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/21/2017
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I had a little more fun with this episode, the last 2 took more effort than I like to put into a piece. I enjoy the writing experience more when the story flows, like it's writing itself.

This piece does some clean up of the mess the last 2 parts made...

* * * * *

Resistance Is Futile...But Pleasurable

Chapter Four

"Do not move." Seven said softly as she eased herself back against Harry. Her hand wrapped around the shaft of his stiff cock, and she lined the head up with the opening of her pussy, then pressed herself back against him slowly so the full length of it entered her.

"I have to pee." Harry grunted, throwing his arm over her and pulling her tighter against him. "You know that's why it's hard."

"Yes, but I enjoy making use of your morning wood." Seven giggled. "I often put you inside me then go back to sleep. I have the most delightful dreams when I do."

"I can imagine." Harry said as he pressed his face into her hair. "But did you just giggle?"

"Perhaps." Seven said.

"Okay." Harry muttered as his breathing changed, becoming deep and regular as he drifted back off to sleep.


"Seven of Nine or Ensign Kim, respond please."

Seven glanced at the display on the nightstand, and pulled the sheet up over her as she snuggled back against Harry. She smiled as she felt his cock still filling her.

"It is oh six hundred hours doctor." She said calmly. "Our duty shifts begin at oh eight hundred. We will report to sickbay at that time. Seven out."

"What an asshole." Harry muttered, moving his hand up and cupping her breast as he nuzzled her neck. "Just because he doesn't sleep, he thinks no one else needs to."

"Agreed." Seven laughed. "Go back to sleep, I will wake you."

But Harry was already snoring lightly behind her. Seven smiled as she put her hand over his, holding it to her breast as she closed her eyes and let sleep take her again.


"EMH to Captain Janeway."

"Go ahead doctor. What can I do for you this morning." Janeway replied as she stepped away from the replicator. Holding her cup up to her face, she inhaled the aroma of her first cup of coffee of the day.

"I must inform you that Seven of Nine and Ensign Kim refused to report to sickbay as requested." The doctor said as he paced back and forth in sickbay.

"They're duty shift doesn't start until oh eight hundred, so they still have almost half an hour." Janeway said, sitting her cup on her desk. "What time did you contact them this morning?"

"Oh six hundred hours." The doctor replied

"I would have refused too doctor." Janeway laughed as she sat down behind her desk. "They'll be there on time. I promise."

"Of course captain." The doctor said. "I just wanted you to be aware..."

"Thank you doctor." She said, closing the channel as she picked up her cup and leaned back in her chair, putting her feet up on the desk.

"What an asshole." She laughed as she took a sip of coffee, sighing happily.


"What are you two doing in here?" Tom Paris laughed as he came over to their table. "We thought you were boycotting the mess hall."

"He actually told Neelix that." B'elanna said as she came up behind him. "So don't be surprised if he puts in an appearance."

"So can we join you?" Paris asked, still holding his tray.

"Yes, please." Seven said, smiling up at them. "We are expected in sickbay at oh eight hundred, but it would be enjoyable to spend time with you."

"What's going on in sickbay?" Paris asked as he sat the tray down then held B'elanna's chair for her.

"The doc wants to give us physicals." Harry told him. "It's nothing serious."

"So what have you two been up too, we never see you anymore." B'elanna said as she took her plate off the tray.

"She giggled this morning." Harry said as he peeled a banana and broke off a piece, then held it out to Seven.

She reached for it, but he drew it back, and Seven smiled as she leaned forward and took a bite from it.

"Did you just say she giggled?" B'elanna asked, staring at them. "Seven of Nine actually giggled. It wasn't a cough, or a hiccup..."

"No, it was a giggle." Harry said, looking at Seven. When she nodded, he looked back at B'elanna. "She was telling me that she liked to feel my dick inside her when she's sleeping, and she giggled when she did."

B'elanna's mouth dropped open, then worked furiously as she tried to talk.

"She discovered morning wood huh?" Paris laughed. He jerked his thumb toward B'elanna as he shoveled a forkful of eggs into his mouth. "This one does it too, but she'll never admit it."

"Tom!" B'elanna said, blushing furiously. "That's no..."

"It is a most pleasant sensation, and I have wonderful dreams when I feel my young stallion's penis filling me." Seven said, smiling at Harry.

"Does she let you go pee then come back if you really gotta go?" Paris asked Harry. "B'elanna's like a wild targ fighting over a piece of meat. Once she's got it in her clutches, she doesn't want to let it go..."

"Tom!" B'elanna shouted, turning in her chair and punching him in the arm as hard as she could.

"He is free to pee if he needs to." Seven said, smiling at Paris. "He always returns and fills me again before he goes back to sleep."

"You have him well trained." Paris grinned.

"No training necessary pal." Harry laughed. "It just makes it that much easier when we bang the first one out in the morning."

"That's it!" B'elanna growled as she threw her napkin on her plate and got to her feet. Glaring at her husband, she turned and stormed off.

"Did we say something to upset her?" Seven asked she watched her leave.


"It's about time you two showed up." The doctor said as they walked into sickbay a few minutes later.

"It's just now oh eight hundred doc." Harry said as he walked over and hopped up on one of the biobeds.

Seven walked over and moved his legs apart, then turned and leaned back into him, pulling Harry's arms around her waist. She smiled at the doctor but didn't say anything.

"Yes, of course..." The doctor said, but before he could continue Captain Janeway walked into sickbay.

"Good morning kids." She said, smiling at Harry and Seven. "How was your evening?"

"I must report that we did not follow the doctor's instructions captain." Seven said, running her hands up and down Harry's legs. "We consumed several glasses of alcohol each, but did not..."

"We didn't get drunk captain." Harry put in. "We spent most of the night talking and just kind of making out."

"So what did you talk about?" Janeway asked.

"Should we tell her?" Harry asked Seven.

"You have to now Harry." Janeway laughed as she walked over to them.

"We have discovered that we are able to experience each other." Seven told her. "To the point of sharing...I do not know how to express it properly..."

"She's trying to say that we're able to get inside each other's heads." Harry said, picking up the narrative. "When Seven is orgasming, I can be in her head with her, feeling what she's feeling. I can feel her in my head, and we use it to drive each other crazy."

"The phenomenon is not a constant." Seven went on. "I do not feel Harry's presence within me now, and mild sexual stimulation is not enough to bring it on..."

"Yeah, we've really gotta be stroking out, hitting it on all twelve cylinders before..."

"What are you talking about?" The doctor asked, looking at them in confusion.

"Be quiet doctor." Janeway said. "I understand what they're saying. Go on Harry."

"There's not much more to add captain." Harry told her, grinning sheepishly. "The only other thing I can add is that when it happens, it can last for hours, and because of it, I don't think I'll ever be as close to anyone as I am with Seven when it does happens."

"We become one, a twinned collective for those few moments the phenomenon occurs." Seven said, then paused before continuing. "We understand if you feel the need to isolate us, or..."

"That's not going to be necessary Seven." Janeway said. "While I'm not a doctor, I do understood enough about what I read in both your medical records to determine that neither of you is a threat to the rest of the crew. We will continue to monitor your status, but I see no reason why you shouldn't return to duty as soon as possible."

"Last night, you had concerns about the growths Harry has developed." Seven said.

"The doctor revised his opinion about those." Janeway told her. "They are not growths, but an aggregation of nanoprobes that have joined together. We'll still need to monitor those to see if, or how they may affect Harry. The doctor can give you further information on the subject."

"Doctor." she said, turning to the EMH. "I want complete physicals on both of them, and I want you to include the results of those physicals in the day by day breakdown you're putting together. I'd like to see that by the end of the day."

"Of course captain." The doctor replied.

"That's all I've got." She said a she turned toward the door. "Harry, Seven come see me when you're done here. There are some other things I'd like to talk to you about."


"You two must think I've lost my mind after what's happened in the last twelve hours." Janeway said as she paced back and forth in front of them as they sat on the couch in her ready room. "Last night I was adamant that you were a possible threat to the rest of the crew, and this morning I'm telling you everything is hunky dory..."

"I don't think you're crazy captain, but you did radically change your opinion of our situation." Harry said carefully.

"There were several reasons for that." Janeway told him. "The first was, I had the opportunity to review the information the doctor had gathered myself. And the second was, based on how he has handled this situation, especially in your case Seven, I no longer have complete confidence in his ability to competently care for you, and possibly the rest of the crew."

"The doctor has always given me the best of care captain." Seven said. "I have seen no..."

"I can't agree with that Seven." Janeway told her. "According to his notes, when you reported the hangover and bruising and inflammation in your vagina, he prescribed a B-12 booster and an injection of neurozine for the former, and an analgesic ointment and a topical anesthetic for the latter."

"That is correct captain." Seven said.

"Given his experience with your medical history, instead of treating your complaints like he would any other member of the crew, one of the first steps he should have taken should have been to investigate why your nanoprobes had not dealt with either, or both of those conditions on their own."

"The nanoprobes should have removed all traces of the alcohol from your system overnight." Janeway explained. "The fact that they didn't should have been an automatic red flag, and the EMH didn't catch it. I found similar red flags in his recent treatment, and that gives me cause for concern. It almost appears as if he is not paying attention, and just going through the motions."

"What action are you going to take to correct this situation, if it can be corrected?" Seven asked. "We need a doctor on the ship."

"I had the EMH run a full diagnostic overnight, but I'm having Lt. Torres take him offline and run another one herself. That should be happening now." Janeway told her. "We need to go through his program, especially all the new subroutines that have been added, to see what's causing this problem."

"I am willing to assist Lt. Torres if she would like." Seven said. "I am familiar with most of the new subroutines that have been added."

"Actually, Harry has a better background in coding than you do, so we may pull him in if B'elanna needs any help."

"I was kind of hoping you wouldn't remember that." Harry muttered. "I hated going through lines of code looking for errors..."

"You were valedictorian and second in your class at the academy in cybernetics, and turned down an appointment to the Daystrom Institute to join Voyager's crew Harry." Janeway laughed. "I'm pretty sure you'll be hearing from B'elanna by the end of the day."

"If I may change the subject to a personal note captain." Seven said slowly.

"Of course, what is it Seven?"

"I wish to change my working attire captain." Seven told her. "While my unitard is functional, it sets me apart from the rest of the crew, which is uncomfortable for me at times."

"I can understand that." Janeway replied. "If you want the truth, I've been thinking about that for a while myself."

"What are your thoughts on the matter captain?" Seven asked.

"I don't see any reason why you can't wear a Starfleet uniform." Janeway told her. "Officially, you're listed on the crew manifest as Lt. Cmdr. Annika Hansen."

"The rank doesn't mean anything of course, we listed you that way because that was the only slot we had open at the time." She went on. "But you're the most knowledgeable person we have when it comes to the Astrometrics lab, and we only have fourteen other people assigned to the science department anyway, none of them officers."

"Are you saying that you're going to make her a department head captain?" Harry asked.

"No, that's not what I'm saying Harry." Janeway laughed. "But would it bother you if I made your girlfriend a department head and gave her a higher rank than yours?"

"Yes, it would, because I've been on Voyager for six years as an ensign." Harry answered. "If we weren't stuck out here in the delta quadrant, I'd be a full lieutenant by now."

"With your skills, probably higher." Janeway told him. "Which is why you're part of the senior staff, while other higher ranking officers aren't."

She walked back over to her desk and slid up onto it as she looked at them.

"We can talk about it later, I want to run it by Chakotay and Tuvok before I make a decision." She said as she kicked her legs back and forth. "But you've both missed almost half your shifts already, so go ahead and take the rest of the day off. Seven, plan on wearing a science department uniform on your next shift, but don't wear any insignia. If anyone objects, refer them to me."

"Yes captain." They replied as they got to their feet.

"Okay, that's all I have for now." Janeway said as she hopped off the desk, walking around behind it and sitting down. "Dismissed."


"We really need to put a bed in here if we're going to keep doing it down here." Harry grumbled, looking around at the collection of Borg equipment filling cargo bay two. "It's creepy enough in here as it is, but when you throw uncomfortable into the mix..."

"I recall you once told me that sexual activity is possible and pleasurable in numerous positions, on a wide variety of surfaces, in a wide range of environments." Seven said as she knelt in front of him, working his pants down his legs, then pulling them off along with his boots. "Thus far, we have limited our sexual activity to the bed in your quarters, and the bed and couch in the Sandrine's simulation on the holodeck."

"So, are you saying that I'm stunting your sexual growth because I like to do it in on a bed?" Harry asked as he pushed his briefs down and kicked them off.

"Possibly, but we can discuss that later." Seven purred, wrapping her hand around his cock as she pressed herself against him. She paused, looking down at his cock before she went on. "At the moment however, the only growth I am concerned about is the one that is not occurring in my hand."

"Yeah, I uh..."

"Please explain my yo...Harry." She said as she took a step back, looking down at his soft cock filling her hand. She squeezed it gently, moving her hand up and down on it in short soft strokes. ""Your penis always hardens at my touch, becoming turgid at the slightest stimulation. Why is it not..."

"Oh, is that how it's going to be?" Harry laughed, taking a step back, making his cock slip from her fingers. "I don't get an instant stiffy one time, and I'm not your young stallion anymore, I'm just...Harry?"

"No...I do..."

Seven paused at the sound of the cargo bay doors opening, and as she turned around, she saw B'elanna Torres entering the room.

"Good, you're both here." B'elanna said as she saw them. She walked toward them, and as she came around a stack of cargo containers she gasped, stopping in her tracks as she looked at them.

"Oh my god! I...I am so sorry." She sputtered as she stared at them. Her eyes flicked back and forth, bouncing from the full, firm globes of Seven's breasts to the long limp shaft between Harry's legs, then back to Seven's face. "I...I didn't know..."

"Do you require our assistance lieutenant?" Seven asked, turning to face B'elanna.

"I...ye...yes." B'elanna stammered. "The captain said that I could have Harry to help..."

She stopped in mid-sentence as her eyes dropped down, looking between Harry's legs and she saw that his cock was now arching up, standing away from his body as it stiffened slowly.

"Oh my god..." She muttered as she stared at his cock, watching as it reached full erection, standing up at an angle between his legs.

Seven noticed the direction of her gaze, and she looked down, smiling as she saw his cock standing out stiffly in front of him. She reached down, wrapping her fingers around the thick shaft, stroking it gently as she turned toward him.

"I...I'll call you when I need you Harry." B'elanna said as she turned, scrambling around the cargo containers and almost running for the door.

"Does Lt. Torres excite you my love?" Seven asked, squeezing his cock as she dragged her hand up and down over it's length. "Do you wish to copulate with her? It that why your penis achieved a turgid state so rapidly?"

"God no." Harry laughed, pulling her against him as he humped into her hand in time with her gentle stroking. "But if you want the truth, getting caught like that kinda turned me on."

"I would not object if you wished to have her join us." She said in a husky voice as she pressed herself harder against him, rubbing her breasts back and forth over his chest. "I believe it would excite me to se..."

"No, I don't need a threesome, especially not with B'elanna." Harry grunted as he pushed her back, spinning her around and pushing her down over the control console of her alcove. Kicking her feet apart, he wrapped his hand around his cock and lined it up with her pussy, dragging the swollen knob up and down between the fleshy labia, coating it with her juices. "God, you're dripping...as usual..."

"Yes...penetrate me my young stallion." Seven moaned, humping her ass back toward him.

"Oh, so I'm your young stallion again huh?" He asked as he pushed his hips forward, forcing the head of his cock through the tight ring of muscle at the entrance of her pussy. He pulled back so the flared rim of his cock popped out of her tightly clasping cunt hole, then pushed it back in.

He repeated the stroke, watching Seven's ass as she wriggled it back and forth, humping back at him as she tried to get more of his cock inside her.

"Please my love..." Seven moaned softly.

"Is there something wrong pretty?" Harry asked. He leaned down so his chest was resting on her back as he eased his cock deeper inside her, then pulled it out again.

"Why are you torturing me?" She whined as she writhed under him. "Please, fill me...I...I ne..."

"You what pretty?" He whispered, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. He pulled back until just the tip of his cock was between her pussylips. "Tell me what you want..."

"I wish you to fill me..." Seven moaned. Reaching between her legs, she wrapped her fingers around his balls, squeezing them as she used them to pull him forward. "You will comply."

"Oh shit." Harry grunted as her fingers tightened on his ball sac and she pushed her ass back at him. His hips jerked forward to relieve the pressure on his balls and his cock slid balls deep into her.


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