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Rewards and Punishments

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She needs to be taught some rules.
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Something's not right. I can't move- WHY can't I move? Okay, okay don't panic. Just open your eyes and see what's going on. Just open your-I can't see anything! What the fuck is going on? Alright, focus. Why can't I move? My hands are tied...and my feet. Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. There's something on my face too. A cloth- that must be why I can't see. FUCK!

This doesn't make any sense. I was home last night. Rachel and Amy asked if I wanted to go clubbing, but I wasn't feeling up to dealing with a bunch of drunk assholes groping me all night. I watched a movie, had a glass of wine, and went to bed- alone. Like I have every night for the last six months. Like I have every night since my ass of an ex decided to cheat on me and leave me for some blonde bimbo. Fucking slut.

I must be dreaming. Yup, that must be it. I'll just take a deep breath, open my eyes, and- someone just chuckled. Shit, there's someone here, I'm not alone, this isn't right, what the FUCK-

"Oh good, you're awake. I was starting to wonder if I went a little overboard drugging your wine."

"Who...who the fuck are you?" This is NOT happening to me, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm-

"Don't you worry about that. It's not important. Whatisimportant is that you know exactly what's going to happen if you do anything stupid. You're not at your house anymore. Where you are isn't important, but you should know thatno oneknows where you are or even that you're missing. You can scream, though I'd rather you not, but no one will hear you. I don't want to hurt you, but you had better believe that if you try to doanythingstupid I will punish you. Do you understand?"

"FUCK you! My boyfriend will be coming home soon, and he'll know I'm missing. He'll call-"

"Shut up you stupid bitch. Do you think I did this without planning? Without watching you? I've been following you for weeks now. I know you don't have a boyfriend, I know you stay in alone more often then you go out with friends, and I know that you just took some vacation time from your job for some "mental health" days. Now, I'm going to repeat myself one more time. If you do anything stupid, I will hurt you. Do you understand?"

Okay, I need to think. Don't panic. There's a way out of this. Just cooperate. Maybe I can earn his trust enough to give myself a chance to escape. Yeah. I can do that. First I need to get him to take off the blindfold. I'll get a good look at him so that I can describe him to the police when I make my escape. Okay. Act scared and cooperate. "Ye-yes. Pl-please don't hurt me. I'll do whatever you want, I swear!"

"Good girl. Now, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to take that blindfold off of you, but only so long as you keep behaving. Any more little outbursts and it goes right back on."

The Man slowly peels off the blindfold. Of course I immediately try to locate his face, but he's standing in the shadows, and I can't make out much more than his shape. I look around and manage to make out that I'm in some sort of bedroom. There's a door across the room, probably locked. I don't see any windows. I look down and realize, for the first time, that I'm completely naked. Fuck. I'm in a windowless room, no one's going to miss me for weeks, and as I look closer, I realize that I'm tied to a bed. Which would explain why I couldn't move earlier. This is not good. I'm not going to be able to get out of this unscathed. Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God. I can't help it, I start to struggle. I HAVE to get out of here NOW. Maybe if I pull hard enough I can break whatever is holding me to the bed, but I only succeed in making the knots tighter.

I hear The Man chuckle again. "Oh no, no, no. Trust me Brittany, I tied those myself. There's no way you're getting loose." He takes a step closer to me and I recoil as much as my bonds will allow. He knows my name. I realize that he wasn't lying about how much he knows about me, and I suddenly feel like I'm going to be sick. He runs his hand down my side and I shudder. "I suppose by now you've figured out why you're here." His hand stops on my thigh and slides slowly inward. "There's really no use in fighting it. I've been watching you for weeks, remember? That includes watching your internet usage too. I know that what you really want, what you've ever really wanted, is to be taken control of. All you have to do is let go and I can do that for you." He leans towards my face and I can see he has brown eyes. No way is this creep going to get ANYTHING from me willingly. I can't stop myself. I spit in his face.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! That was really fucking stupid. Remember what I said about doing anything stupid?" Shit, I shouldn't have done that. There's no way he's going to trust me now. Shit. "Answer me you stupid slut." I don't say anything, but the next thing I hear is the sound of his hand smashing against the side of my face. I taste blood. I can't help it, I start to cry. "What. Did. I. Say. About. Doing. Anything. Stupid?" He raises his hand again and I flinch.

"You, you s-said that I wo-would be p-p-punished." I managed to get out between sobs. "I'm s-s-sorry! Please don't hurt me anymore! Please, I'll do whatever you want!"

"It seems to me that you're going to need rules that are just a tad more specific. You don't get to speak unless spoken to. When asked a question, youwillanswer. You will always address me as Sir, and by 'don't do anything stupid' I mean no spitting, hitting, kicking, biting, scratching, or trying to escape. Oh, and I can add to this list whenever I damn well please. Do I make myself clear?" As he said the last sentence he reached into his pants pocket, pulled out a knife, and made a show of flipping it open and shut. My blood runs cold.

I feel defeated and just a little bit disgusted with myself. All it took was an unwanted touch for me to lose my cool, and all it took was one slap to turn me into a groveling, sniveling idiot. I look around the room and for the first time feel truly trapped. I have no plan except do everything I can in order to not get slapped again, or, apparently, stabbed. I realize that this is actually happening to me. This isn't some sort of fucked up dream and I am in some serious trouble. I look up into the brown eyes of my captor. "Yes, sir."

"I suppose that's a good enough start. You obviously haven't earned the right to have the blindfold removed, so I'm going to just put this back on..." I'm plunged back into darkness as the cloth is wrapped around my eyes. Shit. "Now, here's how this is going to work. If you do something right, you get rewarded. Maybe I'll take your blindfold off or bring you to the bathroom. But if you break a rule, you lose a privilege and you are punished. Are you following me so far?" I nod my head. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Are you following me?"


"Good. As for your punishment... I think a good, old fashioned spanking seems appropriate, don't you?"

"What? You can't do that to me! You're fucking crazy if you think I'm just going to let you spank me like I'm some sort of child! There is no wa—"

"You're forgetting that I make the rules, not you. And if you're not careful, you're going to lose your speech privileges as well. Now, we can do this one of two ways. Either you can be a good girl, cooperate, and only get the slaps from your previous two indictments- which would be ten for each- or you can try to fight back, and I'll double that number. Your choice."

I take a deep breath. So it's a choice between twenty or forty slaps. Which of course isn't any kind of choice at all. I need to calm down, quit these outbursts. If I have any hope of escaping at some point, I'm going to have to cooperate- at least for a little while. I need to earn some trust- it's my only chance. "I'll cooperate...sir."

"Good. I'm going to untie your arms from the bed now. Remember, if you try to fight back at all, I will double your punishment." He quickly unties my left and then my right arm and relief immediately seeps into my sore muscles. I must have been here longer than I assumed. I realize that I don't know what time it is or even the day. I have no way of knowing how long I was drugged for. I start to panic and The Man's grip tightens around my arms.

"This is your last chance. Calm down." He pulls my arms in front of me and ties them together. I take a deep breath. Just focus on one problem at a time. I need to get through this first, and then I can try to work out my timetable. He finishes tying my hands together and I can hear him take a step back. He places his hand on my bare thigh and I flinch. He chuckles. He slides his hand inward like he did when I spit in his face and stops just shy of my center. I hold my breath, praying that he doesn't go any further. His hand lingers for a second longer and then slowly slides down to my left ankle. He unties my legs from the bed, massaging my feet and ankles.

"Alright. We're going to sit up now...good girl." He helps me onto my feet and then turns me around. He puts his hand on the small of my back and applies pressure. "Now lean over, just like that." He adjusts my position a little so that my feet are flat on the floor and my torso is resting on the bed, of course leaving my ass in the air and vulnerable for his perverse punishment. "Here's how this works. For every time I slap your ass, you're going to count it out loud and say 'sir'. For example..." He slaps my ass hard enough to leave a bruise and I cry out. "Now you say...?"

I stifle my sob. "One...sir?"

"Good girl. For every one you miss, I add one to your total. Now we start, from one." He slaps my ass again, but this time I'm expecting it and manage to keep from crying out.

"One, sir." He slaps me again.

"Two, sir." And again.

"Three, sir." And again.

"Four, sir." And so he continued, alternating ass cheeks. By ten it felt like my ass was on fire, by thirteen I was openly sobbing, and by sixteen I was telling myself that I would do whatever I had to in order to avoid this in the future.

"Seventeen, sir." Oh god, I won't fight back anymore.

"Eighteen, sir." I'll call him sir every time.

"Nineteen, sir." I won't argue.

"Twenty, sir. Please, sir, please! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'll be a good girl! Please!" God help me.

He lifts me up off the bed. "I hope you mean that, Brittany. I'm going to give you another chance to prove it. I'm going to untie your hands, and you're going to do exactly what I tell you to. Understand?"

"Y-yes, s-sir," I manage between sobs. I stand perfectly still as he unties my hands. I realize that for the first time since I woke up, I'm completely unbound, but I make no attempt to run. I have no chance with him so close behind me, and I really can't handle another punishment so soon.

He turns me around to face him and presses what feels like a glass into my hand. "Have some water. It'll help you calm down." I don't fully trust what is in the cup, after all, he's already admitted to drugging me. But my throat is dry from crying, and I need him to think he can trust me. I down the glass. As far as I can tell, it's just water. Even if it wasn't, it's too late now.

"Alright now, I want you to lie down on your stomach." He guides me back onto the bed, positioning me so that I'm once again lying in the center. I'm grateful that he's letting me lie on my stomach. I don't think I could handle having any pressure on my bottom right now. He reaches for my hands again and ties them back to the bed; he does the same with my legs. "Good girl. See? That wasn't so hard, was it? And for behaving, you get a reward." I hear his footsteps as he walks away from the bed and then I hear a drawer open and shut. He walks back over and I can feel his weight as he sits down on the bed next to me. "Now tell me, how does your ass feel?"

The bluntness of his question startles me. "S-sir?"

"I asked how your ass was feeling. I expect an answer when I ask you a question, Brittany."

"It, it hurts, sir."

He rubs my ass, and though he's being gentle, the pain still makes me wince. "I can make it feel better, but only if you're actually sorry for your behavior."

The way he's talking to me makes me feel like a five year old, and I hate him for it, but oh God I want the pain to stop. I can hear myself talking before I even made a conscious decision to respond. "I am! I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have spit. Or argued. It won't happen again, sir. I promise!" I can almost feel myself losing grip of my dignity.

Then I feel a drop of something cold on my bottom and then his hand again, rubbing it in. Lotion. A sigh escapes past my lips. Oh God, that feels so nice. The lotion has some sort of cooling quality because soon the burning of my ass calms to a cool, tingling sensation and the steady rubbing of his hand has soothed the throbbing. He removes his hand and I assume it's over. But then he drops more lotion onto both cheeks and before I can prepare myself for it, both of his hands are massaging my cheeks. But this time is different. This time his hands are moving lower, lingering longer, he's grasping my ass more than he's rubbing it. This isn't right. This is wrong. So wrong. I can feel my skin getting warmer, and then a familiar tightening in my stomach. With a start I realize that I'm getting turned on. Oh no. Oh no no no no. No. This is not okay, I don't want this. I don't want-

He shifts and suddenly his hands are on my shoulders and I can feel his breath against my neck. "Sshh, calm down," he whispers as he starts massaging my shoulders. "It's okay. I know what you want. I can make you feel better." He stops massaging my shoulders long enough to pour some more of the tingling lotion on my shoulders and back.

"I don't want...I'm not..." I don't know what I'm trying to say. I'm too distracted by his fingers kneading my back. I need to say something. I know I do. But I can't focus on anything besides what I'm feeling.

"Ah, ah, aah," he admonishes. "You remember the rules. No speaking unless spoken to. Don't you want to be a good girl?"

I DO want to be a good girl. No more punishments. "Mhmmm," is all I manage to say.

"And good girls get to feel better. Don't you want to feel better?" His hands have moved back to my ass and he's now groping my cheeks. His finger slips into my crack and slowly starts moving lower. Oh God, yes. Just a little bit further and he'll be where I need him to be. I want to feel better. I need to. All of the sudden he stops and he's by my ear again. "Tell me what you want," he whispers.

"I want...I want to feel better. Please. Please make me feel better."

"Good girl," he whispers before biting my neck. I moan. He soothes the spot with his tongue before trailing kisses down my back. I can feel his breath against my ass and its clashing with the cooling lotion, giving me goosebumps. Then his hands are back, kneading my cheeks, playing with my crack. And it feels so good. God does it feel good. He bites me again, this time on my cheek, and I moan again. I'm on fire. I'm on fire and all I need is just a little bit more and I'll explode. But then his hands move to my legs. More lotion. He massages down to my feet where he unties my legs from the bed. I try to move them, but they feel so heavy. He has no problem moving them though, because in a minute he's moved me so that my knees are underneath me and my ass is in the air. I can feel his breath on my aching core and I moan again.

"Brittany. Brittany, Brittany." Without warning he shoves his finger inside of me and I gasp. He slowly pulls out and I moan. So close. I'm so close. "You are soaking wet. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're enjoying this." He wipes his finger on my face. "Now tell me, what do you need to feel better?"

"I...I need you...touch me...please."

"Touch you...here?" He grabs my ass. I shake my head. It feels like every nerve in my body is on fire and I can't even formulate a coherent thought. "Say it, Brittany. Tell me you need me to touch your cunt and I will. But you have to say it. Where do you need me to touch you?"

"Pl-Please touch my...my cunt. I need to feel better. Plea-"Before I can finish my sentence he shoves two fingers into my pussy and uses his thumb to massage my clit. I explode. My world shrinks down to exclude everything except this mind-shattering orgasm and the fingers still pumping in and out of my spasming cunt.

The last thing I remember hearing is him whispering 'good girl' into my ear. And then I black out.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Would love to read more

I don’t think it’s wrong that she gave in so easily. It’s what she wanted- for someone to take control of her. The need to submit is very powerful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Nice start i think she gave in to easy wish there was more

PallasAthena123PallasAthena123over 11 years ago

I like this :)

Please make this a series. It doesn't have it be a long one. Just another chapter or two, to fully explore her sexuality. That would be awesome.

shyhollyshyhollyover 11 years ago
Interesting start....

I'm curious to see where you're going with this story...is she going to stay strong and fight or roll over and submit?

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