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Rub a Dub Dub Ch. 02


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Unexpected, to Ben, it was coitus interruptus. Perhaps the girl was not on the 'Pill.' Ridiculous, really, in those dodgy films Ben sometimes watched how the 'money shot' was so often shown. In real life, in real relationships the man did not normally ejaculate all over the woman's face or in her pubic hair or up her stomach: leastways that was not at all his own experience. Mostly he had 'come' inside the girl -- and very nice that was too! But feet from him the 'out in the open' ejaculation 'money shot' was exactly what the boy did -- as if for Ben. All at once a pulling away from the girl, her feet dislodged and his curving penis suddenly visible once more pointing up and over the girl. An intake of breath from Ben as he saw a shooting of white from its end. He felt the young man's release, a fellow feeling which is, of course why the 'money shot' is so popular, the pleasurable end to a long wanking session. Men do like to see the 'money shot' and wish they were doing that in place of the man in the film. Ben's eyes were glued to the ejaculating penis, watching the long strands shooting down upon the girl, all as his hand moved at speed upon his own penis with an inevitable and very similar result.

Before the boy had finished ejaculating another penis was doing the same thing just yards away, not upon the soft skin and pretty curls of a young girl but the gnarled bark of a tree and the soft ground below. Possibly as pleasurable as the boy's, after all the voyeurism had been very good, but without the pleasure of seeing the semen land upon a girl! Ben's penis spurted away as he stared around the tree watching the boy's penis and seeing the results of that penis' spasms all up the girl. The lad had been generous! Whether she appreciated that was perhaps another matter, Ben did not think she had 'come,' but boys will be boys; certainly she did not exhibit crossness but rather reached up and pulled his mouth down onto hers and they kissed. Ben smiled as he watched the boy's body descend and he knew the wet, warm dollops of semen would be squashed between them. A sticky sexual mess but, if that was the intention, safely away from making a nice potent mess in her vagina! No doubt they would both take a dip in the lake and wash. Ben, though, needed to be away and end his clandestine watching of their activities.

Ben slunk away leaving his mark upon his tree. He had been observing too long. What if the others had arrived at the island and started calling for him? Better to warn them so they did not spoil the couple's day.

Once more the modern-day Crusoe, the naked explorer raised himself to his full height and walked across his island. No longer though exhibiting his staff of office in quite the same way -- his governorship of the island. Ben was not surprised to see the boat with the returning party not far away. Ben waved.

Somewhat strange greeting them all in clothes whilst he was naked.

"Not fashioned yourself a suit of clothes whilst we've been away, then?" Felicity spoke.

"A grass skirt perhaps," added Greg.

He was allowed his shorts and shirt back. He had wondered if the others might decide to swim or picnic naked. He was a little unsure quite what they did as a matter of course. He knew about the tub but... but, surely, they did not just fondle each other under the water? The tub, though, was in prospect later when they returned to the shore. That would be pleasurable again, when his capability had returned; the immediate prospect of lunch was much more interesting than sex. His exploration and clandestine activities had made him hungry. It was good to see an excellent picnic being spread out.

They asked him what he had thought about the island and what he had done exploring. Ben did not really want to say he had been voyeuring and having a really good wank. He did not yet know them that well! He did reveal he had not been alone and had had to hide which caused general amusement. The couple even walked past the picknickers. Not naked now but dressed. Ben rather enjoyed seeing them close up, even talking to them, knowing what he did and that they had no idea he had seen them naked and sexual. Such a pretty girl to be marooned with. Lucky lad. After they had walked on, the others had joshed him some more about having to hide from the couple. They found it very amusing.

A relaxing afternoon in the sun, a little bit of swimming. He discovered he was the only one not to have a swimming costume on under his clothes. They had seen him swim to the island naked and found him in the same state on their return and so Ben did not think it too peculiar to just discard his clothes and swim with them naked. He had half expected them to do the same or even find amorous activities begin, but there was nothing of the sort. He was surprised.

Ben even found a repeat of his solo nudity when they had returned from the lake. He had volunteered to deal with the washing up from the picnic and when he came out from the house, he found the rest already in the hot tub. He presumed they were naked as before and found himself yet again undressing in front of them all and clambering in with his nakedness exposed to all, his penis and balls, his maleness, very much hanging to be seen as he cocked his leg over the side of the tub to get in.

It was lovely to lean back in the tub, relax and talk. A discussion about driving to a restaurant for the evening rather than a barbecue; did he know the particular restaurant; would he like to come?

Of course, Ben would like to 'come' and the very word got to him. He would like to 'come' with them to the restaurant but, equally, he would very much enjoy 'coming' as he had the day before having been fondled by an unknown number of hands. Who had made him 'come' the day before: who might make him 'come' today? His penis, having already 'come' once on the island that morning stirred pleasantly, a secret erection underwater; it expanded to its full size, standing up but hidden. Rather a pleasurable thing to find happening when in a tub with other naked people. Were the other men sitting like that with their penises up and gently swaying around with the moving water like strange seaweed moving with the current? What a sight that would be if the water was still and clear. Naked women and naked men all crammed together in the tub. But Felicity had said she liked the secretness of it all. Did his new friends do rather more together? Was there communal copulation; did partners get swopped or was the 'main act' maritally reserved, even if fondling was not? Ben looked around as he talked; was there a feeling of suppressed excitement before somebody made the first move; were hands already at work on other bodies and it was just his that was untouched?

If they did, indeed, do rather more than just touch secretly, how far was he prepared to go? Might the wives mount their men in the tub? Might the somewhat unattached Liz do the same to him? Had it happened on previous holidays? Was that as far as it all went? Had they copulated together, in close proximity, all together in the tub in the past, knowing what the others were doing but not actually seeing? Ben had enjoyed watching the young couple that morning, had liked seeing their two bodies together, had found it rather pleasing to observe the young lad's hard cock being worked by the girl or going into her. How he would have loved to work her with the lad. Sharing the girl, using their two penises upon her. Might dual working be practised in the tub?

It was good having an erection right there in the tub. Sitting there with his new friends in the swirling water and feeling his penis all turgid. Such a sexual thing to be erect with other naked people. Again the thought, perhaps Greg and Graham were just the same. What if it had been a sauna and they were all sitting there in full view!

He looked around the tub feeling the moving water pushing his erection around. Being honest with himself he found all the women attractive. Mary with her big boobs and dark hair, Felicity with her little girl slit and sweet little breasts and tall, red-haired, Liz. He had never had... or should he put it better, never gone out with a redhead, let alone copulated with one.

And then there were the men, Greg and Graham. Ben had never ever done anything with men, yet he was sure, absolutely positive, at least one had held his penis under water and wanked it. He too had grasped them both, not just one but both. Excusable, perhaps, given a natural curiosity and the anonymity, but what if they expected more of him? Would he be prepared to let himself go in the anonymity of the holiday? His friends and colleagues would never know. Ben looked out over the lake. It was as if he had been plucked for a short time from his normal reality and dropped down in an alternative universe -- well, at least another country. Should he just go with the flow?

"This is such a lovely place."

"Isn't it" said Felicity and he felt a hand upon his knee. Was that Felicity? He did not know. It could as easily be Greg or Graham, or of course, Mary or Liz. A hand that slowly came up his thigh until it touched and then fingers wrapped themselves around his already hard shaft. Like the day before so good to sit there and be wanked in the tub; a strange anonymous wanking. He knew it was one of five people, could judge if it was a left or right hand but not the person. Pleasurable.

Of course, it was expected of him to join in; and he reached for one of the women. After all, they had more to grasp than men! Good to feel Mary's big breasts again. Good to find himself doing just that whilst talking to her. Would she guess it was him pulling at her nipples. or have no idea that it was not her husband or perhaps even one of the girls. Ben had quite an urge to stand and push his penis into Mary's mouth. What would she say, what would they all say? Would Greg object violently? Yet Greg was probably at that very moment touching one of the other women -- or indeed, perhaps that was Greg's hand on his penis. Ben removed one hand from Mary and under the water reached and held Greg's, unsurprisingly engorged cock whilst at the same time letting his other hand slide down Mary's body until he had one hand in Mary's sex and one hand around Greg's cock -- a sexual connection between husband and wife via him. As he had thought that morning, how good it would be to put genitalia together; good to put your own penis in a woman but rather fun and interesting to put another bloke's in a woman. He smiled, imagining patting Greg's balls, encouraging him deeper into Mary.

"What are you smiling about," asked Mary.

Did she realise it was his fingers in her sex, his fingers moving in and out like a penis? "Oh, just about being a castaway on the island today. Such an odd experience. I knew you were coming back but... there was something about being alone."

"Until that young couple turned up -- Man and Girl Friday to be your servants."

Ben smiled. His thoughts on the island had not quite about them being 'servants.'

"Does seem so inappropriate Friday being Crusoe's servant just because he was black."

"He did owe his life to Crusoe. No doubt Defoe somewhat saw it that way; but Friday was the one who pressed, Crusoe's foot to his forehead. His service was freely given."

Felicity joined in, "Can't imagine it was just his foot, two men all alone on an island for months -- years -- on end!"


Ben moved his hands, amused at Mary's reproach to Felicity. But Felicity was right, of course. Rather better to think of Crusoe saving both Girl Friday and Man Friday. The girl offering not just her forehead. Would Crusoe and Man Friday share her?

He thought he would do the rounds whilst he had the opportunity. A hand to Felicity, feeling her denuded sex. Such a thing to be doing along with the excitement of another's hand on his erection. Who was it -- he had no idea. Was it now Felicity, but the hand felt too big. Perhaps then Greg or Graham's hand. He moved his other hand to Graham's penis dislodging another hand in the process. From holding one married couple's genitalia to holding another set.

He had not yet, this time, touched Liz. He and she were the odd ones out. Two unattached people though, he understood, only last year her still husband, Peter, had been there. Probably his cock being touched and wanked there in the tub the year before.

Ben was, in effect or at least to an extent, substituting for Peter. Would Liz perhaps like him to substitute in her bed? If the two couples left the tub would things get rather more personal between them? His hand moved, touching Liz between her thighs, dislodging another hand. Again, he had no idea whose hand, man or woman, it was. But fingers had undoubtedly been inside Liz. Lovely to feel how hairy she was. He had barely seen just how ginger she was 'down there' the day before when getting out of the tub, and would very much like to see more. In his mind the thought of pressing his face into that ginger delight.

A swopping of hands upon his own penis and then the touch of another upon the hand exercising Graham and, in accordance with what seemed the rules of the tub, he moved his hand away and onto Liz's breasts, so he had both hands upon her body, but he had hardly done that when two hands touched his hands. Hands of the same person or two different people? Male or female? So sexual to imagine the girls touching each other under the water. Like many men he found the idea, and seeing, lesbian sex arousing. Years before, back at school, he had had a real thing about Diana Fellows and Sophie Trust, imagining them writhing together upon a bed. He had never seen either naked, of course, and had had to imagine what he did not know, but imagine he had, many times in bed and even in class. Had sat there with a throbbing erection as the teacher had talked away, imagining the two girls at play together.

Back then he would not have dreamt one day he might feel another man's hand upon his erection; had not contemplated it before the holiday but here he was, in a tub, where things seemed remarkably free. It would be a shame to object, spoil what was an intensely sexual experience -- three attractive women playing with his cock -- merely because having another man wank him was not really his thing. Whose hand was that now? Not simply wanking him but wandering around, gently massaging his balls, feeling them in a most intimate but not at all unpleasant manner. Oh!

'Oh,' indeed. It had happened yesterday, and it had happened again just then. A finger touching his bottom hole. Nothing upsetting with Liz, Felicity or Mary doing that but... yes, but... What was he potentially letting himself in for? Yes, indeed! Rather more than a finger upon -- or further in - his anus. But if it was to be Graham's or, Ben swallowed at the thought, Greg's nine incher... Maybe, though, he might be inside Mary, Liz or Felicity at the time. Would that be so bad? He would be having sex with a woman. Natural or unnatural sexual intercourse with a woman but just happening to have a penis in his own bottom at the time! The idea of Graham, perhaps, in his bottom, whilst he in turn was in Felicity's vagina or bottom, certainly was a thought. Graham carrying out his marital duty to Felicity via Ben; holding Ben's hips as he thrust Ben in and out of Felicity. Would that be so bad? And it might never happen -- most likely, would not happen. The group's sexual activity did seem to be very much below the water.

A gentle tickling and stroking on that rather sensitive spot. Who was doing it, should he return the favour but who was it? He had his fingers already within Liz so, well why not move them a little further?

No obvious reaction; Felicity did not suddenly stand up in the water or brush his hand away. Probably her hands were occupied, it might as easily be her finger stroking his anus or perhaps tickling Greg's or Mary's. He had no idea at all. And then he felt the finger at his hole pushing a little, seeking entry: not so easy without a bit of oiling or perhaps soap. If it was Liz, or Mary, or Felicity, did women like the idea of penetrating men? Men certainly, or at least he did, found the idea of pushing his penis into the tight passage arousing -- the tight passage of a woman of course. Ben appreciated, could understand some men might well like doing that to other men and, by extension, pushing a finger in, but would women like doing that to men? Of course, so much of sex was in the mind. It was an easy association to make. Like seeing a man ejaculated across the girl's bottom, face or stomach in some of those films he sometimes watched -- an association with his own climax, a fellow feeling, an association with what was to come -- when he did come! Did women find a finger or something else in a man's bottom an association with their being fucked?

Ben pushed but before he could get very far into Felicity another hand touched his and he had to yield possession.

All of this going on whilst the six of them chatted. One sort of relationship, a social relationship, going on above water and quite a different one below. Who should Ben feel now, or should he just sit back and enjoy the feeling of having a very full erection and it being sustained by a single finger wriggling around in his bottom. It was still there and still wriggling. Who was it and what was he letting himself into if it was one of the other men?

Perhaps it was lucky there was not a sauna as well. He found it strangely exciting to imagine Mary announcing it was time to move to the sauna and then them standing, all exposed to each other, yet the men so much more 'exposed' than the women. The women, apart from hard nipples appearing simply naked but the men with their 'prongs' so very, very different. Ben imagined clambering from the tub and then walking stiffly, as would the other men, to the sauna cabin. Probably nothing being said about the firm penises; just like they were talking so normally in the tub whilst very different things happened under the water. What would it be like walking 'stiffly' like that with the other men -- and the women, of course. It had been good walking like that on the island -- but he had been alone.

And what might happen there in the sauna? More of the same but out in the open? He would really enjoy seeing the men touching the women and certainly the women touching other women, but what would he make of Greg or Graham reaching for his penis and holding and stroking it. Reaching as calmly as anything and moving his foreskin. And he would have to return the favour, reach out for Greg or Graham, feel the hard shaft, move the flesh and what if he was invited to suck? Difficult to imagine oral sex would not come into the equation sooner or later. Could he do it? He would be more than happy to stick his face between Mary, Felicity or Liz's thighs but, as he did so, might not Graham start sucking him -- and what if Greg presented his big helmet to Ben? It couldn't be that bad a thing to do -- after all -- not really. It was just a cock after all. And had he not always wanted to suck his own!

Thoughts as he lay back with a finger of unknown provenance wriggling in his rectum, his penis delightfully engorged and being moved just a little by the water. Would they all come in the tub or run down to the lake first for a cold plunge to knock the erections back for a time? A worry. He would not like to be the only one getting from the tub erect. Was there actually a pressing need to come in the tub before they all got out, perhaps for the cold plunge in the lake given the lack of a sauna. It would not do to be the only one with an erection. He was reassured at the thought, last time, that there had clearly been careful feelings to make sure all the men, at least, had come and were soft again.

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