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Running with Wolves Ch. 20

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Growing pains they never wanted.
9.7k words

Part 21 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/20/2016
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I am so very sorry for the delay on this chapter, and unfortunately the next might be a similar situation. Work is hectic right now with seasonal and I just don't have the time or mental stamina to keep up with that and come up with content for the next chapters. I will continue writing, be sure of that, the chapters just may have a larger gap than I would like. Please stick with me as we all try to survive the coming mayhem of the holidays.

Thank you to the people that are sticking with me and I hope the chapter was worth the wait!


Samantha watched Dominic lying on the ground, writhing in pain, his skin rippling as if filled with water. He stared glassy eyed up at Misty as she held him tightly in her lap, shouting at him to let his wolf out. There were others gathering around her, including Kate and her Patrol, but one deep snarl from Misty had them backing up quickly. They settled a good distance away but still Misty held her slightly hunched posture over her Destined, ready for any sort of attack.

Behind Samantha was a similar situation. A large group was beginning to mass behind her, including her friends, the Alphas along with the close family members, Pearl, and other curious staff who wanted to see what was going on. Many of the individuals gathered were shouting over one another, asking questions and barking orders. Ben was doing his best to not lose his temper, but with every second his voice rose higher in volume while his hands moved with more intense gestures. Soon not even Garrett's restraining hand would be able to keep him from throwing a punch. Beside them, Jarod was on the verge of having an asthma attack because of the stress and from adding his own loud demands for answers. Sol and Orion were doing their best to cut through the noise to give Ben the answers he was demanding while also give orders to the pack members around them. The only thing keeping the bubble of chaos from spilling out of the Den and right on top of Dominic were the twins.

All of the mayhem fell on deaf ears for Samantha. She was too focused on the horror unfolding before her. Dominic was still continuing to wither and thrash on the ground, his dull blue eyes leaking rivers of tears while Misty held him to herself.

"What's wrong with him?!" Samantha tried shoving her way past Storm and Thunder, who were fighting hard to hold everyone inside of the Den. She pushed against Thunder's chest, her hand reaching past him as he wrapped her in his arms. She was sobbing pitifully, scared and confused but determined to get to her best friend. "Let me help him! I need to help him!" Storm came in behind her, taking her firmly by the shoulders and forcing her to turn and look at him. She fought, twisting her neck as far as she could until finally he had enough and grabbed her by the chin. His gold eyes held hers, locking them in a staring contest until her breathing was more under control. Even in the state she was in, she couldn't help but be affected by the man restraining her.

"Are you finished?" Storm asked. Samantha tried to curse at him, but her lips were puckered from his firm grasp, making them come out as half syllables and spit. She settled for glaring instead. "Good. Then please let us explain-" He was interrupted as Dominic sobbed, then screamed in pain. The sudden noise distracted Storm enough that his grip slacked. Samantha was able to turn her head just in time to witness Dominic shifting into his wolf form.

It was nothing like when he had turned in their rooms from catching Lark's scent; then, it had been swift, smooth, even graceful. This time, though, it was slow and incoherent. His joints cracked, fur sprouted in patches, and howls of pain accompanied his sobs and whimpers. Misty was the only thing keeping him thrashing or hurting himself.

Finally, a booming voice silenced all the others. "Enough! Everyone back to their duties. I want this hallway cleared immediately." Orion stood to his full massive height, which alone had many of the lookie-loos scampering off.

"Thunder." Storm handed Samantha back to his brother who began forcing everyone farther inside. Ben argued, but there wasn't much he could do to fight back. Jarod and Garrett were less resistant, but no less upset. They all reluctantly allowed themselves to be herded back into the Den and into their rooms. Sol and her close family all stayed behind as she continued to give orders.

The entire walk back was a struggle. The twins had their hands full keeping everyone moving. Samantha continued to fight, re-instigating the others every time she attempted to run around the big men to make a run for it. It was only after Flint re-joined them that order was restored. He was able to calm Garrett enough for him to act as the calming agent until they made it to the sitting room. There, everyone finally settled and Storm let go of Samantha. Once his hands were free he began conducting the other pack members that were with them.

"Pearl." Their ever present guardian snapped to attention as Thunder gave his orders. "Stay with them. Do not let them outside until the situation is resolved. Have the other Betas been informed?"

The high pony-tail on Pearl's head bounced dramatically with her eager nod. "They have already sent out a warning to the pack to stay clear of the West wall and Clay is the one in charge of the Patrol Unit guarding Dominic incase he needs to be put down. The infirmary-"

"What the hell do you mean, put down?!" Samantha had heard people saying that before. When Flint had been unable to merge with his wolf and was going to be killed, they had referred to it as "putting him down".

Without warning, Samantha darted out into the hall, shoving Pearl into Thunder and sliding behind the other werewolves speaking with Storm before tearing down the corridor. She could hear shouting behind her, but it only spurred her to run faster. Glancing back as she rounded the first corner, she could see Jarod and the others trying to follow her lead, but were being stopped by a panicked looking Storm and Thunder. She kept going, doing her best to remember the way through the maze of the Den. Mostly she had to rely on the odd concentration of people moving out of similar hallways. She figured they were all moving out of the way as the Alphas had ordered as simply went in the opposite direction as them. She repeated this until she could see the entrance to the outside. Her steps halted suddenly as her eyes landed on the scene through the open door.

Two wolves, one black and the other white, were fighting just outside the entrance to the Den. The black was on top of the white, his jaws clamped down on the scruff of her neck as she struggled on the ground. With a well placed kick he was torn from her, causing blood to spray all over the ground and stain the white of her fur. The male stumbled back, tripping and allowing the female an opening to execute a counter attack. She lunged, knocking them both to the ground where they tumbled and snarled.

Samantha watched in horrified fascination as the two massive beasts battled. The female was so fast, darting back and forth as the taller but thinner male tried to keep up. At times they would slow and circle each other, but eventually the male would become impatient and the battling would start again.

Samantha continued to stare dumbstruck until a palm wrapped around her eyes and another clasped over her mouth. She instantly began to struggle, but a part of her recognized the hands holding her and she allowed herself to be pulled back. She knew she was no match for Thunder's strong grasp.

After falling back a safe distance and hiding behind a corner, the werewolf finally pulled his hands away. Samantha was prepared for it, her fury building on the tip of her tongue ready to lash out the moment she was free, but the rage choked inside of her throat when she found herself standing directly in front of the other twin. Storm's eyes were livid, the gold flashing bright and swirling as they changed back and forth from human to not. He was shaking slightly, and his hands were just a bit too tight as he reached forward and grabbed her arms.

"What the Hell were you thinking, Samantha, running into the middle of a Destined pair while they battle to mate? Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" Storm was no longer the only one shaking. Samantha could only stare in silent fear as the massive Were glared down at her. She couldn't get the words to come out to snap at him, or to beg him to let her go.

"Brother, enough."

Thunder's reprimand seemed to snap his brother out of his anger, enough to notice how tight his grip was. Releasing Samantha, she stumbled back away from him, bumping into Thunder who wrapped her gently in his arms. She clung to him, her feet unsure beneath her.

It the background, two howls echoed into the halls.

Both men turned to the sound, their eyes unfocused and noses flaring. There pause lasted only a second before Thunder reached down and lifted Samantha into his arms and began walking back farther into the Alpha Wing.

"Where are we going?" Samantha asked, her voice not as strong as she would have liked. When there was no answer she tried shoving against her escort's chest, attempting to flee and go try to escape and find Dominic again. He needed them and she needed him; they all needed him. They could not abandon him when they were most needed. "Take me back! I need to help Dominic!"

"There is nothing you can do for him. He has lost control of his wolf and is now acting only on instinct. If you were to interfere one of them would kill you." Thunder kept his arms loose but strong as Samantha fought to get free.

Next to them, Storm kept vigil both ahead and behind them. "Dominic is no longer human. You must trust us when we tell you he will not treat you the same as when he is in his human form. Allow his mate to handle him."

Samantha could feel the tears of frustration and fear building in her eyes. She tried her best to blink them away. "I need to help him. I need to be there for him. Please, you can't let her hurt him." She looked up just as her tears began to fall, Thunder's golden eyes looking down on her with what looked to be compassion. A fluttering she had become accustomed to feeling when thinking of the twins ignited in her belly. She shoved it down using her growing fear, and agitation towards the twin. Now was not the time.

"Misty and Dominic will heal quickly and soon Dominic will be back with you. I promise you, Sammy, all of this is completely normal."

"Then, why was she fighting him? They were hurting each other!"

"He is attempting to dominate his mate, as any wolf would, and she is fighting back. It is not uncommon for newly mated wolves to establish their dominance over one another in the beginning. Even you may very well fight us when we mate."

Samantha shuddered. "There was so much blood."

Thunder tightened his hold slightly before placing a firm kiss on her forehead. "Everything will be fine."

Thunder's words were soothing, but that didn't mean Samantha was going to allow that to affect her. She tried once more to get away, but when it became all too clear it would never amount to anything she settled for crossing her arms and glaring ahead. Both men chuckled but otherwise ignored her silent protests as they made their way through the Den.

The moment the door opened to the sitting room, Samantha and the twins were bombarded by her friends. All three rushed up on them, talking over one another trying to both fight and get answers at the same time; for some it was one more than the other. Thunder didn't release her until she was securely inside the sitting room. She almost didn't even get that; the man was very reluctant to let her go. She wasn't sure if it was because he was afraid she would run, or because he didn't like the other men in the room getting close to her. The slight tightening around his eyes as Jarod touched her arm indicated the latter was more likely.

"Is someone going to tell us what the fuck just happened?" Ben was red to his ears. Even as he tried not to start a fight, everything in him seemed to be screaming for an altercation.

The twins didn't bite, but they did stare the bait down. "The Alphas will be here shortly. They will give you your explanation."

"Everything will be fine." Storm tried to reach out for Samantha, but Jarod, who still had his hand around her bicep, yanked her back. The move pulled a growl from the two wolves and in indignant 'tsk' from Samantha, who pulled away roughly. She didn't have time to deal with him at the moment.

"I don't believe you. Pearl said he was going to be put down. We know what that means!" Ben took an aggressive step forward, his fist ready to fly.

The only thing that kept Thunder from answering Ben's invitation was a strong "Stand down, Beta," from the doorway. Orion stood tall in the frame, his eyes hard as stone as he took in the scene before him. "Everyone needs to calm down and sit, so we may discuss our situation."

"What do you mean, our? This has nothing to do with you." Jarod sneered. "Why won't you freaks just leave us alone!"

"Because fate brought you all to us and now you are our responsibility. Now, sit."

The growl on the tail end of Orion's words had everyone, especially Jarod, cowering back. He strolled through the door with the grace of his species and the authority of his position. Everything about him spoke of a no nonsense tolerance; he would be putting up with no one's bullshit.

"We won't let you hurt our friend." As strong as Garrett's words were, he conceded and went to sit on his usual spot while Ben stood defiantly with his arms crossed. Behind him, Jarod tried to mimic his posture, but was unable to settle on any one stance.

Sighing, Orion settled into his own chair. "Just allow me to explain."

While the others were getting settled for what they assumed was going to be a battle, Samantha went to check in on Penny. She was happily squirming in her crib next to her mom's bed, blissfully unaware of what was going on outside.

Seeing her safe settled Samantha enough that she was able to really reflect on what she had witnessed. Watching her friend being torn apart, first by his own body, then by the white wolf she assumed was Misty, had been traumatizing in the extreme. Tears suddenly clouded the image of Penny reaching for the mobile above her. They fell before Samantha could clasp her hand over her mouth to muffle a gasping sob. The memory of the two giant beasts tearing into one another flooded her mind, taking her to places she never wanted to go again. The pain of old wounds added to her already fragile statues and she had to grab onto the railing of the crib to keep upright. She recognized, vaguely, that the adrenaline that had been keeping her going was leaving her to suffer without its tunnel vision like focus.


Hearing the new nickname, Samantha took in a deep breath and did her best to quickly rid her cheeks of tears. Letting out the air in a shuddering breath, she rubbed her baby's tummy with affection before turning around to face Storm with a steel spine. "I'm fine." She marched through the room and past the big man, entering in the midst what was becoming a colossal rant from Ben. Garrett was trying to calm him down, but that seemed to only spur him further, as were Jarod's goading remarks geared towards a stoic Orion. From the looks of is purposefully blank glare, though, he would not be that way for long.

"Shut the fuck up, Ben! You too Jarod." Samantha continued her stride until she was staring right up into the light green of Ben's eyes. He tried to say something else but Samantha hissed and snapped her pointer finger right into his face. Her gaze begged for challenge, one he was ready to give, but the pause was long enough Garrett was able to get a word in.

"Let's just all sit the hell down and talk about this so that we can get some answers. Starting a fight may make you two feel better, but it will do nothing to help Dominic."

It took a moment, and a squint from Samantha, but finally Ben stood down. Glancing over, Jarod had already done so as soon as she gave him his reprimand. He was now backed up against the wall, pouting. She ignored him and went to curl up on the couch next to Garrett, exhausted but determined. "I don't care what is going on with Dominic. We won't let you kill him."

Seeing some reason come back to the group, Orion relaxed some of the tension in his shoulders. "That was never our intention."

"But we heard Pearl say-"

Orion cut Jarod off. "Pearl should not have said the things she did. She is young, and does not fully understand the ways of a human turning. Dominic has not gone feral. He has just not found a balance between that part of himself that is human and the new awakened being that is his wolf. They are learning how to both exist while allowing one another to be in control, so it tends to be all or nothing in the beginning. The Patrol Unit watching them knows this, and will not interfere. The only reason the patrol is there, is to make sure he does not run off and enter another pack's territory. They may not take the time to make the distinction."

"So they aren't going to hurt Dominic." Garrett turned to glare at his most volatile friend. "So there's no reason for us to be flying off the handle."

For his part Ben only glared back, showing a restraint he didn't often utilize. Orion ignored the personal issues and continued on with his explanation.

"Right now is a dangerous time, for Dominic and for you all. While his two selves learn to become one cohesive being there will be moments such as what you just witnessed; one half, usually the instincts, surging forward without restraint and the human mind fighting to stay in control. We falsely assumed Dominic would not be so prone to these episodes. My research suggested there may be some complications, but his ease during the first week after his infection indicated he would have an easier transition."

"How long will this continue? Will he always have these episodes?" Garrett asked.

"No. As he grows into his new form he will gain balance and control. Though I must admit, even born to this life we wolves are not immune to one side of ourselves surging forward in provoked situations. It is just something that comes with growing up."

"That, was not a just something." The loathing in Ben's voice was echoed up into his eyes. He continued to lose control, his hands gesturing and voice rising and falling with his emotions. "Paying for both dinner and the movie, is just something that comes with growing up. Sending, a, a, a... thank you card for an ugly sweater your grandma made for you, is just something that comes with growing up." Ben pointed his finger in the general direction of where Dom had been. "That! Does not come with growing up! He was being torn apart. Now we've... we've seen some messed up shit in our lives, and heard some God awful sounds. But that," pain and fear momentarily choked Ben's words. His eyes held a tell tale sheen, but he heaved on. "I've never heard anyone... scream like that. You people, you things, had no right coming into OUR lives, and make my best friend scream like that."

As hard as she tried, listening to Ben recount Dominic's ordeal was too much for Samantha's fragile barriers. Tears once again spilled from her before she could try and stop them. In order to hide it she rose quickly from her spot and moved through the closest door as fast as she could. Behind her, Jarod followed her as she made her way a short distance down the hall, but she dismissed him with a wave of her hand. She wasn't running off again, she just needed some privacy to collect herself. He clearly didn't get the message, because he continued to try and approach her.

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