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Rough Road Trip For Busty Slave

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Rough tit discipline in the car.
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My strict master had ordered me to prepare myself for picking him up at the airport by binding my nipples with rubber bands and to present them braless beneath a tight white tee.

Naturally I did as I was told. ... But do you have any idea how long waiting for him to get off the plane was? Not only does waiting always seem long, but with men ogling my 36F's it's twice as long... Then double it again when you factor in the pain of a pair of tightly bound nipples.

When Master got off the plane, he was quite pleased with himself for the attention I was getting. He gave me a big bear hug — one part welcome, one part claiming his property. When I stiffened with the pain of having my bound nipples pressed so tightly up against his chest, he mocked in my ear, "Not happy to see me? Or just too sensitive, my slut?" My deepening blush was his answer.

"To the baggage carousel — and other amusement rides," he said grabbing my hand and half-dragging me along to match his big strides.

Once we got to the car, Master slid into the driver's seat and started teasing both my tormented nipples through the t-shirt with his fingertips — his pleasure doubled when such touches made me whimper.

"Time for a nice drive in the country," he declared with a gleam in his eyes. I had no idea what he was up to until miles later he turned onto a stretch of unpaved gravel farm roads and began hitting every rut and hole with glee. I was forbidden to hold or otherwise prevent my breasts from bouncing and swaying. He needn't take his eyes off the road to know of my pain, but he enjoyed the braless tit bouncing that caused my groans. If his driving was reckless (fast, eyes not on the road), things were only going to get more-so.

After a few miles, he pulled over to the side of a long stretch of gravel road and told me to remove my shirt. As I prepared to lift it off over my head, I looked around nervously for a farmer or signs of humanity; there was none.

Not outside the car — not in it, either.

There, in broad daylight, he once again took great delight in using his fingers to apply not only touches but real pressure. He pinched and twisted 'til tears rolled down my cheeks. And he still wasn't done.

He parted his lips — first in a big grin, and then in a terrifying gape as he carnivorously bent over my left breast and rolled the round red nub of nipple between his tongue and the roof of his mouth — and then between his teeth... Slowly increasing the pressure until he had a full bite. I went from moans and whines to yelping. His response was to bite it again and again, enjoying my yelps, and then slowly chewing along the hot bud, like he was savoring a fine meal.

Once satisfied with that one, he turned his attention — and his teeth — to the right nipple, abusing it as he had the first. Back and forth between the two he went until I was sobbing with tears streaming down my face.

He paused, sat still just looking at my face and for a minute and I thought he might kiss me, but instead he just stared intently into my weeping eyes and slowly reached for my agonized left breast, preparing to free the nipple...

He slowly removed the rubber band from my left nipple — I screamed.

Master unzipped his pants and pulled out his huge erect cock in reply.

Then he looked menacingly at the right nipple. My hands instinctively flew up to protect the nipple from the pain of release from the tight rubber band, but he just twisted the left one hard and growled, "Hands down, my cunt."

My hands flew down, out of the way.

"Speaking of my cunt... How wet is it?" he said as his fingers dove beneath the hem of my short khaki skirt. "Now, just look at that," he knowingly mocked, holding up two wet fingers full of evidence, "See what a slut you are? No sense in denying it now."

He reached for and released the right nipple — to the same loud shrill scream and tears as the the other one had.

Rolling my left nipple between his right thumb and fingertips, Master lowered his head to my left breast and slowly sucked the nipple into his mouth. Accompanied by my gasps and wails, he continued to suck that nipple with great force while his hand exploited the other nipple... Rolls turned to pinches, pinches to twists, until the pain was so intense that my fight or flight response kicked in and my body bucked to get him off of me, to get some relief. Master's response was to place both hands on my arms to keep me still while he turned his oral attentions to the left nipple.

My legs began to tremble and my breathing was rough, my mouth and throat dry, from crying and screaming when he finally stopped.

As I sat panting, he opened the car door. "Get the lube from the glove box and sit on the hood."

Shaking and sniffling, I opened the glove box and fished out the bottle of lube, then scrambled to join him outside the car. While Master stood with his arms folded, his erect dick sticking out of his unzippered pants, I sat myself down before him on the car's hood.

There, sitting topless on the hood of the car with sunlight streaming down all around me, he removed his belt, folded it in half, and began to color my breasts pink.

First he concentrated on applying the belt to the tops of my tits, above the areolas. My hands gripped the tops of my shaking thighs as I fought to remain still, avoiding the impulse to get up and flee before he took that belt to my nipples.

I tried to concentrate on the rhythmic belting and tune out the hot stinging, but then Master stopped, stepped to his right to work over the outside of my left breast and my concentration was broken — just those few seconds and everything I'd nearly blocked out came rushing in. The heat, the pain... The fear of what would come next. I looked at his face, his brow furrowed just a bit in concentration, but mostly he just looked pleased. I tried to focus on that — on how all of this was worth it for his happiness.

When Master stepped to his left to color the outside of my right breast, his eyes met mine and he wiggled his brows playfully before getting lost in his delight at coloring and marking my breast. In that moment he reminded me of a child who smiles and waves at his mother on the front porch as he zooms by on his bike. Such thoughts of his pure happiness might even have made me smile softly.

But it was a brief haven.

His harsh command broke my reverie. "Hold your tits up, nipples, out — present them as gifts to me and my belt."

The moment I'd been dreading.

I took a deep ragged breath in, placed my hands beneath my breasts, and lifted them up and out — and arching my back as I'd been trained to do.

Master was slowly rubbing his hard cock, looking at his handiwork on my rack. "I'm not gonna kid you, slut; this is gonna hurt like hell. But it's got to be done — I've been thinking of doing this for hours, including a long annoying flight. It — I — can't be stopped. So sit still and take it, like a good girl. And remember, if you move, you might just end up losing one of those pretty nipples of yours..."

I nodded, biting my lower lip. And then braced myself for what was to come.

The leather belt hit my right nipple first and I jumped and yelped. He gave me a minute to settle myself again before striking it again. "You keep moving like that and you're going to loose a nipple," he warned. "You know I'm not going to stop..."

Deciding it would be best not to know when the blows were coming, I shut my eyes and tried to concentrate on remaining still with my bare breasts up and out to receive the belt.

He resumed striking my already tortured nipples with his belt, back and forth, right one twice, left one once, followed by a brief pause and then three swift ones on the left — there was no particular pattern or even a rhythmic pace. Just blows of sharp pain followed by the angry heat of my objecting breasts. On and on, it went, for what seemed to be impossibly too long, with the occasional barked reminders.

"Sit still."

"Arch your back, bitch."

"Hold 'em out there for me."

Finally, when he'd had enough — of barking his reminders, not of strapping my tits — he ordered me to lay back on the hood of the car, placing my hands, palm down, along the sides of my thighs.

Shaking and sobbing I did as I was told, my bare back meeting the heating metal of a car in the summer sun. Laying back like this, the heavy weight of my breasts slid each over to its respective side, leaving their insides exposed to the belt.

Master loomed above me and began to strap the too-white-by-comparison flesh into his desired rosy shade of pink.

After a few minutes he stood back, appraising his work. He scowled briefly, then grabbed me by my legs and slid me down the hood of the car so that the upper half of my back remained on the hood, forcing me to arch my back and strain to support myself with my legs. It was not an easy position to maintain. I shuffled my feet, trying to find a better, more comfortable, way to brace myself.

"Done yet? I've got work to do here and it would be better for you if you were still," he said, annoyance clearly in his voice.

I froze and hoped I could maintain the position as long as required.

His left hand grabbed the swollen nipple on my right breast. I groaned. Fiercely holding that nipple, he began to lift my breast up and back, towards my face, exposing the bottom half of my beast — the only milky part of it left. I began to writhe from the pain, but his hold was secure enough for what he wanted to do. With his right hand he strapped away in earnest, dedicated to making all of my breast (saving the red and raw nipple, now hidden in his hand) the same shade of pink.

When he was satisfied, he released his grip and my pink tit plopped down to my body, bouncing and swaying. Blackie watched it until it became still — relatively still, save for my ragged panting and choked sobs which made my chest heave. Then he cruelly, but with purpose, grabbed the left nipple and proceeded to strap the underside of it pink while I sobbed and writhed.

Satisfied with the color, he unceremoniously released the left breast, placed the belt next to me and pulled me by my arms into a standing position. He took his hands to the hem of my skirt and tried to hike it up, but it was too tight. So he undid the button, the zipper, and tugged it down my hips. I was now completely nude, except for my sandals.

"Sit on the hood of the car, with those legs spread."

I turned and gave a little hop to sit on the hood, and spread my legs wide, with my sandaled feet on the front bumper.

My strict master eyed my bouncing pink tits hungrily and positioned himself directly in front of me, widening his own legs and squatting a bit so that his hard cock was near my cunt. With his hand, he slid his cock up and down my pussy lips, enjoying my wet slit as much as reminding me of the overwhelming evidence that I was his little pain slut.

"I'm ready for my tit fuck — where the lube?" he asked.

I looked around, in a bit of a panic because I knew I had brought it out with me — but it must have been bounced from the hood of the car while my tits were being tortured. My eyes scanned the ground until I spotted it and pointed, "There it is." He strode the three paces to claim it, and returned proffering me the bottle.

I flipped the top open, squeeze-poured a generous amount into my hand, and began to apply it to his hard cock. Normally he closes his eyes and sighs a bit when I apply lube, but today, he didn't take his eyes off my hot swollen breasts with their abused and begging red centers.

When I was sure his cock was slick enough, I went to put the rest of the lube from my hand onto my chest, like I usually do — only my hand stopped the minute I touched the angry hot skin. "Better put it on, slut. The more lube, the less it will hurt... I think!" he added with a playful wink. As gently as I could, I wiped the remaining lube off between my breasts.

When I removed my hand, he moved in. He stood before me, grabbed my ass and scooted me to the edge of the car's hood and placed his rigid cock in the slick area I'd just made between my breasts. Then he grabbed as much tit as he could in each hand and wrapped the red hot pair snuggly around his hard cock. I gasped — then whimpered when I fully realized how much this was going to hurt.

Before I was just trying to get through all the pain he was inflicting; but now that I had, it was clear to see that it was all just preparation for this — a very painful tit fuck.

He pumped himself, slowly, in the slick tight swollen hot space he'd just created. He was satisfied. "Hold 'em there, tight like that," he directed.

I grabbed the red hot angry sides of my breasts and squeezed them together, groaning as I folded them around his wet hot hard cock. Biting my lip, I prepared myself for what I thought was to come next. I expected him to start pumping — and hard; but my Master had other plans first.

He slid slowly a few times, "Press them hard, slut; I want this to hurt. And I want to hear your moans and cries, or I won't think I've punished them enough and will have to take the belt to them again," he said as he started to pump a bit faster. I mashed my tits as hard as I could around his cock, wincing and moaning between jagged breaths from the pain it caused me.

Then, still thrusting, he reached his hands, palms out, each just to the side of my nipples, and, using this thumbs, grabbed a hold of my aching raw nipples, pinching them between his big thumbs and the meat at the side of his hands. I gasped then grunted — and felt my pussy contract hard. He dug his fingertips into the meat at the top of my pink punished breasts for a good measure. I groaned and let my head fall back, in full submission to whatever would happen.

Gaining speed with the thrusts of his cock between my sore tortured breasts, he used the painful grip on each swollen nipple to yank my breasts up and down to suit his tit fucking needs.

"God!" he spat, then he lowered his gaze to my face and crooned, "I love hearing your cries, slut; I love how you hurt for me. You're my good little slut, aren't you?"

I managed to choke a dry whispered, "Yes, Sir," out of my sore throat, ragged from crying and breathing so hard.

His lips curled into that sold smile-sneer and he replied, "My little whore to fuck — right here, naked on the side of the road. Such a slave to me and my cock she'll let me fuck her abused tits while she cries... Beg me even."

To drive home his point, he twisted and yanked my nipples, making me cry out in pain, "Please, please, Master, fuck my tits!"

"Fuck your tits while you what?"

"Please, fuck my tits while I cry because it hurts so bad," I cried.

"You know what? I think I will... You asked so nicely, it would be rude not to fuck your tits now," he grunted. He continued to yank and twist my nipples, to fuck my tits to hard that I had a difficult time holding myself upright (I couldn't use my hands to support me; they were mashing my breasts around his cock). But in a few minutes, I found myself moaning different moans...

"Master," I panted, "Can I come?"

No reply.

"God. Please... Sir?" I whispered.

Still no comment. Just his panting thrusts.

"Master — I --"


I tried, but the prolonged and painful play had me so worked up. It was a huge struggle to hold it back.

"God, I'm trying, Master, but... But, Oh, God!"

It wasn't a coherent question, but he replied anyway.

"If you must, my greedy cum slut; I'm not going to stop my fun just so you can control yourself. But if you can't stop yourself, you'll pay for it later..."

I had my warning, not permission, so I continued to try to hold back an orgasm. I told myself that Master was so hard, hot and aroused from all my pain and crying that he couldn't last much longer... But I was wrong. He has great control in general, but I suspect that he also had recently masturbated to this fantasy... He was in no rush.

My body, on the other hand, was.

Fueled by pain, endorphins, reunion after separation, and shame, my body couldn't remain on the brink — not without stopping, anyhow. And he refused to stop or even slow down...

I battled against the orgasm, but eventually I failed. And it was all I could do to remain sitting with my breasts pressed tight around Master's cock as instructed.

As if to taunt me and my lack of control, he soon began to make those moans that indicate he's close to his own orgasm. "Open your mouth, slut; I'm about to give you a load to swallow..."

I opened my mouth and waited two more strokes of his hard cock between my tits before he moved and I could lower my head so that he could put that hard cock in my mouth. I wrapped my lips around his shaft as he pumped my mouth, once... twice... three... four times before he crammed it forcefully all the way in and shot his load, setting off my gag reflex — just enough to contract and spasm around the head of his cock but not to actually force out any of his hot load.

With his cock still in my mouth, I swallowed the bulk of his wad and then used my tongue to sweep for any remaining fluid before swallowing again. Then he withdrew his cock, holding it near my face so that I could lick and suck it clean before he put it back in his pants.

"Good girl," he breathed. Then he cleared his throat and said, "Get the lube, get dressed, and get back in the car," before he got into the car and slid behind the wheel.

I removed my tired sore body from the car, retrieved my skirt from the ground, and stepped into it, covering my still dripping pussy. I grabbed the bottle of lube and returned to the car to join him and get my tee shirt on.

While my arms were up over my head, Master reached over and twisted my left nipple. "But no stopping those tits from bouncing," he ordered as he started the engine.

I braced myself for more bouncing along the ruts of the unpaved road as Master began telling me all about his trip. By the time we reached the city streets, we would have seemed like any other couple — unless you were able to notice...

My breath smelling like cum...

My face streaked with makeup and tears...

My red swollen nipples still obviously protruding from my t-shirt...

My cunt smelling up the car.

Master drove home, contentedly chatting all the way. As we pulled into the driveway, he sighed, "Ah, home, where I can get a proper welcome. I'm sure you remember that you have more punishment coming, and I'm not done with those fat tits of yours."

Once inside the house he did not waste any time. "Kneel on the floor, hands behind your head," he ordered in a stern voice. My abused tits were jutting out begging for more attention.

With a smile he stood in front of me, with some rough hemp rope. And I just knew that my udders were the targets. He pinched and twisted my right nipple hard and looked me straight in the eyes.....

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Want more

Im a girl and i want to read more of this. So hot! Maybe some where she begs for it, for the pain!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
No redeeming value; junk

This "erotic story" is just an excuse for a man who hates women to write about extreme violence. Trash

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Next Chapter?

Maybe some double suction cup action as a followup? And don't overlook one for her nether region too......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Very nice looking forward to the next part

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