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Room 209 - Day 02

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Another lunch hour with Michelle and her son.
6k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/21/2017
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As I sat that morning nursing my infant I thought back on the first day of mine and Ricky's room 209 experience. It was so cute how his eyes got big as he watched me pose in my naughty negligee. I loved the way his tongue hung out as he gawked at my body, beating his young erection furiously.

What a beautiful piece of meat Ricky has between his legs, how it stood so high and proud. I was so happy that my son had a long thick dick, it would serve him well in life. I smiled as I replayed the grimace on his cute face, shooting huge ropes of hot cum high into the air while mommy gave him the handjob of his dreams.

My cellphone chimed, snapping me from my reverie.

location: ROOM 209
12 - 12:15 - MOMS ON DISPLAY
12:15 - 12:30 - NAUGHTY WHISPERS
12:30 - 12:50 - BLOWJOBS

I mix of emotions filled my mind. A handjob was one thing, but taking Ricky's dick in my mouth and sucking on it was bringing things to a whole other level. However, as taboo as it seemed, it was a level I was willing to go if it meant helping my boy. I thought about Dan my husband, how it would hurt him so much if he found out.

"He won't find out." I said out loud.

I knew room 209 was completely private, in the basement of a home behind locked doors. It was a well kept secret between moms and sons and husbands would never know.

Gail had added me to a group text called "Moms of Room 209" and I began to see other women react to the day's schedule.

LoriM: Yaaay!

Penny38: Love, love, love blowjob day!

LadyLeslie: finally I get to wear my mini micro. Hubby never lets me wear it in public.

BarbR: Me too. Can't wait to wear it for my boy.

SarahParker39: don't forget to do your "at home display" this morning ladies. Let's remind our boys what they're working for.

GloriaV69: already done here. I let my Sam take a peek between mommy's legs this morning.

LoriM: left my bedroom door open a tad...made sure Kyle got a good look at me unclasping my bra last night.

GailGirl: Woke Ryan up completely naked while hubby was in the shower.

SarahParker39: Haha daring!! I love it!

I giggled and typed a response to Gail's comment.

MichelleD: Gail, you are so bad! Haha

GailGirl: yes, welcome to the bad club Michelle lol.

A little while later while I stood in the kitchen prepared my children's lunches, my mind wandered where it shouldn't. I thought about how much I loved sucking cock and how good I had gotten at it over the years. I would often make my husband's head spin with pleasure as I pulled out all the tricks.

"Ricky's dick is so big. Could I take him to the balls?." I wondered.

My body shuddered with a wicked thrill. "Sucking on my handsome boy's big teenage cock, nursing on that shiny cock-head...yummy!" My nipples hardened and I felt my clitoris throb in a mini orgasm.

I suddenly jumped as Dan snuck up behind me and patted my ass. "Boo!" He giggled

"Oh God honey, you scared me." I said, turning towards him. I could feel a trickle of pussy juice running down my thigh.

"Sorry babe. Need help with anything?"

"No um...just about got the lunches together."

My girls rushed in and grabbed their lunches, then came Ricky. I found myself gazing at him over my husband's shoulder. My eyes drifted down his frame, pausing at the bulge under his shorts. "I wonder if he's even had a blowjob before?" I thought.

"How did the lunch tutoring go with Ricky yesterday?" Dan asked.

Dan's words went in one ear and out the other. Ricky's eyes met mine and I smiled warmly. "Was he still marveling at that wonderful handjob mommy had given him?" I wondered.

"Babe?" Hubby said, snapping me from my trace.

"What?!" I snapped, then realized I had no right to be annoyed. "I'm sorry, it's just...I was thinking about something."


"I was just wondering how the tutoring session went yesterday?" I heard dad ask.

Mom glanced my way. "I think it went well. What do you think, sweetie?"

I took a big nervous gulp. "Yeah mom, I think it helped."

"Well that's great. Whatever it takes to keep those grades up." Dad said.

Mom smiled, looking me in the eyes. "That's what I think too, whatever it takes. Besides, I rather enjoyed giving Ricky a hand yesterday." Mom said with a wink.

The girls rushed out to the car as I kissed Dan goodbye. "Thanks for dropping the kids off."

"No problem, Babe. Have a good day." Ken said, then shouted to Ricky. "Yo, let's go kid, the family bus is leaving."

Ken disappeared and Ricky rounded the corner, throwing on his backpack. Like a nervous schoolgirl, my heart fluttered. "Have a good morning, sweetheart."

"Bye, Mom."

I watched him step towards the door, biting my bottom lip. My inner voice rang out. "DISPLAY YOURSELF FOR HIM, MICHELLE!!"



I stopped in the doorway and turned towards mom. What I saw nearly made my heart stop. Mom was standing with her hands on her hips, the giant swell of her stiff-nippled tits thrust out proudly. One of her naked coppertone legs was cocked forward through the slit in her robe, slightly bent at the knee. Her bare foot was arched, accentuating the muscles in her silky tan leg. In one word: STUNNING!

A big mane of dark hair framed her pretty face as she gazed at me, watching my reaction. "...See you in Room 209.." She said.


After my morning shower and house cleaning I visited a store in the mall called "Kate's lovely lingerie and bikinis." I pushed my infant's stroller up the isle between racks of sexy bras and panties. "Can I help you with something?" Said a pretty woman in her mid-fifties.

"Yes, do you carry mini micro bikinis?" I asked.

"Absolutely dear, right back here in the corner."

I followed her back to quite the assortment of skimpy swimwear.

"I have a few different styles. The traditional micro G string bikini or the micro sling-backs." The woman said.

I giggled as I picked one off the rack. "Not much to them is there?"

She smiled. "Not at all. The thonged bottom leaves about ninty-nine point nine percent of your buttocks exposed. The front portion covers about twenty-five percent of your pubic mound."

"Wow and what about the top?" I asked.

"The fabric on a micro is designed to cover the areolas and not much else. The bikini is very revealing, especially on a big breasted woman like yourself. You must be a Room 209 mom?" The woman said.

"Yes, how did you know?" I asked with a surprised smile.

"Oh I get mothers in here all the time purchasing items to wear in room 209. It's such a wonderful program for those boys."

"I think so too."

"So, I take it mini micro bikinis are what the moms are wearing for today's session?"

I nodded, browsing through a few. "They are and I've wore some skimpy bikinis in my life, but never anything like this."

"Well it's definitely as close as a mother's going to get to being completely naked. Would you like to try one on?"

"Sure. Ricky's favorite color is why don't I try this one." I said, lifting it from the rack.

Satisfied with the way it fit I had the saleslady ring it up. "Such a wonderfully wicked thing for a see his own mother in such things." She said with a smile.

"Whatever helps my son to stay focused and keep his grades up, I'm all for it." I said.

"Well it must also be a thrill for you moms...being on the receiving end of those young hard dicks. My son always had such strong erections when he lived at home."

I giggled as I handed her my credit card. "I think boys spend most of their time with erections, don't they?"

"It certainly seems it, especially at that magic age from eighteen to twenty. My attention was less on my husband those years and more on the teenage cutie down the hallway."

"Trust me, I know what you mean." I said, almost ashamed to admit it.

The woman extended her hand. "I'm Kate, owner of the store. If there's anything else you need please let me know."

"Thanks Kate, I'm Michelle."


"Dude, ten more minutes." Ryan whispered to me as we sat in History class.

My heart thumped excitedly. Ten more minutes until room 209. I imagined what mom was doing at that moment. She was probably with all the other moms putting something naughty on.

"What do you think they're gonna do to us?" I whispered back to Ryan.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Steven thinks they're gonna wrap our dicks between their tits today. I'm hoping we get to fuck their pussies."

The thought of boning my own beautiful mom made my hardon throb almost painfully in my shorts. "Would she really go that far?" I thought.


I listened to Gail and another mother chat as we all got naked and put on our micro bikinis.

"All I know is if Ryan doesn't make the team I'm gonna be heartbroken." Gail said.

"Well, my husband is good friends with Bob, the coach, so I'm hoping that's gonna give Clay an extra boost when it comes to making the team."

I finished tying my top and turned towards the girls. "What do you think?"

Gail's eyes got as big as saucers. "Holy milk cannons girl, are your tits even covered?"

"Yes...a small part of them." I giggled.

Sarah looked my body up and down. "Wow, Michelle, the mico bikini looks amazing on you."

"Thanks. I like yours too. Is that a slingshot micro?"

"It is, in baby blue, my Clay's favorite color."

"Nice. I went with Ricky's favorite color too."

Gail adjusted her tiny top. "There's no way my tits are staying in this bikini top."

"Ha. Like the boys will care." Sarah said.

"Might make them strokes their dicks even harder." Tora said making the group of us moms giggle.

I looked myself in the mirror. Like Gail's boobs, my huge tan tits were pretty much exposed, accept for the two triangular patches which barely covered my areola. "God if my husband ever caught me in something like this he'd kill me." I said out loud.

Sarah giggled at my comment as she adjusted her own skimpy top over her large breasts. "Mine too. He would completely freak."

"These bikinis are made for the pleasure of our boys, not our husbands." Gail said.

"Well at least our teen hunks appreciate these gorgeous bodies." Tora said, posing provocatively in front of the mirror.

"Even more so now that they know the pleasure our bodies can give them." Gail said, stepping up beside me and taking sexy standing pose.

"Mmm yes, pleasuring those stiff young dicks with our hands and mouths." Sarah said.

Tora turned and gazed at her thonged ass in the mirror. "And our experienced pussies and asses, rewarding our sons for their hard work and dedication in class."

Holy fuck, Tora, that bandaid bandeau top looks amazing!" Gail said.

"I love the way the ring accentuates the cleavage." Sarah said.

"Thanks girls."

A mother's voice shouted across the room. "The bell just went off ladies!"

Gail gazed at me excitedly. "They're coming."

A rush of excitement filled the room as over thirty moms in micro bikinis did their last minute primping. I fluffed my mane of hair and rubbed my lips together, which were coated with a layer of pink lipstick. I peered down at my mile long cleavage, then over the swell of my breasts down at my pretty feet. They were propped in a pair of six inch mules, my toenails freshly painted a pale pink. "Not bad for a thirty-eight year old mom of four." I thought.


"I'll beat you there, fucker!" Ryan shouted as we raced across the ball field.

"Not today you won't!" I shouted back.

A big group of cars was parked out front of room 209, including mom's. I couldn't get inside fast enough. A line of us horny guys rushed down the stairs and into the main room. R & B music was already playing and we formed a big circle, just like we had the day before.

"You gonna strip this time, or be another shy pussy like yesterday?" Ryan joked as he shed his shorts and shirt.

"Your just jealous that I have a bigger dick." I said, making Ryan laugh.


I stood in a line of excited moms anxiously dancing on my spiked heels. Gail smiled and squeezed my hand. "Did you bring a hair tie?"

I stuck out my arm and showed her the one around my wrist. "Of course. I have given a blowjob before you know."

"Oh I know, trust me. I remember all those guys you sucked off in college." Gail joked.

"I wasn't the only one, miss cock gobbler." I said, making us both giggle."That reminds me, I noticed on the schedule they had fifteen minutes of naughty whispers. What's that all about?"

"Mmm, you're gonna fucking love giving naughty whispers! After we get the boys all excited we get to lay on top of them and talk dirty. Believe me, when it comes time for us to give them head, they'll be good and ready."

"The boys are all here and the upstairs doors are locked." A mother shouted.

Gail and I filtered in behind a parade of bikini clad moms. I could literally hear boys gasp as they were met by the site of their mothers nearly naked bodies. It didn't take Gail and I long to find our boys.


"Oh fuck dude, look at those bikinis!!" Ryan shouted as he stroked his cock.

My jaw must have hit the floor as I caught site of mom. "Oh wow!!" I muttered out loud.

For a short second I thought mom was completely naked, then I noticed the small patches of fabric capping her big tits. She smiled at me, watching my reaction as she approached. Everything about her was alluring, the way her hips rocked, the way her silky tan legs moved smoothly. Her sexy little feet were propped so high on her heels she looked like she was walking gingerly on the tips of her toes.

Precum lubricated my strokes as my fist whipped up and down the length of my brick-hard erection. Mom's attention was drawn there and for a long moment she watched me beat my meat.

"Look at all that fucking tit-flesh." Ryan muttered.

I wanted to look over and see what Ryan's mom was wearing, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from mom. I never dreamed that I'd see her in anything like this. Her heavy tits trembled as she moved, straining against the thin strings that held the tiny fabric in place. A similar patch of cloth fit snuggly against her pussy mound and was so revealing that it was obvious that mom had shaved her cunt.

"Shit dude, look at those heels. Look at the way their sexy feet are propped up like that!" Ryan said snapping me from my trance. He was gazing over at my mom with his tongue hanging out, jacking his cock hard and fast.


"Let's pose for these boys!" Gail shouted and her and I turned and leaned against each other as we took a sexy side pose.

I looked at Ricky and curled my leg up a bit, giving him a nice long look at my curvy body in side profile. I could see his eyes traveling the slope of my fully exposed side-boob, then down my naked legs. He gawked a moment, then brought his gaze to my eyes, which I returned with a wink.

Michelle and I spun around lasciviously, displaying our thonged backsides.

"Oh Goddamn!!" Michelle's son Ryan reacted as he caught site of his mother's thonged buttocks.

I peeked back over my shoulder. My poor baby looked like he might faint as he stared at my exposed mommy-ass. The tiny string of my throng was tucked down between my fleshy half-moons, leaving a practically naked buttocks. I wagged it teasingly and giggled as I watched his eyes get even bigger.


"Can you believe those fucking asses dude?" Ryan said.

"I know, right. Look at the way the string just disappears." I answered, my eyes glued to the globes of Mom's ass.. They looked so smooth, tan and meaty. I knew that Mom must have the most amazing ass on the planet.

Moms all around the room rocked their hips, swinging their asses to the music.

"Fuck, look at that. Look at the way the cheeks of their asses are jiggling like that!" Ryan shouted, stroking frantically.

My tongue must have hung to the floor as I watched the twin globes of mom's buns gyrate. It was mesmerizing!

Both our moms turned and strode towards us, giving a naughty look and swinging their lush hips to the music. Mom spun around me and appeared at my side with her hand lightly resting on my shoulder. She stood there and looked down at me beating my meat. I shivered at how close she was, my eyes traveling down and got lost in her massive canyon of cleavage.

I don't know how long I was drooling, but when I looked up from her tits Mom was gazing at me. She gave me the naughtiest smile I had ever seen. "Does my boy like big boobs?" She asked teasingly.

"Uh huh." I smiled.

"Well, as you can see, Mom's got 'em." She said, shaking her chest and making her guns rock from side to side.

"Oooohh!" I sighed excitedly, whipping my first up and down my cock as I watched her boobs swing.

Mom looked down at my dick as it slipped through my fist. I stuck my loins out, making my long hard peter stick out even further.

"And it looks like I'm not the only one who's well endowed." She said, staring me in the eyes as she slipped away from me.


"Wooo-hoooo!" Gail howled as her and I danced for our boys. The heavy beat of the music took control of me as I lifted my arms in the air and thrust my chest over and over, making my nearly naked tits bounce lewdly. While doing this I gazed at sweet Ricky, so lean and handsome.

While he watched my boobies jump, I watched him pull on his pecker. I stared at the fleshy helmet as it slipped through his circled fist, I could see the precum drooling from it's piss-slit. His long shaft looked so hard and unyielding and his hairless balls swung between his legs. I was in awe of his youthful vigor. His six-pack abs glistened beautifully with perspiration.

My tits were bouncing around so much I was surprised my little bikini top actually stayed on. I smiled at my Ricky while I bobbled my boobies for him. He smiled back and I looked down to watch him beat his meat. We were both showing off.

All around the room mothers danced for their sons. Fuck Girls Gone Wild...we were Moms Gone wild and loving every second of it.

"Time for those naughty whispers, ladies!" One mother announced.


"Come on dude, you're gonna love this." Ryan said, stepping back and sitting on a leather reclining sofa bench. I followed his lead, sitting and reclining back comfortably.

Our moms stepped up like prowling cougars and crawled onto the bench with us. "Mmm naughty snuggle time." Ryan's mom said sexily as she crawled on top of him.

Mom's big tits hung down heavily as she crawled on all fours over the top of me. She straddled my midsection and I felt the heat of her genitals hug the underside of my rigid pecker. She brought her chest down onto mine and I sighed as I felt the heavenly softness of her tits pancake against me. "Mm, this feels good, doesn't it?" She asked with a smile, her excited face hovering over mine.

"Heck yeah."

The lights dimmed even more and the music took on a slow romantic beat. I looked over at the circle of other boys. Like mine, their bikini clad moms were all laying on top of them, tits squashed against their chests as they whispered into their ears.

Mom bought her head to my shoulder and I felt her hot breath at my ear. Her sweet perfume smelt amazing. "You're pretty good at beating that meat, sweetheart." She whispered.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"I bet you think about all sorts of naughty things while you jerk that hardon, don't you?"

"Uh huh."

Mom's voice was so sweet and seductive. "I bet you picture all those sexy young girls across the street and imagine that you're sucking on their titties and squeezing your hard cock deep into their hot slippery pussies." Mom whispered as she burrowed my pecker into her cunt slot.


My boy's body shivered at my words. It felt so wicked to being laying on him this way, to be whispering things he probably never imagined that he'd hear me say. It was quite the thrill.


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