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Road Tripping Pt. 23.5 - Side Trip Pt. 01

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Maggie and Donna meetup with Lou, Molly and new friends.
20.8k words

Part 29 of the 34 part series

Updated 04/27/2024
Created 10/09/2021
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Side Tripping is the first of some occasional stories of and from the perspective of some of Lou and Molly's friends from touring across America in the late 1980's. Donna and Maggie are a Lesbian couple in their mid and late forties. There will be mature sex in this and pot smoking. All sexualized characters are over 18. Hope all enjoy, and any constructive feedback is appreciated. Thank You. S.L.

"Watch out for that hole on the right Donna!" Maggie all but shouted as their van lurched to the left and down the rutted, dirt road. They just hoped it was not leading them out to the middle of nowhere.

"You get to drive out of this lunar landscape Mags! I just hope we don't blow another tire or lose our muffler like that one on the side of the road ahead."

The couple had been through a rough Forty-eight hours. First Thursday started with a flat and a day lost. Then the long ride yesterday in the heat followed by a shitty dinner and a hotel clerk with an attitude at the Lesbian couple getting a single room together.

Today had gotten off to a better, early start, with a good breakfast, hoping to catch up with Lou and Molly at their hotel, they figured was about fifty miles away from them. They pulled off the exit and went to a gas station to fill up, just in time to see their white station wagon pulling out behind a blue and white pickup.

"We got to get gas Maggie and I want a few more gallons of water before we head out into god knows where."

"I know. They gave us good directions so far and that was definitely them. They had said they were going to be digging with another couple they had met in Arizona a month ago."

Maggie wondered if their horny friends were doing more than just digging rocks with their friends. They had a sexual energy between them that seemed to rub off on all their friends. Overall, it had been a fun trip west with Donna and they had just seen another pair of women friends for a few fun days with the four of them, deepening their bonds.

With a little luck they may even have some play time with Lou and Molly out here. It had been talked about and even though Lou was a male he was definitely one of the few they had met who they would join with, and Molly was with him. They were too strong a couple to be without the other when joining like this.

That and Maggie did really want to give his bragged on "Flavor Saver" a long ride like Molly enjoyed so much and it appeared Sara and their new friend Katy enjoyed too.

The scenery on the ride had been spectacular and so far, all the signs they saw in the small town they stopped in for snacks, and a turn, agreed with Lou's directions.

On the now dirt road, out in the distance as they passed the fenced in open vista of almost barren rolling painted hills a structure sat on the top of a rise along the road.

Maggie squinted over her sunglasses as she put out the joint they had shared on the empty road, they could see it was a combined house and storefront with a sign and fenced in area to park in. Next to a pickup in the shade they saw their station wagon parked and out over a hundred yards out she saw people working who could easily be them.

"I think I see them out their Donna."

"Cool! Their car is filthy like when we saw them in LA after they were here last time. I bet our van will match them after a couple of days out here."

They were out of the van soon with some buckets, a shovel they had and with some other small garden tools, along with a couple of gallons of water. It was hot already today, and Donna had dug out an old beach umbrella like the two she could see out in the dig site for shade.

Once inside the small shop and snack bar they were greeted with a friendly "Howdy Ladies," by a woman who appeared to be in her sixties with warm, sun crinkled smile at them.

Donna replied. "Hi, we're friends of Lou and Molly and we came out to find some cool stones like they did. I'm Donna and my partner here is Maggie,"

Maggie said Hi from across the room and was just looking around at all the cool stones and other things she had along with a large sheet style cake with "Happy 75th Birthday Darcy" on it and some candles and a few slices already missing. Behind it was a large bottle of "Wild Turkey" with a note saying "Do not open before Noon" on it.

Just as Maggie was about to ask if it was her birthday, the door to the digs burst open, and Molly came running in with a very attractive black-haired, Hispanic, girl alongside her who was wearing a smile like the Cheshire Cat.

It had been a fun night for Molly and her friends she bet as she ran into her hug.

"Hi guys. I was worried when you did not make it yesterday and I see you have met Darcy, the birthday girl already."

Donna looked at Darcy before saying to Molly with a smile. "That was mean of you guys to get her a cake with lie like that on it. She's not a day over sixty I bet."

"Stop trying to get in here for half price with nice compliments like that. It will still be Ten Dollars each, but I hope you will take a slice of cake and join us for a shot later."

Donna laughed and paid while Molly introduced them to Marta and told them Lou and her boyfriend Felix were out digging and getting a thick log loose and onto a tarp for them to be able to drag out for the car or truck.

Molly and her friend were already dirty, and they could see dust in the distance where Lou and Marta's boyfriend were hard at work already. All chatted for a few moments while they gathered more juices to bring out and got one of the wheelbarrows to use with the screen.

"Lou and I have a good spot going along with Felix and Marta and if two want to work with us there will be good pieces for all."

Two other cars were pulling into the lot, and it was looking to be a busy Saturday for Darcy. "I'll fire up my grill around 11:30 and be out to see what all of you might want today."

"Sounds wonderful Darcy," Molly called out to her.

Maggie got two more cold juices for her and Donna. It was going to be a hot day. Maggie had spent most of her life from age nine unit she was thirty-three living in the heat of the Middle East, but one still had to be careful. "We're going to sweat off ten pounds today honey," she told Donna with a laugh as she looked back at her partner of the last ten years.

"It wouldn't kill both of us to work off a few dozen of the beers from last tour babe, but it will be fun." She replied as they waved to Darcy who was saying high to the two families with five adults and six kids between them and another car driving down the road.

Donna got them two slices of cake and Molly held the door while Marta led them to the wheelbarrow and tools they had rented.

"This looks like a giant sand pit out here by the building and out to where you guys are. How come you are not just going through this Molly?" Maggie asked, as she put all she could into the wheelbarrow for the trip out to where they were working.

"Maggie this sandy stuff has lots of small pieces and It's easy for the kids. I think Darcy puts more in the ground regularly so all the kids can find stuff. Where we are is untouched hard soil with all kinds of things in there like the branch, we had from our first trip here."

"I remember that, and I can see what you guys are doing from here. How can we help?"

Maggie had quickly realized these guys were serious and not just screwing around. Next to a white wheelbarrow was a round log over a foot long with Lou smiling from a shallow trench covered in dirt and a younger, slimmer guy nearly his height with a shovel above him and waving to them as Marta ran to hug him and hand him a juice.

Lou was out to hug both her and Donna as Felix came down from the rise to meet all and they showed them what they were doing and all they had found so far today.

"Later we will show you the big branch in the back of Felix's truck under the tarp. It is in there until his father can borrow a forklift to get it out. Lou told them as they walked around and saw all in the two buckets and milkcrates already half full and another branch sticking out of the side Felix and Marta were working on.

"We got here early today with the cake and have been out here for almost an hour since Darcy let us in. If we had left at the normal time, we would have seen you for breakfast. Molly told them. We all have done really good here and plan on digging for the next two days."

"Cool, we were thinking along those lines to Mol. Donna replied. How can we work with you guys the best?"

Lou set them up to their left, where they had dug the first time and finished by pulling the first log out. "We kept finding good pieces from both sides and you should do good, and we are trying to open all this up in a way so it will drain and stay safe to work in for all of us. We have claims over this area so no one else can dig here."

"Cool Lou. Let get too it, Mags."

They set up themselves like the others had to screen all they dug, as Donna got ready to look through all Maggie shoveled her way. In the first one there was a nice pair of multi-colored pieces she showed her and put to the side as first finds. In the next hour a bucket and borrowed milk crate were half full and both women were filthy and soaked with sweat.

"I can already taste the Michelob at six thirty in the hotel bar Donna!" Maggie laughed as she handed the shovel to Donna and stretched her back and went to look at the others finds for a moment.

Lou gave her a sweaty hug from the side as he screened for Molly. "Welcome to some dirty fun with us Maggie." He joked.

"I'll need two showers before any real dirty fun after today. You guys are doing good too and I see Molly has another branch started."

Just as she said that there was aloud clang from Donna's shovel and the end of another branch, about seven inches across was showing from where she was digging.

"Hey Mags! We got a big one too. Hope it isn't too long or it will kill the van."

Seconds later Marta called over saying. "This one is finally coming loose here. Is it too long and heavy for the tarps Felix?"

Maggie followed Lou over to see the over yard long branch sticking out. "Holy Shit Lou that is more then we could take. I would use some ropes to move it safely I bet it weighs over three hundred pounds."

"I agree Maggie. It could just go through our old tarps. We should get ropes near the two ends so four of us can lift it at once safely or we can ask Darcy to use the tow truck again. Who knows how long the two others could be or they could branch on the other end and weigh half a ton like the we got out yesterday.

Maggie went down with Felix to show him some Military knots to secure the log for them to move safely. She was now getting a good close up look the young man who had done a lot to plaster the smile on Marta's pretty face. He remined her of her own son who was back in Israel six months from finishing his mandatory service. He did not plan to stay in like her and his father did.

She could also now see in his sweaty shorts the bulge from a long cock under there. I wonder if he had that snake in Molly's hot little pants and if Lou got his flavor saver under those tight little shorts Marta was wearing and destroying out her today, Maggie thought to herself as her and Felix tested the knots and called for two others to help them move the log up and out next to the green wheelbarrow.

The six of them worked well together to move the pieces safely while half a dozen kids and three adults came over to watch and took pictures of the kids on the logs, they put next to the other, including another picture for Darcy's wall. There were over twenty other people out digging today including a couple working a claim a quarter mile out from them on another hill.

They had stopped by to say hi and all talked for a minute finding out they knew Felix's families shop in Tucson.

Darcy came out to the busy site to say high to the six of them and see what they would like from the lunch menu. Lou asked about the steak sandwiches he had noticed added since their earlier visit and soon twelve were on order with cheese and half with onions also.

Marta, noticing how busy it was, asked Darcy. "Would you like some help with the grill and your counter for a little while. I know you are alone and there are almost thirty people here today."

"Thank you honey that would be a huge help. You saw where to wash up and just grab any t-shirt your size you like to change into, and I'll be in there in a few to get things going."

Maggie watched her cute ass run in while Darcy's own well shaped ass went to ask all but those far away what they wanted. It was nice of Marta to help her like that and sucked she had to cook for all on her birthday like this.

Maggie resolved she was not going to take no for an answer from Darcy, about taking her out to dinner, tonight for her birthday!!!

She remined her of one of their friends they had stayed with for the last few days before the ride out here, Willa. She was in her early sixties and built like Darcy, about five foot four and maybe a hundred and twenty-five pounds with 34 C boobs that seldom saw a bra.

What she lacked in size next to her, Donna, and her girlfriend, Susan, was made up for with a horny mind and a willingness to do so many things that turned her and Donna on, as Maggie shifted her ass remembering her fist and forearm buried deeply in her ass, while she ate at Donna's Pussy and her girlfriend was squirting girl cum and piss all over them after being fucked with her thick ten-inch vibrator as they all tripped deeply.

It was just the warmup for the contest of who could take the huge double ended dildo they had bought in New Jersey with Molly and Sara, the deepest.

More than sweat now ran in Maggie's pussy as she looked over at Donna and licked her lips at her and got back to sifting more cool stones from the screen. That had been three nights ago, and they had rested aside from a quick sixty-nine last night. She was horny and looking forward to a fun night with Donna and some more of their toys, and maybe more.

The sexual energy she had thought of earlier was indeed rubbing off on all of their group and she even felt a bit with Darcy who had a little flirt going with Lou and Molly as well.

The log Donna found broke at ten inches into the wall but was seen to continue making it easier to move just as they all went in for lunch, Lou saying they would bring the truck and maybe Andromeda, out to drive all the finds out of here after everyone else left.

It was a fun lunch with changes of shirts, everyone singing Happy Birthday to Darcy, who thanked all with a tear in her eye as she brought out the tourist shot glasses and all but two of the adults joined her in a toast, with the kids and the rest all joining in with their sodas.

As everyone headed back out Maggie got Darcy aside for a minute while Molly and Lou did some quick cleaning up to help her. He had paid for lunch for all of them digging together today and left a twenty in her tip jar when Darcy wasn't looking.

Maggie asked, "Darcy, we are planning to stay in the same hotel as Lou and Molly. Can I borrow your phone to call and reserve a room and we would like to take you out to eat with us after you close tonight? One of us will draw lots to stay sober to drive you back or we'll give you a spare bed in our room. We're going to get a room near Lou and Molly and just hang out anyways after so come with us and have some fun."

Looking around for a moment and seeing all the children had left the building she said strongly after one more shot with Donna and Molly. "Fuck It!! I haven't been past the little town with the bad pizza place in three months. I will just lock it all up and go with you guys. Thank you.

There were hugs all around before all, but Darcy, went back out to dig in the afternoon sun, a little slower than earlier with bellies full of food and whisky. All took their time over the next hour as good pieces flowed into their screens and Maggie got the next eight-inch section of log free on their side. "I would love to go over the hill for a bowl break but there are too many kids here and Lou said he did not know about Darcy and pot." Donna said.

"She must have smelled it on us earlier and I bet the four of them were smoking on the ride here too, so she must not care but just doesn't say anything. I will inquire discreetly later when we are done for the day."

Digging in the afternoon went very well with a third bucket of smalls half full by 4 pm and a second milk crate of larger pieces. They had found a series of three of the large flat quarter and one-half tree trunk that were about two inches thick. The largest piece was over a hundred pounds and took some care to lower onto a tarp and would ride on the floor of the van all the way home.

Maggie had watched Lou and Felix go out after lunch an attack the two sides of the hill they were digging through hard. They made no huge finds but kept up a steady stream of small to large flat pieces as they did about eighty percent of the digging and got to within eight feet of the other when they said enough at 4:30 exhausted and shirtless after the last other people left and they just gave up on the last shirts they had out with them, and Molly and Marta were down to filthy tank tops over just as dirty bodies.

"Donna I can't believe how dirty we are babe. I call first in our shower. They better have lots of hot water in the hotel when we get there. Darcy is heading out this way and they are going to drive the truck and station wagon out here to get all this for us."

"I Love the idea, Mags. My back is done with this for the day. We will leave all the rocks in the van until we get back to Vermont." Donna said with a laugh and a hug for Darcy who just reached them.

Darcy tossed Lou the gate keys and he and Felix went to get their vehicles out to the dig site and load up all their finds for the day. "We are going to our storage unit to put all but the big log in it and you can see all the other stuff we dug." Molly told they while drinking some water and looking for anything clean to wear in her backpack.

"Hey, Marta, our sexy men look tired. I guess we better feed them, or they will be useless later."

"He needs a shower before he is getting near me, and I need one too. I look like the first day we dug Turquoise. Even my boobs are filthy." Marta joked and lifted her shirt to show all the streaks of dirt and sweat running down her chest and flat belly. Felix will have to wait for me, but there will just be us this time she said with a smile at Molly that all noticed.

Darcy smiled at Donna and Maggie with wink and said softly as the younger women went to see the men. "Good for them, having a good time while working this hard. I was telling Molly yesterday that people today are to hung-up on shit and should just let others live and enjoy life while you can."

"Lou and Molly are good examples of that, and they have helped others in trouble and done other things for many around them. Donna and I met them when they were helping a girl in Philadelphia who had been dumped at a show after she would not go and party and do hard drugs with a guy who had raped her months earlier. She is well now and close to them, like they are with Marta and Felix and the rapist was appropriately punished." Maggie said with a subtle smile at Donna, who had taken care of that filth.

"There is other crazy and cool stuff going on their involved with and we are also learning about, from them and others."

"You can tell me more over a steak later ladies. We better move so they can pull up and get all of this loaded. I'm going to run in and get a change of clothes and start closing everything up."

They put the long log into the back of the station wagon and two of the buckets and their cooler to hold it in place as their car was now six inches lower with the added weight. Donna and Maggie got to see the large, forked, log under the tarp in the back.

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