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Rodney's Travels: Puerto Rico Ch. 01

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It looked as if a hurricane spoiled my plans.
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It was summertime and I wanted to go to a not-too-far place with nice beaches.

Where would I go?

While thinking about potential destinations, I saw an ad promoting the attractions of Puerto Rico.

It sounded as good as any place to relax on the sea shore.

It's not too far, direct flights are possible and average temperature in mid day is in the high 80s...

I reserved flights and a good all inclusive resort for a trip to San Juan in 10 days.

Four days later I heard on the news that a thunderstorm was approaching Puerto Rico. It was supposed to reach the shores of the island within 36 hours.

The next day the thunderstorm became a hurricane.

It hit the island hard, causing floods, falling trees, structural damage to many facilities and power outages.

I called the resort 2 days before my arrival to verify that the resort was in good condition to accept guests.

"Sir, there was some damage, but we are working on it 24/7. By the time you will be here, everything should be functional and ready for you."

My direct flight from O'Hare airport to San Juan took about 4.5 hours. It left on time and arrived slightly earlier than predicted.

I observed some of the devastation on my taxi ride to the hotel: Tree trunks still spread on main roads, down electric power lines, roofless buildings, upside down cars.

It became clear that the hurricane caused a lot of damage on the island.

When we arrived to the resort, the initial impression was not very encouraging.

Many of the trees were split open or their limbs broken. Debris was all around.

Three trees fell on balconies and several rooms were closed with signs announcing that they were temporarily inhabitable.

It looked like a disaster area with few amenities that were SUPPOSEDLY fixed, including the main pool and the jacuzzi.

I entered the registration area and noticed several unhappy customers.

I waited in line with my Bose earphones in my ears, listening to pop music.

When it was my turn, I showed the young girl my reservation.

She glanced at me apologetically, "Sorry sir, but due to severe damage to the hotel, we won't be able to give you exactly what you wanted. There are 2 options. Either you want a very small single room with a couch to sleep on, or a double room that you'll have to share with another guest."

"Neither option sounds tempting... can you help me find a room in another hotel around here?"

"Unfortunately, the hurricane hit all of us and nobody was spared. Few hotels that initially had few available rooms got filled hours after the hurricane passed. You will not find any room in a 20 miles radius!"

"If I agree to share a double room with somebody else, who will be the other guy?"

"Actually it's a woman, sir... But we can create a separation with a curtain between the two of you..."

"So you are saying that there is really no other option?!..."

"I am really sorry... The hotel management hoped to fix most of the damage by now, but due to the vast destruction in the area, all the maintenance people are working nonstop in the city."

"I see that I do not have another choice... I'll take the double room then."

"Very good sir. By the way, the other guest should be here in an hour."

I went to see my room. It was on the second floor and looked nice and clean.

The staff already made the separation and I could choose which side I wanted.

The bathroom was on one side and the kitchenette with the TV on the other.

I elected to wait till the other person arrived and together we'd decide the arrangement.

I left my carry on and backpack on the carpet and rested on the bed to watch TV.

Two hours later there was a soft knock on the door.

I opened it and saw a tired older lady with a suitcase and carry on, "Hi, my name is Lorna. I assume that you are the other guest in this room."

"Yes ma'am. My name is Rodney. It seems like the two of us will have to share this room for several days."

"What can I say, my plans have changed a couple of times already in the last 2 months. With some luck, the room issue may be the least of my problems."

"Lorna, which bed do you prefer to sleep on?"

She checked both sides before answering, "I don't really care, because it's not like only one of us will use the bathroom and I am sure that both of us will want to use the kitchen and the TV..."

"Lorna you are probably tired. If you want to take a shower and then rest, we can decide everything later."

"Rodney, you are right. The long flights from the west coast killed my back. If you do not need to use the bathroom... It may take me at least half an hour to loosen my achy muscles."

"Go ahead Lorna and take your time. I am not sure if they told you, but the jacuzzi is open until 10 pm, so the jets may help your back muscles."

"Thanks, but let me refresh in our tub first."

When Lorna occupied the bathroom, I went down to check the hotel amenities.

I mean the ones that were still usable...

The restaurant place was spacious and intact. The evening menu was posted outside. I went to the pool area. The outdoor pool had no water in it and it was filled with broken tree branches and other debris. The indoor pool was smaller, but functional and the water was warm and pleasant. The jacuzzi could accommodate up to 8 people. I operated it and the 104 degrees bubbly water functioned as expected. Good!

There was also a small exercise room with too many instruments spread around. Obviously the original room suffered some damage and this was a temporary one. But certain pieces of equipment worked well, including the treadmill, an elliptical and few dumbbell weights.

I went up to the room and watched the news. Nothing important, except for another hurricane that was expected to pass north of the island next week.

Lorna came out of the bathroom wearing a long soft robe and a towel wrapped around her hair. She had no make up on. Was she in her 40s? She was about 5'5", 130lbs.

She smiled at me, "I liked our bathroom. It's large. the shower is great and the tub very comfortable."

I smiled at her, "And I went downstairs to check what else was available. The good news is that while the exercise room may not be at it's best, it's still usable. The indoor pool and the jacuzzi are OK and the restaurant operates as usual, as far as I understand it."

"It's nice to know, because going outside the resort seems like a bad idea. The devastation in the area is just depressing."

"Lorna, I haven't eaten in awhile and I plan to go in an hour. Would you like to join me?"

"Thanks for the offer, but I am too tired now. I'd like to rest for an hour. So you can go and eat earlier if you are hungry. I will probably go in an hour and a half..."

"Lorna, I brought a small Ziploc bag with a variety of nuts. I'll eat a handful now, satisfying my stomach for another half an hour, so we'll go to the restaurant together. Is it OK if I make a reservation for 7 pm?"

She looked at her watch, "Rodney, this will be perfect... If you want to watch TV, I'll sleep on the other bed."

"Good night girl and see you at 6:50."

She closed the curtain.

I called the restaurant to book a dinner for 2 at 7 and then decreased the TV volume to minimum. I watched an NBA basketball game.

During the game I didn't pay attention to the time and concentrated on the match.

Suddenly the curtain opened and... a gorgeous woman showed up!

Lorna had on a nice long gray dress with 3" high heels shoes. Her shoulder length hair framed her cute face perfectly. She had on light make up, mascara and pinkish lipstick.

Unlike before, she looked beautiful! Yes, she was older, but... attractive none the less.

I whistled appreciatively.

She blushed, "Rodney, stop it... The last time somebody did it in my presence was decades ago..."

"Lorna, you are not in your 20s, but you look great. Your face reminds me of one of my favorite Italian actresses!"

"Rodney, are you thinking about Gina Lollobrigida?..."

"Yes! How did you know?"

"Because my husband, bless his soul, noticed the similarity and nicknamed me Lollo..." I saw tears in her eyes.

"Lorna, I am sorry. I didn't know that mentioning her name would hit a nerve..."

"It's not your fault. My husband arranged our trip to Puerto Rico 6 months ago for our 30 years anniversary. But 3 months ago he suffered a fatal heart attack and died hours later. I was in shock for weeks and didn't leave the house. Then my best friend reminded me that my husband wouldn't have wanted me to stay at home and suffer. She convinced me to go on this trip. Actually, she was supposed to join me, but her old mother got sick and she had to tend to her..."

"Lorna, you endured a lot lately and the disaster in Puerto Rico is not very welcoming either. At least I'll try not to bother you too much. However, if you wish to talk or you need any help, please do not hesitate...."

She smiled through her tears, "OK gentleman. Will you take me to dinner?"

I bowed down to her, "Yes lady, I'll be honored to accompany the prettiest woman in the room for a dinner in the palace..."

Her laugh was music to my ears, "Rodney, you are funny! But I agree with you - There is no doubt that in our room I am the prettiest female! Unfortunately, I am the ugliest female too..."

"Ma'am, I see that you've decided to fight with me... It is unacceptable! If I think that you are beautiful, I do not want to hear any arguments! Remember that as a man I am always right!..."

"Rodney, you really ARE funny! That's wonderful, because these days a good laugh is what I need."

"Lorna, laughing may be helpful. I think that 2 other 'things' may be beneficial. Spending at least 10 minutes in the jacuzzi and perhaps a massage as well. Having back pains and not treating the problem may prolong your suffering."

"Rodney, we hardly know each other and you are already trying to take care of me... Do I remind you of your ailing grandmother?..."

"Lorna, my grandmother died many years ago. Actually, Lollobrigida was always one of my dream-girls. You really look so much like her..."

"Young man, are you flirting with me?!..."

I winked at her, "Lady, if I knew that I had a chance..."

She stared at me for a long moment, but did not talk.

We arrived to the restaurant. There were 3 other couples sitting.

Surprisingly the menu had a good variety of vegetarian, meaty and fish options.

The waiter arrived and clarified that this was an old menu.

The selection was much less impressive than advertised...

It included 2 options of chicken based dishes, a vegetarian plate and 2 kinds of fish -

Snapper and Tarpon.

I gazed at Lorna, "What do feel like eating now?"

"I'll have the snapper. Do you have a soup or salad?"

The waiter said, "It's not officially on the menu, but I can make a salad for you with lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. Will it be OK?"

"Yes. It will be very good."

"And I'll have the chicken Milanese with boiled potatoes."

"Good choice. It will take us about 10 minutes. Would you like a drink with your meal? We have good selection of wines, beers and sodas."

Lorna took Pinot Grigio and I ordered a local beer.

I don't know if the food was really good or we were very hungry, but everything was tasty...

During the dinner I noticed that Lorna occasionally moved from side to side on her chair. Her behavior suggested that she was struggling.

"Is the chair uncomfortable? Mine is comfortable. I can bring you another chair or I can switch with you."

"It's not the chair. My back is still hurting."

"Please, after dinner put on a swimsuit and let's go to the pool and jacuzzi."

She grinned, "You hardly know me and you already offer me to spend time with you scantily dressed..."

I chortled, "Lady, I am a dangerous predator. I like to eat my victims with their meat soft. Right now your back muscles are too stiff..."

We were back in the room several minutes later.

"Rodney, I think that I'll accept your suggestion. Let's go to the jacuzzi. I'll be ready in 10."

I waited for her 15 minutes.

She came out with the resort robe on and slippers.

I had on my Speedo, as well as short pants and a tee shirt.

In the pool area there was only an older couple in their 60s.

Lorna tied her hair with a hairband and disrobed.

Her body looked amazing for her age!

The long shapely legs continued upward with a muscular round butt, a flat tummy and a 34B+ bust.

She glanced at me, as if concerned what I thought about her body...

I Whistled quietly again and said, "Lorna, it is clear that you are a liar!"

"What do you mean?..."

"Looking at your body, I can tell that you are in your 30s! Do you pretend to be older in order to start receiving social security payments soon?..."

She laughed, "Thanks for the compliment. In 3 days I'll be 54 years old."

"I still don't believe you... But I'll let it go for now."

I removed my shirt and shorts and stayed in my Speedo.

From the corner of my eye I saw Lorna staring at my body...

Her eyes were checking me from head to toe and up again.

"Rodney, you are much younger than me and in good shape. Do you do a lot of sports?"

"Actually I am a lazy bum. I occasionally go to the gym, but not often enough. But thank you for the compliment! Does it mean that I have a chance to get a date with you?!..."

"Hey stud, why would you be interested in an oldie? I am sure that with your looks and smooth talk, you can have almost any available young chick..."

"Dear Lorna, what can I say, you are my Lollobrigida..."

"You are either half blind or too drunk!"

We entered the hot water of the jacuzzi. It felt great.

I looked at Lorna. Her body seemed more relaxed in the hot water.

"Lorna, if you catch me ogle your stunning body, please excuse me..."

"Rodney, what is wrong with you?! You know me less than 24 hours and you flirt with me like I was a 25 years old beauty that you have relationship with for years..."

"Sorry Lorna. I promise that PERHAPS I'll be able to PRETEND to be more discreet about my feelings..."

She chortled, "Grow up young man!"

I smiled, "Yes mother..."

While we were joking in the jacuzzi and Lorna's back felt OK, I knew that her back pains were likely to return with a vengeance in one hour after leaving the hot water...

Twenty minutes later we exited the hot bubbly water and went to our room.

Once we were in, Lorna blurted, "I am going to sleep. See you in the morning. Sleep tight!"

"Lorna, I might need to go to the bathroom during the night, but I'll try to be as quiet as I can. When do you want to wake up in the morning? They serve breakfast between 7 and 10 am."

"I'd like to sleep until 8 in the morning, but with the possibility of a jetlag, I have no idea when I'll wake up..."

"OK girl. Try to sleep as much as you can. It's good for you, especially for your back. Good night and let me know tomorrow if my snoring bothered you..."

"I will. Night."

During the night I went only once to the bathroom. I didn't cause much noise and didn't hit Lorna's bed.

Until I fell asleep, I heard Lorna sighing and rolling in her bed a couple of times.

It took me 15 minutes to fall asleep again.

I woke up at 7:30 am.

The sun rays penetrated through a crack in the covered window.

At 7:45 I heard Lorna whispering, "Rodney, are you awake?"

"Yes girl. How are you doing?"

"Not so good. My back is killing me. I barely slept 2 hours during the night..."

"Lorna, if it's all right with you, I'd like to freshen up, brush my teeth and shave in the bathroom. After I am done, I want you to lie down on your tummy and I'll massage your shoulders and back. I think that you'll feel better after we are done and then we'll go for breakfast. Some time later you'll come with me to the jacuzzi again."

"Rodney, I like you, but your orders give an impression of a control freak!..."

"You are absolutely right! I noticed that you are too stubborn for your own good. I think that I need to take over, before your back disables you completely. Any reservations? comments? questions?"

"No sir. You can go to the bathroom. Once you are done, I'll do the same and after that, if you insist on taking care of my back, we'll do it..."

I finished in the bathroom and then Lorna went in.

I seized the opportunity and went down to the small gift store. I bought massage oil and took it upstairs.

Lorna came out covered with the hotel robe.

I placed on her bed a couple of large towels and moved to my side of the room behind the curtain.

I told her to remove the robe's upper part and be on her abdomen.

Once she was ready with her head on a pillow and her back naked, I entered and showed her the oil I bought for her.

It wasn't warm enough, so I smeared it on my palms and waited for a moment.

Then I touched her shoulders lightly. She quivered mildly.

My hands stayed still to let her get used to them.

Subsequently I started rubbing her shoulders.

In the beginning my movements were very gentle, but gradually I increased the force I applied.

As my massage continued, her muscles relaxed and I heard her moaning quietly.

My palms moved toward her back and pretty soon I felt several knots near her scapulae.

I kneaded these areas in a constant circular mode, making sure that the increased blood supply steadily helped relieving the local stiffness.

Lorna's moans became louder and at one point she whispered, "Rodney, you have magic hands... It feels so good!"

I didn't answer.

My hands continued tweaking her back muscles, moving from the spine area toward her sides.

Her frequent moans continued and her breathing rate increased.

My palms were now massaging the sides of her chest, occasionally touching her side boobs.

The first time it happened Lorna gasped.

The second time she felt it, she lifted her upper torso up slightly.

I wasn't sure if her move was intentional or not.

I continued massaging her sides and then brushed her side boobs again.

Her sigh was quite loud and was accompanied by clenching her fists.

She lifted her chest higher, while leaning on her elbows.

Then she whispered, "Yes Rodney, please..."

My cock reacted immediately. It jolted inside my shorts, creating an unmistakable tent.

My hands caressed gently the smooth sides of her breasts.

Lorna's moans became louder and less regular.

She was now leaning on her arms and elbows with her tits fully exposed to me.

My hands trailed to the front of her breasts, lightly manipulating her rock hard nipples.

Then I heard her again, "Rodney, please..."

I bent and whispered in her ear, "Dear girl, what do you want?..."

I could barely hear her response, "Don't torture me... I want..."

Her eyes were shut and her face was tilted to one side.

I moved to the same side and released the belt that held my robe together.

My right hand continued tweaking her perky tit, while the other hand pulled the back of her head gently toward me.

Lorna's head offered no resistance and shifted in my direction.

Soon enough her lips met my exposed erection.

She kissed it and then her tongue came out and licked the shaft.

My hand started descending from her breast to her tummy and subsequently to her mound.

She lifted her lower body and was now on her knees and elbows with her face slightly lower, glued to my pole.

Lorna's lips opened and she began taking the spongy head into her pouty mouth.

My fingers found her moist cunt lips and gently stroked them.

She groaned and her lips now covered the whole head, gradually deep throating me.

I inserted 2 fingers into her wet pussy, moving them in and then out rhythmically.

My cock kept disappearing as her hungry mouth absorbed more and more of it.

Once 3/4 of my organ was inside her throat, she began bobbing me at increasing speed.


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