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"It was the mafia—the Russian Mafia. I knew the connection, but nothing more specific. I don't say no to people like that."

Hardesty sat back in his chair. "But the man, this Mr. T, comes here sometimes? He doesn't always order out?"

"Yes, he's been here."

"Does he have a favorite fetish?"

"Yes. Sounding. We don't have much demand for that."

This was interesting and connected with how they'd found Leslie in the backseat of the Mercedes. But would a man leave a sounding rod in a rent-boys dick and go off kayaking? Wouldn't he finish with the sounding game first?

"And you'd recognize him if you saw a photo of him?"

Jim didn't answer immediately, and Hardesty repeated the question, somewhat more forcefully, adding, "None of this need be official; none of this need trace back to you. I just want you to provide a yes or no if I end up with a photo of a suspect."

"Yes, I'd recognize him."

"You say Victor did Leslie here himself last night."



"Yes, the Green Room."

"Has the room been cleaned yet?"

"It's Christmas and we're closed tonight. No it hasn't."

"I want to go up there and look around."

"You will do as you want," Jim answered in a tired voice. "You will anyway."

"But I'd think better of you if you gave me what I needed with a smile," Hardesty retorted.

The detective did a pretty thorough search of the room, coming up with two used wine glasses, which he handled carefully and wrapped in hand towels. He wanted to steal a march on the feds, if he could. They'd have fingerprints of both Leslie and Victor and should be able to come up with real names. But they'd work through channels. Hardesty could cut corners and had friends in the labs. If Leslie's and Victor's fingerprints were on these glasses, and they were in the system, he'd know before the feds did who the victims really were. He'd go right back to the office from here. Larry, the unit's clerk, had pulled Christmas duty. He also had the hots for Hardesty. It was a desire that hadn't been satisfied yet, although Hardesty had a reputation for spiking any of the male unit clerks who were interested. Hardesty could get IDs rolling today. The feds would wait until tomorrow to push the "go" button. They obviously were worried about someone who wasn't found at the scene more than they were interested in Leslie or Victor.

When he came downstairs, a sweet-looking mulatto rent-boy he knew as Sean but who he hadn't known intimately was coming in the front door. The madam had come to the foyer.

"I suppose now that Sean is back, you'll want to take him upstairs," Jim said to Hardesty. Sean looked quite willing to go upstairs with Hardesty.

"Thanks, but I have someplace to go and night's better than day for fucking a nice piece like Sean. I'll take a night check on that."

Neither Jim nor Sean had the foggiest notion what Hardesty meant by that, but both stood by the door as Hardesty left. Sean looked happy and hopeful, as Hardesty had paused to kiss him on the mouth and give him a bit of tongue. "Later," he'd whispered to the young man. "Count on it." Jim was just relieved to see Hardesty off and having given more support than grief.

* * * *

Larry was belly to wooden desk top in the dimly lit Homicide Vice squad room, where he and Hardesty were alone on the afternoon of Christmas Day. A fluorescent tube light in the ceiling over the desk was the only artificial lighting going, and it was flickering in a repeated off-beat pattern.

The gangly twenty-something desk clerk still had his T-shirt and sneakers on, but otherwise was naked. He was gripping the far side of the desk, his arms stretched over his head and spread. His legs were spread too, his toes touching the floor in front of the desk. He wasn't a handsome young man but he wasn't ugly. He just hadn't survived the acne phase yet and when he did, he'd have to endure facial scarring. He was more "willowy" than muscular, but not fat by any means—rather the opposite. What had held Hardesty back from what obviously had been offered was that Larry was flamboyantly gay and flounced around and made goo-goo eyes a lot. But he had a cock and a hole and he had needs. He had fantasized a need for Hardesty since the day he'd come on duty in the squad. Indeed, he had sought duty in the same squad Hardesty was in, having heard the gossip of how Hardesty took good care of seeking desk clerks to receive good support services.

Although he hadn't given Larry a second look, while being neutrally pleasant to him, Hardesty had increasingly become aware of Larry's infatuation, and he needed help today in expediting the fingerprints from the wine glasses in the Green Room through the system.

And it was Christmas. Hardesty was giving Larry his Christmas present. The squad clerk was a valuable asset. Vice cops who wanted good services from them gave them presents.

The detective was crouched on the floor between Larry's legs. He was keeping his clothes on, but he had his fly open and his dong out and encased in one hand. The young man had a nice, long cock, a pleasant surprise, and Hardesty had pulled it back between his legs and was stroking and sucking it while intermittently tonguing Larry's hole, which blossomed right open to him. Larry's channel was well known to men, Hardesty realized. He played with rubbing the glans of Larry's cock against the young man's own hole and laughed when the hole puckered up and tried to pull it in. Larry moaned, pleading, "Yes, yes, do me, please fuck me." He came pressed up to his own hole.

And so Hardesty did, crowning himself with a condom, climbing up on the desk with his feet, crouching down and grabbing Larry's slim waist between his hands. He thrust his dick up inside Larry's channel through the lubricant of the young man's own cum. The hole and passageway spread right open to receive him.

Quickly Hardesty had achieved a synchronization of the pattern of his thrusts with the flickering of the defective fluorescent tube overhead.

"Merry Christmas, Larry," he murmured. Larry answered with seventh-heaven moans and groans.

Needless to say, arrangements were made for Hardesty to have his fingerprint IDs from the lab by the next day.

* * * *

Hardesty always tried to be home for twilight. He didn't always make it, but he did often enough and it was special to be here on Christmas Day to watch the sun go down, while he was looking past the runaways of the Ronald Reagan Airport across the Potomac from Washington, D.C., where he had a good view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.

The apartment had been Toby's demand when the two of them had decided to move in together nearly five years earlier—that and Toby had insisted that he wasn't going to give up his life as a high-class male hooker until age, and the ravishes of time on the body, dictated that. Toby thought he'd have about four more years of that high-paid life and then he could retire before thirty. Hardesty thought Toby was underestimating how much time he had left. He was a gorgeous, small-stature blond with a perfectly formed body, great submissive bottom technique, and little evidence of aging.

Hardesty believed Toby could pass as nineteen or twenty for ten more years. Hardesty didn't like it, but, although he dominated Toby in bed, the young man called the shots elsewhere in their life together. "You screw whoever you want and I don't complain, and I'll let whoever I want screw me," was Toby's closing statement the few times they fought over the issue. He'd follow up with the kicker, "We both know we are best with each other."

This apartment was a case in point in Toby's control of their lives. When they'd come together, Hardesty picking Toby—whose professional name was Todd—up for solicitation, screwing his lights out rather than taking him in, and then taking him home, Hardesty had been comfortably, if a bit shabbily, living in a fifties rambler in Northwest Washington that he'd inherited from his parents. Toby had been living around with various high spender sugar daddies who wanted someone legal who looked like he was sixteen.

Toby had refused to live in Hardesty's house, even though prices in D.C. had made it a gold mine. Toby wanted to live someplace expensive and flashy and he wanted to have it available for his work. So, here they were, high up in a high rise in Crystal City, overlooking the airport and federal Washington, D.C., with a two-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath apartment sporting a floor-to-ceiling glass wall spanning the living area. The furniture was sleek modern, with white leather that was easy to clean. You never could tell when any of the pieces of furniture would be splattered with spunk. The furniture was also designed to provide interesting surfaces for fucking.

Toby frequently brought his johns back here. One of the bedrooms, both of which had a bath attached, was set up for Toby's business, complete with furniture welcoming to sex position angles. They called this bedroom the "show" room, and both of them tended to use it when they brought men other than each other home for sex. The other bedroom was set up with furniture Hardesty liked and had brought from his family home. Both men slept in Hardesty's bedroom. Hardesty spent most of his time in his own bedroom or the kitchen alcove off the living area, or here at the window, in the twilight, and at night, watching planes land and take off and the lights on Washington.

The only element the two bedrooms shared were the restraints on and over the beds. Toby delivered demanding, kinky sex for clients in the "show" bedroom and to Hardesty in the vice detective's bedroom. They had come to an agreement that Hardesty couldn't complain about what Toby gave his clients if Toby gave that and more to Hardesty.

Toby happily gave it all to Hardesty, and, in appreciation, Hardesty tolerated whatever else Toby did, although he worried about him out on the street, even though his clients these days were all high rollers.

In order for the apartment to serve them both, it had an elaborate warning and protection system. If Toby was bringing a john back to the apartment, there was a button he could push near the apartment's mailbox off the lobby before they came up. This would activate a red light and buzzer in the apartment's kitchen, and Hardesty could then barricade himself in his bedroom, where he usually stayed anyway. There was a red light next to the entry door that could be activated if Toby was entertaining when Hardesty came home.

They had a friend down the hall in his late middle age, but who was still a player, Paul, who was happy to let Hardesty hang out—or even bunk—there with him if the apartment was in use. They didn't mess around with each other, but Hardesty provided Paul with a male hooker occasionally when the deal was that otherwise Hardesty would have to take the rent-boy in to the station. The rent-boys never left Paul's apartment unhappy. Despite his age, Paul was a looker, having been a model, and Paul could go all day and night. Young men left him exhausted, but humming, and they told Hardesty afterward that Paul was a lover, not a john.

The city didn't encourage vice arrests and turned a blind eye to some of Hardesty's ideas of alternative punishment and recompense. There wasn't enough cell space to handle all of the hookers in the political town and a low vice crime rate statistic was better than a high arrest stat. And this was a political town. Everything and everyone was for sale.

If the rent-boy was sturdy and of a type Hardesty liked, with the ability and willingness to take what Hardesty liked to provide, making favorable conditions a bit rare, Hardesty dispensed control and justice himself. Otherwise, if they met Paul's interests, which centered on his use of a plow belt, he often was enlisted to do the honors. In return, Paul watched out for his unusual-couple neighbors.

In the protection department, there was a wide-angle fish-lens peephole in Hardesty's bedroom door. This wasn't strictly for voyeur purposes when Hardesty was home when Toby was entertaining in the living area, although he did enjoy watching the action; it also accorded Toby some protection in case a client got out of hand. Toby didn't take johns to his bedroom unless he fully trusted them. When they did their business in the living room, Hardesty could monitor it and provide assistance, as necessary. Toby had made sure that there were sufficient interesting-shaped pieces of furniture in the living room to accommodate almost any position fetish a client might have.

So it was that the evening of Christmas Day, at the back edge of twilight, while Hardesty was standing at the full glass wall, beer in hand, and enjoying not just the view across the Potomac but also the reflection of the multicolored lights of the Christmas tree behind him reflecting off the window that the buzzer and red light in the kitchen went off. Looking around for any evidence of untidiness and not seeing any, Hardesty retreated to his bedroom, shut the door, and stationed himself at the peephole.

Hardesty recognized the two guys entering the apartment with Toby immediately. They towered over Toby's five foot six frame. Both of them were NBA players measuring out at six foot eight or nine. Now that he thought about it, Hardesty remembered that Toby had said he was going to show a couple of players from the Chicago Bulls around before they played a game here with the Washington Wizzards. Hardesty hadn't thought much about the guys being johns, but, of course they were if Toby was "showing" them around. They were team stars. Malcolm Howard and DeAndre Brewer. They were both forwards on the team, each weighing in close to either side of 200 pounds—compared to probably 140 pounds wet for Toby. And they both lived up to the team name. They were black bulls, hung like bulls, as they quickly evidenced.

They both went down to their briefs while Toby fixed them beers and then they pawed and undressed Toby, with the three of them standing in the center of the living area while they drank their beers and talked too low for Hardesty to hear them. They obviously had come to the apartment for immediate servicing, as they wasted no time. They had enormous erections on that were obvious despite the briefs they still wore. When Toby, naked now, went on his knees in front of them as they linked arms, the briefs came down and off, and Toby gave both of their cocks suck play together. The guys were definitely a team.

Hardesty could see through the peephole that they weren't going to get to the bedroom. The scene was going to be right there in the living area, according him a good view. The oversized white leather ottoman was one of the favorite stages of Toby's serving, and it would prove to be so now. Both men were super hung; both had brought their own Trojan Magnums. Toby went down on the small of his back on the ottoman. He flared his shapely legs up and out, grabbing his ankles with his fists. DeAndre crouched between his legs, grunted through the penetration, while Toby fluidly waved about, responding as any good rent-boy would to the size of any cock invading him, although Hardesty doubted the pain-pleasure of it had to be feigned for the hung DeAndre, and he started a slow pump.

Toby arched his head back over the side of the ottoman and opened his throat to Malcolm's cock. Malcolm's big hands went to Toby small, perfectly mounded pecs, and worried his nipples. In a surprise move, though, after a few minutes, Malcolm pulled his cock out of Toby's throat, came around to behind DeAndre, and saddled up on him. Holding DeAndre's hips in his hands, Malcolm mounted and penetrated DeAndre's ass, and it was DeAndre fucking Toby and Malcolm fucking DeAndre.

Quite chummy team mates, Hardesty thought, with a bit of smile. He had the brief urge to go out there and mount Malcolm and make it a real train, but he fought the urge. He'd probably be beaten to a pulp. The image of two black bulls working a small, beautiful white guy caused Hardesty's fluids to flow, though and he unzipped himself and worked his cock while he watched the three fucking on the Ottoman.

* * * *

"Wait, I don't think you want to do that." The voice, a rich baritone, had come from farther down the corridor from Toby's apartment door. Jan, from Justine's, turned to see a man in a robe and bare legs standing outside an open door into another apartment. He was old in Jan's eyes, probably in his fifties, Jan assessed, but he was unusually handsome and trim. He had a healthy head of hair, graying at the temples, which made him look all the more presentable. The silk robe only went to below his knees. Jan, always speculating and having accommodated more than his share of older men, in a wide range of acceptability, immediately assessed this man as top drawer and wondered what he had on underneath the robe and how big he was.

"Look at the light. It's red. That means they aren't ready for company."

"Oh," Jan said, taking his hand away for the door buzzer like it was a hot stove. "I guess I should . . . I, um . . ." He backed off from the door.

"You don't need to leave or wait out in the corridor. Toby and Hardesty are friends of mine. You're welcome to come inside my apartment and wait until they aren't busy. I have a light in my apartment that is connected to theirs."

"You have a light in your apartment connected to theirs?" Jan didn't know if he had heard correctly or not.

"Yes. As I said, we're friends and watch out for each other. We don't have any secrets. Come on in." He stood aside and Jan walked into a small apartment living room, which, nonetheless, was nicely furnished. The man entered the apartment, closed the door, and gestured for Jan to sit in an arm chair facing a small sofa. Everything looked natural in the apartment except for a black leather wide strap slung over the back of the sofa. Jan knew what that was. He could see one handle at the end of the strap and knew there was another handle on the side hanging down the back of the sofa.

He looked up at the man with surprise in his eyes. Jan could see now that the man, although slim, was muscular and no ancient weakling. It took strength to use a plow belt, and this man looked capable of supporting a man's body on it, especially someone as small as Jan. The man smiled at him and undid the sash of his robe, letting the robe flare open. He was naked under the robe. His cock was magnificent. Not thick, but long. His physique was, indeed, quite good for a man his age. Black, curly hair, smattered with gray swirled around on his pecs and descended in a line down his sternum and belly to his tightly trimmed pubes.

"Am I embarrassing you?" the man asked.

"No, not at all," Jan answered, unable to take his eyes off the man's dick. He was being forward, but Jan thought he had every reason to be proud in displaying himself. Jan knew that he himself clearly signaled who and what he was.

"My name is Paul," the man said. "If you know Toby and look and dress as you do, I'm guessing you're a rent-boy too—one of his professional friends."

"Umm," was all Jan could come up with. But he hadn't denied it.

"Have you come to see Toby or Hardesty?"

"Toby's a friend of mine, but it's probably Hardesty I've come to see."

"Did he send for you? Are you to be his Christmas evening delight?"

"No, I need to talk to him about something."

"But you do fuck for money, don't you?"


"Hardesty has laid you before, hasn't he? You are just what he can't resist."

Jan didn't respond to that, and Paul went on as if he'd answered in the affirmative. From the look on Jan's face, it was obvious that Hardesty had worked him over a time or two. "What can I get you while we wait for Toby to finishing servicing his client? Ice water, Coke, beer, wine, milk, an aphrodisiac? A cock up your ass?"


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