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Rodney's Travels. England.

Story Info
Brighton Beach vacation was supposed to be a happy one.
4.9k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/23/2022
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This is the 4th story in the series about Rodney's travels.

For some background about Rodney, I recommend to read first the initial paragraph in 'Rodney's travels. Manaus Brazil.'

It was in early July. The weather was unbearable. Hot, humid, yuch... People say it's global warming.

Whatever the reason is, I had no intention to stay here and suffer.

It was time to search for a nice cooler place, preferably by the sea.

I checked several potential destinations abroad and eventually chose Brighton Beach in England.

It's a nice touristy place in southern England with mid day temperatures around 70 degrees. And over there the English language, the only one I could speak, was an asset.

The advantage of being an unmarried adult without children... I didn't have to rely on somebody else's mood or schedule. Once I made up my mind, flight tickets, hotel reservation and a car rental took less than an hour to arrange.

Two days later I was on an overnight flight to London Heathrow airport.

My small car waited for me. I consider myself a good driver (I guess most men feel the same, whether they are good or not...). However, the wheel was on the right side and the driving was on the left side of the road...

The good news - My drive to Brighton Beach was mostly on a straight road that lasted about 1 hour.

I am not sure that the other drivers on the road appreciated my maneuvers, but no accidents to report...

The hotel I booked, Leonardo Royal hotel, was situated in a perfect location. It was near the famous beach.

My room wasn't ready yet.

In the lobby's bathroom I undressed and put a swimsuit on. I found a service cart and borrowed a big towel.

I left my carry on and a backpack with the concierge and crossed the road to reach the beach 2 minutes later.

Unlike most beaches I've been to before, this one was highly organized, with people keeping 'proper distance' between them and their neighbors, nobody interrupts anybody, no threatening balls flying around...

'That's England...' I thought.

The combination of cool air (It was still morning and around 60 degrees Fahrenheit) and cloudless sun above were perfect for my tan.

I arranged my towel on the sand, lied down on my back and pretty soon I dozed off.

I woke up hearing people talking near me. It was already noon time.

I looked around me. There were 3 couples, one of them with small children, 2 older guys reading a newspaper and a single woman. She was overdressed for the beach with baggy clothes, large sunglasses on and a big hat. Neither her face nor her figure could be identified. Obviously she wasn't interested in meeting new people, otherwise why hide behind all of the above?!...

I stood up, got rid of the residual sand on my body and towel and went back to the hotel.

My room was ready. I arranged my stuff in the closet and drawers, took a shower and walked slowly to get lunch.

In the afternoon I went for 'tea and biscuit on the veranda'. This was semi-formal gathering for an afternoon tea (if you were English you might consider adding milk to it) with several types of biscotti. Was it intended to give hotel guests the opportunity to show off the their fancy clothes and jewelry? A chance to mingle and bond?...

I took my black tea with lemon, added a couple of buttery cookies and went on the balcony to look at the hotel property.

I sat down appreciating the neatly cut bushes and colorful flowers.

At one point the hair on my neck stood up... I had a hunch that somebody was watching me.

I looked around.

A very skinny young woman of around 20 years old was looking in my direction. Her eyes were not visible due to her large sunglasses.

I did not recognize her, but the way she was sitting and her sunglasses suggested that... perhaps she was the same woman I saw earlier on the beach...

While her stare was in my general direction, her right hand was blindly searching for something on a small table by her side.

I stood up and approached her, "Lady, can I help you find what you are looking for?"

Her face tilted in my direction and I saw a hint of a smile, "Thank you sir. I was observing the calm sea. It happens often that the waves hypnotize me... My hand tried to find my cigarettes."

I saw a pack of Camels on the floor near her seat and picked it up, "Is this yours?"

"Thank you. Clumsy me..."

"Ma'am, I'd light one for you, but I do not smoke and I don't have a lighter or matches..."

Her smile broadened, "It's nice to see a real gentleman..."

"My name is Rodney. I arrived earlier from the USA."

"Nice to meet you Rodney. Actually, if I am not mistaken, I think I saw you earlier on, you were tanning the beach... My name is Dora."

"Dora is such a beautiful name! Your name reminds me of somebody from my youth, but for the life of me, I can't recall who she was... Eventually I will. I feel so old! My Alzheimer is taking over..."

Her laugh was cheerful and sounded to me like nice little bells, "Grandpa, thanks for the compliment about my name..."

"Dora, I am curious. People on the beach have swimsuit on or they wear very summary dresses. Why the 17 layers?... Are you hiding from a jealous husband?!..."

Her sweet laugh again... "Not really. My skin is pale and very sensitive to sun rays. I used to be jealous of people with dark skin, because they seemed to be better protected, but not anymore..."

"Dora, we hardly met, so it may be too intrusive... Most of the people in the USA have trouble with too much fat on their bones. What is YOUR secret? Are you a model or actress who has to keep a low weight at any cost? Are you using a special diet?"

"Well, I was never a great eater. Some of my relatives even tried to spy on me in order to see if I have Anorexia, Bulimia or other eating disorders... I eat only 3 times a day and not stuffing myself, in addition to inheriting the right genetics..."

"Dora, I am jealous..."

"Rodney, you already forgot that I saw you in a swimsuit few hours ago! I tried not to ogle, but a glance verified that you are all muscles without an ounce of extra fat..."

Chuckling, "A nice lady like you stared at my body?! I thought that English women are too conservative to 'assess' a man's body in public..."

"Rodney, your notion about us British is too old fashioned..."

"Dora, I apologize... I was too personal and rude... Can I make it up to you by inviting you to a dinner in a fancy restaurant, a movie or any other fun stuff that Brighton Beach has to offer?!..."

"Rodney, relax. I wasn't offended. It's just that too many foreigners stigmatize English people as extremely conservative, snobbish, lifeless, bad teeth, bad food..."

"OK Dora. You are right. I think that you are too much of a snob to be seen with me around. Isn't it the reason you didn't accept my invitation?!..."

Her cute laugh again, "I never said 'no'. I'll be happy to go to a good movie with you. Going with you to a restaurant may not be a good idea. I do not like people pushing me to eat more than what I feel is good for me..."

"Lady, I promise never to push you to eat more than what you want! Scout's honor... So a movie it is. Now, you'll have to help me. How many theaters exist around here and what movies they play? More importantly, what kind of movie you wish to see - Drama? Action? Romance? Sci-Fi?..."

"Last time I went to the movies was about 2 years ago... I am a devout loner and most evenings I watch TV. It may be a detective story, a romance, historic tale... There are 5 movie theaters in Brighton, presenting movies on a total of 20 screens. The closer one to us is Odeon, which is a 5 minute walk along the beach from here."

"Dora, why don't you look at the movies they show and choose one you like. If it plays in Odeon, I'll be happy to stroll with you to and from the place. But if you prefer another movie, I rented a car, so it shouldn't be a BIG problem..."

Dora smiled, "We in England see too often foreigners, especially Americans, drive like crazy and occasionally get into trouble, forgetting that here we drive on the left side of the road..."

I sighed, "Dora, I am trying to impress you, but you are too smart for me... I plan to go to my room and cry myself to sleep..."

"Rodney, don't do it! I barely know you, but you made a good first impression... I think that my sense of humor is not as developed as yours and I am getting tired easily too, so you'll have to be patient with me..."

I bowed, "At your service ma'am..."

Dora stood up, she looked very pale and thin... Her thick brown hair was shoulder length. Hardly any make up on. Her tits barely pushed her blouse forward (AB cups?). Her flat tummy ended with long shapely legs. She was about 5'8" tall and weighed around 120lbs.

"Rodney, I am fairly exhausted. I think I'll go to my room. It's 215. Call me tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning and we'll see about the movie. And by the way, I am used to eat breakfast around 9 o'clock. If you want to join me, it's fine, but remember - No comments about my eating habits..."

I stood up too, towering over her by about 4".

I took her hand and kissed it softly, "Au revoir in the morning...".

Dora giggled, "The sophisticated American hunk speaks French... Very good"

"Oh, you don't know me yet, my French is excellent. Here are some examples- French fries, French toast, French vanilla, French kiss..."

"Rodney, you make me laugh! I like it... Talk to you tomorrow morning. Bye-bye..."

I went to sleep thinking about Dora.

She was not my 'usual type'. I like more curvaceous women, who could better understand my sense of humor.

But, there was 'something' in her that I couldn't put my hands on... Was it her enigmatic name? Her vulnerability? I wasn't really sure...

At 8:29 am I dialed Dora's number.

After 4 rings she answered, "I was finishing in the bathroom... Are you interested in breakfast together at 9?"

"Yes, I'll be there."

I was there slightly before 9 am and found a table for 2 near a window.

Dora looked very good. Well, she was skinny and 'whitish', but her flowery sunny dress fit her well. With her dress and sandals she looked younger and... radiant! Her smile made her face look prettier!

She joined me and we ordered a traditional breakfast.

"Dora, I wanted to ask you, your use of the English language is not what I expected from an... English woman... Is it because I stigmatize British women too much?"

"No Rodney, you are correct this time. I studied renaissance art in Toronto, Canada and then spent 4 more years in Chicago, working in the Art institute..."

"So you are a cosmopolitan lady... How were you able to accomplish so much at your young age?..."

"Everybody who sees me thinks that I am around 20 - 25 years old, but I was 30 years old a month ago..."

Laughing "Geez! Dora, you are ancient..."

Blushing, "If you don't shut up right now, I am going to beat you up!..."

"OK girl, let's finish breakfast first and then we can have a pillow fight..."

Once in my room she checked the amenities and the view. "Your room is fancier than mine."

I was washing the dishes I left in the sink the day before and said, "Well, I am more handsome, so I deserve better..."

As I was about to turn to her, the first pillow hit me in the head. "Did your teachers never tell you that we British are not scared of you American bullies?..."

I admit. I wasn't ready... I looked at her and smiled, "You know what happens to children when they play with fire?..."

"Do you really think for one moment that the great-great-granddaughter of admiral Horatio Nelson is afraid of an impolite Yankee?!..."

"We are going see right now! You are in my room and show no respect for your host?!... I am shocked and dismayed!!! I'll have to punish you severely!"

Dora's face turned her devilish smile to a more serious one, "Please Rodney, not too severe I hope?..."

I faked an upset face, "We'll see... But first you need to know that you never, EVER throw a pillow at your host! You deserve severe spanking on your cute bottom, but I feel generous and your punishment may be lighter if you kiss me on my lips right now..."

"But sir, in England gentlemen never blackmail ladies. It's not nice!..."

"As an American who rented this room, this is temporarily an American territory! So what will it be?..."

She slowly advanced in my direction, whispering, "I don't like you anymore... You are cruel to weaker ladies... You are a brute!..."

"Dora, you may be right, but your unprovoked attack on me gave me the best opportunity to taste your luscious lips..."

She came closer still and stood few inches from me. She lifted her face to me, closed her eyes, her lips slightly spread and... waited for me to make my move.

I didn't want to torture this beautiful vulnerable creature. I closed the gap and kissed her gently on her lips.

It was a short, 5 seconds kiss. Her lips tasted fruity.

I hugged her body. She opened her eyes and gazed fondly at me, "For a big guy you are very gentle... I like that..."

"Woman, if you think that complimenting me will lessen your punishment, you better think again! This kiss only raised my appetite... I want to taste your tongue too!"

She smiled, stood on her toes and her face touched mine. Her lips slowly spread and her tongue met mine for the first time. Her tongue was more hesitant than mine, which penetrated her mouth and began slow dancing.

She moaned.

My hands began moving up and down over the back side of her thin frame.

She raised her hands, placing them around my neck as her body came in closer contact with mine.

Her smell and taste were intoxicating. Her small breasts gave rise to surprisingly hard nipples that poked my lower chest, causing my cock to stir.

Dora felt the new hardness against her body and slowly grinded her pelvis against it.

I looked at her beautiful big eyes, "Dora dear, are you sure you want to play this game? You must have felt already that I find you very attractive, but... are you sure?..."

"Rodney, last time I had sex was months ago. The first day, on the beach, I saw your perfect body in a swimsuit and told myself that if I had a chance, I'd do it with you..."

"You conniving lady planned to seduce me from day one? I am embarrassed, I had no idea..."

"Rodney, let's be more practical for a second. I do not know if you have STD or not, so I'd rather you use a condom... More importantly, please be careful... I am not an acrobat, so try your best not to break my bones with too much athleticism..."

My dick, that by now was more than half the way to it's full size, began knocking on my zipper, begging to be freed off it's cage.

I lifted Dora up in my hands. She was light as a feather...I lied her down and slowly undressed her.

She was focusing on my eyes as if scared that I'd find her body unattractive and reject her.

Her blouse opened in the front. I released the buttons one by one, eventually freeing the last one.

She was braless. She didn't need one...

I moved both front wings of her blouse sideways, exposing her protruding dark nipples.

There were barely there boobs, but the nipples were pointing forwards like flashlights.

I touched both nipples and she gasped, "Rodney they are very sensitive..."

"Good, because I would like to massage them, pinch them and suck on them!... Any reservations???..."

"No... but be gentle with me..."

Her hand descended on the front of my body, reaching my boner. "Rodney, I saw you in a swimsuit... How did you acquire this monster?!..."

"Well dear, it's your fault! Until I started playing with you, he was nice and docile, staying calmly in my pants. Once he smelled your sexiness, he forgot it's American manners..."

"Rodney, why don't you undress too and we can find out how to deal with your unruly organ..."

I undressed in a record time. Then I removed the blanket and both of us were naked facing each other.

I kissed Dora's lips and felt hers giving up. My tongue slipped into her hot mouth embracing hers.

Her sweet breath into my mouth set off my tongue into a frenzied exploration of her deeper throat.

She pushed my face and smiled, "Take it easy big guy... Be patient... Here, let me show you what I mean."

Dora's little hands pushed me on my back against the matrass and she knelt by my side, "Please Rodney, I want to make sure that we both enjoy before you break my body in two..."

She placed both her palms around my skyward looking rod and lightly caressed the shaft. "It's so big... and smooth... and I like it to stay obedient like that..."

She looked at my pee hole up close. A drop of precum glistened on top. She kissed the head and licked the naughty drop.

She smiled, "You taste good. Can I have another one, please?..."

"Dora dear, if you continue teasing me like that, pretty soon you'll have more than just one drop... I'd say probably a flood..."

"Rodney, your tool is beautiful, but it is unruly, so I better restrain him before it hurts me..."

"What do you mean?..."

"It means that you stay as you are and I take charge. By the way, did I ever mention to you that I like riding horses?..."

"No. Why?..."

"Because I want you to be my compliant horsy. I want your dagger to penetrate my body carefully... If I can fit it in, than the sky is the limit to what we can do with it. But you'll have to wait..." Now with a pleading voice, "OK love?..."

"Go ahead! It will give me a great opportunity to play with your sensitive flash lights..."

Dora pulled my hand to her pussy and used it to massage her clit a couple of times. the opening became wetter soon after.

She stood up, placed a condom around my dick, spread her legs and slowly descended on my weapon.

As it touched her folds, Dora's body cringed. She rose up slightly and then went down again.

This time her labia gave up and gradually began to swallow the big cock.

Her vagina walls were very moist which really helped, but her tight cunt needed extra time to accommodate the

new guest.

Her descent onto my pole lasted forever.

The only way I could hold myself was by concentrating on my hands... One was manipulating her protruding dark nipple, while the other found it's way to Dora's lower tummy, knocking on the door to her love button.

About half my organ was already absorbed by Dora's cunt.

It was tightly enveloping the massive guest, slowly giving in to his insistence.

Dora patiently caved downward further as her moans began.

She whimpered, "Rodney, you are so huge! It hurts and excites at the same time..."

And then her bottom fell down, with my cock completely inside of her.

Dora's body remained in place for few seconds and then she shook violently. She screamed, "I am... cum...ming...!"

I held her waist with both hands to stabilize her, as she tried cautiously to go up and down on my massive prick.

Damn, it was tight!

But surprisingly her pussy began stretching further and her natural lubrication did the rest.

Her body started bobbing on my organ in a more continuous fashion.

Her head was now tilted backwards and she was riding me at a gallop pace.

My body reacted by countering her movements, enhancing the friction inside her tunnel.

All this time Dora was still under the spell of a prolonged orgasm, riding her way to heaven and crying her lungs out!

I was very aroused too, but tried my best to hold back, while my left fingers probing her touchy clit and the right ones pinching cruelly her nipple.

It all took several minutes, but it felt like a lifetime!

Slowly her body began relaxing over me.

I rolled her sideway with my cock still buried in her and then I started gently shoving it in and out of her.

Her tiny hand pushed me back, "Please Rodney, I can't take it anymore... I feel that my body is about to be ripped apart! I have never ever had such a climax... My body can't take another one of these explosions... Let me rest for 15 minutes and I'll make it up to you... I PROMISE!..."


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