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Rummates Pt. 07

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Alcohol helps two girls' journey from roomies to lovers.
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Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/02/2023
Created 01/02/2023
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*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

**Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, utilizing Microsoft Spell-Check. You have been forewarned; expect to find mistakes.


Collette Theresa Chastaine sluggishly rolled onto her back and continued to let the hot August sun bronze her skin. Her skin shone from the combination of her sweat and the sunning lotion she'd smeared onto her flesh.

The Barragona tan-through suit promised no tan lines and also promised that the wearer could swim without fear of the material becoming translucent. Even Collette had balked at the price tag on the tiger stripe strapless bikini, but finally broke down and bought the sleek, sexy swimwear.

"Need to roll over, Shayla," Collette mumbled to her roommate.

Shayla Margaret Dupre roused slightly, then rolled over onto her back. She wiped the beads of sweat from her beautiful face then rolled the smaller towel and propped it under her blonde head. The sun was a bright red haze through her tightly closed eyelids. She pulled her Surewill Flamingo series sunglasses from atop her head and slid them down over her eyes.

Through the bubble gum pink mirrored lenses of her sunglasses, Shayla peered at Collette's sweaty, glistening body. She and Collette were both five feet, one inches in height and both weight one hundred and twelve pounds. From her Latina mother, Belinda Lopez, Collette had inherited large breasts and a heart shaped rear. From her father, Collette had inherited a beautiful face and an intelligent mind.

Shayla had inherited her mother's whitish blonde hair, heart shaped face and large blue eyes. She'd also inherited her mother's large breasts and compact backside.

Shayla's mother, Peggy Dupre was a beautiful woman or had been before succumbing to the temptations of fighting the effects of aging. Liposuction, collagen and Botox injections, tummy and buttock tucks, and breast implants had made the forty three year old woman look quite freakish. And, as vain as she was, Peggy believed the open-mouthed stares she received were stares of open-mouthed admiration rather than shock and disbelief.

She did not know whom her biological father might be; Shayla did know Henry Dupre was not her father. But from her biological father, Shayla had apparently inherited some useable gray matter; Peggy was as dumb as a bald cypress stump.

"Hey; I, I'm going in. This is enough sun for one day," Collette said, rousing the sluggish Shayla.

"Oomph!" Shayla agreed and labored to get to her feet.

As she gathered her towels and tube of thick, greasy suntan ointment, Shayla smiled to herself. She could smell the smells of summer; the live vegetation, the lush grass under her feet, even the smells of the salt water swimming pool in the Chastaine back yard.

Slipping her feet into her flip flops, Shayla flipped her knee length blonde hair back, then gathered the thick hair into a loose ponytail. With one more look around, making sure she left nothing, Shayla walked to the rear sliding glass door of the Chastaine home.

Henry Dupre, Sr. was not as clueless as Peggy had believed. And when the seventy year old man discovered he had colon cancer, he sold his veterinarian practice to Dr. Tammy Fontenot for one dollar. He then put his millions of dollars into three trusts for Hank, Henry Donald Dupre, Jr., Shayla Margaret Dupre and Bailey Margaret Dupre. The trust was handled by Henry's friend and attorney, Donald Pellichet. Each child received a monthly allowance of one thousand dollars from their trusts, provided that they were either in school or working at full-time jobs. Requests for additional funds to be charged against their trusts were to be made in writing to Donald Pellichet, with the attorney having sole discretion of approving or disapproving the request. Upon their thirtieth birthday, the children would receive the remainder of their trusts.

The four thousand six hundred square foot home, Henry had also placed into the trust. The home was to be sold the moment Bailey reached twenty one years of age, which was four years in the future. Then, the proceeds from the sale would go into the trusts of the three children. But Peggy could not use the home to secure a loan or as collateral for any expenditures. Henry had likewise cancelled all credit cards and emptied their bank accounts into the children's trusts.

"He, he even cancelled the insurance policies?" Peggy asked, dumb-founded as Donald read the last will and testament of Henry Donald Dupre, senior.

"No ma'am; he simply changed the beneficiaries; the insurance was paid out, going into the trust funds," Donald said, looking over his half-moon reading glasses at the widow.

Donald took a sip of his green tea sweetened with one teaspoon of local wild honey. He then cleared his throat, fighting against the smirk; he could see the knowing smirks on the faces of the three Dupre children.

"And to my darling and grossly unfaithful ex-wife, get a job," Donald continued reading the client's words.

"But, but, I'm the wife; I get at least half," Peggy declared, wrinkling her surgically misshapen face into a grotesque sneer.

"If you had been married to Henry Donald Dupre Senior at the time of one Henry Donald Dupre Senior's passing, then yes," Donald agreed, sliding the decree of divorce between Peggy and Henry, dated nine months to the day after Bailey Margaret Dupre's birth.

"I, but I, I didn't sign..." Peggy sputtered, reading the legal papers.

Vaguely, Peggy remembered Henry carrying a bouquet of roses and some papers into her hospital room. He had told her they were insurance papers having to do with Bailey's birth. Peggy hadn't bothered reading them and slashed her illegible signature where Henry had placed paper clips indicating where she needed to sign.

"I, I'll fight this," Peggy vowed.

"A ruling of divorce from seventeen years ago?" Donald asked, one graying eyebrow raised.

Hank was employed with DeGarde Office Equipment Leasing & Maintenance. Shayla was a freshman, attending the University of Louisiana at DeGarde. At present, she was not sure what her major would be so she was focusing on getting the general requirements out of the way.

"Give me some money," Peggy had demanded of Hank.

"Uh. No," Hank had said. "Get a job, Mother."

"Give me some money," Peggy demanded of Shayla.

"Get a job, Mother," Shayla said.

"After all I done for you? Seriously? After all I done for you, you going do I like this?" Peggy had shrilled at Shayla.

"After all you...oh, Mother, really? You really want to go down this road?" Shayla asked. "Tell you what, Mother, I'll give you a hundred bucks for every one of my soccer games you went to. I'll give you a hundred bucks for every one of my softball games you went to. And, I'll even give you a hundred bucks for every one of my dance recitals you showed up for. So...what's that add up to, Mother?"

"I, I, I was..." Peggy stammered.

"You were too busy fucking your boyfriends," Shayla said. "But uh, where are your boyfriends now? Huh? Now that you're dead ass broke? Where are they, Mother? See if any of them will support your fat ass, huh?"

"My ass is not fat," Peggy shrilled, moving to slap her impertinent daughter.

Shayla easily moved out of Peggy's reach. When Peggy moved to slap at Shayla a second time, Shayla easily grabbed Peggy's hand and delivered a stinging slap to Peggy's face.

"Want another one? I, that felt good," Shayla smiled. "Want another one? Try it again, Mother."

"Get out. Get out of my house," Peggy snarled bitterly.

"Hate to tell you this, Mother," Hank said, chuckling. "It's actually our house, not yours."

In her room, Shayla did the math. With a monthly one thousand dollar allowance, she could afford rent, utilities, food, insurance and other essentials, but it would leave very little money at the end of the month. If her Mustang convertible should need repairs, or if she again spilled a cup of coffee on her laptop, or if Babbage's was having an irresistible sale...

The next day, entering Burke Building on the ULD campus, Shayla saw Collette Chastaine standing in front of the bulletin board, 3X5 card in hand. Collette was trying to find a vacant space to pin the card, but the board was liberally covered with many outdated and a few current announcements. A large sign next to the bulletin board expressly forbade any unauthorized persons from removing any announcements. Of course, there was no explanation of whom the University considered to be 'Authorized Personnel.'

"I, damn! I can't find anywhere to put this," Collette smiled tightly at Shayla.

Shayla and Collette knew one another because of their involvement in a 'Grief Counseling' session. Shayla's father had committed suicide and Collette's mother had died in a drunk driving accident when Collette was five years old then recently, Collette's father had disappeared, presumed dead when a bull shark became hooked on Harold's line and pulled Harold from the Mexican deep-sea fishing boat. The University of Louisiana at DeGarde had encouraged the two students to meet with a grief counselor and to participate in a group session.

"You're not supposed to remove anything," a third girl snidely interjected herself into the conversation.

"No? Not even this flier asking for signatures to ratify Alaska as the forty ninth state?" Shayla asked.

"Yeah, right. As if THAT would ever happen," the girl scoffed and walked away. "Like anyone would ever vote for Alaska to be a state."

Shayla and Collette looked at each other, then burst out laughing. Shayla suggested simply posting the card on top of an outdated flier.

"What you got anyway?" Shayla asked as Collette pondered which outdated flier would be best suited.

"Oh, I, I'm looking for a roommate," Collette sighed. "I mean, it's not like I need the money; that Mexican deep sea fishing thingy finally settled with us out of court, but, you know..."

"You don't need to post it," Shayla laughed happily. "I been thinking I need to move out of my Mother's house; this would be perfect."

Although the room was significantly smaller than the room in her mother's home, Shayla decided she liked the room. She liked the bathroom, and liked the kitchen.

Almost immediately, the two girls became the best of friends. Although they had no classes together, they soon gravitated to the kitchen table to sit and study and do class assignments together. Neither girl was in a romantic involvement at the moment, but did go out from time to time on the occasional date. And if the other girl was still up when they returned from their date, the two would chatter and laugh and squeal as they discussed the shortcomings of their dates.

Entering the home from their sunbathing, Shayla heard Collette in the kitchen. She veered right, bringing her towels and lotion to her bathroom. She jumped into the shower and quickly rinsed off her sweaty, oily flesh. She then looped beach towel, bikini top and bottom over the rail of her shower curtain.

"Making the perfect Cuba Libre; want one?" Collette called out as Shayla exited her bathroom.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Shayla called back, ducking into her bedroom.

Shayla pulled on a long tee shirt and after a long moment's debate, decided against pulling on a pair of panties. She joined Collette in the large kitchen while Collette referred to an open Parasols magazine as she measured the ingredients into two tall glasses.

"And, what makes it a perfect Cuba Libre?" Shayla asked, seeing that Collette had also showered.

Freshly showered, Collette had opted to just pull on a pair of very skimpy lacy panties. The gauzy white material did nothing to hide the thatch of dark hair that covered Collette's crotch. The rear was a thong, framing Collette's sweetly rounded and bronzed buttocks.

Collette's heavy breasts jiggled and bobbled as she worked to assemble the perfect cocktail. Her areolae were dark brown against her bronze colored skin. Each was roughly the size of half-dollar coins, with vat nipples. Collette's belly was a concave one, with a tiny dent of a belly button. Her hips flared out slightly, leading into sleek thighs and calves. When Collette turned to look once more at the recipe in the magazine, Shayla admired Collette's tight buttocks.

"Hmm? It's perfect because you use dark rum, and you add one jigger of Mark's lime cream liqueur," Collette said, adding a squeeze of a lime wedge before dropping the wedge into the glass. "And, there we go; a perfect Cuba libre."

The roommates took their drinks into the living room and sat on the light blue and gold leather couch. Shayla's tee shirt billowed out and Shayla's bare buttocks came into contact with the cool, butter soft leather of the cushion.

When Shayla had first moved in, Collette admitted that she thought the couch was hideous, but could not bring herself to replace the garish couch. Her grandmother had loved it, and her father had likewise loved the old, well-worn and comfortable piece of furniture. So, gaudy, garish or not, Collette loved the couch. In time, the couch had grown on Shayla as well.

Their bare thighs lightly touched as they drank their drinks. Shayla sighed in contentment at the same time that Collette let out her own sigh. They didn't know why, but they both found this amusing and both giggled.

Shayla felt Collette's small hand come to rest on the small of her back. This was not unusual; from time to time, both roommates would touch one another's hand, arm, shoulder. Shayla took another sip of the delicious, refreshing beverage.

Collette's hand softly rubbed up and down Shayla's back, from just above Shayla's buttocks to just where Shayla's ribcage began. It was not an uncomfortable or unwelcome feeling. They continued to drink and to chatter about nothing in particular.

Shayla and Collette both finished their drinks and Shayla put her glass, ice cubes clinking, onto a coaster on the coffee table. Hand still resting on Shayla's back, Collette leaned forward, heavy breasts dangling, and picked up Shayla's glass. With one firm rub to Shayla's shoulder, Collette got to her feet and padded into the kitchen.

A few moments later, Collette returned with fresh drinks. Shayla smiled in appreciation and took the offered glass from Collette's hand. Collette sat again and sipped from her own glass. Again, their bare thighs touched as they continued to talk, continued to drink.

"This is..." Shayla said.

"...Perfect?" Collette suggested, again gently rubbing Shayla's back.

"Oh, I don't know about 'perfect' but..." Shayla teased.

Suddenly, Collette's hand was underneath the loose tee shirt. Now, Collette's bare hand was rubbing up and down, touching Shayla's bare flesh. Shayla turned and saw the nervous look on Collette's beautiful face.

Shayla recognized the nervous look on her roommate's face. Collette's touch had gone from being the casual touch of two girls sharing their personal space to a quite intimate touch. True, Collette was not touching Shayla's intimate areas, breasts, crotch, but Collette's bare hand was touching Shayla's bare flesh, openly touching Shayla's back. Collette had purposefully reached underneath Shayla's tee shirt in order to touch Shayla in this intimate manner.

How often had Shayla wished for the courage to reach out a hand to touch Collette's soft, supple skin? How many times had Shayla seen Collette dressed in a far too short tee shirt, a tee shirt that exposed Collette's adorable belly and desired to softly rub Collette's warm skin. But, Shayla was afraid to act on her desires lest Collette took offense. She could easily throw Shayla out of her home. Then, Shayla would lose a friend and would have to move back into her mother's home.

Shayla put her drink onto the coaster, never breaking eye contact with Collette. Then, placing her hand on Collette's right thigh, Shayla leaned forward and placed her lips to Collette's lips.

Collette's arm pulled Shayla toward her. Collette's mouth opened and Shayla opened her own mouth. Closing her eyes, Shayla breathed in deeply of Collette's scent. Shayla tasted Collette's tongue, tasted the syrupy sweetness and cloying tartness of their alcoholic drinks on Collette's soft tongue. Shayla could taste the ever-present chap-stick Collette was forever applying to her plump, beautiful lips.

Shayla could feel the warmth of Collette's soft, smooth thigh underneath her fingertips. Shayla dragged her fingernails upward, lightly raking along the soft, smooth flesh of Collette's thigh. Shayla felt the gauzy material of Collette's panties against her fingertips, felt the soft curls of Collette's pubic hair just beneath the rough texture of the panty's material.

Shayla could smell the summer scented A & A soap Collette had used to shower away the cloying sunning lotion from her soft flesh. Shayla had become addicted to their peppermint soap and usually ordered ten bars at a time. Collette, however, had a variety of the A & A Soaps on hand.

Shayla brought her other hand up and placed it behind Collette's head. Shayla felt the silky softness of Collette's hair. Shayla combed her fingers through Collette's hair, gently raking her fingernails over Collette's scalp. Her right hand, Shayla dragged her right hand upward, to the lacy waistband of Collette's panties. Collette shuddered briefly as Shayla playfully dipped one finger between elastic waistband and pubic bone. Then Shayla placed her palm against Collette's soft belly. Shayla could feel the warmth and silky softness of Collette's skin under her palm as she rested her hand there.

Collette's right hand continued to rub up and down Shayla's bare back. Her left hand came up and softly rested on Shayla's face. The two girls continued to softly, lovingly caress one another's tongues continued pressing their lips together.

"I, God," Collette whispered, pulling her mouth from Shayla's mouth.

Shayla opened her eyes and saw that Collette's eyes were half-closed. Collette again pulled Shayla close and they kissed again. Shayla raised her right hand from Collette's belly to Collette's beautiful face. She softly caressed Collette's cheek as they kissed.

Wordlessly, Collette stood and pulled Shayla to her feet. Collette pulled Shayla down the hall to the master bedroom.

Shayla was not surprised that the bed was neatly made; Colette and she had laughed that Shayla's mother had never once in her entire life ever made a bed, but demanded that her three children make their beds. And Collette shared that her grandmother demanded that Collette make her bed and if her Grandmother did not think Collette did a good enough job, she would mess up the bed and make Collette do it again.

What was slightly surprising was the large number of stuffed animals and dolls scattered around the large bed's surface. Shayla did not have time to count them as Collette shoved the menagerie onto the floor. Shayla pulled her tee shirt up and off, flinging the garment to the floor. She then stepped up and hugged Collette. Softly kissing Collette's plump lips, Shayla reached down and eased Collette's skimpy panties over Collette's gentle hips, down Collette's sleek thighs. Now totally nude, the two lovers fell across Collette's bed.

Shayla kissed and nibbled on Collette's plump lips as her hand continued to gently stroke Collette's face. With one more kiss to Collette's lips, Shayla bent her head and kissed Collette's throat. Kissing her way down, Shayla kissed and gently nipped the tops of Collette's breasts.

While her lips trailed over Collette's breast, Shayla's hands gently stroked and caressed Collette's flesh. Shayla stroked and caressed Collette's arms, her shoulders, her scalp and her spine. Gently, to avoid tickling Collette, Shayla trailed her hand along Collette's ribcage, along Collette's waist, over Collette's hip.


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