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Husband and wife try new things.
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Hey everyone! I know it's been a long time since I posted a new story and to be perfectly honest I hit a huge wall with Summer in the Pacific that I really don't know how to get over. Since I started that story I've had two children, moved to the city, been diagnosed with ADHD, been medicated for said ADHD, and had the rare time to myself since my youngest started school. I've been doing a lot of reading and as such I've gone back to some of the things I wrote and wondered what the F*** I was thinking when I wrote that. Turns out fiction is hard who would have guessed. I want to finish Summer in the Pacific, but I don't really know how anymore. Honestly at this point I'm open to collaborating to figure that out.

All that said, I went with something a little different this time. I can't get into too much detail about the inspiration for this story, but all characters are 18 or older and everything was done with ample consent.

This story as a whole-while containing a sense of continuity-will be written as a series of one offs almost like diary entries, but in my typical first person story telling style. It's a big step away from what I normally write and instead of writing this on a whim I actually took some time to think about it for once.

Lastly I'd like to thank The Typical for editing this story and talking some sense into me. I hope you enjoy it.


I love my husband Ben dearly. It's not always easy to put into words how much I love the man, but I'll try. He's a 5'8" fair, freckled, stout ginger man about 160 pounds whose infectious smile knocked my wind out the first time I saw it. I had been burned by bad exes in the past, so initially I really wanted to take my time getting to know him instead of jumping straight into sex... which is what I would normally do in the past.

I think I just met Ben at the perfect time. It had been about a year since I left a very controlling ex, I was stable in my Sales Career with Roxy making enough to have my own place in Fairfield CA, and I started to love myself again. He always tells me that's what drew him in. I'm 5'6", my skin is light caramel colored, I wear a 36 B bra pretty well, and-as Ben frequently reminds me-I have an ass and legs worth dying for. I can thank my late Samoan father for being able to go out in the sunlight and not get burned to a crisp like Ben and my poor mother, but the woman named me Samantha because it was a little like Samoa... how white can you get? I don't exactly gush confidence like a model, but I do feel comfortable in my own skin and I don't mind letting people know that through outfits, especially considering how much time I've spent in the gym and out running to maintain it.

To be honest I'd only started flirting around again for about a month before I met Ben, hence the initial hesitation. But there I was, desperately looking forward to every moment I would spend with him. Finding out pretty quickly that we both love the same pop and country music, have the same ideologies and similar plans for the future. A big one for me was that he encouraged my career, despite having a bread sales route of his own that paid him pretty well.

After that it was little things that made me fall in love with him. We started spending time at each other's apartments. He seems to like my vegetarian cooking and I'll indulge him once in a while with a cheat day. He's a little stacked in the tummy because he likes beer, but hey so do I. Honestly it just made me more attracted to him.

The first time he hugged me I never wanted to leave his arms. The first time he kissed me I knew I wanted to have his lips forever. The first time we had sex it was after a long day of working and I just wanted him in me. I practically begged him, but he was so hesitant. The moment I got his pants off I understood why to an extent. Ben isn't by any means above average in size below the belt, but he wasn't small either. I've never measured him because he's extremely self conscious about it, but I put a mental mark on the crease of my hand once when I had it up next to his dick once and measured that. He's five inches, it's literally the only way he's average.

That first time I smiled at him and shut up his hesitation by sucking and fucking him into oblivion. It was glorious. He may be average sized, but FUCK he lasted forever. He could cum a few times before he quit too. Seriously, the first time we fucked we were naked and fucking for most of the night. I think we blew through the 3 pack of Trojan bare skins I had for that very occasion.

The third condom in he was just nailing into me from behind, my ass sticking in the air as I screamed into a pillow. He knew exactly how to stroke that cock against my g-spot and he was an expert at teasing my clit just enough. I could not stop screaming, it was one of the best nights of my life... but admittedly not because he was a natural at sex. Obviously he knew female anatomy very well, but it always felt like he thought he needed to do so to compensate

Was he as big as some of the other guys I've fucked, no. Was he bigger than some of them, yes. Could he reach my cervix, no. Was he skilled enough to fuck me better than someone bigger, yes. Was he thick enough to stretch out my g-spot and drag across my clit... almost. The point is that my heart was pounding the whole time, he smelled so sexy and hot, his kisses burned warmly against my neck and mouth, and his hands were strong and certain on me.

That early Sunday morning afterwards as he was laying on top of my quivering body I realized that I wanted him forever. Thankfully he felt the same way. Not much later we got married and the rest is history.

A small part of me always worried just a little that maybe the sex would slow down or not be as emotional as it was those first few years, but ten years together and seven of marriage later and I'll still drop to my knees sometimes to surprise him after dinner or I'd have to paw him off me so he's not late for work. That was my only complaint about our sex life. He really likes morning sex and hey, so do I... but his job puts him clocking in at 3:30 in the goddamn morning. I don't even get out of bed until 8AM and god help me if I forget my protein shake before I start working.

Morning sex for him was basically hoping that I was awake for some reason and in the mood. I'm not usually awake when he gets up at 2:45 AM-for obvious reasons-but sometimes I am and getting me in the mood is-admittedly-not that difficult. Sometimes the smell of his sweaty body makes me turn over and spread the cheeks of his favorite part of my body while he goes to fucking town on me until I see stars and pass the fuck back out.

This strange roundabout that we had for sex was really when everything started to change. Ben had a sexual awakening one day and brought me with him. I jumped in with both feet and it was emotional, wonderful, very unexpected, and well... not for everyone. Some experiences were innocent enough and others were downright treason from an outside perspective. Yes treason, that's the word they used to describe what we did. I've gained and lost friends over some of these experiences. I've learned that some existing friends are more accepting than I would have ever believed. We inexplicably became part of a community that despite its niche nature is more widespread than I thought, but also extremely looked down upon.

I like to reflect on every experience we had. Even some of the bad ones I remember fondly, but I often think of how it all started so simply with a request.


It was my own fault that I couldn't get to sleep. I started work early that day and made enough sales before Ben got home that I did the dishes, went on a run, did about an hour of cross fit, showered and laid down on the sofa at around noon. The next thing I know I'm waking up to the sound of the front door of the house opening.

"Hey babe, sorry I'm late. Labor day isn't as busy as our company thinks it is, but here we are stuffing the stores with more product than they could sell in a week for two days," Ben called a little annoyed from the entry hall. I got up groggily and looked out the bay window. The sun was going down? Ben walked in looking worn out, he looked at me for a moment, my hair disheveled and eyes drooping. "Did I wake you up, wow you're going to bed earlier I do. It's only five you know," he joked, taking off his sweaty uniform.

"It's 5!? Oh shit, it feels like I just sat down a few minutes ago," I exclaimed, checking my phone. Sure enough it was 5:04PM. I took a five hour nap in the middle of a Friday and Ben works Satrudays so it's not like we could take advantage of that and go out partying.

"Wait, what time did you lay down?" he asked.

I bit my lip embarrassed, "Right after lunch," I squeaked out.

Ben burst out laughing, "That is not like you, you know we don't have plans tonight right?" He said, heading towards the bathroom.

"Augh, I know. I don't know what happened, I got everything done so fast today, it's like my body just shut down. It doesn't even feel like I slept that long," I called down the hallway.

"Good thing we're having leftovers tonight, I have no energy to cook," Ben said, turning on the shower. I went into the bathroom with him to at least clip up my hair before the mirror fogged up. I got a wicked idea and pulled it into a ponytail instead and pulled off my shirt.

"No chance you'll have energy for other things," I teased, pulling the curtain aside. He sighed for a moment, the water cascading down his body.

"I really want to say yes, but I'm tired as hell. Maybe in the morning?" he asked, hopefully. I pursed my lips and smiled.

"Maybe so, I did sleep for five hours by accident," I said.

"Love you Sam," Ben said, turning around. Shit I can't help noticing it, but I notice it no matter what. I pulled off my shorts and underwear and got in the shower with him.

"Oh god, how many are there," he complained.

"Just one, please can I get it?" I asked.

"Just be quick please," he said, washing his face. I found the spot on his shoulder and probed an angry looking blackhead with my nails. It came out fast.

"All done," I said.

"That was easy," he said.

"It was ready," I said, emphasizing ready. I hugged him warmly from behind, pressed my breasts against his back and kissed his neck, "I love you, sorry I pick at your skin."

"I love you too, thanks for heating up the veggie patties from last night," he said. I looked at him curiously. I didn't do that. He looked back at me cute with mock innocence, "Please?"

I giggled, "Of course."

And that was the long and short of our relationship. After he showered, ate, and wound down I sat with him on the sofa with his head in my lap. After 6:30 Ben was dozing off. I stroked his hair and rested my head on the sofa cushion. Normally that would be enough to get me to sleep too. Damn five our nap.

"Ben sweetie, you need to go to bed," I said, shaking his shoulder. He groaned and sat up sleepily.

"Damn it I hate holiday weeks," he said, popping his neck. He kissed me and sauntered off to bed. I knew going into this marriage with Ben that I would be giving up any Friday nights with him. His career always had him work Saturday mornings. To make up for that I would sometimes have girls nights, or go out with old friends on Fridays at Ben's insistence. He was right-as usual-the time I spent with them always recharged my extrovert battery. He would sometimes go out with his buddies on Tuesdays since he had Wednesdays off and I had meetings on Wednesdays. Saturdays were ours.

I got undressed and put on my robe in an attempt to make my body feel the routine of bedtime and force myself into feeling tired enough to sleep. I still stayed up later than usual trying to get some work done, but after about two hours of staring at my laptop and getting nothing done I pulled out my phone and scrolled around Instagram for a while. Around 11PM the content I was scrolling through became more and more NSFW and it was making me... restless to say the least.

I checked the time again and it was only half past 11. Not nearly late enough to wake up Ben, but fuck I needed something. It was times like that I regretted not indulging in some sex toys. I settled for my hands. I reached down and my natural wetness was ready for more than just my middle and ring fingers, but my body was grateful for them all the same.

Insta wasn't doing it for me anymore, so I just went straight for familiar porn. I skipped straight to watching some of my favorite scenes.

"Oh fuck," I whispered to myself. I watched Tori Black get completely slammed. Her hair was in her face, she was drooling, and that cock. Oh god that thick fucking cock stretching her out. With a little shame I imagined myself in her place as I pumped my fingers into my now gushing pussy. I got impatient and started flicking my clit in a desperate attempt to cum faster. The orgasm was good, but it didn't crash through me like the ones Ben gave me.

I sat there panting for a little longer before giving up and going to bed. I'd see if I still had energy in three hours when Ben got up.


"Is this really what you want?" I asked, properly confused. After Ben had woken up for work I was still a little restless and really needed to get off somehow. He encouraged me to touch myself, but I insisted that I needed something inside me that was bigger than my fingers. That's when he pulled out an unused dildo. It wasn't anything massive, I don't even think it was a full seven inches, but it was thick.

He knew I watched porn, my libido was way higher than his. With my previous boyfriends it bothered them because-let's face it-male adult film stars are not exactly average sized. When I had a girlfriend we loved watching porn together, but Ben seemed intent on feeding my libido whether he was the one to satisfy it or not. Apparently, one of his kinks was watching me pleasure myself.

Not that I was complaining... I just liked regular sex a lot more. However, since he always fed my kinks like being tied up, consensual non-con, name calling humiliation, and all the various problems I had, why not give this to him? Besides, it wasn't like I wouldn't enjoy it. I was just thinking last night that I needed a sex toy. I stripped for him and took out the shiny new dildo. Ben having undressed for a shower got hard in seconds when I slipped the fake cock between my lips. I put a condom on it for various reasons, but one of them was that sex toys didn't taste particularly good. I was hyper aware however that the thick cock stretching out my lips and jaw was silicone, so I was getting a little out of it, but not much.

"God that's so fucking hot, suck it like a good little slut," Ben moaned. Okay... now I was getting something out of it. I reached down and started playing with my clit as I forced the thick toy into my throat. I could take Ben to the balls pretty easily and the toy was no different. The difference was that Ben didn't cut off my windpipe, the dildo did. It was so fucking hot, I was gushing out of my mouth and pussy as my vision tunneled.

"Ride it slut, you know you want to," Ben ordered. I evicted the dildo from the throat, catching my breath. I hurriedly suction cupped it to the floor. I had lube, but I was so wet I wanted to try it without any. I sat on the dildo facing away from Ben to give him an ample view of my ass. The head of the dildo split open my labia.

"Fuck!" I grunted. I hadn't had anything this thick in me... I think since I was dating Lizzy. It's pretty easy to get fucked by a big fake dick when your girlfriend is a top and had a lot to play with. It had been soooooo long though, this toy slid deeper into me and stretched out my muscles pleasurably. I gyrated on it, letting the thickness stretch me out further. My insides were screaming in pleasure and so was I. "It's so thick, fuck Ben it's splitting me open!" I screamed. I rested my entire weight on it, the head of the toy pressing wonderfully against the head of my cervix. Any deeper would have hurt and a small part of me in the moment wanted that pain, but it was the perfect size to slam my ass down on it over and over and over.

"That's it slut, tell me how much you like that cock," Ben said. I whipped my head back, my hair smacking me in the face as I kept riding the toy.

"It's so thick Ben, I can feel it stretching my little pussy. Oh shit Ben I'm gonna cum!" I announced. Pleasure and fire tore through my tummy and careened through my blood. I screamed what must have sounded like bloody murder as fluid leaked out of me onto the dildo. I held still for a moment quivering before Ben grunted. He walked up behind me and I felt a few streaks of his hot cum smear all over my ass.

I looked back at him still panting, but a little impressed. "Wow, that really did something for you didn't it? You never finish that fast," I said, pulling myself off the ground. Orgasmic fluid dripped down my thigh.

"Looks like it did something for you too?" He asked.

"Well yeah obviously. To be honest at first it was weird because it's, you know, a toy, but your encouragement made it hot. After that I just couldn't help myself. Once I got started, I had to keep going," I said, realizing that I wanted more. I bit my lip and looked back at the dildo wondering how it would feel in my ass. I shook my head, "I have to ask though, what did it do for you exactly and what brought this on?" I asked as Ben started his shower.

"Well my favorite thing when we have sex is watching you squirm around in pleasure. I know that there's only so many ways that I can do that and I wanted to try something different. Turns out watching you be pleasured in a way that I can't is seriously hot," He said. I wiped the excess of his cum off of me and got in the shower with him.

"You know you satisfy me right, that you don't have to offer things like this?" I asked seriously.

He smiled at me reassuringly. "I know, but... what if I like watching it? You clearly liked it right?" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded, "That turns me on," he admitted. I thought about the possibilities for a moment. If he liked it, maybe I could do things that I hadn't done before.

"So what you're saying is... you like to watch me fuck myself. Maybe I should have some fun while you're at work and make a little video for you. That way, when I'm gone at meetings or out with the girls, you'll have a little something to remember how bad I can be and how good I can make you feel," I whispered lustily into his neck. It was a test to be sure. I wanted to do it, but the easiest way to get approval for something like that is to lay it all bare.

"Fuck yes, maybe you could actually get some use out of that camera," Ben said. I smiled and kissed him in the running water.

"God I want to have sex with you REALLY badly right now, please I need you in me," I begged desperately.

"That toy stretched you out better than I could," he joked.

"Gah, then fuck my ass! Come on Ben, pleeeeease?" I mewled. I even got on my hands and knees and spread my ass for him. "Right here, spit on my ass and fuck me like the little slut you want," I practically whimpered. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he'd be late to work I imagine, but something snapped and he did as I asked. I felt his spit on my rectum and the sudden intrusion of his cock. I ate pretty well and already went before this, so hopefully it wouldn't matter. Either way we were still in the shower.

His cock split my ass open, I felt him hammer into me with no warm up. The pain was stabbing, but the pleasure was glorious. I reached down and stroked my clit. My ass clenched spastically as I came almost immediately. I screamed and cursed shamelessly as Ben rode me like a little butt slut. I just kept cumming and cumming as his cock bottomed out in my ass over and over.


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