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Rose's Dolly Pt. 07


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"Please leave me alone," Emily said in a small, firm voice.

"Aw, come on baby, I've been looking for new music."

All right, Ashley thought, time to step in. As she marched across the room toward Dylan, looking at him bent over, she couldn't help thinking about what Sabrina had just said. His ass was shapely, huh, round and muscular looking. And getting pegged would be a fitting punishment, given what the fucker did...

Dylan could tell he wasn't getting anywhere with this girl on the couch, so he stood up, scanning the room for another target. Ooh, a tall, shapely girl with long pretty blonde hair was approaching him. He wheeled his body around and had already said the words, "Hey gorgeous," when he recognized, goddammit, it was Ashley.

She grabbed him by a fistful of his hair and dragged him toward the door, him saying, "Ow, ow, ow," the whole time. She opened the door and tossed him out onto the grass outside. He landed on his ass.

"Stay out of my fucking sorority, Dylan," Ashley demanded from the doorway.

Dylan sat there on the grass, rubbing his head. "Think you yanked some hair out."

"Yeah? Next time I see you here, I'm putting a foot up your ass. Get lost."

"Whatever," he shook his head as he was standing up.

Ashley watched him as he trudged away. She should talk to Kim about him, she knew. Tomorrow, if possible.

Kim felt stupid about it, but when Ashley asked her to grab a coffee with her so that they could talk alone, Kim's heart kind of lept to the hope that it was a date. They met at the tiny little coffee shop uptown in the mid-morning between two of Kim's classes. The barista working there, a tall red haired girl, gave Kim an odd look when she handed Kim her coffee.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" the barista asked.

"Don't think so," Kim said with a shrug.

The barista squinted at her for a moment. "I really think... never mind." Was Kim imagining it, or did the barista glance at her breasts for a solid half second?

Whatever. She sat down at the little round table against the wall, across from Ashley. "So," Kim said, "why did you want to see me here?" She was going for a playful tone, kind of conspiratorial, a bit flirtatious but deniable. But she felt like she mostly sounded airy and weird.

"I need to talk to you," Ashley said seriously, "about Dylan."

"Oh," Kim waved a hand, "I'm done with him."

"Mmm, you said that before," Ashley had a raised eyebrow, very slight smirk. "But I just saw him pestering you in the house the other day. I need to put you off him forever. Look," her smirk was gone now, she looked down, seemed to be gathering her thoughts, seemed sad, "two years ago he hooked up with my friend, Lily, after a party. He had her lay down on the bed and," she paused, "without asking her," another pause, "he just rammed his dick up her ass, no warning, no preparation. Just," voice shaking a little, somewhere between deep sadness and rage, "made her take it."

"Oh my God," Kim said softly.

Ashley nodded. "She, uhhh, she's doing better now, I still talk to her, she's getting herself together to start school again next year. But... you know. I just wanted you to know."

Kim sighed. "Wow. I knew Dylan was a jerk, but I didn't expect that."

"Did you say Dylan?" That was the barista. "Skinny blond guy? I thought I recognized you..."

"What do you mean?" asked Kim, perplexed.

"He, uhhh," the barista looked to the side, seeming to be weighing how she should finish the sentence. "He sent me a picture of you topless. Heh. You were giving the camera the finger."

"GodDAMMIT!" Kim was a bit surprised by herself, sufficiently caffeinated at this point that she literally punched the table in anger, the fury hit her brain like a tidal wave. "He knew, he fucking KNEW, that my whole reason for not wanting to send him anything explicit was that I'd had someone share my pictures around before, and he called me unreasonable for being worried about that, and he FUCKING shared it anyway. Little piece of shit..."

"Sorry," the barista said, shame-faced. "I didn't save it or anything, blocked him like a minute later. Thought it was really shitty."

"Well, thanks," she spat, "I... that's good I guess, but, like, who the fuck are you exactly that my boyfriend thought you deserved to see my tits?"

"Well..." the barista breathed in deeply, "How to explain? He wanted me to get him some dirt on... someone he's in conflict with. Trust me," she added, seeing Kim raise an eyebrow, "that person has it coming. But so he wanted to give me an incentive to do that, like, I'll show you my girlfriend's tits if you help. I was about to tell him he didn't have to do that, but he sent them anyway." She shrugged. "He's a little jerk, I know."

"Okay... why did he think you wanted to see my tits though?" Kim asked, very slightly calmer.

"Well, he knew I liked girls," the barista said with another shrug. "And he knew how hot you were. Obviously." Kim looked down, she thought she might be blushing. "Sorry," the barista added, "like I said I didn't save the picture. Blocked him."

Ashley was looking over at the barista with an amused half-smirk. "Anyway," she said to Kim, "I trust you're gonna stay away from that boy now, yeah?"

Kim nodded. "No yeah, I want nothing to fucking do with him anymore."

"Alright, good." Ashley stood up and tossed her cup in the trash. "Walk back to campus with me?"

"Uhhh," Kim glanced furtively at the barista, "I was thinking I'd get another coffee first."

"Another coffee, huh?" Ashley had that half-smirk again. She looked between Kim and the barista. God, Kim wanted to know what she was thinking. "Alright, see you round Kim," Ashley said, and she was gone.

Once the door closed behind Ashley Kim shuffled shyly toward the counter. She peered at the barista's nametag. "Skye". Pretty name, she thought. "So, uhh, Skye," she started saying.


"Did you, uh... like the picture of me?"

Skye looked to the side. "I mean I didn't spend much time looking, seemed wrong."

"Well," deep breath, Kim's hands were trembling, her heart was beating fast, but thankfully her voice came out sounding even, "would you wanna see them again?"

Ooh, the change that came over Skye was a delight to watch. At once the bashfulness melted away, cool confidence took over, grin on her face, naked desire burning in the eyes that were now locked onto Kim. "Was that an offer?"

Kim nodded, nervously, aching with anticipation.

"Alright. Three things you should know about me, okay? First," Skye paused for a moment, "I have a girlfriend. It's an open relationship, but if you're looking for someone to be your number one, I already have one of those."

Kim nodded. "That's fine, I... I'm just exploring right now."

"Second, I'm a dickgirl," Skye said. Kim felt herself flinch to hear that; Skye clearly noticed, seemed to be scanning her for evidence of how she felt about it. Kim didn't actually know how she herself felt. "Is that okay with you?" Skye asked eventually.

"Yeah..." Kim said, in an uneven tone. "This would be my first time with a girl. I, you know... I'm used to dick." A pause, then, "I like dick." Skye grinned at that. "What's the third thing then?"

"Oh, the third thing is that I get off at 5," Skye said. "Be here."

Kim spent the rest of the afternoon Skye, fantasizing about Skye, imagining her turning that penetrating stare, that nice deep husky voice... imagining her cock, how it would feel. She ran out of patience for sitting around waiting at 4:30, and by 4:45 she was sitting in the coffee shop at one of the tables, just waiting. Skye was busy, there was a steady stream of customers, so there was little chance of conversation with her, so Kim just sat at her table watching her work. At long last 5:00 came around; Skye went into the back, came out without her apron, and gave Kim a nod. Kim got to her feet and began walking behind her. Without saying a word, Skye led her out the door and up the block a little bit to a narrow alley between two shops where, once they were out of sight of the road, Skye pushed Kim up against the wall and planted a kiss on her lips.

It was funny, Kim had heard about feeling the fireworks when you kissed someone, but she'd always assumed it was a metaphor, a hyperbole. But the second Skye's lips touched hers, she felt some strange wildfire burn across her brain. I'm really actually into girls, she thought. She'd never been particularly into tongue kissing, always tolerated for her boyfriends' sakes, but now she found herself opening her mouth slightly to prod Skye's lips with her tongue. Skye's tongue eagerly rushed out to meet hers, play with hers.

Skye pulled her mouth away to look deep into Kim's eyes. "I've been thinking about you, you know that?"

Kim let out a shuddering exhalation. "I've been thinking about you too."

"Hmmm," a kiss on the cheek. "I'm tempted to start fucking you on the ground right here," she murmured right into Kim's ear.

"Uhhhmm, I don't want that," Kim said nervously.

"Oh I know," Skye smirked. "Just tempted is all."

Another kiss on the lips, and another, and then for some reason Kim felt compelled to ask, "So, you're sure your girlfriend is okay with this?"

"Yeah, yeah... yeah," Skye said, sounding less certain each time. "I mean, we fuck boys together all the time, she's fine if I play around with my roommates... don't see why she'd have a problem."

"Is she a dickgirl too?" Kim asked.

"Nah, she's like you," said Skye, giving Kim's face an affectionate stroke.

"Hmmm, are you concerned because you haven't played with another..." Kim paused. "Pussygirl? I don't know what else to call it," she giggled nervously. "But would this be the first time you did something with a girl like her since you've been dating?"

Skye seemed to be thinking. "Yeah, pretty much." She shrugged, and her eyes locked back onto Kim. "I'm not concerned though," she said, and it was almost convincing. She moved back in for another kiss.

"What if," Kim put a hand on Skye's face, gently pushing on it to stop her lips from touching hers, "you gave her a call? Just to be safe."

Skye seemed conflicted, visibly frustrated but Kim could tell she was thinking about it.

"And hey," Kim added, "maybe she'd like to participate." She started moving her hand down from Skye's face, running it down the front of her body. "Mmm, I would like to play with someone else who has a pussy." Her hand reached Skye's crotch; she slid it in between Skye's legs. She could just about feel Skye's cock, tucked under and semi-hard. God it felt thick. Skye inhaled sharply when she touched it. "Of course I want to play with this too," she added.

"Hahh! Uhh, yeah, I'll give her a call," Skye said shakily. She pulled her phone out of her pocket. As it was ringing, she said to Kim with a smirk, "God you're girl hungry, huh?"

Kim shrugged. "Been waiting my whole life for this."

Skye put the phone to her ear. "Hey, Laina, would you be willing to play around together with another girl? I- Okay, yeah. Uh huh. I was... Right. I mean, the only reason I do anything with boys anymore is for you, so... Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah, I can ask her." She lowered the phone and asked Kim, "Would you be willing to call Laina, like, 'Sir' and stuff while we're fooling around?"

"Interesting," Kim nodded thoughtfully, "Yeah I'd be willing to do that."

"Perfect," Skye said with a big grin, then into the phone, "She says 'Yes.' Alright, yeah," Skye turned her gaze back on Kim, this wonderful wicked fire burning in her eyes, "meet us at the house." She put her phone back in her pocket and took Kim's hand. "Let's go."

Skye led Kim to a house on the corner of 4th and Poplar. As they walked up the stairs to the porch, Kim noticed the sign next to the door. "'Sodom House', huh?"

"My roommate's idea," Skye rolled her eyes. "Are you, uh... are you into anal stuff at all?"

Kim scrunched her face up. "I don't think so."

"Mm." Skye nodded, seeming thoughtful. "That's fine."

She led Kim into the house up the stairs to the second floor, then into a bedroom with a queen bed. She closed the bedroom door behind them and pushed Kim's body up against the wall, pressing her body tight against Kim's and giving her another deep kiss on the lips. Her hands moved to grope Kim's tits.

"Hmmm you said I could see them right?" Skye murmured.

"Yes, yes," Kim said, nodding.

"Well let's see." Skye pulled herself away. "I'll show you mine too. Are you ready to see... you know..." she grabbed at her crotch.

Kim nodded, not saying anything. She had peeled her top off and was unfastening her bra. Soon her breasts were free, and she moved to undo her belt. When she stood up from sliding her jeans off, Skye was standing before her, bare naked, a big, thick hard cock standing between her legs. God, she was hot, a strong, wiry body, nice curvy hips, perky round little breasts. Skye smiled when she noticed Kim staring. "Like what you see?"

"Yes," breathed Kim.

"Hmmmm, so do I." Skye quickly closed the distance between them, pressing her hard cock into Kim's belly, her hands reaching out to cup Kim's breasts. Her fingers moved to gently rub Kim's nipples, milking a shuddering exhalation from her lips. Skye ground her cock into Kim's flesh very slightly, and nibbled her lip as her eyes burned into Kim, watching Kim tremble with an appreciative horny expression.xpression.

"Feel good?" Skye asked.

"Uh huh," Kim managed to squeak.

"Hmm, you like my cock?" Skye murmured.

"Uh huh." It was throbbing against her, a little spot of wetness from where it had let out some precum.

"Hmmm, that's good. Cause my cock really likes you." Skye released Kim's nipples, and slid her hands down Kim's arms to grab her hands and place them on her own breasts. Kim gave Skye's breasts a squeeze.

"Ah!" Skye grinned. "Hey, you're groping another girl's tits. How's that make you feel?"

Kim said nothing, just wordlessly crouched down in front of Skye's chest and took her nipple into her mouth, sucking on it gently.

"Hah!" Skye gasped at that, which made Kim feel good. She pulled her mouth away and looked up at Skye adoringly.

"I've always wanted to do that," Kim said with a grin.

"Heh, nice." Skye bit at her bottom lip, looking down at Kim with this exhilarating fire in her eyes. She put a hand on the back of Kim's head. "Get on the bed. Lay on your back, legs spread apart."

Kim scrambled to get on the bed and assume the position. Soon, Skye was up on the bed, kneeling, looking down at her.

"Are you gonna fuck me now?" Kim said softly.

"Hmmm soon enough," Skye murmured. "But first," she lay down on her belly so that her face was close to Kim's crotch, "I wanna open it up a little. Prepare it for the pummeling I'm about to give it. Sound good?" She stuck her tongue out. God, her tongue was just an inch away from Kim's pussy now. Kim nodded, and a second later she felt Skye give her a long lick, from the bottom of her pussy up to her clit, before tonguing gently back and forth on the clit.

Ecstasy. Already, Kim's body was squirming from pleasure, her hands clutching desperately at the bedsheets, her breathing uneven, struggling to come to a steady rhythm. Skye, who's eyes were burning with this proud horny delight at the effect she was having on Kim. Her strong hands grabbed at Kim's hips and yanked Kim's body slightly closer to her. She clamped her lips around the clit now, and sucked, her tongue running back and forth on the tip of the clit, her chin rubbing against Kim's labia.

Kim was moaning now, back arched, thighs clamped around Skye's head. No thoughts. In a few short minutes Skye had obliterated all thought, reduced her to a quivering beast, a slave to the pleasure.

Kim let out a grunt of surprise and disappointment when Skye pulled her mouth off her pussy. "Feel good, huh?"

Kim nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, I can tell. Heh," she rubbed Kim's thigh, "feels like you're trying to crush my skull with your thighs."

"Oh... sorry..." Kim muttered, still dazed.

"Nah, please, keep trying to crush my skull, that'd be hot," Skye grinned up at her.

"Wh... what?"

"Nothin'. I mean, you know, not literally, just," Skye sucked in a breath. "You're really hot."

Just then the door opened. A short, curvy girl with buzzed hair walked into the room. She seemed startled and a bit annoyed to see Skye and Kim already naked together. "Hi..."

"Oh, hey Laina," Skye turned her head to look at her. "Get your clothes off and sit on Kim's face. You'd like that, right Kim?"

"Yesss," Kim said eagerly. She watched Laina looking at her. There was definitely jealousy in her eyes.

"You should sit on her face so your ass is facing me," Skye added, "so I can look at it."

That seemed to appease her somewhat. "Alright," she said with a shrug, and began undoing her belt.

Kim wanted to watch her disrobe, but just as Laina started sliding her jeans off, Skye took Kim's clit back into her mouth, and Kim's head went back down onto the bed, her eyes shut, her mouth open, just absorbing the feeling of her pussy being eaten.

Soon, though, she felt Laina getting up on the bed, felt her put her knees on either side of her head. She opened her eyes and looked up at Laina, bare naked, towering over her, her pussy just a few inches above her face. What a delicious sight.

Laina had a smug glint in her eye. "My girlfriend is good with her tongue, huh?"

Kim nodded. "Yeah."

Laina tugged gently on Kim's hair. "Say, 'Yes Daddy.'"

Ooh, that made Kim feel something. "Yes Daddy."

"Hmmm, are you gonna suck my cock real good?"

Kim nodded. "Yes Daddy."

"Good boy," said Laina, and she lowered herself onto Kim's face. Kim opened her mouth, stuck her tongue out so that she could lick around the opening of her vagina, while rubbing her clit with her upper lip. It was satisfying to hear Laina's deep womanly moan at that, to feel her adjusting her weight on Kim's face, clamping her thighs tight around Kim's head. All of a sudden that weird thing Skye said about crushing her skull made sense, the prospect of being crushed between Laina's thighs seemed like the most heavenly death imaginable. God, it was like she'd died and gone to heaven. An hour ago she'd never touched another girl, now here she was enjoying and being enjoyed by two of them.

She felt a tug on her hair. "I said suck my cock, bitch," growled Laina.

Ooh, yes Daddy, thought Kim. She clamped her lips around Laina's clit and sucked, trying to replicate on Laina what Skye was doing with her own clit. Judging by the gasps Laina let out, Kim thought she was doing well.

Skye's sucking on Kim's clit had quickened to an enthralling quick tempo that threatened to push Kim over the edge. Without thinking, Kim had quickened her own sucking on Laina to match. She was riveted to the task of making Laina cum now, even as she was desperate to get off herself. Laina was starting to rock back and forth slightly on top of her, her breathing so quick, she could tell that very soon...

"HAH! Ohhhhh God!" Laina cried out as Kim pushed her to orgasm, her thighs so tight around Kim's head, her hands gripping Kim's hair, as she gasped out of sheer ecstasy... the intensity of the moment, the triumph Kim felt to have gotten Laina off, was all she needed to reach her own orgasm, her brain splitting open from pleasure, no longer in control, letting out deep muffled moans into Laina's crotch while her body shook.

Soon enough Laina lifted herself off Kim's face. "Not bad," she said, looking down at Kim impassively. She got off the bed and grabbed a water bottle next to her clothes on the floor to take a sip.

"Sounded a lot better than 'not bad' to me," Skye said. She was grinning up at Kim now. "How about you, Kimmy? You enjoying yourself?"

"Uh huh," Kim breathed, her head still spinning. It made her feel things to be called "Kimmy", she realized.

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