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Revenge of the Pothead Ch. 05-06

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Ralph gets it on with Summer, Barry, and a new lady.
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/02/2020
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Chapter 5

Summer and I both lay very sleepily and lazily on her bed for much of that morning after the breakfast and cowgirl-style sex. Before I knew it, we had dozed off again completely, my sweet new fiancee resting her head with its soft, golden hair on my chest for comfort and intimacy. I slept until roughly noon, when the sunlight was too bright in my eyes and woke me, but I was loathe to wake her. Furthermore, I enjoyed this kind of vulnerability on Summer's part, her warmth and affection for me as well as her absolute trust in me. The way that I saw it, if a woman felt so attached to me that she wanted to put her head on my chest and hear my heartbeat in her sleep, that was a damn good sign in my book.

Some men might complain about a woman being too "clingy" or "mushy." To a man who had been in prison for so long and then spent so much time in a barracks, not to mention a marriage to a cold fish like Megan, clingy and mushy were good things for a woman to be. I had quite enough of women like my ex-wife, that much was certain. Summer's warmth and openness with me were refreshing. She was a delightful woman all around and I just plain looked forward to spending my life with her, between this, the sex, the cooking, and all of the other charming ways that she had to make me want to keep her around.

As with earlier, though, Summer awoke and rose to stop me before I could leave the bed. Apparently, she had plans for me and their nature became obvious when she started stroking my dick and my balls to get me hard again. Before I knew what was what, I was stiff as could be and underneath Summer as she rode me once more. While I wanted to also do other positions, this one worked for my first lay after my nap, when I still felt a little lazy for now. It certainly showed me that Summer, while she could be submissive, could also be quite aggressive about sex now that she felt safe with me. Of course, given that she let me butt-fuck her on the first date, she had felt safe with me for quite a while now.

"Thank you for holding me while I slept this morning, sir. I know that you did that for a little bit. That was very sweet of you. I really am falling for you and hard, I might add. You're stuck with this redneck girl for a long time to come. You'll see just how much I love you when I make you lunch and dinner, too. I really can't wait to be your wife! You know that diner is mine, by the way. Mom left it to me when she got killed in the first week or so after the Pulse. Barry now works there, too, as it gives him a job and an income. He doesn't seem to mind having his sister for a boss, at least not most of the time. In fact, I'm pretty sure that he's minding the store even now," Summer informed me, even as she continued riding my cock for the hell of it.

"Oh, damn...," I groaned as my precum leaked out and I felt my release drawing near, especially inside that wet, warm twat of hers.

"Fuck, yeah!" Summer declared as she got closer to her orgasm as well, her position making it easier for her to use me to get to that point.

I found my hands wandering to Summer's ass and she seemed to really revel in that fact, moaning a bit more whenever I caressed her buns. She also stuck her tits in my face repeatedly, reminding me that they were mine to play with as well. She honestly seemed to want me to know that her whole body was my property, to do with as I pleased. That was the impression that I had, at least, as she bounced on my dick several times and finally squeezed my cock in a vise that made me spurt one rope of cum after another into her cunt. Summer slumped on top of me for a moment and kissed my face over and over again, while my hands remained on her delightfully smooth bottom.

"Wow...that was...rather nice. You just woke up and the first thing that you wanted to do was fuck me, huh?" I commented as my hands ran through her wavy, platinum blonde hair (and I can tell you for a fact that it was natural).

"Fuck sometimes, but to me, this time was making love to you. It was my way of showing my appreciation for you holding me this morning and for being such a great guy all around. You know one of the things that I like most about you?" Summer asked me as she rested her head on my chest again.

"I'm listening," I told her, quite curious.

"Your sense of fair play. You don't like things being uneven, unfair, or unbalanced. I love that about you. You do things for me, just as I do them for you. You got as offended by what Dirk did to me as I did about what Megan did to you. You cared enough about the way that the world needs to be to volunteer for Militia service and join the Front, too. You care about the injustice of the way that youth are butchered in wartime and you do what you can to relieve their suffering. You care about the way that the world should be. Things matter to you. I suppose that enduring an injustice like unlawful imprisonment for smoking a plant would do that to you if you're the right kind of man.

"I also, seriously, like that you're older than me. Older, wiser, more mature. You can guide and advise and counsel me. You can make me feel more secure. You're like my father, but better. Daddy was...well, Daddy got drunk at times and did things. Like beating Mom, for instance. He was a bit of a drunk and used a lot of speed and coke. The drinking was to wind him down. He did weed, too, but not as much. He was actually easier to deal with when stoned. I liked him stoned better, though once I turned eighteen, he would get fresh with me at times when high or drunk, in fact.

"He never fucked me, though. Not because he didn't want me, but because I refused to let him into my panties. I didn't want to be involved, romantically or sexually, with a wife-beating drunk. I was skilled at distracting him until he lost interest, every single time. Ironically, I got with Dirk, anyway. You're only the third man that I've been with. The second one was Dirk. The first one, well, this is kinda embarrassing to confess, but it was Barry. Yep, my own brother took my virginity. I didn't tell you that before because it's a bit...hard to admit something like that. I'm a fucking redneck cliche, sleeping with my Bubba!" Summer blushed as she confessed her embarrassing secret.

"Do you have any...feelings for Barry now? I mean, we've basically agreed on an open marriage. It wouldn't trouble me if you wanted to knock boots with your big brother now and then, as long as you respect my right to bed other women as we've agreed," I reminded her, my tone as far from judgmental as possible.

"Well, to be perfectly honest, we did get it on a few times when you were gone, too. It was pretty vanilla, but that I think was because Barry still thinks of me as the fresh faced eighteen year old little sister that he fucked and deflowered. I didn't know if you'd be cool with things, but I felt that I should tell you know, to be honest and fair to you. I'm glad that you seem to understand. It just goes to show that you meant what you say about an open marriage and are sincere about no double standards. Which just proves my earlier point about your fairness. I really love that about you, sir," Summer told me between passionate tongue kisses that she kept giving me.

"Thank you for that vote of confidence in me. I do have one rule regarding others, though. No Dirk," I told her, making her laugh and blush at once.

"Hell, no! I wouldn't touch him with your ex's pussy! Speaking of which, are we agreed on no Megan, too?" Summer urged me.

"No Dirk, no Megan, it's agreed. Barry's okay. I presume that Joanna, the nurse that I bedded briefly during the Virginia Beach campaign, is cool, like most others," I consented.

"Of course! In fact, I might try to track her down for you. Just for the record, though...Barry's bi and he finds you attractive. If you wanted know, have some gay fun with my brother, that's more than fine with me. Just a thought, of course," Summer teased me, but I could tell that the idea had her wet all over again, and sure enough, she soon had my dick in her mouth.

"Oh, fuck...Summer!" I exclaimed as the saucy blonde did her level best to get me hard all over again.

It didn't take too long to get stiff all over again, and this time, I pulled Summer up to me to flip her onto her belly and slide into her from behind. She started panting and moaning with every stroke, our heated mating made more intense as she kept making comments that suggested how great it would be to have Barry, her, and me in the same bed, all three of us fucking like animals. We rutted like beasts for what was an intense, fast-paced romp, none of us ready for the rather wild and kinky sex to end just yet.

"Okay," I told Summer, just as I came inside her, "Let's do it! Get your brother over here, don't tell him why, and let's see how into men he really is."

Summer completely lost it, creaming herself on my now softening cock before I could pull out of her. I spanked her a little on the booty and then got out of bed before taking her hand. Summer limped out of the bedroom with me and we headed to the kitchen, where she grabbed the house phone and dialed the number at the shop. She giggled while dialing, too.

"Something else that you should know. Barry lives nearby, with his girlfriend Kayla, and they've both...expressed interest in me. Sexually. I don't think that it would be too much of a stretch to get Kayla into bed with you, too. By the way, Barry is a bottom when it comes to gay sex. He told me that himself. Kayla is gorgeous, too. A bit shorter and plumper than me, with hazel eyes and jet-black hair. I think that you'd love bedding her, in fact. We really should invite her over, too, don't you think?" Summer encouraged me right before Barry answered.

"Oh, God, yes!" I agreed, just as Summer began grinding her tight ass against my cock.

"Barry, bro, mind getting Kayla and coming over? You could close up early, if that's okay. You deserve a break after all the hard work that you've done, you and Kayla both. Trust me on this one, big brother. You'll want to have her tagging along this time. After all, you've both talked of threesomes. What if I told you that a foursome was likely if you both showed up?" Summer urged her brother, who seemed enthusiastic, at least from the wide grin that he put on my girlfriend's face.

"Well, that's decided. Don't worry. If Barry acts like a jerk, I'll read him the Riot Act, too. I expect to have some lunch with him and his girlfriend, and then after that, watch you fuck the holy helly out of my brother. After that, I hope that you'll fuck his girlfriend while he fucks me. If you're okay with that, sir," Summer winked at me, pulling me close for a very hungry French kiss.

"Sounds great to me. And then maybe you and Kayla can enjoy each other as well," I teased her, finding her obvious delight in the idea of a Sapphic tryst pleasing indeed.

"So, what happened to your father, by the way?" I wondered aloud, breaking the silence.

"Prison for beating Mom up one time many while drunk, after which she divorced him, too. He died in prison, ironically, of cirrhosis of the liver after being forced to quit drinking. A rough business, and yes, I came to see him more than once toward the end. The cirrhosis claimed his life after only three years in the joint, but he was a bit fond of the heavy stuff, so that makes sense. Moonshine is no joke and that was pretty much his drink of choice, enough to get him fired from several jobs over the years. He had finally gotten one with the high school as a janitor when he was arrested for domestic violence and that cost him that job. Mom always loved him, but she couldn't take the beatings and angry, vicious talk anymore," Summer killed time by discussing her family's past.

"Damn...sorry to hear!" I told Summer, holding her close for a moment as she let out some tears about that.

"Oh, quit that, please! I've cried out my tears and I don't need to start crying again! Mom's gone, I miss her, and the same with Dad, but I have you, I have Barry, and I have Kayla, too, or soon will. Trust me, sir, I'm quite happy with my life, now that you're back in it. Now do you see why I like older men in authority? I didn't feel safe with Daddy, but I do with you. I can admire, adore, love, respect, and even worship you safely. I feel safe with you and with Barry, and no other men, period!" Summer told me as she began making out with me again.

As we heard the doorbell ring and Summer rushed to greet her brother, in the nude no less, I was treated to the sight of not only a very aroused and affectionate Barry, but also a knockout girlfriend in Kayla. One detail that Summer never shared with me, but I didn't mind was that Kayla was Indian...and I don't mean Native American. She looked like a Bollywood actress or something...God help me if I didn't feel some serious jones for her the moment that we met and she took one look at my naked cock before visibly drooling.

"You must be Kayla. I'm Ralph Walker. You already know Summer, of course," I coughed.

"Yes, but not as intimately as I would like. Same with you for my part...and Barry badly wants you to shove your dick up his ass!" Kayla told me before winking at me with obvious delight at my shock at her extreme candor.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, sweet Kayla," I told her with a first kiss to her lips, causing her to draw me in closer for some tongue action.

"No, sir, the pleasure is all mine!" Kayla assured me, while Summer began to start cooking, shaking her booty on the way to the action.

"Mine, too, honey," Summer said in her parting shot.

Chapter 6

"So, how do you like the sandwich? Pretty good for a lunch, don't you think?" Summer fished for compliments, not that she needed to, but obviously she had some insecurities.

"Summer, you're a professional short-order cook. Have some faith in your cooking skills, please! I think that it's cute how insecure you are at times, but, baby, you're really the bomb in the kitchen, trust me! That wonderful breakfast, the fantastic dinner last night at your diner, this excellent sandwich that you made for lunch, I mean, how did you get the ham shaved that closely, anyway? It's juicy as hell and that cheese, just right, trust me!" I told Summer, kissing her very lovingly on the lips and making my feelings about her and her culinary skills quite well known.

Summer's blushing was absolutely adorable as I took her face into my hands and kissed her even harder. I loved how hot and sweet her breath was on my mouth as we made out in front of her brother and his girlfriend. That was when I got inspired and leaned in for a kiss with Barry, just to see how he react. He almost immediately grabbed my face and started making out with me, his tongue slipping into my mouth while mine entered his a few times. I looked over at Summer and Kayla, both of them smiling much to my relief...and Barry's. There was no question that the ladies were okay with this much physical contact, at the very least.

"Did you...want to kiss your brother now?" I asked Summer, who beamed and blushed as she planted one on Barry, right in front of Kayla and me.

This was another test in terms of jealousy. Would Kayla react the same way to brother-sister incest kissing as to two bisexual (was I bisexual, apparently so) men kissing each other like lovers? Kayla and I both looked at each other, we looked at our significant others, and then we looked back at each other again, before Kayla burst out laughing. I was very curious as to how enlightened and liberated Kayla was, but now I knew, something reinforced when she gave me a curious look and planted a lip lock on me, with just as much tongue as we had all used before.

"So...the four of us, then? Lovers?" Barry asked, reminding me that he could have gotten jealous, something that I had oddly forgotten for a second.

"If we all four wish it, of course. Do we...all four of us, wish that?" I did a survey while finishing my sandwich.

"Count me in," Summer smiled seductively at me.

"I want it," Barry agreed, looking proudly at his lovely girlfriend as well as his sister.

"And me, of course, but I am due two kisses now. One from Barry, the other from Summer," Kayla recalled, prompting both of them to kiss her on the mouth, first Barry, and then Summer, both with sufficient tongue to draw attention to them.

"So, should we take this to the bedroom, guys?" I suggested, drawing grins from all of them, as things happened naturally, if not quite to plan. Instead of the initial lay being between Barry and me, it was Kayla and me, Barry and Summer. I entered Barry's sultry girlfriend from behind on the bed in the master bedroom, finding her wet and ready to say the least. At the same time, roughly, Barry slid inside his own sister, his strokes starting slowly, as did mine in his girlfriend. We were engaged in unprotected sex with each other's partner, after all, and it was a moment to savor the first swap of our relationships, at least to my knowledge.

"I wonder what would happen if my first child were Ralph's, guys," Kayla teased us, which had the effect that she evidently intended, which was to increase my pace and raise my heartrate, just as it did for Barry, too.

"Or if Summer's first kid were Barry's...if we all lived together, we can raise it together and it wouldn't matter that much. We could have at least four children, Summer doing one for each and the same with Kayla," I suggested, which only intensified the excitement as the four of us got it on in a group.

"Mother may I? Or sir, in this case!" Summer laughed as she took her brother's cock far inside her with the next stroke.

"Yes, you most definitely may!" I encouraged Summer, swatting her tush playfully while I kept humping Kayla.

"Hey, where's my swat?" Kayla complained, whereupon I landed one on her booty, which made her giggle a bit, "Your boyfriend's a real sweetheart, you know. He'll spoil us rotten. If he was like this to his ex-wife, she was a complete moron to dump him, prison or no prison."

"Yeah, my sentiments exactly! He was a great guy in the joint, too. A real stand-up kind of man. He saved me from being raped three times, no less, and trust me, those fuckers were afraid of him. They called him 'Ralph the Merciless' behind his back. Yeah, he's a softie with you, but he was a hard-ass in prison!" Barry admitted in front of us all, making me glad that I had saved his hide from prison rape those times.

"The key is to act at least a little crazy, maybe a lot crazy. People don't want to fuck with crazies. The shaved head helped as well," I chuckled as I continued pounding Kayla, who snickered some more before starting to moan.

I wasn't quite sure why Kayla was suddenly so dripping wet, but she was, creaming herself and panting rather frantically as I reamed her good and hard from behind. Meanwhile, Barry continued his own frenzied, incestuous relations with Summer, and God was that exciting to observe! We pairs kept up the wild fucking for a solid half-hour, my precum leaking as I played with Kayla's clit and pulled her hair. Barry and Summer were every bit as stimulated and we could hear their groans and moans of pleasure as Summer came at least twice, which triggered another orgasm in Kayla.

At last, neither of us men could take any more of this and I exploded inside Kayla, filling her slippery twat with my spunk, just as Barry gave his own sister the incest moneyshot. We all slumped for a bit, me on top of Kayla while Barry collapsed over Summer. We all grinned and thought of how great this was, the four of us sweaty bodies entangled in each other and enjoying the touch of each other's flesh. I kissed the back of Kayla's neck while Barry did the same to Summer, all of us grinning and laughing after burning off some calories during the horizontal mambo.


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