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Rosie's Penance

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Young wife and step son.
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This story is fiction, so if I did not make it sound real because it isn't.

If per chance someone did play this trick on their wife, I didn't know about.


Her two year marriage to Dave was a dream come true for Rosie. She lives in beautiful house on a large parcel of land. This is Rosie's first marriage and Dave's second. Tim, Dave's handsome 18 year old son, who is painfully shy and Rosie's best friend; they are like brother and sister. Maybe it is because she is only 8 years older than Tim and Rosie is 14 years younger than Dave. She met Dave at the diner where she was working as a waitress, he was still married at the time, but his first wife left him for a younger man, Dave divorced her, and started dating Rosie. His son decided to stay with his father, as Tim did not like his mother's boyfriend. A year later he married Rosie, he worships the ground she walks on, she is very happy with her life.

The phone rang, it was Dave. He told Rosie he was going to be late tonight, as he received a call from his cousin and they were going out to dinner. They haven't seen each other for about 3 years. His cousin just flew into town for the night and will be leaving tomorrow.

"Have a good time" said Rosie, "See you when you get home."

Rosie and Tim were watching TV when the phone rang. Mildred one of her friends she hadn't heard from in over a year. Surprised to get a call from her they talked for a while catching up, just ready to hang up.

Mildred said, "I saw your husband tonight with a young woman at a restaurant."

Shocked Rosie said, "He was out with his cousin tonight" ,thinking his cousin was a man.

Mildred said, "They were having a real good time, the young woman was sitting close laughing, with her hands all over your husband."

"Well they haven't seen each other in a long time." Said Rosie, defending her husband, but becoming angry.

They hung up, Rosie was becoming scared she would lose her new lifestyle and mad at her husband, what kind of game is he playing. Is he doing the same thing to me, his wife done to him? Finding a newer model already, she thought.

By the time Dave arrived home she was ready to get a divorce. He couldn't even talk to her. She threw him blankets and told him to sleep in the spare room. She will talk to him in the morning after she calmed down. He did not know what he did.

Friday he awoke to the wrath of Rosie.

"You called me and said you were going out with your cousin yesterday and you went out with another woman" Rosie said angry.

"That was my cousin." Dave Said.

"I don't believe you. Are you going to do the same thing to me your first wife done to you?" She said.

"You got to be kidding me. My cousin is a stewardess who had layover here for the night " Dave said angrily walking out the door, slamming it, he went to work.

The next day Rosie was not talking to him, it was Saturday, so he went fishing to stay out of her way. Rosie was almost in tears she was scared and nervous of losing everything. Tim could tell there was something wrong, but she would not talk to him about it either.

About noon time the phone rang it was a woman, Tarra his first cousin, wanting to thank Rosie for letting Dave have dinner with her the other night.

"You're very trusting, but you don't have to worry about Dave, all he talked about was how lucky he was to have you, so I called because I had to talk to you. Thank you, you're a wonderful woman, Dave deserves a lady like you." she said.

Rosie hung up the phone stunned, what has she done, Dave has a right to be mad at me. She was very upset when Tim came in the house to find Rosie crying.

"What's the matter?" Tim said.

"I made a big mistake; I thought your father was lying to me about his cousin" Said Rosie between sobs.

Tim felt sorry for Rosie. "Dad will really be cross with her, but better her than me." He thought sadly.

When Dave came home Rosie ran to him crying "I am so sorry" she said.

"You put me through hell for the last two days and you're sorry. You called me a liar, and a cheat. No your going to have to do more than be sorry my, dear lady." he said.

"What do you mean? I said I was sorry" she said with tears in her eyes.

Just then Tim came into the house and his Dad turned to him.

"What do you think we should propose to Rosie for the rude way she has acted over the last 2 days?" Said Dave to his son.

"I think the three of us should vote on whether she should do some sort of penance for her behavior" said Tim.

"Good idea" said his father. "All in favor of forgiving Rosie raise their hand."

Rosie raised her hand in confidence, Tim will be on her side they are buddies, but Tim didn't. Rosie's face turned white, they are going to vote for retribution for her outburst.

"All in favor for Rosie to do some sort of penance for her behavior raise their hands" said Tim.

Dave and Tim looked at Rosie and smiled as they both raised their hands.

Turning to Rosie Dave said, "We will discuss your behavior and find a suiting penance for your actions, in a few days."

Dave approached his son out of earshot of Rosie, saying "Can you obtain stationary with your schools logo on it?"

"Sure, for what?" stated Tim confused.

Dave turning red, wanting to find the proper words to have his son on board with his fantasy said. "We have to find a suitable penance for Rosie to perform. Are you willing to help me?"

"Sure, what should we do? Said Tim still not understanding his father's train of thought.

This was going to be the tricky part either his son will go along with him or be very mad. "I would like to have your stepmother strip nude in front of you, convincing her it is an experimental program for health class."

Shocked at what his father just related to him, but excited he may see her stepmom nude his non- committal answer was. "Is this some kind of trap to get me out of the house if I say, yes?"

"No", said Dave, "I want to see Rosie nude in front of other men and I figured you would enjoy this also." Embarrassed to be talking this way with his son about his wife.

"OK, I'm in", said Tim as his little head took over his rational thinking.

Relieved his son did not think he was crazy Dave said, "She could give you pointers how to treat women properly."

Tim gave his father his high school stationary the next day; Dave had it copied and typed up a document detailing a phantom new experimental program under consideration for the next school year. Explaining it has to be kept under wraps while the curriculum testing is being done. The school is looking for a few volunteers to do this testing with the young people who are in high school presently.

Well a few days turned into a week. Nothing was said to Rosie everything was back to normal. Rosie thought.

Forgot she would receive a penance for her rude actions.

Sunday morning at breakfast Dave cleared his throat and said, "Rosie we have reached a decision."

Forgetting about last week she looked at them with a blank look, then it hit her they were talking about her penance and her face turned white, but she didn't say anything.

"We have come to the decision the school is asking for volunteers for an experimental program in the health curriculum" said Dave.

"Well that isn't too bad. What will I need to do?" said Rosie.

"Aahhaahhh, I need to work with you proving the new curriculum will be feasible to start next fall." said Tim looking at his feet.

"OK, when do we need to start?" said Rosie relieved to be getting this over with.

"Next Friday" Said Tim as the father and son coordinated this before hand.

Nothing else was said for the rest of the weekend. Everything was back to normal, Rosie thought.

Monday after school, Tim handed the synopsis of the phantom experimental health course to Rosie.

The document read; thank you for volunteering for the exciting new experimental program. The results will be kept in the strictest confidence, until the final decision is made. All the testing will be done in the volunteer's home. No names will be used and the documents brought back to the school anonymously.

The parent of the opposite sex should allow the student to view their body nude, explaining how they like to be pleasured.

Rosie upon reading the document said, "We will have to let your father see this when he arrives home from work." Confident he won't want her to volunteer for this program.

At 4:30 Dave came home from work, Rosie had dinner ready and they sat, as she served her two men. The discussion at the dinner table finally turned to Tim with his father asking him, "How are you doing in school?"

"Dad I have some extra credit work to do in health class." Handing the document they concocted to his father.

Dave made a show of reading it saying to his wife, "Rosie what do you think of helping Tim with his extra credit work?"

She was flabbergasted her husband even considered her volunteering for this ridiculous experimental class, but she held her tongue to see what he would say. "Whoever thought of this experimental class is crazy as you probably feel Dave and I would not want to participate in it." Rosie said answering his question.

He took his time looking at his son and his wife as if he was pondering her last statement, with a decisive look he said, "It would be advantageous for your step son and the school to see, if this curriculum would be feasible next year for the seniors." Smiling to the two others at the table.

Shocked her husband would want her to be exposed to her stepson said. "You really want me to volunteer for this stupid study?"

Her husband looked at her seriously saying, "Consider this your penance for your rudeness to me."

She left the room in shock, the men cleaned up letting her adjust to the fact she will be nude in front of her son. Rosie rationalizing she does have a penance to do for her husband and stepson decided not to fight anymore with her husband and do as he directed..

Walking into the kitchen her face flushed at what she was about to say. "I have no choice but to help OUR SON, with his health class."

"That's my girl," said Dave.

Tim with a wide smile said, "Thank Mom you're the greatest."

Both went to Rosie and were in a three way hug, which made Rosie feel loved by her two men.

"We will work on the classwork tomorrow." said Dave.

All were in agreement, Rosie felt better as it was put off until the morning. Tim took the car and went out with his friends for the night.

The couple watched TV until Dave grabbed his wife's hand saying, "Time for bed for the old folks."

As Rosie ran up the stairs giggling, Dave was in back of her pulling at her slacks as she entered their bedroom. It did not take long for Rosie to be nude on their bed with Dave licking her pussy. She has her hands holding his head and directing it to the spots she wants his tongue to penetrate. Rosie is pushing her womanhood to her husband's mouth. She was thinking of her coming exposure as she came, squirting for the first time. Dave jumped up in surprise he thought his wife pissed on him, but the fluid tasted sweet not like piss.

Looking at his wife, her eyes closed with her red hair lying as a halo around her beautiful face, her small 34b breasts with nipples like little erasures. She has just the right womanly curves for her body. Dave loves the way her pussy lips hang down and presently her pussy is engorged with her excitement. Her red pussy hair is very fine. He is a lucky man to have this young woman as his wife.

Dave was having a difficult time removing his clothes as he cock was very hard, it tangled in his underwear when he was removing the garment. Finally freeing his steel rod cock he positioned his tool of pleasure at the entrance to her pleasure palace. Impaling her with one thrust to their pubic bones, she gave a grunt with the force of the penetration. Staying in his woman for a few minutes enjoying the pleasure he receives from her flower of life gripping his impaled cock with her pussy muscles.

Rosie started to move under him, urging him on to their mutual pleasurable completion. Dave starts pumping her faster and faster with his wife meeting all his thrusts. Within 5 minutes they were coming together. He rolled off his wife completely sated, Rosie lying in the afterglow of her orgasm finally rolled onto her husband to clean their orgasm juices from his cock. Tim came home to find his nude parents asleep in each other's arms knowing tomorrow he will see his beautiful stepmother nude.

Rosie was the first to wake up on Saturday. She realizing she was nude sleeping on top of the covers, with an equally nude husband she was spooning with. Their door was open, so it was almost certain her stepson saw them when he returned home at night. She dressed in a robe without bothering to don her panties. Going to the Kitchen she started to make breakfast she was happy cooking for her two men, not remembering she will be part of the phantom health class experiment shortly.

Dave and Tim came to the kitchen wakened by the smell of breakfast. As Rosie moved around the two were getting tantalizing peeks of her naked flesh under her dressing gown. They eat as Tim recited his Friday night adventures, as Rosie and Dave listened attentively.

With breakfast complete Dave said, "Rosie, why not get ready to start the health class program. Go take a shower and do the other things ladies do in the morning. Tim and I will clean up the kitchen."

She left with the realization in a short time she will be a study subject for her stepson and her husband will be there also. She took a shower and put on panties and her dressing gown.

In a daze Rosie went into the spare bed room and set up an area with a chair and 2 stools she could put her legs on to be use as stirrups for her legs. Shocked for the umpteenth time her husband wants to expose her body to her stepson and she is setting up a place in the spare room to do this. She was stalling for time to keep her clothes on longer as her reason to set up the room. Rosie wanted to get this over with as fast as she could; she removed her dressing gown, but left on her panties.

She calls to Dave and Tim to come upstairs. She is very humiliated to expose her body in this way, but she took solace in the fact it will help him. Tim came up the stairs, followed by his father. Tim pushed open the door. Rosie was sitting on the chair, her arms crossed over her bare breasts, with her legs on 2 small stools, thus making her spread her legs apart. Her pubic red hair was peeking out from the crotch of her panties and her vaginal lips were outlined on the thin fabric of the shear white panties, with a wet spot at the opening of her labia. It took Tim's breath away to see his step mother this exposed; she was beautiful he told her. She blushed more and said thank you.

Her husband walked in the room by this time admiring his nearly nude young wife. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes.

Rosie finally spoke, "Can we get this over with so I can dress." she said in a pleading voice.

Both men admiring her beauty Tim felt very guilty for what he is doing to her said. "Sure, I am sorry for steering at you I am speechless you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen nude."

Dave smiled widely agreeing with his son's last statement.

Rosie felt a little better after the last remark from Tim and let her arms drop down to her sides.

Her stepson came to her and asked, "Can I feel your breasts?"

Rosie, looking at her husband, waiting for him to give his approval, to his son's request to touch her breasts, Dave, nodding his approval, not confident he could vocally answer the question, accompanied with a smile to both, as another sign of his approval. Tim very gently touched his stepmothers' nipples. Immediately they became erect, as he did in his excitement, touching Rosie intimately for the first time. He put his hands under each breast, as if he was weighing them, letting them down gently. She is getting excited presently. Rosie is hoping she is not asked to remove her panties, she could see Tim's pants tenting in front as verification of his arousal, with a wet spot on the front. She's afraid he wants to see her vagina bringing verification she is excited also. Tim played with her breasts for about 5 minutes, before he stood looking at her panty covered vagina with a very damp crotch.

Tim looked at Rosie blushing, he was trying to talk and couldn't. Rosie knew what he wanted. She took her feet off the stools. Looking at her husband to verify he wanted her to remove her panties, again he nodded and smiled as a sign of his approval. She lifted her buttocks, slowly slid her panties off her body. Rosie was both embarrassed and excited. She put her feet back on the two stools and let her knees spread. Tim's eyes grew very wide. He had played with a few of his girlfriends in the back seat of a car but it was dark. He could see every little line of his stepmom's pussy. Rosie could feel the cool air on her vagina, but the look on Tim's face made her hot. He knelt down between her legs and just looked at her vagina he wanted to memorize it.

"That is the most beautiful part of your body; you should never cover yourself up." He said.

"Thank you" she said.

Tim cleared his throat, "May I touch you?" he croaked.

Again looking at her husband for approval which he gladly gave.

"Yes, but you have to go wash your hands and clean your nails first." Rosie said.

Without saying a word he was out of the room and to the bathroom in a flash. This gave her time to cool down. She could feel her vaginal moistness, when he left the room she checked with her fingers they slipped right in, good she thought; she will not need any lubricant. Her husband watched in fascination without any comment thinking his beautiful wife was nude in front of his son. Tim came back a few minutes later, showing Rosie his hands.


"I even cut my nails and filed them." He said with a big smile on his face.

"She smiled at him saying. "That was very thoughtful of you Tim."

This is a fantasy come true for Dave seeing his wife nude in front of his son and he is manually examining her intimate being.

Tim dropped down to his knees. Rosie spread her knees as far as possible, and then she reached between her legs and opened her vagina with her fingers for him. Tim very carefully inserted his finger in her vagina. He let out a moan as he did. Tim sawed his fingers in and out of her for a while. She became more excited by the minute. Rosie showed Tim how to rub her clitoris while he ran his fingers in and out of her overheated pussy. She was on verge of an orgasm. All of a sudden she screamed. Tim scared he hurt her jumped back and said he was sorry. After her orgasm was over she explained to him he did not hurt her she had an orgasm by his ministrations. Tim was very proud the first woman he gave an orgasm to manually was his stepmom with his father watching.

After this demonstration by Rosie she was not too concerned with her modesty in front of her two men. She would clean the house in the nude and lounge in the nude with the men on each side of her to pleasure her as they watched TV.

Tim gained confidence in his treatment of women, thanks to his stepmom showing him the way to treat women. He raised them on a pedestal to be worshiped by him and to protect any woman he sees abused.

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