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Revenge of the Nerd Ch. 11

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A nerd shakes up the life of an insanely hot girl.
1.7k words

Part 12 of the 85 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 09/26/2004
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I had always looked forward to my parents' parties in the past. I would be provided with additional opportunities, like a salesman getting live leads.

This year it didn't satisfy. I was starting to look at the guys as people, rather than opportunities, and I didn't much care for them as people.

Was I becoming enlightened? If so, life was much easier when I was ignorant.

I felt exhausted when it was over. It had been an effort and I hadn't enjoyed it. Well, tonight I would get to see my friends, except they really weren't friends. They were people who thought highly of me in a competitive environment where it was advantageous of them to do so, people who would follow my lead. They would fawn over me to curry favor.

But would they offer if I needed a kidney? Well, maybe that's setting the bar a little too high for friendship.

I realized I had only one friend - Jeff. For that matter, if I really needed help, I could probably count on Sunny more than any of the people I had previously thought of as friends. I couldn't think of an accurate name for them. They were more than acquaintances, but far less than friends.

I had a very strong urge to call Jeff and tell him I really did consider him my friend, but talk is cheap. I wanted to show him I would be there for him, in the unlikely event he needed something he couldn't get from his family or his other friends.

Then I had a goofy idea. It wouldn't exactly say I'll be there for you, but it would let him know how important he was to me. I picked up the phone.

"Hi, Sunny. Is Jeff in?"

"Ashley. What you did for Sandy was so sweet. She's on cloud nine. Thank you so much."

"I was happy to do it. She's a really good kid."

Thinking about it brought a smile to my face.

"Just a second, I'll get Jeff."

Having to wait for him didn't change my mind.


"Hi, Jeff. You doing anything tonight?"

"Not really. We'll probably watch a movie here."

"Good. I want to take you to a party."

"What kind of party?" he asked.

"The kind I go to."

"Wouldn't I be kind of out of place there?" he asked.

"Not at all. You'd be with me."

"I'm, stunned. Is this like a date?"

"No, not at all. This is a date."

"Okay. Are you sure? Won't this kind of hurt your status?"

"I won't be losing anything important enough to me to worry about. Have your Mom, have your Dad, I'll be over there to help you pick out something to wear."

Jeff cleaned up pretty good. Put a tie and jacket on the boy and he looked almost, cute.

When it came to conversation, my idiot savant wasn't fully up to the task. Small talk was still in his idiot zone. I didn't care. The inability to talk about unimportant nonsense didn't seem important at all.

I shared my view of him as an idiot savant pointing out his idiot conversation. He was tickled.

He did make some people uncomfortable when he cut straight through their bullshit and focused on what lay behind it. That amused me.

In the few instances where the conversation included something of substance, some of these peoplewere genetically and familially destined to be business and political leaders, he shone. People forgot I was there they were so drawn into discussion with him. Not only did it not bother me to be ignored, I was positively proud of him.

Eventually I had enough of these people, I don't know what the word is, but these people I knew. I said my goodbyes and told him I wanted to go, even though it wasn't that late.

He seemed pretty mellow as I pulled out of the driveway.

"You know, I really didn't think it was going to be much fun, but I had a good time. I'm surprised," Jeff said.

"Stick with me, kid, and you'll go far."

"Back to school?"

"There too."

In just a few minutes I turned into a driveway.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"My house."

"I didn't realize you lived in Gladwyne."

"We moved here after I graduated. I guess the house in Merion wasn't expensive enough. This is."

"I'll say. It looks like a fine old hotel."

"That's no problem, I have a reservation."

"But ma'am, you didn't bring any bags."

"I checked into the room earlier."

"Seriously, what are we doing here?" he asked.

"I wanted to spend a little more time with you."

"So, you're taking me home to meet the folks?"

"Oh God, no. Not until it's absolutely unavoidable."

I'm sure my voice told him the idea was appalling.

"You're still embarrassed by me?"

"I'm embarrassed by them."

I parked and led him in. Jeff's bedroom wasn't small, but it would have easily fit into the front hall. I suppose there were some parts of the house you could have mistaken for a hotel.

"Isn't the concierge on duty tonight?" he asked.

"No. You'll have to rely on me to make the plans."

I took his hand and led him up to my room.

"This isn't your room. This is your quarters."

He explored.

"Whole families could live in your walk-in closet."

I closed my door. His childlike wonder at my rooms and the wealth they represented was endearing. This night had been one of the best I ever had. He was most of the reason.

I'd sort of had it in the back of my mind, but at that point I realized I really wanted him, not because I was in the mood for sex, though I was, but because he was Jeff.

I grabbed his jacket, pulled it off of him and started kissing him. I loosened and ripped off the tie and dispatched his shirt. I slipped the straps of my dress off my shoulders and reached for his belt as the dress dropped. There was no thought, no planning behind this. I just had to have him.

I pulled him over to my bed by the waist of his pants, unzipped them, released them and pushed him down on the bed. I unhooked my bra and tossed it.

I kicked off my shoes and knelt before him. I yanked off his shoes without untying them and threw them somewhere behind me.

I stripped off his socks and hauled down his boxers and tossed them too. I dropped my panties and jumped onto the bed with him.

"Slow down," he said. "You have to savor this."

"Shut up. Sometimes you're starved, you see the perfect burger, and you just have to scarf it down."

I kissed him passionately and he returned it. I kissed my way down his body. He was as aroused as I was. I slowly took him into my mouth, savoring the scent, the texture, the desire. I sucked it. I licked it.

It aroused me the way it had aroused him when he did all those things to me. Boy, did it arouse me. I didn't linger because there were other things I wanted to do. I could get back to this another time.

I released him, climbed over him and impaled myself in one quick stroke. My need was urgent. I moved up and down on him rapidly and an orgasm overtook me within a minute. I didn't slacken my pace until I noticed his movements change. I dropped my chest onto his and rolled to my right, pulling him on top of me.

"Fuck me. Fast. Hard. Just do it."

He did.

As I was reaching a second, intense orgasm, he had his. He was almost spasmodic.

He lay there on top of me for a while, breathing heavily but otherwise not moving. Then he rolled off.

"That was intense. Not much planning. Not artful, but intense," he said.

"Who are you, the sex critic for the Inquirer? Sometimes you just have to go with your passion, let your instinct take over. Don't you ever do anything without planning?"

"Not if I can help it."

I thought for a moment of how best to explain it.

"You consider yourself an amusing guy, don't you?"

"Well, yeah. I guess."

"Stop with the false modesty. You're very funny. When you come up with one of those great quips, do you analyze the preceding syntax and context? Do you sift through all the implications and determine which would make the best philosophical, political or sociological humor?"

"Are you making fun of the way I talk?" he asked.

"Yes. Or does it just happen by instinct?"

"I just do it. It's instinct."

"There you have it. I just wanted to express what I was feeling." I nearly added, "about you."

"It was intense. It was exactly what fit the situation. It was instinct."

He thought about it, a look of concentration on his face. He lay on his side, propped up by an arm looking at me. Then he smiled.

"I guess this is one of those situations where I'm idiot. You can be very wise."

My smile got even bigger. I was feeling emotional goose bumps.

"Do you have a bathroom I could use?"

I pointed to a door next to my walk-in closet. What's a bedroom suite without a bathroom?

He made his way toward the door. I rolled onto my side to watch him. What a cute little ass.

I smelled the pillow and the sheets where he had just been. His scent was rich and intoxicating. He had grown on me so much and so quickly I couldn't fight the feeling that I was falling for him completely.

My careful plans for my life had been demolished. I could see a life with him, but it had none of the structure, none of the milestones I had always sought to construct. My vision was composed entirely of instinct.

His "revenge" was complete. The unapproachable, unattainable ice maiden desperately wanted the unavailable nerd.

How would I convince him I had matured sufficiently in such a short time? How could I make him understand that I wanted to spend my life with my nerd, Sunny, Sam, Harri, Sandy and his, so far, absent dad; that I wanted to have his nerd children?

I didn't even know how I was going to explain it to myself.

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bruce22bruce22over 14 years ago
Beautiful Transitions

The girl really reveals all!

pogmapogmaover 14 years ago
Give her the idiot savent.......

Give the nerd the ultimate revenge, the beautiful girl.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great read

I love this story... I read the first one so I was wondering since ur beaking it up will u be adding another chapter one to continue the story where it left off.

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