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Road Trip

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Male cop raped by female motorcycle gang.
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Mike Gaines has the slickest 57’ Chevy around. Candy apple red two door with white roll and tuck leather interior. It has a 396 cu. in. engine, dual four barrel carbs, four in the floor and 411 posi-track rear-end. Mike takes his pride and joy out twice a year to blow her out and enjoy her for the weekend. He hits the interstate for several hours, takes a state highway with a great stretch of straight road and ends up in a quaint little place with the greatest greasy spoon hamburger Mike has ever tasted. The McAllen’s bed and breakfast there is his overnight stay. This is day one. The next two days are spent wherever fate leads him, always ending back home and to work Monday morning. Mike’s gorgeous wife Allison takes their son Danny and visits her mother three towns away for these two weekends a year. Its early Friday morning and he can’t wait to hit the road. He has half a tank of gas and decides to head on out and gas up later. As he hits the interstate, all his cares and troubles melt with the roar of his awesome machine. Almost every oncoming driver turns their head to get a few seconds look at this red bomb blasting down the road. Mike keeps it at 70 mph., but doesn’t worry about sticking his foot in it. Mike is a cop and has never had trouble from the state troopers when out playing like this. He waves at those who wave first and ignores those that don’t.

Mikes notices a lot of bikers out on the road. He comes up on one group after another. He seems to remember something about a huge biker rally going on somewhere around here but doesn’t think too much about it. The bikers tip their heads as if to say nice ride man and Mike tips his back as if to say thanks. It is a great day. Fun was being had by all.

The gas gage is getting close to a quarter of a tank and there is a small truck stop up ahead. Mike pulls in and heads for the pumps. They are all taken up with bikes. Must be two dozen of them in line or getting fuel. Mike gets out to stretch his legs and waits patiently for his turn. He is in no hurry to get anywhere in particular.

As Mike stretches he noticed movement toward the back of his car. He turns to see black leather moving around his car. The hottest looking blonde biker he has ever seen was stroking her finger along the paintjob of his trunk. Mike had too many coats of paint on this beauty to count but decided to hold off giving this “lady” a hard time. She walked down the side of the car toward Mike still admiring the car. When she got to Mike she ran her fingernail across his stomach and continued down the front fender.

“Nice.” She said still looking at the car. “And this Chevy is sweet too.”

Mike had arrested too many like her to play this game. He said nothing but watched her closely. She took her sunglasses off and looked at Mike. She had the coldest light blue-gray eyes Mike had ever seen. They were scary.

“Park this hotrod and come ride with me sweet meat.” She said.

Mike just smiled and shook his head, no thanks.

“Awwwww, honey you don’t know what you’re missing.” She faked a pouty sad smile.

“Maybe aids or syphilis or gonorrhea?” Mike said.

Her eyes burned at him, her claws came out. Her fingernails rested on his hood. He shook his head no, she took her hand away.

“Hey, Eyes, you coming?” One of her gang called from the pumps.

“Shut the fuck up bitch, I’ll come when I’m ready and you will come when I’m ready, so shut up!” Eyes replied glaring over her shoulder at the inquirer. The others laughed.

She was pissed. She looked back at Mike, her eyes burning through him. She unzipped her leather jacket to show Mike she was wearing nothing underneath. She took her breasts in her hands and held the amazing globes out toward Mike. She had a beautiful pair of eyes tattooed on her left breast, and something else on her right one that Mike couldn’t quite make out and didn’t want to. “You will never touch a pair like these asshole! Just remember you blew your chance at them and I hope you have wet dreams wishing you could kiss them just once!” She whispered through clinched teeth and turned toward her girls.

Eyes slapped the girl who had hollered at her and climbed on her bike. They fired up their motorcycles and the eight girls left the parkinglot in unison, Eye’s jacket blowing in the breeze, her breasts exposed for all the world to see, and Mike thought, admire. He pulled to the pump and gassed up. There were other bikers there still filling up. Mike heard some snide remarks and jeering laughter. A couple of huge bikers moved toward Mike as if they were planning on harassing him, nasty smiles from ear to ear. Mike pulled his wallet out to get his money but also to flash his badge.

“Hello gentlemen, having a nice day?” Mike asked. He turned and put his hand on the small pistol holstered in the back waistband of his jeans. He never went anywhere without his service 45 or his backup gun.

The men stopped cold, put up their hands as if to say, hey man we don’t want any trouble.

“Just checkin’ out your ride man, that’s all, just admiring the machine.” One of them said as they backed up.

“Glad you like it.” Was all Mike said.

They left before Mike finished fueling, he watched as they pulled out on the highway. He went to pay, anxious to get back on the road and put this ordeal behind him. Another group of bikers pulled in. They were checking out the 57’ with genuine interest when Mike got in, put his gun on the seat beside him and started the engine.

“Cool machine, man.” One guy next to Mike’s car said.

“Thanks, nice bike.” Mike answered. It had some of the hottest red, orange and yellow flames painted down the side of the blue tank and fender that Mike had remembered seeing. Mike had passed these guys earlier.

“Thanks.” The biker answered.

Mike waved at them as he pulled away from the pumps and headed out. He knew most of these guys were just out to ride, drink a little beer, do some drugs; Mike didn’t want to know about that, and have some fun. They weren’t out to do anyone but themselves any harm. Mike was on vacation and didn’t want to hassle anybody. But this Eyes babe, she might be a different story. Mike saw something dangerous there, and he didn’t want to see it again.

Mike was pulling off the interstate in the next hour. He couldn’t wait to get to this special stretch of state highway. It was straight as an arrow and no one remembered seeing a cop on it for ever. Not so much as a little boy with his toy pistols and plastic star on his shirt. Mike always pegged the speedometer along this stretch. He didn’t know exactly how fast he was going. The speedometer only went to 90. It pegged before Mike hit fourth gear. There was a hole in the wall town just as he left the interstate, but three miles past this town would be clear sailing. Mike hit it, windows down, hair blowing in the breeze, the needle approaching the peg.

Mike was into the second or third mile of straight road when he noticed the dark riders in his rearview mirror. He punched it to the floor. He didn’t think they could catch him but he wasn’t taking any chances. He was afraid he knew who it might be. He wasn’t losing them, and soon he would have to slow down for a series of curves in the road. As he entered the bend curving right he ran head on into a hay truck passing a combine! These damn farmers, he thought, they think they own the road. Mike slid into the ditch on the left side to avoid them but the road took a quick bend to the left and Mike was sliding into it way too fast. He slid sideways back onto the pavement and started to fishtail. The only hope he had was to straighten out onto an unpaved county road that intersected the highway. He slid onto the road, cutting a half donut, bounced through the ditch and came to rest facing the way he had just come. He stopped just inches before smashing into a stand of trees off the side of the road. The sudden recoil slammed Mike’s head against the door post of the car and sent his head reeling with pain.

Mike was coming out of his half conscious state when he heard the sound of bikes shutting down. Just as he looked up an arm reached through the driver’s window and slapped a handcuff around his wrist. A sudden yank had his arm stretched out the window. He reached for his gun that had been on the seat beside him but it was nowhere to be found. Another arm reached through the passenger window and slapped another cuff around his right wrist. The yank on this cuff rendered him motionless. The cuffs had chains attached and there were three of four bikers on each chain. Mike could handle two maybe three but eight? He quickly assessed the situation. Eight bikers and it was the chicks, Eye’s gang.

They opened the door pulled the chain through the window and quickly regained their hold on it and pulled Mike from the car. The passenger door opened and the four on that side climbed one at a time across the seat and out the driver’s door, each keeping a tight grip on their part of the chain.

“I’m a cop!” Mike yelled. “Look at my badge. In my wallet, my badge.”

The stand of trees Mike had almost hit lined the road where a house had once stood. Eyes headed into the trees and milled around what used to be the front yard of this house. There was little left here. Just a few boards and a concrete slab. The others followed Eyes dragging Mike with them. Two girls started moving the bikes between the trees to hide them from sight of anyone coming down the road. There was another stand of trees in what would have been in the backyard and a couple of worn falling fence posts, with rusted wire curled here and there, part of what use to be the back fence.

Eyes took the chain and wrapped the excess to one of the posts, she tied several knots in the chain. Mike’s left arm was secured, the girls holding if let go and started pacing around Mike, their eyes hungry and mean. Eyes moved to face Mike. She took her glasses off, once again these piercing evil eyes stared a hole through him. She grabbed Mike’s cock and slid her hand across his crotch to his back pocket. Mike tried to back away from her touch but the others pressed him against him. She pulled out his wallet.

“Ladies, we have Officer Mike Gaines here, say hello.” She studied his ID.

In unison they said hello and hi, how are you and several rude remarks. Mike knew he was in deep this time and no evident way out. His only hope was if someone saw them and came to check it out, but then there might be more than just Mike in trouble.

“Eyes, what do we do with the car?” The girl that hollered at Eyes at the truck stop asked.

Eyes looked at her and shook her head at her. “Move it, maybe? Zip, you are such a dumbass!” She slapped her again but this time grabbed her in a head lock. She looked down at her and kissed her hard on the lips. She let her go, pushing her away. Zip hurried off, Mike heard his car start. He soon saw it pull into the field just down from the house far enough off the road to not be seen. He hoped her red coat would attract attention even through the trees. He prayed they didn’t mess her up any and that she was alright. Zip rushed back to join the fun, blood trickling down the corner of her mouth.

“Well Mike, you don’t like our kind? We don’t meet your standards honey?” Eyes was circling him, studying his body, her fingernails dragging across his shirt. “You see Mike, when I invite a dick to ride it isn’t a suggestion but more like an order, got that? The next time I tell you to get on my bike get you cock on and shut up!” She stared at him once again taking his genitals in her hand. She began to squeeze and kept squeezing until she saw the pain in Mike’s eyes, but he didn’t make a sound. Mike pulled against the chains but it was no use they were secured, he could only pull them a couple of inches.

“Sheila.” Eyes said, motioning to another to hit the back of Mike’s knees.

Sheila obeyed and Mike dropped to his knees his arms outstretched. Sheila took hold of Mike’s hair and pulled his head back. Mike tried to get to his feet but Eyes kicked him in the balls and Mike shrunk back down in pain.

“Owwahhgaaaa!” Mike moaned, the blow took his breath away. He ducked his head.

“Oh, did I hurt the big man’s balls?” Eyes took his hair and yanked his face up to hers. She pressed her leather clad pussy in Mike’s face, he tried to turn away but her grip was too tight.

“Sheila, Alex, his feet.” Eyes ordered.

The girls took Mike’s feet and pulled his legs out, he lay on his back now arms secured his balls aching, Eyes standing straddled above him. She unzipped her jacket and threw it to Zip. She went down on her knees placing her hands on Mike’s shoulders.

“Have you got a big cock pig man? Is it juicy and thick, your big porker, is it fat and long? Can you fuck eight bitches at once?” Her glare was turning to a lustful hot gaze.

She dropped down until Mike’s face was between her tits. She wallowed them all over him. She sat up and took Mike’s shirt and ripped it open. Buttons popped and flew off. She raked her long nails across his chest. She slid down his body raking his belly as she went. Red whelps were rising on his skin along her nails path. The others were busy ripping what was left of his shirt off and tossing it aside. He was bare from the waist up. Eyes was approaching the fly of his jeans. She undid his belt and pulled it out of its loops with a swooshing sound. She wrapped it around Mike’s neck and pulled his face toward hers. She pressed her lips against his but there was no response from Mike, Eyes hotly worked her lips against his. She sat up and Mike saw the tattoo on her right titty was just a blue and black design that looked something between flames and horns, no recognizable object.

“Let’s see his cock girl!” Sheila said hungrily.

“Yeah.” Alex threw her two cents in.

Mike thought he detected an Australian accent in Alex but he wasn’t sure. He was trying to let ever detail sink in. He was trained to observe the scene and collect the details for investigations. But this time was different. He usually got to the scene after the crime had been committed, now he was the crime being committed. Eyes unsnapped Mike’s jeans and licked his belly, running her tongue down as she slowly lowered his zipper. As much as Mike tried to fight it he was getting aroused. When she got him unzipped she pulled his pants down.

“Scar, BJ, get these damn pants the hell out of here.” Eyes ordered the girls.

They pulled his pants from beneath Eyes and jerked them off his legs. They took his tennis shoes and socks off as well. He saw an opportunity to do some damage, it might be stupid he thought but he took it. He pulled his legs under Eyes when she inched up to let the pants go. He placed his feet in her stomach and pushed as hard as he could. She went flying back arms and legs churning to break her fall. She was back on top of him in a heartbeat. Zip laughed. Eyes looked up at her with eyes ablaze. Mike thanked Zip in his mind. Eyes turned her attention to Zip for the moment.

Zip backed away as Eyes stepped toward her. “I’m sorry Eyes, please, I didn’t mean anything, please Eyes I’m sorry.”

“Ok bitch.” Eyes turned her back to Zip acting as if she was returning to her fun. But with a sudden twirl she swung around and jumped off the ground and kicked Zip, her heavy boot slamming into her mouth. “Damn, you are so fucking ignorant! Why the hell can’t you keep your mouth shut bitch?”

Zip hit the ground, out like a light. The others looked on but didn’t move to help her. Sheila, Scar, BJ and Alex were busy cuffing Mike’s ankles and securing one of them to another nearby tree.

“Hey Mouse, roll your bike over here, we need something to anchor big dick down to.” BJ called to one of the last two girls.

A skinny little thing obeyed and brought her bike to them, she could barely move it.

Mike watched Zip as the crotch of her faded jeans turned dark with wetness. Even in his predicament he was worried about her, wondering if the blow did any real damage. Her mouth was red with blood it was pooling up next to her head.

Alex laughed. “Guess you kicked the piss out of her this time huh, Eyes? Don’t you think you ought to go easy on her though, I mean after all she is your sister.”

“Fuck that, you’re all my sisters. Except Orange, she’s my cunt. If I need to kick your fucking teeth down your throat I will.” Eyes looked up at the girl with bright red hair and blew her a kiss.

Orange blew it back and patted her pussy and swayed her hips as if to say, I’m special. She smiled at the others and they smiled back.

“Orange is every bodies cunt. We all love our Orange juice.” Sheila smiled.

Eyes fingers had been kneading Mike’s cock and balls inside his underwear this whole time. He couldn’t help it, he was getting rock hard. He thought of Allison and Danny safe at mom’s house. He had already decided that if he got out of this he could never tell anyone about it, unless it was Dr. Hampton. He would have to get checked for disease, if he made it out alive.

“Hey BJ, I think your snack is ready.” Eyes looked down at the 7 inches of Mike’s manhood stiff in her hand.

BJ sat on Mike’s chest with her ass in his face and leaned down and buried her mouth over his entire cock with one quick motion. She didn’t lick him to get it wet she just sucked it up. She was bobbing up and down on him soon getting him wet with her hot saliva. Mike could feel someone pulling his underwear off and ripping them from his anchored legs. No matter how he tried or what he thought of, this girl BJ was bringing him back to the hot wet bath she was giving his unwilling cock. Eyes pulled BJ’s head off. She held on as long as she could and moaned in objection when Eyes finally won. Eyes pulled BJ’s wet mouth to hers and kissed her long and hard licking her lips lustfully, BJ was wallowing her ass in Mike’s face. Then she pushed BJ off Mike and she rolled away laughing.

“Ok, girls who wants him next, anymore hungry little mouths that need the taste of sweet pig dick?” Eyes glared down into Mike’s brown eyed sexy face.

Mike looked around at the others. Sheila and Scar were undressing. Alex was looking at Zip and laughing. Mouse was standing naked at Mike’s feet. Orange was massaging Eyes shoulders looking down at Mike. Her gaze was moving between his eyes and his swollen cock. BJ got off the ground and joined Sheila and Scar stripping above Mike’s head.

Mouse sat at Mike’s feet and rubbed them. The other three nude girls sat around Mike and began touching him and staring at his long thick cock. Orange now stood behind Eyes and stripped. When she was done she stripped Eyes remaining clothes off. Alex was slapping Zip gently trying to wake her up. She was coming to but very slowly.

When Zip finally woke up she jerked up and rolled on her side and started spitting out mouthfuls of blood. Her eyes were swollen and red, the tears started flowing like a river. She squealed out a moan and got to her feet. She looked at Eyes and then looked for something to use as a weapon. She stumbled to a dead tree twenty feet away and pulled a branch off it, it cracked as it broke off in her hands. She leaped back toward Eyes. Eyes was already standing, nude, waiting for her sister to do whatever it was she thought she was going to do. Something told Mike that Eyes had many more weapons than Zip and she held them at her sides and at her feet.

Zip raised the branch and rushed at Eyes! Eyes didn’t as much as flinch. Zip swung the branch and faster than lightening Eyes threw her hand out caught the branch and broke it with one quick blow of her other hand. Zip stood there crouching with half the branch gone and just cried. Eyes dropped the branch in her hand and gently wrapped her arms around Zip and pulled her toward the circle of fun. Zip dropped the branch, and walked with her sister. “Alex, honey, get some water and a rag would you babe?” Eyes ordered. Alex was back in a second with a canteen of water and a red garage rag.


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