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Revenge Served Cold with Vodka Neat

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Stepson gets sold as sex slave to pay off gambling debt.
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All characters are fictional, and all characters in sexual situations are 18 years of age and older.

Another story that kind of snuck up on me while I was working on something else, probably 'The Art of Reconstruction'. Who knows where ideas like this one truly come from? This one came from some place dark and is not my usual fare. Sure, it has a happy ending, but it's not the slow burn love story so many of you that follow me enjoy. Nonconsensual sex, forced chastity, and brutal revenge, with a little bondage thrown in for good measure. I don't want to scare you away. Just remember, I warned you, this one is different.

All standard caveats apply, and please leave a comment letting me know what you thought.


"Sorry kid. Sucks to be you." That was the last thing my piece of shit stepfather said to me before he left the room, leaving me drugged and confused with two enormous men with accents so thick I felt like I was in a cheap cold war era spy movie. The last thing I remember before I passed out was him laughing as he closed the door. My new reality was going to be far worse than I could have ever imagined.

"Good. You're awake." Another thick Russian accent. The smell of diesel and sea air filled my head as I slowly woke up from what I would learn was a drug induced stupor. I tried to move, but my hands and feet were bound to the small cot I was lying on.

Curiously, the man was gentler than I would expect from a man of his size. His sausage-like fingers adeptly fondling my genitals. My mind slowly cleared, and I strained to see what he was doing to me.

"You want to see?" He laughed as he held a mirror in front of my crotch, giving me a clear view of the small plastic pink cage that now held me captive. When he shoved the butt plug up my ass, I screamed and fought with everything I had. That was why they had me tied down.

"You get used to it." He tousled my hair and grinned, "bitch."

I tried to struggle, but the bindings were too tight, too strong. He laughed again and just left me there on the cot. Confused, tired, sore, and now violated and emasculated, I did the only thing I could. I cried. I cried, laid my head back, and went back to sleep.

When I awoke, the sick, sweet smell of the diesel I had originally woken to lingered in my nostrils and mixed with the sea air drifting through the open door. The odors combined with the gentle rolling of the ship I surmised I was now on. My stomach churned. I opened my eyes to see a cute Asian girl offering me a bucket. I grabbed it and retching, lost whatever had been in my stomach.

She helped me to a small sink where I washed my face and then back to the cot I had been laying on. I looked at her and then at the toilet. I needed to pee something fierce, but when I looked, my cock was gone, concealed in that small pink cage, my testicles hanging below where my cock should have been.

"You sit." The Asian girl looked at me and pointed to the toilet.

There were just the two of us in the small room. Two small cots, a sink, and a toilet. Twice a day, someone brought food and all day, throughout the day, men would come and use the girl I was sharing the small room with. I could only guess that when the time came, I would join her. In the evening, after they had fed us, they took my roommate and me to the shower to wash.

The man that had put the cage on me eventually came back. I guess to make sure the fit was right, that it wasn't too loose or too tight. Maybe it was just to admire this work or to make sure I hadn't injured myself trying to remove the small pink torture device or the plug he had shoved in my ass, which I had. Neither successfully. He showed me how to clean myself, dropped a cleaner smock on the cot next to me, and got up to leave. Whoever he was, he had emasculated me for a reason.

"Why?" It was all I could think to ask.

"Your piece of shit father gambles too much and is not as good as he thinks. He owed us money. He gave us you to pay his debt."

"But why?" I looked at my crotch.

The man laughed and patted the cage. "My men don't care who sucks their cocks or who they fuck. Proper women are messy, they cry, they bleed, they get pregnant. Girls like you are much better, more compliant. Tomorrow, you start."

'Girls like me,' I thought. I pulled the smock on over my head, laid back on my cot and looked at my roommate.

She came and sat next to me. "You be ok." Reassuring me in her broken English, as she laid down next to me and wrapped me in her arms.

We laid next to each other for a while. I could feel her little caged penis against my thigh. She was just like me.

"Malee." She whispered. "My name Malee."

"Kerry." I smiled and whispered back. I had a friend.

We spent the rest of the day teaching each other words. Malee taught me Thai words, and I taught her the English equivalent. We laughed and giggled when we made mistakes and hugged when we did well.

Occasionally, a crew member would come in and Malee would drop to her knees and suck them off or let them fuck her on her cot. I watched intently, noticing that she showed no emotion or reaction at all. When they were done, she would clean herself at the sink and come back and teach me another word like nothing had happened. It was as if she had flipped a switch and turned off her feelings. Being used like that was just what she did.

Starting tomorrow, I guess it would be what I did, too.

I didn't sleep well at all. All I could think about was what my life was getting ready to become, an endless stream of men sticking their cocks in either my face or my ass. Malee seemed to deal with it by shutting down, but how long had she been on this ship? What other horrors had she endured? Maybe this was better than what she left before she ended up here. I wondered if at one time she might have even enjoyed it.

"Up. Now." A gruff voice woke me up. Malee gave me a sad look from her cot across the small room. I felt like I had just nodded off five minutes ago. A sailor grabbed me and dragged me to what I guessed was the bridge. It was obvious who was in charge. The man dragging me threw me at the captain's feet. I looked up at his gruff visage as he grinned at me and unfastened his pants.

His men gathered around, watching with hungry eyes as I tentatively reached for the bulge in his boxers. It wasn't huge or even disgusting, really. It was just a penis. Average size from what I knew. Five, six inches, I could wrap my hand around it easily. In fact, it wasn't much bigger than mine had been before they locked it away. I knew what they expected and knew my only other choice probably involved either a beating or a lot of swimming. Neither caught my fancy.

I licked it first. Then I kissed it, twirling my tongue around the fleshy tip. When I took it in my mouth, the men cheered. What I had expected to be gross wasn't that bad. Imagining some movies I had watched, I fondled his balls and started moving him in and out of my mouth, licking the bottom of his cock with my tongue.

He moaned and thrust into my mouth. I sucked and moved him deeper. It's an interesting thing to discover you don't have a gag reflex. It surprised me as much as it did him when my nose hit his pelvis and his balls bounced against my chin.

His hands found the sides of my head, his fingers clutching my red hair. He took over. Fucking my face. A few moments later, driving himself as far into my mouth as he could, he shuddered. His cock pulsed, and I felt him shoot his cum down my throat.

He relaxed, leaning back against the console he had been standing next to. It hadn't been an unpleasant experience. Not gross at all. I kept him in my mouth for a few moments longer, sucking his softening cock and twirling my tongue around the soft flesh. He patted me on the head, and I rocked back on my heels and smiled up at him.

In the back of my mind, there was a glimmer of hope. One day, they would let me go. I could move on with my life, maybe go to school somewhere, possibly even go back home and repay my stepfather's kindness, the sadistic son of a bitch. Maybe. One day. I could let myself think that, anyway. For now, at least I wasn't being beaten or swimming with the sharks was all I could think about.

I stayed right there as the men on the bridge took their turns. Some were smaller and some larger than the captain. I think I sucked one or two twice, but I decided I didn't care. I could do this for now. Just bide my time. Don't cause any problems. Just do what they expected, and I would be ok.

I understood what Malee knew. This is what I was here for. This was my sole purpose for the foreseeable future. There was nothing I could do about it. It was what I made of it. While not something I would have picked for myself, I decided it wasn't unpleasant. The men were basically clean and what I had swallowed didn't make me sick, so it would become just what I did.

When I got back to my room, two large men were waiting for me. When I dropped to drop to my knees, they motioned me to my cot. Thank god they had lube. The first grunted something in what sounded like Russian, moving me into a kneeling position, my knees on the floor and my face in my mattress. There was no preparation for me, just the slick liquid he had coated his cock with. He yanked out the plug and drove into me with a vengeance. I screamed. He laughed, muttering something that made his friend laugh, too.

Thrusting in and out of my ass hard and fast, all I felt was pain. Fortunately, he didn't last long. He shoved his cock as deep as he could inside me and let out a loud moan. I could feel him pulsing deep within my aching bowels. Once again, he muttered something in Russian, and slapping my ass, pulled his flagging cock from me.

His friend didn't hesitate. Before I could recover, he crammed his cock inside me and started fucking me more violently than his friend. He was bigger and longer; I could feel the difference. He was also hitting something the other guy hadn't. It felt good, but it didn't last long enough to matter. A few more fierce thrusts and, just like his friend, he pulsed deep inside me.

"Good. Very good." The second guy patted my butt where the other guy had slapped it.

I stayed there motionless for a few moments, their cum dripping down my thighs. The reality of what my new life was going to be burning itself into my soul. Tears ran down my cheeks as I sobbed quietly. At least they didn't put the plug back in. I guessed I didn't need it anymore. Malee helped me to the sink to clean myself up, taking me back to my cot and laying with me as I cried myself to sleep.

Day two wasn't much better. Day three bled into day four, then day five, and I quickly learned why Malee just shut herself off. After only a few days, it just didn't matter anymore. The crew using me didn't feel bad. It didn't feel good. It was like washing the dishes or doing the laundry. It was just another task that had to be done. I could feel the numbness creeping in.

Malee and I continued to work on our vocabulary and, after a few weeks, could have actual conversations in both English and Thai. Being the only ones on a Russian ship that could speak Thai made it our first choice, and my skills improved dramatically, especially when we were making fun of a few members of the crew for their diminutive stature.

I also found I was picking up a little Russian. None of it was fit for mixed company, but I could fake scream during sex for those that wanted me to and could cuss just as well as any of the sailors that were fucking me and Malee.

Slowly, I lost count of the days as they all blended together. The sameness was like a drug, robbing me of any sense of self. Every day was the same. Wake, eat, fuck, suck, eat again, wash, and then sleep. We made port a few times, but I couldn't tell you where we went. I just recognized the sounds of the ship being unloaded and then loaded again and knew that some men that regularly used me were gone for a few days. Most came back. Those that didn't, the captain replaced with others that would come to take advantage of Malee and me.

My world was the small room that I shared with Malee, its two cots, a sink and toilet, and the shower just down the hall. Except for that first time when I met the captain, I never went on deck. Isolated from the world, Malee and I were two little fuck toys stored securely in the bottom of a drawer in the back of someone's closet, just waiting to be taken out and played with.

Malee was just like me. Like Jack, her father gambled and owed money to the wrong people. And like me, she was a settlement for her father's debt. They had done to her exactly what they did to me. We got close fast and often shared the same cot as we slept. There was nothing sexual about it, really. I mean, what can two sissy boys really do but cuddle and kiss? The closeness and the true intimacy were enough.

After all our months together, my Thai was good enough that we could spend our free time sharing stories about our past lives and laughing at dreams we both knew would probably never come true.

It also helped with the interruptions into our little fantasy world, as we could talk with each other about how little the penis was on the man fucking us, or how quickly they came. As long as we made it sound like they were sex gods, they never knew the difference. To someone that doesn't know the language, 'Oh my god, you're so tiny I can barely feel you.' And 'Oh my god, you're so huge you're tearing me apart!' sound a lot alike, especially if you moan loud enough when you say it.

My Russian had improved too. I could moan and scream and tell them how good they were and could understand what they said to each other when they came to visit us in groups. I was learning more and more about the men, their homes, their families; it was hard to be away from your loved ones. That was the main reason Malee and I were here, after all. I even learned a few things about what my 'owners' were up to. If the sex slavery wasn't enough of a clue, they were not nice people.

The wheels came off everything when we docked in Bangkok and Interpol raided the ship, finding drugs, weapons, other young girls that didn't have accommodations as nice as Malee and me, and, of course, they found Malee and me. I could never confirm it, but I'm pretty sure the firefight that took place outside our room probably saved our lives. Maybe they were afraid of what Malee and I might know.

The cops put us up in a hotel and bought us some clothes. Malee opted for girly things, and after what I had been through, I followed her lead. Everyone I was in contact with had treated me like a girl for just over eighteen months on that ship, so why not? Malee had been there for almost three years.

It took special equipment, but they got our cages off without castrating us. The cages hadn't been designed to be removed, ever. It may have been a trophy or perhaps something they had put in our food, but neither of us could get hard. We tried everything. We had been so close and through so much together, we both just wanted to share something special with each other.

When Malee teased the tip of my cock with her tongue and pressed on my prostate, I had a nice orgasm. Not mind-blowing or even wonderful, just nice. I would never have sex like a man again. I did the same for her. The cuddling afterward was the best part.

Obviously, she and I both sang like proverbial canaries. Thanks to our testimony, they charged the captain and crew with a few more things. Several of them talked in exchange for lighter sentences. I didn't think they'd live to enjoy them, but that was just me being cynical.

Malee had a family she could stay with. Family that, unlike her father, wanted her and had been looking for her, or him. I went with her to meet them and, while a touch awkward, they took her in and welcomed me as well. I just couldn't stay. An American in Thailand without a passport or visa, the Thai government was a little resistant.

To make matters worse, Jack hadn't just sold me to pay off his gambling debts. Three days before I turned eighteen, he had signed papers making the fricking captain of the ship my official guardian and because of some issues right after my mom died; the courts had decided I required a guardian until I turned twenty-one.

Despite my protests, Jack insisted I left willingly. "He wanted to be a sailor. He wanted to see the world." Jack had claimed. My being emasculated and used as a sex slave didn't seem to matter. This was the easiest answer to a problem nobody really wanted to own. The fucking US immigration office believed him. They left me for the Russian embassy to deal with. Connections being what they were, they issued me a Russian passport in record time. Kelly Peters, male, became Kelli Petrov, female. Leaving Malee behind was almost as bad as losing my mother.

My new guardian, 'uncle' Vladimir, met me at the Moscow airport.

At least the brothel he took me to was nicer than that little hovel Malee and I had shared on the ship.

"Plain, but not too bad. Some makeup would help, but with those lips, she will make us some money." The man Vladimir brought me to was talking to himself, moving my face from side to side with his powerful hands. Looking me up and down, I knew what he saw, a tall, thin feminine form in a simple dress. My long legs and long slender arms, the prefect compliment for my tight, lithe body. My face had some masculine features. I had a tomboyish appearance but was basically passable with my long red hair.

"Strip, bitch!" Ivan Karkov was just over six feet tall and built like a tank. He ran the brothel I was going to be working in, I thought. Nervously, I pulled my dress up over my head and pulled down my panties.

No tits and my small, flaccid penis between my legs. I could tell his opinion of me was changing quickly.

"A fucking sissy boy. What the hell am I supposed to do with a fucking sissy boy?" he screamed.

If he hadn't reached for the gun on his desk, I might have done just about anything else. As seductively as I could, I walked up to him, kissed him passionately, running my hand down his broad chest, undoing his pants.

Long and thick, his cock was just as impressive as he was. I used everything I had learned on the boat. I sucked and licked. I teased. I even nibbled, getting a nice shudder in response. Smiling up at him, I took him entirely down my throat and held him there for at least two minutes before I pulled him free, twirled my tongue around his glans, slid my lips down his shaft, and started sucking on his balls. I tortured him for fifteen minutes before I turned my back to him and wiggled my ass at him. Without hesitation, he dropped behind me and shoved his rock-hard cock as far up my ass as he could.

I moaned and writhed as he fucked me hard, urging him on, begging him to go faster, harder. I could feel him getting close. This was so much more intense than anything I had felt on the boat. Maybe there was just more at stake.

Ivan pulled out and turned me around as he stood back up, driving his cock back into my mouth. Squeezing his balls, I took him all the way down my throat again. His hands gripped the sides of my head as he pushed his pelvis forward, trying to drive himself even deeper into my mouth. His knees locked as his body clenched. Shuddering and shaking, he exploded into my gullet, pulling out just in time to spread the last two spurts all over my face.

"Holy fuck." He collapsed back against his desk.

Sitting back on my knees, I looked up at him and smiled as I wiped the cum from my face into my mouth, licking my fingers seductively as I did so. "Imagine what I could do if you bought me tits and a pussy." I said it in perfect Russian. Being a female whore in Ivan's brothel had to be better than being a sissy boy alone out on the street or dead.

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