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Road Tripping Pt. 08.5 - Time Trip Pt. 02

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Molly and her cousin explore themselves at a wedding.
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Part 10 of the 34 part series

Updated 04/27/2024
Created 10/09/2021
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Time Tripping part 2 is the second part of many stories of the past lives and dreams of some of the main characters of the hinted at and more throughout the Road Tripping series. Part of the story is set on the day Molly met Lou before they actually meet. The other part of this part is set about Molly's meeting with her cousin two and a half years before the start of the story. Part 3 of Road Tripping will add background to some of the people talked about here. All sexualized characters or over 18.

March 26th, 1987. Molly awoke to the sounds of her asshole roommate and her loser boyfriend having their morning hangover fight. Her naturally sarcastic mind thought this was just the way to start what was supposed to have been a fun couple of days when she had ordered the two pairs of tickets for both Dead shows with her now ex-boyfriend. This on top of the pair of very weird dreams last night, she had just woken up from.

Two weeks after the tickets had arrived, she found out her now ex Steve had tried to fuck one of the girls where he worked from one of her other friends who worked there.

It took only about a second to decide to dump him. He had been a dick during the holidays, and it was good riddance within an hour of finding out.

A few weeks later he was screwed. Word about him being a lech got around the office where he worked and a seventeen-year-old intern he tried to pin in the elevator left him on the floor of the car holding deeply bruised nuts and looking for a new job at the end of the day with a bad note in his record.

The minor satisfaction of his fall from grace was tempered by the layoff notice Molly received for March first. There was no way she could afford to live where she was with the current situation there and it might take a while to find a decent job again. Plus, her roommate and her enabler boyfriend had been drunk most every night for the last three months.

Molly like to party, but there was a limit, and she had seen other friends fall into the bottle in the past. She could just not deal with this pair anymore and look for a job with shit like this.

She had told them she was moving out by the first and this gave the loser boyfriend an excuse to move in with her now officially. Molly knew this was not going to end well and she was happy she was not going to be there to have to clean up the mess. She did feel bad for Mrs. Rico the landlord, but she had understood why Molly was moving back to her mothers.

Molly had packed her stuff quietly and was leaving the bed and most of the furniture behind for them since it was mostly second hand and the bed had never been comfortable. Patty had her car for the last two days and was going to help her get the rest of her stuff in the next few days. Patty's car was dead, and her boyfriend Drew was trying to hunt down some parts for it hoping to fix it.

She just felt a little low about moving back home again. Her mom April was ok with all of this and her and Molly got along well and could even share a joint, but still she felt like a failure again. It was not her fault that the Chicago branch had embezzled twenty million dollars and gotten the SEC to close the whole company in two weeks.

Not wanting to deal with them today without a hit from a joint first she went to look for the dime bag she had been hiding for a week for the concert so she would have something to smoke at the shows. April had given it to her, and she usually got good weed.


For the next ten minutes she searched her room and all her pockets and two bags she usually used. But she was sure where she had put it a few days ago.


That was the last straw! After her futile search Molly called Patty and asked her to come over after Noon and put as many boxes in the Toyota as she could and then help her with the rest either tomorrow if she blew of off the next show or the day after if she could. Time to get the fuck out of here.

When Molly had cooled down and found a roach for a couple of hits she went out for a coffee, they told her they had sold her spare ticket for her and bought a case of beer and a quart of Southern Comfort. Worse than the waste of the money she could have used for a bag they had sold the ticket to one of their bar friends. He was this forty-year-old drunk who had grabbed her ass trying for a date when she went to the local dive bar with her roommate for a cheap drink a week ago. After ten minutes of this shit ending in her catching him trying to put something in her drink on her way to the lady's room, she had had enough.

She asked another large friend of hers in the place to watch her back as she came back to the bar and proceeded to spill the likely spiked drink in the assholes lap on her way out the door with her friend behind her for the walk home.

Now these idiots thought he would be a good date for the show for her. It scared her what they may have done with her ticket for the show tomorrow. It was just not a good start to an already strange day.

The ride to the show was no better with both of them drinking on the way there and Molly feared she would not make it there alive. Once there it did not get better with both continuing to drink and get louder with each beer and shot from the So. Co. bottle.

Molly was making one last check of bag for her for her pot when Stan stumbled and puked on the hood of her roommate's car. He laughed took swig of his beer and another shot of So Co as he poured all of their water on the hood in a half-assed attempt to clean the car.

Molly almost puked on the back seat having to watch this spectacle less than ten feet from her.

"Fuck this shit you two FUCKIN DRUNKEN LOSERS! Molly all but shouted at the top of her lungs and grabbed her pocketbook and slammed the door and took off into the crowd.

Anywhere was better than here. She might have enough money on her to get a cab almost home or she could call Patty or her mom to come get her. No way was she going to ride with them again.

It was all the topper to what had been a very weird day before she even got out of bed today.

Molly usually did not have vivid or really crazy dreams but last night was a major exception.

The second one that she ended waking up from was part of a recurring one she had had over the last ten years that was centered deep in the ancient past. Most times she awoke alone in a small painted stone chamber. She was in unusual bed made of wood and ropes but still comfortable. When here she felt compelled to go to another nearby room and look out from a porch out to a blue sea full of coral and rock hazards. Most times she was alone but on occasions like last night she was not.

A few times there was the voice of a woman in an unusual accent asking if she saw anything out there at sea. For the third time in the last 3 years, she dreamed of being locked in passionate love making with this other woman.

Whether or not she was in bed with the other woman she was never able to see her face. This time it had be because her head was parting her thighs while the strangers blonde and unshaven pussy was closing over Molly's eager mouth.

Molly could tell neither of them had shaved themselves anywhere and both of their skins felt like they had more been clean with scented oils rather than a modern soap.

Either way the mysterious blonde woman of her dreams both smelled and looked delicious when she was awakened by kitchen noises just as she was beginning a sixty-nine with the stranger in her dreams.

Molly had been with her friend Debbie a few years earlier and the woman in her dreams was definitely not Debbie. Debbie was taller, heavier, and had brown hair, whereas the woman in her dreams was blonde and felt smaller than herself.

Molly missed her time with Debbie but did not consider herself a Lesbian. Men were still attractive to her and at least one had been almost as good a lover with her as Debbie.

There were two problems with that, however. Except for Freddie in high school, who was fun in many ways, none of the men she had dated had turned out to be worth her time and showed no real future with them after a short time together.

The only man she had been with who was both someone who was a fun person to be around and good with her in bed had been her cousin Quintin. It was the dream of her weekend with him she had woke from in the middle of the night with her hand buried in her pussy and stuffing a pillow over her face to suppress the loud orgasm the dream fuck started.

She came with two fingers deep in her pussy soaking her hand and wishing she could dig out her vibrator or "Blue Man" dildo for a real deep orgasm.

After she lay in her bed surrounded by boxes thinking of the two nights they had together and the news from her mom two days ago Quintin had just become a father.

At least it was not like the last time she dreamed of Quintin when the dream ended with April running in to hand her IUD to her as he was just about to cum in her. April being topless in the dream made it even more disturbing that time, Molly laughed to herself as she thought of her and Quentin's secret weekend of fun two and a half years ago.

October fifth and sixth 1984.

Molly and Quintin were only four months apart in age and since they were both old enough to walk, they had either mercilessly teased the other or been the leading troublemakers at every family function they had been at together.

The wedding of their second cousin in Portland Maine this weekend was no exception, but much more private. Molly was here alone without her mother who had to work and had grounded Patty for her second accident with the Plymouth that wrecked another car. This time with most of her school as an audience.

Backing the huge station wagon up Patty hit the gas instead of the brakes when her friend told her to look at the cute tall guy from shop class.

The 1971 Fury had thirty feet to run up and hit the Assistant Principals 1972, Ford Pinto in the front from the side hard enough to split the front engine compartment from the passenger compartment of the car in horrible sound of broken metal and piles of rust from the shattered Pinto's frame.

Over 200 people saw the "Murder of the Pinto". A shop teacher got a tarp out to cover the broken car when kids started taking pictures of the wreck.

One picture made the yearbook with the caption, "Worst Driver, Class of 1985, Patty the Pinto Killer!"

She was grounded for a month for her second killing of a car after the Datsun and had to drive the Assistant Principle to school and back for two weeks until insurance and $250.00 from Patty paid for a replacement.

With no mom and Patty and Quintin's family all on a cruise he could not go on with his job and school, like Molly, they were free to hang out as adults for the first time unsupervised.

Both got there for the rehearsal dinner in the same hotel they were staying in and only a block from the hall for the wedding. Both were in the wedding party and found out they were of legal drinking age in Maine about 5 minutes after sitting down and watching their eighteen-year-old cousin, Ben order a rum and coke from the waitress in front of his parents.

They did not get too shitty at the dinner, but after in the hotel bar with a few of their other relatives they both got good and drunk and were the last two left talking for a half hour after the others had all gone to or been carried to bed. He and Molly were on the top floor of the hotel with only one or two others in the party in singles on that floor.

Molly had to all but carry Quintin to the elevator and they wobbled their way to his room with Molly telling him she had half a joint they could share before she went to crash and spin for a while herself, she joked, as he struggled with the door key.

The joint and all of the drinks and the long day had them just hanging out on the bed watching an Outer Limits and both bitching about their shitty love lives.

Molly did not tell him at all about Debbie but complained about her last two guys she had gone with since her and the last one was a rotten kisser and she had gone to the trouble of getting an IUD inserted and then dumping his boring ass before she even fucked him.

Quintin was also complaining about how bad a kisser his last girlfriend had been and that she was very boring was all he would say until Molly pressed him for details, and both found out that their last relationships were killed by bad kissing and no interest in oral sex which both of them found out they liked to give and receive.

Before either of them really realized it they were making out and seeing that they liked how they kissed the other. Deeply with both of their tongues entwined and wrestling fiercely between their inflamed and widely parted lips.

Ta'Pau was no help keeping Molly's more impulsive side under some restraint. She was drunk and a bit stoned too and no help stopping where all this was heading. Molly had read too much Heinlein and absorbed some of his moral attitudes towards incest.

Neither would admit to the other until many years after under even more unusual circumstances that both had masturbated thinking of the other for many years before, after seeing the other at fourteen at family beach gatherings in only their swimwear for the first of many times.

For a moment they stopped and looked deep into their almost matching brown eyes and silently asked if they really wanted to do this. It took only a moment for the heat between them and enough alcohol and pot to break down any walls between them. Their only words once this decision was reached was a Mutual "I'll tell no one. This is for tonight only and for fun No one will ever know!"

Both held the other and kissed again deeply until Molly broke from him for a moment making him look sad until she began to unbutton her light blue blouse slowly while asking him to go double check the doors, curtains, and please get her a glass of water. It was very warm in here now.

She could see the nice looking hardon straining at his navy dress slacks.

No little four-inch Freddie and Pete's dicks under those slacks. She had guessed at least six and a half or seven inches. A definitive improvement there too her wicked mind.

By the time Quinten had returned with two glasses of water Molly was lowering her skirt standing there her matching light blue bra and panties set.

They were just lacy and see-through enough Quintin could easily see Molly's pink nipples pointing through the fabric and a dark area in her panties just hinting at her light brown pubic hair matching her shoulder length brown hair. He had seen more than hints of her beautiful body over the years, and he was almost overwhelmed seeing her standing there before him now. His erection threating to split his pants right in front of her.

For a moment both stared and looked on the other without shame or guilt, but as a sexual partner they hungered for and could not wait to share what was ahead. They both had been unsatisfied and were looking for someone to learn with who was both open and not at risk of starting a relationship with that could never work.

Quintin took his shirts off and slowly lowered his trousers showing off his slim seven-inch dick swelling like it had not for him since the night he lost his virginity. He held out his arms to her wordlessly to join with him in an embrace.

Molly now felt some of the strength of her six foot and two-hundred-pound cousin as his arms fully wrapped around her with his cock thrust into her belly.

Molly could feel not only the heat of his fully erect member, but the wetness of his precum leaving a large wet spot near the top of his underwear and growing with the length and depth of their next deep and passionate kiss.

After another long kiss where they both let their hands explore the other body for the first time, beginning to fulfill fantasies they had held since he had first gawked at her breasts that had appeared between Christmas and the fourth of July holiday when they next saw each other at fourteen.

Molly looked into Quintin's excited eyes as he held her breathing heavy and Molly knew he would not last long this first time. He smelled clean and only a little of the drinks they had been having and their long day.

She reached behind her back to unhook her bra and placed his slightly trembling hands on her soft 36C chest for him to explore. "Take your time Quintin we have all night and there is no reason to rush things. I will make you feel good real soon after you get to know my body a little more."

"I will never hurt you Molly, and I will be careful with you." He was now lightly stroking her breasts as Molly brought her hands to his and entwined her fingers with his.

She led him around her chest and nipples using her hands to show him how much pressure she liked and how pinch her nipples in ways that she loved.

"Just like that, Quintin! You are making my panties and pussy so wet when you do that the right way and most other women will like it like that too." Finishing with a moan as both of his hands now roamed free on her chest while hers began to move lower and explore his now throbbing erection.

After a moment Molly could feel he would not last much longer like this and she told him. "Hand me a pillow and lay back with your ass just on the edge. I will make you feel good and then we can switch places and you can do me!!"

"Ok Molly, Holy shit Molly You surprised me!!" He said shocked as she took his underwear off and lowered him down where she wanted him.

Freddie may have had a small dick, but he was a lot of fun to practice with orally and after a short time he had become the best at eating her pussy until her and Debbie got together. He had always been kind to her, and they had learned many of their "Night Moves" without risking getting Molly pregnant. One scare when he came all over her pussy, without breaking her hymen was enough for both of them!

Quintin's cock was rock hard and pointed straight up at her. Molly looked in his eyes and spoke sweetly. "You have a pretty cock, and it is A nice long one. I can't wait to taste you Quintin, and then feel you in my pussy."

She held his shaft in her warm hand about half the way up from his base and her mouth went to engulf him with a deep sigh from both of them.

Her tongue was now working around his circumcised head and upper shaft with his hips being held down by her strong forearm. "That feels so good Molly. I'm not going to last too long!!"

She took her mouth off for a second to tell him breathlessly. "That's ok! I want to drink your cum, I like the taste of a clean guys cum like you are. Don't try to force your cock down my throat though. I can't deep throat you like a porn star, but I will make you cum soon!!"

Her head and tongue went back to his cock and in less than a minute he was moaning and telling her "Oh MY GOD!! I Am going to Cum Molly!!"

He pulsed in her mouth and began to shoot as huge a load of cum as she'd ever tried to swallow before, and it had been over six months since the last time she'd blown someone.

Molly swallowed his first two shots of cum, but the rest filled her mouth as she savored his nice tasting slightly salty cum. He continued to pulse in his mouth while her hand slowly stoked his cock, milking more of his cum, and keeping some in her mouth to lead him to the next step in what she felt his education should be.

"That was awesome Molly!" No woman has ever given me a blowjob like that before and swallowed me like that! Thank You Molly!!"

"You're Welcome, Quintin Honey." Molly answered softly getting up of the floor and lying in just her panties stroking his heaving chest and kissing his nipples and kneading his soft and nearly hairless chest.

"You tasted so good and gave me so much cum, Thank you Quintin."

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