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Risky Science Pt. 03

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The eggs grow more and Tae undergoes some 'tests'.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/05/2024
Created 06/20/2023
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This work contains the following: pheromone induced sex, employer/employee relations, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, rapid stomach growth from pregnancy, alien eggs in a human host, non-traditional sex toys, transmasc mc (man with a vagina)

Intent on getting a shower and a change of clothes, Tae left the med-bay and made is way towards the lift that would take him to the personnel quarters. The doors hissed open and Tae stepped inside then selected the appropriate floor, but didn't make it more than two levels before it came to a stop to let another passenger going the same way on board.

Tae smiled when the doors opened to reveal Eric Jackson, the security guard that had accompanied him and the doctor to the surface of X-136.

"Going up?" the scientist asked, tone teasing when Jackson hesitated, surprised to see him there.

"Oh, uh-- yeah," the guard stammered then quickly stepped on board before the doors could shut in his face. They rode in silence for a moment before he said, "I thought you would still be in the med-bay. Are you...alright?"

Tae glanced at Eric sidelong and smiled when caught the other man looking him over. It was impossible to miss the way the guard's eyes lingered on his stomach and the weight of Eric's eyes on him made something flutter and tighten pleasantly below his navel. "Oh, I'm fine," Tae reassured Eric. Jackson was a handsome man about his own age, maybe a year or two younger, though a good deal taller and significantly more muscular. He'd thought the same when they first met shortly after their their mission left Luna but Tae had been determined to keep things professional, if friendly, for the sake of his work so he hadn't allowed himself to do more than admire the other man from afar.

It seemed silly, in retrospect. Why shouldn't Tae have him when Eric was so obviously interested?

The security guard was visibly flushed when he averted his gaze to the panel over the door currently counting down floor numbers and said, "You're sure? I mean, after what you went through planet-side and-- well..."

He was cute when he was flustered, Tae thought and stepped closer so Eric looked at him, startled, but not so much as to try and back away. Tae grabbed Eric's hand and pressed the other man's broad, warm palm against the surface of his swollen belly. "You mean this? There's no need to worry-- they're only eggs." The sensation of Eric's hand on him stirred something in Tae again and he stepped in close, suddenly craving more. He wanted more contact. Wanted the feel of a man wrapped around him-- to feel desired.


"I was a little scared at first," Tae confessed and leaned against Eric so he could drop his head to rest on the other man's shoulder, lips just barely brushing the column of the guard's neck when he spoke. "But then it felt good," he explained and a soft, pleasurable sigh escaped the scientist when Eric allowed his hand to drift absently over the surface of his abdomen. "This feels good too."

Eric shuddered against him as he explored Tae's swollen stomach with his long fingers and the scientist could hear the other man's heart pounding in his chest beneath his ear. Tae turned so his back pressed into Eric's abdomen then guided both the other man's hands around to his front so they could continue to stroke him. As the floor numbers counted up the scientist could feel the other man grow hard and start to grind against him.

"You like it?" Tae asked breathlessly and smiled when a soft, heady groan was the only answer he got from Eric. "You liked watching it happen too, didn't you? Liked watching me get bred by that xyloid? Liked when it pumped me full of its eggs?"

"I--" Eric began, then stopped, though he couldn't quite keep himself from rutting against Tae's ass now that he'd started.

"It's alright, I already told you I liked it too," the scientist insisted with a soft chuckle that turned into a whimper when Eric pushed down the waist of Tae's pants to expose his ass. "You want to breed me too?" he teased and braced himself against the wall of the elevator then glanced back over his shoulder at the other man, lips parted in breathless anticipation.

Eric shuddered under his gaze then traced two of his fingers over Tae's slick, exposed labia. Tae moaned again at the contact and arched his back to present himself then gasped when Eric slid two thick fingers inside of him only to withdraw them again just as quickly.

"Jesus, never seen someone so wet," the guard muttered, mostly to himself when he examined his fingers. As if compelled by instinct, Eric put them in his mouth and proceeded to suck them clean. Just as he was about to go back for more, however, the lift dinged and the doors started to open, dragging Eric back to the present and reminding him of not just where he was, but what he was doing. "Fuck," he gasped and recoiled back, the reality of his actions finally sinking in. Eric dragged Tae's pants back up and then bolted with a hurried apology, face crimson as he fled.

Disappointed, but not overly so after the thorough fucking he'd gotten from the doctor back in med-bay, Tae laughed and let Jackson go. The craving the man had stirred in him was still there, but it wasn't so overpowering as to make the scientist chase him down. Instead, he rode the elevator a stop further to where his quarters were located and let himself in.

One of the perks of being mission critical personnel was getting private quarters, unlike security and some of the other staff who bunked together. That also meant he had his own shower, which Tae decided to make immediate use of, carelessly stripping out of his clothes along the way.

The hot spray of the water was pure bliss against Tae's skin as he stood beneath it. Something in him had changed when the xyloid chose him as an incubator for its eggs, Tae knew that much for sure as he examined his palms again. They'd been badly scraped planet-side and even Doctor Rollins' most advanced treatments should have left him with some marks. Not to mention he wasn't sore at all after the admittedly brutal pounding he'd taken not only from the alien, but the doctor as well. Both acts happening within hours of one another should have left Tae walking funny for a week and yet he felt better than ever.

"Is this thanks to you?" he asked his swollen abdomen and the eggs within. The hot water of the shower had managed to sober him some but Tae still didn't feel any sense of horror or fear at his changing body when he soaped up his hands to then ran them over his protruding belly. There was no doubt in his mind that whatever chemicals the xyloid had pumped him full of along with its eggs were affecting his brain somehow, making him amenable to the role he had been given ostensibly against his will-- but the scientist was finding it hard to care. The process hadn't left him any the worse for wear and it felt good. The sex he'd had both with the xyloid and Rollins after had been the best he'd ever experienced in his life and he was looking forward to having more. He would have been more than happy to let Eric take him in the elevator earlier despite his never having had an interest in public sex in the past.

Tae had joined the mission to X-136 to study xyloids and now he had the opportunity of a lifetime. Thanks to the creature having chosen him as an incubator they'd have a vast quantity of test subjects to study just as soon as Tae began to lay.

The scientist's stomach tightened unexpectedly as something shifted inside him, driving a grunt of surprise from the man. Suddenly breathless and dizzy, Tae quickly sat down before he could fall, though the narrowness of the shower stall meant he couldn't stretch out his legs. Pressure started to build below Tae's navel and he gasped and arched his back with a groan that echoed loudly in the bathroom.

The eggs were growing again, Tae realized; validating his theory that semen from other males might cause sudden growth burst for the xyloid eggs inside him. It wasn't proven without a doubt, of course-- it was still possible this was simply a coincidence, but Tae thought it was worth pursuing.

The growth was so fast Tae could see it happen in real time. He watched, transfixed, as his abdomen expanded further and whether he was merely aroused by the sight or if the process released a new wave of chemicals in his brain Tae didn't care. The scientist stroked his stomach while the lives within it pulsed and grew, heat radiating through his womb as they forced it to expand to accommodate them. Just like a normal pregnancy this forced his other organs higher up into his body and Tae groaned and arched further in an attempt to make more room while his other hand went to his clit. Reaching it was becoming more difficult as his newly gravid state forced Tae to loop his arm around his belly to get at it but somehow that just made things hotter.

Desperate to the point of frenzy as the heat rippled through him, Tae reached out for something, anything, to satisfy himself with and came up with his bottle of shampoo. Warmed from laying beneath the shower spray, the bottle slid inside the scientist with ease, his pussy practically gaping with arousal when he thrust it in as deep as he could. The angle was difficult, though, so Tae forced himself onto his hands and knees then sat flat on the floor of the shower, driving the bottle so deep into him only the very top remained exposed. The feeling of additional fullness it provided eased some of Tae's desperation and drove a relieved sigh from him before the man started to grind down onto it while working his clit with his fingers.

It wasn't what he wanted, of course. What he wanted was a hot, throbbing cock pumping more seed into him but desperate times called for desperate measures and the orgasm that shook Tae as the eggs inside him made one last push for more space rocked the man to his core. It was so powerful he screamed and was forced to brace himself against the shower wall with his free hand as he came, belly bobbing heavily with every frenzied roll of his hips.

Tae sagged forward, boneless and whimpering helplessly as the aftershocks rippled through him and focused on breathing while hot water continued to rain down on him from above. After a few minutes his strength returned and he groaned as the bottle he'd used slipped free of his body when he stood.

He cleaned himself up then stepped out of the shower to dry off. He took the time to admire himself in the mirror when he did, turning this way and that to see how the new weight sat on his frame. His abdomen had expanded another couple of inches, Tae noted with some pleasure and allowed his hands to rest against it. He'd always heard it said that pregnancy lent a person a certain glow and apparently that went for incubating alien eggs as well-- Tae didn't think his skin had ever been so clear or his hair so glossy. He'd always been confident in his good looks but what he saw in the mirror now was on another level; there was a raw magnetism in his dark eyes and alluring smile that hadn't been there when he'd looked at himself in the same mirror only just that morning.

Tae leaned back from the mirror to admire his figure again. He'd never been attracted to pregnant bodies in the past but something about his own was deeply erotic as he studied the curve of his growing belly. The rest of him was as firm as ever, but that stomach...

The scientist rubbed his hands over its taut surface and bit his bottom lip as he recalled just how he'd wound up in such a state. The xyloid hadn't technically bred Tae himself, only left behind the results of its own breeding to incubate in his womb, presumably, but that didn't change the fact Tae felt as if he had been. Something inside him quivered at the thought of the inevitable laying to come. Considering previous expeditions had found egg shells he presumed he would birth the eggs rather than live offspring and the idea left him giddy with anticipation. Soon the xyloid's eggs would force their way from the protective sanctuary of his womb, stretching Tae's pussy wide before finally escaping his body, leaving room for a new batch of eggs to grow and develop in a never-ending cycle of pregnancy and birth. Who knew how long it'd take for him to lay every last egg the xyloid had left him with? Days? Months? Years? Years of being absolutely massive under the weight of an alien brood, fucking other men to acquire nutrients for his growing young...

In danger of being driven to the point of masturbation again, Tae thought of Doctor Wolfsfeld and the fact the man had apparently already performed some tests on him while he was unconscious. Curious as to what the other scientist might have learned, Tae tore himself away from his reflection and got dressed in a fresh set of clothes that did nothing at all to mask his gravid state, then left for the lab.


Studying the samples he had gathered from Tae after they'd returned to the ship was proving to be a fascinating endeavor for Jon Wolfsfeld. Examining the undeveloped eggs had already expanded his understanding of the Xyloids and there was nothing that could possibly tear his attention from his studies with so much new material to work with after years of only theorizing.

Or so he thought until his assistant entered the lab looking almost five months pregnant just a few hours after their return to the ship.

"Brandt," he said and watched as the younger man rounded the table with a curiously pleased look on his face. However dedicated to their study of the xyloids his assistant might have been, Wolfsfeld had still expected him to be distraught after his ordeal on X-136 and that was before realizing his estimate on the rate of xyloid egg gestation had been off by several orders of magnitude. "Rollins already cleared you to leave med-bay?"

"Oh, yes, I'm fine," Tae replied, seeming his usual confident self as he stopped and leaned lightly against the doctor's desk. He'd obviously stopped by his quarters to clean up-- he had changed clothes and smelled like he'd just come out of the shower. He smells nice, Wolfsfeld thought uncharacteristically.

The doctor allowed his gaze to rove unabashedly over Tae's body while he revised his previous theory about xyloid egg development. His assistant hadn't made any sort of effort to hide the state he was in-- if anything he'd chosen to accent it with tight fitting pants and a crop top that left his swollen belly fully exposed.

"Rollins said you had taken some samples and were running tests?" Tae prompted and leaned over to have a look at the doctor's work, bringing him in close to Wolfsfeld who, again, found himself uncharacteristically distracted by his assistant.

Jon grunted an affirmative, but admitted, "It seems my estimate about the rate of xyloid egg development was way off base, however. From what I observed the eggs you have been seeded with should absorb the nutrients they need from your body through the lining of your uterus to develop to their full size... though from the state of you it seems I missed something."

Tae's expression brightened when he turned to regard Wolfsfeld. "I think you were right, actually, only they seem able to absorb outside nutrition as well. They seem to prefer it, actually, considering the rate of the development," he remarked and stroked one hand over the taut surface of his stomach.

Jon hummed and considered the new information while his eyes followed the strangely alluring path of Brandt's hand. "That would be the best path to maximizing the number of offspring produced from a coupling," the doctor mused. "The longer the host lives the more eggs will make it successfully to the laying stage." Tae nodded emphatically at the doctor's conclusion and Wolfsfeld asked, "Rollins provided them with some sort of nutrient solution?" While irked at the prospect of a medical doctor interfering with his xenobiological study, Jon had to admit it had revealed something of interest.

The almost coy smile that pulled at Tae's lips gave the doctor pause and he felt something stir in him when the younger man fixed him with an intent look and leaned in close again. "He did. A double dose, actually," he explained, voice gone low and husky.

Wolfsfeld wasn't the sort to give much of his attention to the people around him outside of what was necessary to complete his work and he'd acted no differently towards his new assistant since taking him on at Luna. Oh, he respected him, of course-- Brandt did good work and Wolfsfeld had no complaints about him, especially compared to other assistants he'd had in the past. He was attractive in the traditional sense of the word though Jon had never given the fact any consideration until now.

Now he couldn't tear his gaze away from Tae's dark, mesmerizing gaze, though he also had no desire to as warmth bloomed in him and blood rushed south of his belt. Wolfsfeld knew exactly what kind of 'nutrient solution' Rollins had given his assistant when Tae leaned in and brushed his lips delicately over his in a wordless invitation the doctor immediately accepted.

Jon had never had much of a libido, though he did enjoy sex when he had it. He could go months and have it barely cross his mind as long as he was in the midst of an interesting study as he'd always found his work a more compelling way to spend his time, but now all he could think of was Tae. His senses were flooded with his assistant's presence-- every other thought subsumed by his burning need to copulate with the beautiful, fecund young man offering himself to him.

Undressing happened in a blur of lust-blind frenzy and before Wolfsfeld knew it Tae was sprawled naked on his back across the desk before him, thighs spread to expose his already dripping vulva. The sight was so intoxicating that Wolfsfeld didn't think twice before plunging his thick cock into his assistant without any sort of prep. Tae didn't need it, though, Jon slipped past his labia with no resistance and into the depths of his pussy in one glorious fell swoop that dragged a groan of ecstasy from the doctor's chest. The intense heat of it eased the desperate ache in Wolfsfeld's dick so abruptly he orgasmed on the spot with a second, even louder groan. The release drove a shudder up the full length of his body and held him in place for a moment, only barely jerking his hips as he emptied himself into his assistant's willing body.

There was something strange about the sensation as Jon's orgasm gradually faded. The walls of Tae's vagina seemed to be pulling at the length of his cock-- not the usual fluttering of an orgasm, however. It was more rhythmic than that-- as if the organ had somehow developed the necessary control to milk him for every drop of semen...

Before Jon could give it any more thought, however, he looked down at Tae, who was flushed and watching him with those dark eyes of his, leg's wrapped tight around the doctor's waist.

"Wolf," the younger man murmured and looked up at him from under the sweep of his dark lashes, soft voice gone rough with need.

The sound immediately sent Jon hard again, though his erection had only just started to weaken, and the doctor began to thrust his hips once more. A soft, blissful sigh escaped Tae and his legs' grip on Wolfsfeld's waist loosened enough to let the doctor grab them and take control. Jon was suddenly filled by a burning need to see his assistant's swollen belly bounce, to make him cry out in ecstasy at his touch, so the man bent his back and got to work.

Wolfsfeld wasn't gentle with his assistant, there wasn't any room in his lust-filled brain for that. Instead, he spread Tae's legs as wide as they would go, allowing him to drive his cock in as deep as possible and set a hard but steady pace.


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