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Roommate Rules Ch. 05

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The party was over. My walk of shame was dead ahead.
2.9k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/22/2021
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I would call the party that I threw for my roommate Jacob a success. All of the guests seemed to have fun and a few of them even managed to have sex. The house was still standing and nothing was broken.

I achieved my goal of hosting the party as Terry and attending later in the night as Terri. It was weak, but I managed to dress and walk all the way across the house in lingerie and a mini skirt. Hey, I said it was weak. But at least I put myself out there.

I wasn't expecting what happened behind the closed doors in Jacob's Bedroom to happen, but it did. I still hold onto my virginity, but there was a hard cock pressed up against my prize. Pressed up tight, but that's all. Yes, it was my favorite little humper, Billy. I requested a load dump directly on my butthole with full force and he fulfilled my request. He made a last second attempt to gain entry into my Exit Only zone, but I twisted away from that.

My problem now is that I'm standing in Jacob's Bedroom looking in the mirror at a hot mess. My wig is strung to there and my panties are missing. All I have is my mini skirt and a long walk of shame. Jacob has already fallen to sleep, so he's no help and I'm not wrapping a hoodie around these fine stockings.

I sent Billy out to make a house run to figure who is left and how many. Most of the guests should be gone and by now I'm hoping that any leftovers are passed out. I just need confirmation from Billy. I was going to text him when he entered the room.

"Billy, where have you been? Is it safe for me to walk to my room? And did you take my panties?"

"It looks safe. There are a few people out there, but they have their eyes closed. I think you can fly right by them."

"And my panties?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Fine. I'm going to straighten up and get out of here."

"Listen, my Sister Lynn is coming to pick me up and give me a ride home."

"As long as you get home safely."

"Did Jacob tell you that we're playing Forever War on Tuesday? Larry will be here."

"Against those guys from Canada? Don't they kick your ass most of the time? Is that Jacob got a new headset, so he can hear the sound of defeat better."

"Yeah, but that also why we're bringing Larry into the mix. His skills should help us even up the score."

"That sounds like a good move, but can we talk about this tomorrow or something? As you can see, I have a mess to straighten up here and I dying to get back to the safety of my Bedroom. You guys can blast all the avatars you want, but I have more pressing issues right now."

"Alright, but those Canadians tease me all the time and I may have told the them that I have a girlfriend for some credibility. It could be embarrassing if one of them bring my girlfriend up during the game. Jacob would be cool, but Larry may raise an eyebrow."

"Embarrassing for who? For you? Why are you looking at me like that? Forget it Billy, you have enough pretend girlfriends in your life. You guys have a serious problem here. Get over all this pretend stuff and find some flesh and bones. Geez."

"Well, we talk to these guys during the game and have video feeds in the corner of the TV. All you have to do is appear in front of the camera for a minute."

"This is ridiculous. I want you to make me a list with 3 or 4 girls that you would like to date and give it me by tomorrow. I promise you that I will have you a real girl in the Nerd Cave that you can show off on camera Tuesday night."

"Fine. But know this, I am going to wreck these panties that I have in my pocket and wreck them good."

"Have a good time. Now go, your Sister might be out there. I need a long hot shower."

I felt bad for crushing his dreams for a minute. I figured I might as well throw him a bone. Guys love it when you talk dirty to them.

"Hey Billy. I just wanted remind you that I need a long shower to wash off all of the messy and sticky cum that you sprayed on my backside. You remember covering me with your hot seed a few minutes ago, right lover? It was hot. I'm almost sorry that I twisted away from you when you tried to put the head of your dick in my tight little hole. Yes Billy, I could feel the head of your cock touching the opening to my vault. The truth be told, I wish your big purple head would have found its way home. You were almost my own personal butt plug for a second. Now go stud. I have to fix all of this mess. I expect your female prospect list by tomorrow."

"Great, more teasing."

"You'll get a side eye from your Sister if she notices your boner. As your little bitch, I suggest you hide that from her."

There is no way I'm going to agree to that "be his bitch" thing, but a little teasing won't hurt. Billy is a bit of a dweeb, but he is my only willing partner for my poor excuse of sex. He frowned and then smiled and left the room.

As for me, there is little I can do in here except put my mini skirt on and go. I ran my fingers through my wig, fixed my stockings and opened the door.

As soon as I started walking down the back hallway it was very obvious that my backside was sticky as hell. That boy unloaded on me good. Hot shower, here I come.

I made it down Jacob's hallway and peeked into the Nerd Cave. Frank and Kevin were in there and appeared to be asleep. I softly stepped in front of them and twirled. I gave them about 30 seconds to open their and catch me trying to get caught. No thrill here, time to move on.

I passed through the open area that separates the Kitchen area from the Living Room. I had my head low with one eye on the couch. There were two warm bodies that appeared to be dead to the world on the couch. I didn't see the point of trying to get caught by two passed out guys again. Next.

I took a look into the Dining Room and Kitchen. They were empty and I almost felt sad that there was no one there to catch me. I darted into the Kitchen to snatch a plate of wings and some napkins. I took my time just in case someone happened to open one of their eyes. What does it take to get caught dressed and called out around here anyway?

Then I heard it, I heard Lynn's voice. Billy's Sister Lynn. Lynn caught me in Billy's bed the first time I let him hump me. I dropped the plate and dropped my head as low as possible and scooted for the safety of my hallway. I almost made when I heard her voice again.

"I recognize those skinny legs. Billy, is that the cheap hooker I caught you with last Wednesday? Does Terry know you brought a slut hooker to his party? Hey you, yeah you hooker, I see you sneaking around. Where are you going? You got another client down there?"

I started walking very fast and ducked into my hallway and braced the wall. Billy and Lynn should have been gone 5 minutes ago. I could still hear her talking.

"Where is she? Hey, I can see that you left my Brother with a boner you cheap slut. Are you that bad at your job? You couldn't finish the job hooker?"

I hoped and prayed that Billy wouldn't open his mouth and say something say stupid. Just get her out of here Twinkle Toes.

"Let's go Billy. Wait until I tell Terry that you hired a tramp to attend his party. And Jacob too, I'm telling Jacob. You're going to need all new friends by the time I'm done with this."

Keep your mouth shut Billy, keep it shut.

"Hey hooker, can you hear me? Where did you get that mini skirt? I like it but I need a size or two bigger. Can you hear me tramp? Billy, where did she go?"

"Lynn, leave it alone and let's go home."

"I'll leave it alone if you find out where I can get a skirt like that. I'm sure you'll see your little slut again."

I exhaled when I heard the door close. I stayed leaning against the hallway wall for a few seconds and caught my breath. I'm almost there Mr. Shower, just hang in there. But first I'm going back for that plate of wings and one more walk around the house. It seems my brain is daring me to get caught.

As I was eating my chicken wings, I thought about screaming out that there a was hooker sitting at the Breakfast Bar and everyone should come and check it out. My attention was diverted when I heard a few moans and groans coming from the Living Room. Someone was stirring awake.

I walked around the couch and seen that it was Carl. I didn't know the other person, but he was totally passed out on the other end of the couch. I stood in front of Carl and pulled my mini skirt up and down. It was a worthless peep show, but it was a peep show. Then he mumbled again and open his eyes.

"Is the party over?"

"It is, but Jacob doesn't want to you drive in this condition. Why don't you stay here on the couch and sleep it off?"

"Is Jeremy OK?"

"Is that your buddy? He's out of it, but he's fine. Now, close your eyes and sleep. You'll feel better in the morning."

"Is that your sleepwear or are you a hooker?"

People have to stop calling me a hooker! But at least Carl is looking at me even though his vision is probably quite blurred.

"Lay back and close your eyes Carl. You're such a bad boy for calling me a hooker. How many soda pops and beers did you have tonight? Here, let me you help lay back."

I quickly found out that moving a drunk person is difficult. It's a lot of dead weight and limbs are hanging everywhere. I had to kneel down next to him to get some leverage. It took a minute but I managed to lift and throw his legs up on the couch. When I looked back up at his face my eyes had to pass right pass his crotch. Is that drunk wood or something else? Maybe he's dreaming about his favorite hooker or something.

I looked at his friend Jeremy to make sure he was still out and then back at Carl. I was thinking about taking a seat on Carl's lap. I could finish eating my wings right there, sitting on his lap. But then I thought better of it and figured it was time to leave this situation alone. Especially since my panties are in Billy's pocket or wrapped around his dick by now. I mean, it's been 15 minutes. I must have been standing there longer than I thought. Before I could end my thoughts of leaving this situation Carl reached up and started to play drunk grab ass. I figured that I must stop this and moved one half step away. I wasn't moving away from his hands, but I had a secret to protect. I stepped just out of reach of him being able to stumble across my secret, but so far away that my cheeks were there for the taking.

"Carl, what would your girlfriend say if she caught you squeezing my ass like this?"

"You're my girlfriend. What's your name? Were you at the party tonight?"

I don't care who or what you are, everyone likes to have their ass played with from time to time. But drunk people who are right-handed shouldn't try to use their left hands. If you're going to play drunk grab ass, it should be played properly.

"Carl, you need to go back to sleep and stop squeezing my ass."

I looked the situation over. I was trying to find a way that allow the groping to continue with better results. I ruled out bending over and I ruled out straddling his waist because of my secret, I couldn't take a chance of revealing something he wasn't ready for. I couldn't come up with a safe solution and thought I had better move on. Carl had another idea. He grabbed my right arm and pulled me down onto to him. He probably thought he was pulling me down onto his lap. The beer interfered with his aim and I landed on his upper torso.

With my butt flat on his chest, the ass grabbing game was over. I braced myself for a push off by placing one hand on his upper chest and the other squarely on his cock. I swear it was by accident. I took a few moments to make sure that my hands were in a secure position for a push off when I looked down at my mini skirt. All this naughty activity has my rod growing and poking out from under my skirt. It is time to go. I took another moment to verify that my hands were securely in place before I pushed up and off of him. I hope I didn't hurt him when I used right hand for extra balance.

"See, I told you that you are my girlfriend. I'll take it out and you can suck me off baby."

Oh shit, he was pushing his zipper down and trying to pull his dick out. It was to my advantage that he was drunk and struggled to get it out. I had to think. What do I do now? Oh my, look at that.

I closed my eyes and repeated over and over in my head that I'm a happy cross dresser and nothing else, well except for that thing that Billy does to me. I also reminded myself that if I touch it, I have entirely different title. I forced myself to stop looking at him. One more peek and then I had to go back to thinking of an exit strategy. SOB, look at that nice and plump head. Damn.

Now what? if I do nothing, he is going to wake up with his dick hanging out. I was worried about who might find him in that situation. If he wakes up first, he can fix himself and it's no foul. But what if his buddy Jeremy wakes up first and looks at him? I should have never walked into the Living Room.

I had 4 choices. Kneel down and put that luscious purple head in my mouth and suck it like a big round lollipop. Nope, that would cross a mouth virgin line. I could kneel down and jack that fat stick and maybe aim it at my mouth. Nope, Billy deserves to be my first, if anyone is going to get a hand job from me. Sit on it and give both of us a ride. I don't ever see me doing that. It seems that my last choice is to get a blanket and cover him up. Sigh.

I grabbed a blanket from the closet and went back to Carl. He was fast asleep. Before I covered him, I took a moment to peek at his memorizing cock head one last time. I made a mental note to put one those between my lips before too long.

I returned to the Breakfast Bar and finished my wings. After I finished the wings, I could only think of three things. Chicken Wings mean time at the gym, my hot shower and that hot cock head right over there. My friend Brie has a thing for limp dicks and I may have just developed a thing for big round and well pronounced heads. I mean, it was so pink and it was staring me down.

I had enough for tonight and I can hear the shower calling my name and inviting me in with its comfort and warmth.

I locked my Bedroom door and patted myself on the back. It was an eventful evening. Now it's time to strip out of this lingerie and wash this evening away. I was almost in the shower when I heard my phone buzz. It was a text from Brie.

"For a small fee I will un-decorate your house tomorrow."

"What time? I'm sleeping in."

"1 pm? I work at 6 pm."

"Perfect. See you then."

I stayed in the shower until the hot water started to turn cold. That was a good shower. I put on a pair of my softest panties and a T shirt and crawled into bed. Sweet purple head dreams to me.

End Roommate Rules 05

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
One small note...

You use memorizing a lot when you should be using mesmerizing.

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