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Rewarded Pt. 04

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College Coed rewards her older neighbor for his help.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/30/2023
Created 06/12/2023
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I started writing a new story but couldn't get Hanna off my mind. I also had a number of comments saying I had left some things open that needed to be closed. I came back to spend a little more time with her and clear some stuff up. I ended up with a lengthy conclusion.

I found a seat on the bleachers. I would have sought a spot with a better view of the stage but was honestly just happy to be here. I was also happy I had been able to avoid any confrontations. I wanted Hanna to be able to enjoy today and didn't want to be the cause of her not enjoying it. When she told me she wanted me here and that she had a ticket for me I was thrilled. Each graduate was only given a limited number of tickets.

I had been able to spot Hanna as she walked in, but she couldn't see me. Even hundreds of feet away she was beautiful and seeing her caused my pulse to increase. I loved how just a glimpse of her, or hearing her voice, or a text from her could make me feel.

The ceremony went by quickly. The commencement speaker timed his speech perfectly, ending it just as the crowd was getting restless. When the formalities ended the graduates began to scatter and seek out their families. I was tempted to watch as Hanna found her family but decided not to do that.

I leisurely exited the stadium and headed towards where we had agreed to meet later. I knew it would be a while before she would be able to get there. Waiting for her would give me an opportunity to reflect on every that had happened after that first perfect weekend we had together.


We were on our third golf hole of the captain's choice scramble; I heard my phone vibrate. Etiquette dictated I should stay off my phone while we were playing but it was okay to take a quick look at it. I picked it up, opening a text of a pic of Hanna laying in my bed. She had a slight pout on her face.

'It was lonely waking up and you not being here.' She texted.

Another pic came in right after that, this one though was her hand over her pussy. The pic showed her from her belly button to the top of her thighs. There was nothing in the pic that would identify it was her, but I knew it was.

'I am having to touch myself since you aren't here to touch me.'

I set the phone down, feeling my dick stiffen and I didn't want my buddies to notice that. Plus, I wanted to concentrate on playing golf and thinking of her lying in bed masturbating would make that difficult.

After we hit our shots, I grabbed my phone again, texting her back that she was killing me, and I would rather be in bed with her than playing golf. I reminded her to let me know as soon as she heard about the internship. She told me she would, then sent another picture of her pinching one of her nipples, again being sure to not show her face in the pic.

"Based on the look on your face those texts must be some really good news." My buddy sharing a cart with me said.

"Uh... yea... good news. Sorry. I will put it away, but I am waiting for one more." I told him.

I tried to focus on golf, but my mind kept drifting back to Hanna. I was anxious to hear about her internship and I was nervous about what was going to happen when her dad got home. I definitely didn't play as well as I normally did.

'I got it. I am so excited!' Hanna sent about an hour later.

'Awesome. I knew you would. They would have been crazy not to pick you. When do you start?' I responded while waiting to tee off.

She responded she was starting on Wednesday. I suggested we celebrate this evening by going out to dinner. I kept checking my phone in between shots to see her response to that. It was twenty minutes later when I received it.

'Would like that but have to see how things go with my dad.'

I knew she expected a confrontation with her dad when he got home. I had been sure she would stand up to her dad and that our relationship, or whatever it was, would continue. Her text made it sound like how dad reacted when he got home would determine what would happen between us. My golf game was terrible the rest of the afternoon after I had read that.

When we finished our round, I quickly ate the meal that was provided, gave my raffle tickets to the guys I had played with and headed home. I wanted to get back to Hanna as soon as I could.

It was just after three o'clock when I got home, and I saw her dad's car in the driveway. I parked my truck and dragged my golf clubs in. When I went inside, I immediately noticed that the kitchen was spotless. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and headed upstairs.

In the bedroom I saw that that bed was made and stepping into the bathroom all the towels were neatly hung up. Hanna's tooth brush wasn't on the counter and when I went back into the bedroom, I confirmed that the shirt she had slept in wasn't lying on the pillow neatly folded. There was no evidence that she had been here almost all weekend.

After a quick shower I changed into my standard lounging clothes of gym shorts and a t shirt. My phone was down stairs and I headed down hoping to see a text from Hanna. As I moved into the kitchen, I heard it vibrate on the island and I got excited at the possibility it was her. Just before I got to it, I heard a knock on my door.

I turned, heading to the door hoping that Hanna was on the other side. I opened it completely and when I did, I saw her dad Ken standing on my porch. I was completely caught off guard and didn't know what to say.

"Listen asshole, I don't know what the fuck you did to get Hanna to... to... want to spend time with you but that is over, got it. I don't want you to have anything to do with her. Don't contact her ever again, understand! She has a bright life a head of her and doesn't need that derailed because of some disgusting old pervert who is old enough to be her father."

The venom and anger in his voice was obvious. His face had gotten red as he spoke and the veins in his neck stood out. I really had no idea how to respond to what he said but felt like I had to say something.

"I... I didn't do anything... it just happened. She is an incredible... woman and I would never do anything to hurt her." I stammered out.

"Woman? She is a girl... a young girl at that... younger than your daughter. Stay the fuck away from her, got it!" He spat and spittle was flying from his mouth.

He quickly turned away and headed off the porch. I just stood there, almost paralyzed in disbelief or possibly fear. The disbelief was that something that had been so perfect had turned into this and fear caused by the thought that it seemed to be over. I remembered that my phone had vibrated. I closed the door and went and picked it up.

'My dad is furious. He says he is going to talk to you. Please don't do anything to make him madder.' Hanna had texted.

'He told me that if I ever see you again, he will kick me out of the house and stop paying my tuition. I don't think we can keep seeing each other. I am sorry.' She had sent about ten minutes after the first text.

I took a seat at the kitchen table, setting my phone on it. I felt devastated. Hanna had pretty much told me that whatever had built up over the weekend was over. I was crushed and I realized that emotionally I was more hurt by this than I had been when my wife left yesterday. I just sat staring at my phone.

I was still doing that when it vibrated again fifteen minutes later. I immediately grabbed it hoping that Hanna had sent something taking back what she had sent earlier.

'That looked like a pleasant conversation. Guess daddy doesn't like it when an old man fucks his daughter even when she is obviously a slut. Staying with a coworker for a few days. Met with a lawyer today, I am sure she will be touch soon. Enjoy.' Dawn had texted me.

She had obviously watched the interaction on the Ring Doorbell. I wondered what her enjoy comment meant when she said her lawyer would be in touch. I had hoped we would be able to split amicably but it didn't sound like that, I knew I probably needed to find a lawyer for myself pretty quickly.

I wanted a drink and walked into the dining room looking at my options on the bar cart. I saw the Macallan 12 bottle and chuckled inwardly at the irony of that. I grabbed it and a highball glass, went back into the kitchen and poured a full glass. Instead of enjoying it by sipping it, I was taking large swigs and the glass was empty quickly, I just kept refilling it. I don't remember making the conscious decision to stop drinking it.

I felt a soft hand on my knee and thought I was hearing my name. My head was pounding, and my mouth was like the Sahara Desert. My eyeballs hurt and I struggled to open them. I thought I smelt bacon and maybe heard my coffee maker gurgling. My level of confusion was growing.

"Sean... Honey... wake up."

It sounded like Hanna's voice, so I forced an eye open and saw a blurry image of her sitting on the coffee table next to me. I felt her hand on my thigh. I started to open my other eye.

"Good morning, Sweetie." Hanna smiled at me.

"What... what is... what are you doing here? What is going on?" I asked very confused.

"You didn't answer my text last night. I knocked on the sliding glass door and you didn't answer. It wasn't locked so I slid it open. I called your name several times, when you didn't answer I stepped inside and found you... well passed out on the couch. I was worried about you." Hanna explained.

I lifted my head and it felt like it was going to explode. She said something about a text, and I looked around for my phone. The last text from her I remembered reading she said she didn't want to see me anymore.

"Looks like you drank a lot of Scotch last night. Can you sit up. I have a water bottle for you, some Advil, and other stuff to cure you." She smiled.

I sat up and looked at the coffee table. The bottle of Macallan was almost empty. Next to it was a plate that looked like the remnants of a sandwich, maybe, plus a bag of chips.

Hanna handed me the Smartwater and I took a large drink from it. My incredibly dry mouth was happy to have the cool water fill it. She then handed me the Advil and I swallowed them with another huge drink of water.

"Take these next, don't stop drinking that water. I also have Gatorade here for you." She handed me more pills and stood up and moved to the kitchen.

"What are these?" I asked watching her ass as she moved away.

"B12... I found them in your cabinet when I was getting the Advil. Vitamin B is great for a hangover." She said.

I took a gulp of water and the B12. I was half way through the water bottle now. I saw Hanna pouring a mug of coffee and she brought that back along with a banana and sat back down on the coffee table.

"So... want to tell me why you thought drinking a bottle of scotch was a good idea last night?" She looked right into my eyes as she spoke.

"I... you texted me that you couldn't see me anymore."

She peeled the banana and handed it to me. "I wrote that with my dad standing next to me. I told him I was going to do that. He was threatening to cut me off and kick me out."

I finished chewing the banana bite and washed it down with water. I was feeling very foolish and immature. It wasn't lost on me that Hanna was behaving like an adult right now. I also recognized that she was taking care of me.

"My bitch wife also sent a message about watching your dad chewing me out on the Ring Doorbell and her getting a lawyer and that I should do that also. Basically, a threat that things were going to be ugly." I said trying to justify why I drank so much.

"Yea... she texted my dad also. Seems like they might be closer than either one of us realized. I sent another text later saying I would see you today after my dad headed to work." Hanna told me.

I finished the banana and the Smartwater. I realized I also needed to pee and got up. My head wasn't happy with me moving but my stomach seemed to be taking it okay. I told Hanna I would be right back.

I peed and when I saw myself in the mirror while washing my hands, I realized I looked like I had been run over by a truck. I tried to wash my face and used my fingers to brush my hair. When I came back out Hanna was standing in the kitchen.

"I am toasting English Muffins to make a bacon and cheese sandwich for you. With the water, and banana in you, it is time for a little grease and salt. You should be almost new soon. Although you could use a shower." She winked at me.

"Thank you. Thanks for taking care of me. I am feeling a little foolish right now." I said unable to look at her.

"You are welcome. Drink the Gatorade. It is hard to say that drinking a full bottle of liquor isn't stupid but... I am a little flattered that it happened because you thought you would never see me again." She laughed.

Seeing her incredible smile as she had said that made my heart swell. I took a large gulp of the Gatorade and Hanna put the sandwich in front of me. While I ate, she told me that she needed to go shopping for some clothes for her internship and asked if I would go with her. She said we could get some lunch while we were out and have a chance to talk about our future.

The Advil and fluids must have been working because my head was no longer pounding. By the time I finished the sandwich I almost felt normal.

"Thank you for nursing me back to health this morning. I would love to spend the day with you. I need to go take a quick shower." I told her. I started to head upstairs and then turned and saying. "Uh... your nursing skills wouldn't happen to include washing your patient in the shower, would they?"

"Are you asking me to shower with you?"

"Yes." I said directly.

She smiled and took my hand, and we headed up stairs. I went in and turned the shower on and took the opportunity to brush my teeth. When I stepped back out, I saw Hanna undressing and putting her clothes on the bed. Watching her shimmy out of her shorts caused my dick to start to swell. When she turned around, she caught me staring.

"I know I say it a lot... but god I love how you look at me. You make me feel like the most beautiful and desirable women in the world." Hanna said.

"That is because you are the most beautiful and desirable woman in my world." I told her.

She stepped over and pulled my face to hers as we began to kiss passionately. When the kiss ended, she pulled my shirt over my head and pushed my shorts down before leading me into the shower. The water felt amazing. She reached for the shower gel and ran her hands over my body. I pulled her close to me, feeling her breasts slide over my body caused my dick to harden even more.

Hmm... You need to shave this morning. Trust me to do it?" She asked as she washed my face.


I stepped out of the shower and got my shaving cream and razor from the counter. I handed it to her, and she smiled. I stepped out from under the water, and she quickly spread the shaving cream on my face and neck. This was one of those moments that felt very intimate as she carefully began to shave me.

"All done with your face." She leaned in a kissed me. "It felt like maybe you need to shave somewhere else also... trust me with that?"


She pushed me back and I sat on the tile bench in the shower. Fortunately, the hot water had been falling over it the entire time we were in the shower, and it was warm. I scooted my butt to the end and spread my legs giving her access to my groin.

She kneeled down and again used the shaving cream to cover my entire crotch including my balls. The water from the shower hit her back and prevented it from washing away. She pulled lightly on my hard dick and shaved the area above there. She then shaved the area on each side of the upper parts of my inner thigh. Looking up with a grin she moved onto shaving my balls.

"All done. Stand up so we can wash the shaving cream off." Hanna instructed.

I stood and kissed her, grabbing her ass and pulling her tight against me. My cock was pressed against her belly. I brought one hand around and slide it down between her legs, she was very wet, and her clit was swollen. I then ran my fingers over her lips.

"Hmm... I am thinking maybe you need a shave also... do you trust me?" I asked her with a huge smile.

"Yes." She said without hesitation, surprising me.

We spun around and she sat on the shower bench. I kneeled down and grabbed the shaving cream and covered her groin area. Using the razor, I shaved the area all around her pussy until only her pussy lips hadn't been shaved.

"Uh... be careful of my clit... it feels really swollen right now." She said nervously.

I smiled at her and then shaved each lip and then right around her clit. I stood up and took the shower wand off the wall and used it to wash away the shaving cream. I then focused it on her clit.

"Oh fuck... wasn't expecting... fuck that feels good but... but I want your tongue on me... please." Hanna begged.

I handed her the wand so she could stay warm. I immediately put my face between her legs. My tongue ran over her lips and then into the crevice of her pussy. She took one hand and put it on the back of my head, trying to pull me closer.

"My clit, lick my clit, please." She asked.

I moved my tongue to it and began to run circles around it.

"Yes... good... very good."

Using my tongue to press on it, I sucked it gently between my lips.

"Oh fuck. That... fuck... yes..."

I sucked hard and pressed harder.

"Fuck me... that is it... Oh fuck Sean... God damn you!" She cried out as she orgasmed.

She immediately pushed my face away and I looked up and saw she was lying back against the wall with her eyes closed. I stood up and as she opened her eyes, she saw me and smiled standing up and kissing me.

"That was amazing, thank you." She said into my neck as her hand moved to my dick. "How do you want to take care of this?"

I didn't answer her, instead I spun her around and pushed lightly on her upper back. She quickly understood and bent over at the waist and reached out for the shower wall with her hands. I stepped forward and my cock slipped right into her.

"Fuck." We said in unison and then laughed.

I grabbed her hips and used that to help me rock in and out of her.

"I am not going to last long, sorry." I told her.

She looked back over her shoulder and smiled. That was all it took. I squeezed her hips tightly.

"Fuck.. already... fuck me." I shouted out and came inside her.

"That's it baby... fill me with your amazing cum." Hanna said as she pushed back against me.

The underside of my dick got very sensitive quickly and I pulled out of her. She turned towards me, and we wrapped each other up in our arms. We stood like that for several minutes before moving our heads so we could exchange some soft romantic kisses.

"Best hangover cure ever. Thank you." I said with a chuckle.

"Best shower sex ever. Thank you." She replied.

I turned the water off and reached for a towel and dried her off. When she was mostly dry, I grabbed one myself. We finished drying ourselves and stepped out of the shower. Hanna walked out to the bed room and started to get dressed. I was surprised that watching her pull her panties up and slide her arms into her bra was a turn on.

"I am going to get dressed, run back to my house, blow dry my hair, and touch up my makeup. Can you meet me at the mall, near the Kohl's entrance in about 45 minutes? Separate cars might be a good idea so none of the neighbor's report anything to your ex or my dad."

She stepped over to me and gave me a quick kiss and was out the door. I listened and heard the sliding glass door in the kitchen open and close. I pulled out my clothes and began to get dressed. The happiness I had felt when Hanna was taking care of me and when were in the shower was fading as I realized that everything we were doing was going to have to be a secret.

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